Retaining Wall With Piles-1

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Cantilever Retaining Wall EuroNorm EN-7, Design Approach 1 Page 1 of


Soil friction, φ = 30 degrees 0.5236
Soil cohesion, c = zero
Unit weight of soil, γ b = 18 kN/m³
Unit weight of reinforced concrete, γ c = 25 kN/m³


Wall :- Height, H = 10 m
Thickness, w = 1m
Height of bearing, Z = 9m
Footing :- Width, B = 7m
Length, L = 50 m go back to check
Thickness, v = 1m
Toe width, t = 0m

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Cantilever Retaining Wall EuroNorm EN-7, Design Approach 1 Page 2 of

Heel width, h = 6m
Are Rankine criteria satisfied on virtual back? Is h ≥ 5.774 m ? Yes


Variable Loads :- Surcharge :- over heel, qQstb,k = 10 kPa Moments

beyond heel, qQdst,k = 10 kPa about Fulcrum
Forces Clockwise +ve
QQstb,k = qQstb,k (B-t) = 70 kN/m 245 kN-m/m
Bridge Bearing :- Horizontal, HQb,k = 0 kN/m 0 kN-m/m
Vertical, VQb,k = 0 kN/m 0 kN-m/m

Permanent Loads :- Bridge Bearing :- Vertical, VGb,k = 0 kN/m 0 kN-m/m

Self Weight of :- Stem, S = WGs,k = 250.0 kN/m 125.0 kN-m/m
Footing, F = WGf,k = 175.0 kN/m 612.5 kN-m/m
Fill over heel, WGh,k = 1080.0 kN/m 4320.0 kN-m/m
Action Effects :- Active Earth Pressure Coefficient, Ka = 0.333
Lateral force from: surcharge, QQdst,k = Ka∙qQdst,k∙(H+v) = 36.7 kN/m -201.7 kN-m/m
(on virtual back) soil weight, PG,k = Ka∙γb∙(H+v)²/2 = 363.0 kN/m ### kN-m/m
Action Effects :-
Total Permanent Vertical Load, ΣVG,k=ΣWG,k+VGb,k= 1505.0 kN/m 5057.5 kN-m/m
Eccentricity from centre of footing of ΣVG,k ; emin = 1.024 m

Sum of all Vertical Loads, ΣVG,k+VQb,k+QQstb,k = 1575.0 kN/m 5302.5 kN-m/m

Sum of all Horizontal Forces, PG,k+QQdst,k+HQb,k = 399.7 kN/m ### kN-m/m
Eccentricity (all Action Effects) from centre of footing; emax = 1.106 m


Materials M1 M2 M1 M2 Set A1 Set A2
On Tan φ, γφ = 1 1.25 φd = 30 24.8 degrees 0.5236 0.43269
Ka = 0.333 0.409 ratio

Actions A1 A2 A1 A2
Permanent, γG = 1.35 1 Vd=γGΣVG,k+γQ(QQstb,k+VQb,k)= 2136.8 1596.0 kN/m
γG,fav = 1 1 Vd,fav = γG,favΣWGk = 1505.0 1505.0 kN/m
Variable, γQ = 1.5 1.3 Pd = γGPG,k = 490.1 445.5 kN/m
Qd = γQKaqdst,k(H+v) = 55.0 58.5 kN/m

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Cantilever Retaining Wall EuroNorm EN-7, Design Approach 1 Page 3 of

N.B. these moments are anti-clockwise Moment of P

about fulcrum d =
and ‒Pd(H+v)/3 =
therefore ### ### kN-m/m
negative. Moment of Qd = ‒Qd(H+v)/2 = -302.5 -321.8 kN-m/m


Coefficient of friction (concrete on soil), μ =Tan δ A1 A2
Assume δd = φd for cast insitu footing (no plastic sheet)
Horizontal action effect, Pd+Qd = HEd,dst = 545.1 504.1 kN/m
Frictional resistance against sliding, HRd = Vd,fav * Tan δd = 868.9 695.1 kN/m
For sliding:- Degree of utilisation ΛGEO,1 = HEd,dst/HRd = 63% 73%

Overturning action effect, MPd + MQd = MEd,dst = ### ### kN-m/m

Restoring action effect, MRd,fav = γG,fav(ΣMoments of WG,k) = 5057.5 5057.5 kN-m/m
For overturning:- Degree of utilisation ΛGEO,1 = MEd,dst/MRd,fav = 42% 39%

