"Clipconntable" - Beam End Connections Using Clip Angles: Program Description

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Program Description:

"ClipConnTable" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of steel beam end
connections using double clip angles either welded or bolted to the beam web, and bolted to either the column
flange, column web, or girder web. The connections may be subjected to end shear reaction and/or axial load.
Specifically, all applicable "limit states" for the end connection analysis pertaining to the clip angles, bolts, beam
web, column flange or web, and girder web are checked. The program is presented in a "tabular" format.

This program is a workbook consisting of four (4) worksheets, described as follows:

Worksheet Name Description

Doc This documentation sheet
Conn Table (Welded Clips) Clip angles welded to beam web and bolted to support
Conn Table (Bolted Clips) Clip angles bolted to beam web and bolted to support
Conn Table (Welded or Bolted) Clip angles either welded or bolted to beam web and bolted to support

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1. The most critical assumption used in this program is that all beam end connections are basically
"full-depth", utilzing as many vertical rows of bolts as permitted. See first page of each worksheet for
outline of other assumptions used.
2. This program is basically a "tabular" format version of the "CLIPCONN.xls" program, and is best suited to
analyze a large number of beam end connections in a very quick, efficient, and concise manner.
(Note: The individual case worksheets in the "CLIPCONN.xls" program were used as "masters calculations"
in the development of this program, and may be referred to for individual detailed calculations.)
3. Once the user has inserted the required input data in cells starting at A408 through F408 and down for each
of the connections to be analyzed, then the user should copy the row of cells from G62 through the end cell
of the particular spreadsheet (either CI408, CV408, or EG408) and "Paste Special" the formulas on down
the worksheet to match the total number of connections to be analyzed.
4. This program follows the procedures and guidelines of the AISC 9th Edition Allowable Stress (ASD) Manual
(1989) and the AISC 9th Edition Manual Vol. II - Connections (1992).
5. This program uses the database of member dimensions and section properties from the "AISC Shapes
Database", Version 3.0 (2001) as well as the AISC 9th Edition (ASD) Manual (1989).
6. This program assumes that the tension capacity for any "limit state" is reduced by the presence of shear.
For allowable bolt tension in the presence of shear, the "interaction" (combined stresses) is handled directly
by the AISC Code equations. For other "limit states" in combined stresses such as bolt bearing, gross and
net shear and tension, and block shear and tension tearout, the effect of "interaction" is handled by use of
the formula, P/Ra+(R/Rv)^2=1, as suggested from the following reference:
"Combined Shear and Tension Stress" - by Subhash C. Goel, AISC Journal, 3rd Qtr.-1986.
Thus, the reduction factor applied to the tension "limit state" capacity is = (1-R/Rv)^2.
where: R = actual shear end reaction
Rv = allowable shear capacity for the particular "limit state" considered
7. This program contains numerous “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including
explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a “comment box”
is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the
desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)
AISC BEAM END CONNECTIONS (ASD) "ClipConnTable.xls" Program
Using Clip Angles Welded to Beam Web Version 1.8
Subjected to Shear and/or Axial Load
Summary: Total No. of Conn's = 44
Job Name: Subject: Check of Existing Building End Connections
Job Number: Originator: Checker: Total No. of Conn's. Failed = 20 Assumptions:
Failed by Welds = 1
Input Data: Failed by Bolts = 0 1. The most critical assumption used herein is that all beam end connections are basically "full-depth",
Failed by Prying on Angles = 20 utilzing as many vertical rows of bolts as permitted (Nrmax).
Beam Yield Stress, Fyb = 50 ksi Failed by Coped Bm. Web Buckling = 0 2. Nrmax = Min. of: (dbeam-D1-ED-wmin-kbeam)/S+1 or (dgirder-D1-ED-wmin-kgirder)/S+1
Yield Stress of Angles, Fya = 36 ksi Failed by Coped Bm. Block Shear = 0 3. D1 = Max. of: (kbeam+wmin+ED), kgirder+ED, or 2.5" for W8 beam and 3" for >= W10 beam
Angle Leg (OSL) at Support, Lc = 4.000 in. Support Face 4. c = bfgirder/2 , and beam cope clears girder flange due to beam setback distance, s
Angle Leg at Beam Web, Lb = 3.500 in. g=5.5 ta=0.25 tw c 5. dc1 = Max. of: kbeam or kgirder
Angle Leg Thickness, ta = 0.2500 in. ED=1.25 w tf k dc1 6. dc2 = (dbeam-dgirder)+kgirder, applicable only when dbeam >= dgirder-kgirder
Diameter of Bolts, db = 0.875 in. D1 7. L = (Nr-1)*S+2*ED , total length of angle
ASTM Bolt Designation = A325 Nr S 8. wmin = Minimum size of fillet weld based on AISC 9th Ed.Manual, Table J2.4, page 5-67
Bolt Type = SC S P d 9. wmax = Min. of: 0.40*Fyb*twbeam/(SQRT(2)/2*0.30*70*2) or 0.40*Fya*ta/(SQRT(2)/2*0.30*70)
Bolt Hole Type in Clip Angles = Standard R k 10. Welding electrode is assumed to be E70XX.
Bolt Vert. Spacing in Angles, S = 3.0000 in. Lc=4 11. For combined shear and tension on bolts, AISC 9th Ed. Manual, Sections J3.5 and J3.6 are used as
Bolt Gage in Angle OSL's, g = 5.500 in. s=0.5 bf c dc2 well as interaction Table J3.3, page 5-74. In connection analysis, all "limit states" (except combined
Edge Distance for Angles, ED = 1.250 in. Lb=3.5 bolt shear and axial tension), employ the following interaction formula: P/Ra+(R/Rv)^2=1.
Beam Setback Distance, s = 0.5000 in. Thus, an interaction reduction factor = (1-R/Rv)^2 is applied to the tension "limit state" capacity.
Acceptable Stress Ratio, S.R. = 1.100 Welded Clip Angles Nomenclature Beam and Cope Nomenclature 12. The connection forces shown have already been reduced for wind or seismic.

Location Conn. to Connection General Parameters Stress Ratio = Conn. Summary of Beam End Connection Capacities (kips) Additional Parameter
Beam on Beam Beam Column or Forces (kips) Max. No. Top Row Cope Top Cope Bot. Cope Angle Min. Weld Max. Weld Conn. Force O.K.? Welded Clip Angles Beam Properties
I.D. (Start or Size Girder? Shear Axial Rows Location Length Depth Depth Length Size Eff. Size Allow. Capacity (Is S.R. Uncoped Beam Top Flange Coped Both Flanges Coped Area Depth Web Thk. Flg. Width Flg. Thk. Beam Fillet
End) (If Girder/Size) R P Nr D1 c dc1 dc2 L w(min) w(max) Shear Axial <=1.1?) Shear Axial Shear Axial Shear Axial A d tw bf tf k
1-238 Start W16x57 Column 7.54 13.67 4 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.500 3/16 0.242 0.215 2.460 **No** 35.01 5.56 --- --- --- --- 16.8 16.4 0.43 7.12 0.715 1.12
1-238 End W16X57 Column 5.33 16.86 4 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.500 3/16 0.242 0.244 3.035 **No** 21.86 5.56 --- --- --- --- 16.8 16.4 0.43 7.12 0.715 1.12
1-239 Start W24X84 Column 41.68 16.25 7 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.376 1.653 **No** 110.99 9.83 --- --- --- --- 24.7 24.1 0.47 9.02 0.77 1.27
1-239 End W24X84 Column 12.68 26.01 7 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.243 2.646 **No** 52.23 9.83 --- --- --- --- 24.7 24.1 0.47 9.02 0.77 1.27
1-240 Start W24X55 W36X230 57.52 5.36 6 3.50 8.25 2.25 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.557 0.649 Yes --- --- 103.31 8.26 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-240 End W24X55 W36X280 19.83 1.17 6 4.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.192 0.191 Yes --- --- 103.31 6.15 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-241 Start W24X55 W36X230 53.14 4.10 6 3.50 8.25 2.25 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.514 0.512 Yes --- --- 103.31 8.00 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-241 End W24X55 W36X280 21.77 1.19 6 4.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.211 0.209 Yes --- --- 103.31 5.67 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-242 Start W36X150 Column 65.96 217.43 10 3.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.500 3/16 0.242 1.421 14.826 **No** 46.42 14.67 --- --- --- --- 44.2 35.9 0.625 12 0.94 1.69
1-242 End W36X150 Column 26.79 89.59 10 3.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.500 3/16 0.242 0.585 6.109 **No** 45.80 14.67 --- --- --- --- 44.2 35.9 0.625 12 0.94 1.69
1-243 Start W24X55 W36X170 52.10 3.34 6 3.25 6.25 2.00 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.504 0.501 Yes --- --- 103.31 6.67 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-243 End W24X55 W36X280 22.21 1.56 6 4.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.215 0.214 Yes --- --- 103.31 7.28 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-244 Start W24X55 W36X170 43.67 4.09 6 3.25 6.25 2.00 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.423 0.496 Yes --- --- 103.31 8.26 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-244 End W24X55 W36X280 20.18 1.63 6 4.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.195 0.198 Yes --- --- 103.31 8.26 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-245 Start W24X84 Column 28.88 66.51 7 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.609 6.766 **No** 47.45 9.83 --- --- --- --- 24.7 24.1 0.47 9.02 0.77 1.27
1-245 End W24X84 Column 12.59 2.86 7 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.108 0.291 Yes 116.18 9.83 --- --- --- --- 24.7 24.1 0.47 9.02 0.77 1.27
1-246 Start W21X111 Column 26.48 25.88 6 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.355 3.004 **No** 74.49 8.61 --- --- --- --- 32.7 21.5 0.55 12.3 0.875 1.38
1-246 End W21X111 Column 34.19 22.34 6 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.392 2.594 **No** 87.19 8.61 --- --- --- --- 32.7 21.5 0.55 12.3 0.875 1.38