Eccentricity from centre of footing:- e = B/2 ̶ ΣM/ΣV

B ̸2 ̶ (MRd + MEd,dst) ̸Vd,fav = 1.534 1.439 m

Equivalent footing width, Ref. Meyerhof G (1963), B' = B-2e = 3.931 4.122 m
Equivalent bearing pressure = Vd,fav/B' = 382.8 365.1 kPa


Total horizontal action effect, Pd+Qd+γQHQb,k = HEd,dst = 545.1 504.1 kN/m
Frictional resistance against sliding, HRd = Vd * Tan δ = 1233.7 737.2 kN/m
For sliding:- Degree of utilisation ΛGEO,1 = HEd,dst/HRd = 44% 68%

Overturning action effect, MPd + MQd + γQHQb,k(Z+v) = MEd,dst = ### ###

Restoring action effect, MRd = 7195.1 5376.0 kN-m/m
Degree of utilization ΛGEO,1 = MEd,dst / MEd,stb = 29% 36%
Eccentricity from centre of footing, e= B/2 ̶ (MRd + MEd,dst) ̸Vd = 1.115 1.357 m
B' = B-2e = 4.770 4.286 m
Equivalent bearing pressure = Vd,fav/B' = 448.0 372.3 kPa
CHECK BEARING CAPACITY Bowles (1997) Tables 4-1 & 4-3 after Meyerhof (1963)
qult = cNcscdcic+q̄ Nqsqdqiq+ 0.5γbB'Nγsγdγiγ where c=0 & q̄ = 18 kPa
A1 A2
Nq=e(πTanφd)Tan²(45+φd/2) = 18.401 10.431 Radians
Shape Factors:- A1 A2 Nγ=2(Nq -1)Tan(φd) = 20.093 8.7118 Set A1 Set A2

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Cantilever Retaining Wall EuroNorm EN-7, Design Approach 1 Page 4 of

sq=1+(B'/L) Sin(φd) 1.0393 1.0346 θ = Tan-1(HEd,dst ̸Vd,fav) = 14.31 17.527 degrees 0.24976 0.30591
sc=(sq*Nq-1)/(Nq-1) 1.0416 1.0382 Kp = 3 2.4442
sγ=1–0.3*B/L 0.958 0.958 dq = dγ = 1+0.1√Kp(D/B) = 1.0247 1.0223
iq = (1-θ/90) = 0.7073 0.6484
iγ = (1-θ/φ)² = 0.2735 0.0859
qult = 481.83 153.96 kPa
Degree of utilization ΛGEO,1 = q'/qult = 93% 242%

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All piles are 0.3 m diameter

axially reinforced with 6 No. Y 12 bars
Asc/Ac = 0.96%
Edge clearance = 0.1 m
Lever arm, La 3.25 m ≥ 1.5 diam.?
A1 A2
Vertical Load, VEd = 2136.8 1596.0 kN/m
Horizontal Load, HEd = 545.1 504.1 kN/m
Moment, MEd = 2382.9 2165.4 kN-m/m
Vd,Toe = 1435.0 1131.1 kN/m
Vd,Heel = 701.8 464.9 kN/m

Pile spacing along toe, f = 1.2 m

Pile spacing along heel, r = 1.45 m

Vertical Load per pile: A1 A2

Front Pile (toe) = Vd,T 1722.0 1357.4 kN/pile
Rear Pile (heel) = Vd,H 1017.6 674.0 kN/pile

Ult. BM res. of pile: (from design interaction charts) SECTION X-X

Front Pile (toe)
In CP110 terms, N/h² = 19.13 15.08
From CP110 Chart Mr,T = 41 38 kN-m/pile
Mr,T/(Diam4γKp) = 93 106 Estimate from Charts
Broms: Hr,T/(Diam3γKp) = 40 45
Hr,T = 58 53 kN/pile
Rear Pile (heel)
In CP110 terms, N/h² = 11.31 7.49
From CP110 Chart Mr,H = 41 36 kN-m/pile
Mr,H/(Diam γKp) =
93 102 Estimate from Charts
Broms: Hr,H/(Diam γKp) =
40 44
Hr,H = 58 52 kN/pile

Unit Horiz.Res., HRd = 89 81 kN/m

ΛSTR,1 = HEd/HRd = 614% 625%

Sand density = 18 kN/m³ PLAN

cohesion, c = zero kN/m²

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A1 A2
friction, φ = 30 24.8 degrees
Passive coefft. Kp = 3.00 2.44

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