1-247 Start W24X76 Column 22.76 19.66 7 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.252 2.016 **No** 90.16 9.75 --- --- --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-247 End W24X76 W27X84 31.17 15.50 7 3.00 5.00 1.25 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.292 1.589 **No** --- --- 106.68 9.75 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-248 Start W24X76 W36X280 19.42 4.41 6 4.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.191 0.528 Yes --- --- 101.57 8.36 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-248 End W24X76 W36X170 12.42 15.96 7 3.25 6.25 2.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.170 1.637 **No** --- --- 73.14 9.75 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-249 Start W24X76 W36X280 29.06 15.22 6 4.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.315 1.821 **No** --- --- 92.27 8.36 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-249 End W24X76 W36X170 24.90 6.19 7 3.25 6.25 2.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.215 0.635 Yes --- --- 115.62 9.75 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-250 Start W21X111 Column 41.85 22.79 6 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.458 2.645 **No** 91.48 8.61 --- --- --- --- 32.7 21.5 0.55 12.3 0.875 1.38
1-250 End W21X111 Column 35.19 23.22 6 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.405 2.696 **No** 86.93 8.61 --- --- --- --- 32.7 21.5 0.55 12.3 0.875 1.38
1-251 Start W24X76 W36X280 31.99 10.74 6 4.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.324 1.285 **No** --- --- 98.74 8.36 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-251 End W24X76 W36X170 34.59 5.84 7 3.25 6.25 2.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.294 0.599 Yes --- --- 117.47 9.75 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-252 Start W24X76 W36X280 19.40 10.02 6 4.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.242 0.210 1.199 **No** --- --- 92.54 8.36 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-252 End W24X76 W36X170 22.78 38.54 7 3.25 6.25 2.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.376 3.953 **No** --- --- 60.61 9.75 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-253 Start W24X76 Column 17.03 13.57 7 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.183 1.392 **No** 93.16 9.75 --- --- --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-253 End W24X76 W27X84 28.96 44.21 7 3.00 5.00 1.25 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.444 4.534 **No** --- --- 65.29 9.75 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-286 Start W24X94 W24X84 33.38 0.00 7 3.00 5.00 1.50 1.50 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.280 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 119.14 --- 27.7 24.3 0.515 9.07 0.875 1.38
1-286 End W24X94 W24X55 15.20 0.00 7 3.00 4.00 1.50 2.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.128 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 119.14 --- 27.7 24.3 0.515 9.07 0.875 1.38
1-292 Start W24X104 W24X55 13.67 0.02 7 3.00 4.00 1.25 1.75 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.115 0.115 Yes --- --- --- --- 119.13 0.21 30.6 24.1 0.5 12.8 0.75 1.25
1-292 End W24X104 W36X150 34.51 0.02 7 3.00 6.25 1.75 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.290 0.290 Yes --- --- 119.14 0.08 --- --- 30.6 24.1 0.5 12.8 0.75 1.25
1-293 Start W24X104 W36X150 34.51 0.00 7 3.00 6.25 1.75 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.290 --- Yes --- --- 119.14 --- --- --- 30.6 24.1 0.5 12.8 0.75 1.25
1-293 End W24X104 W24X55 13.67 0.00 7 3.00 4.00 1.25 1.75 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.115 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 119.14 --- 30.6 24.1 0.5 12.8 0.75 1.25
1-294 Start W24X94 W24X55 12.30 0.00 7 3.00 4.00 1.50 2.00 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.103 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 119.14 --- 27.7 24.3 0.515 9.07 0.875 1.38
1-294 End W24X94 W24X84 30.48 0.00 7 3.00 5.00 1.50 1.50 20.500 3/16 0.242 0.256 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 119.14 --- 27.7 24.3 0.515 9.07 0.875 1.38
1-307 Start W14X30 W14X43 2.95 0.00 3 3.00 4.25 1.25 1.25 8.500 3/16 0.182 0.081 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 36.29 --- 8.85 13.8 0.27 6.73 0.385 0.785
1-307 End W14X30 W21X111 2.95 0.00 3 3.00 6.25 1.50 0.00 8.500 3/16 0.182 0.062 --- Yes --- --- 47.18 --- --- --- 8.85 13.8 0.27 6.73 0.385 0.785
1-308 Start W14X30 W14X43 5.07 1.55 3 3.00 4.25 1.25 1.25 8.500 3/16 0.182 0.142 0.388 Yes --- --- --- --- 35.68 3.99 8.85 13.8 0.27 6.73 0.385 0.785
1-308 End W14X30 W21X111 4.48 3.56 3 3.00 6.25 1.50 0.00 8.500 3/16 0.182 0.106 0.892 Yes --- --- 42.10 3.99 --- --- 8.85 13.8 0.27 6.73 0.385 0.785

2 of 10 07/01/2022 02:38:18
AISC BEAM END CONNECTIONS (ASD) "ClipConnTable.xls" Program
Using Clip Angles Welded to Beam Web Version 1.8
Location Conn. to Connection General Parameters
Subjected to Shear and/or Axial Load
Stress Ratio = Conn. Summary of Beam End Connection Capacities (kips) Additional Parameter
Beam on Beam Beam Column or Forces (kips) Max. No. Top Row Cope Top Cope Bot. Cope Angle Min. Weld Max. Weld Conn. Force O.K.? Welded Clip Angles Beam Properties
I.D. (Start or Size Girder? Shear Axial Rows Location Length Depth Depth Length Size Eff. Size Allow. Capacity (Is S.R. Uncoped Beam Top Flange Coped Both Flanges Coped Area Depth Web Thk. Flg. Width Flg. Thk. Beam Fillet
End) (If Girder/Size) R P Nr D1 c dc1 dc2 L w(min) w(max) Shear Axial <=1.1?) Shear Axial Shear Axial Shear Axial A d tw bf tf k

3 of 10 07/01/2022 02:38:19
AISC BEAM END CONNECTIONS (ASD) "ClipConnTable.xls" Program
Using Clip Angles Welded to Beam Web Version 1.8
Location Conn. to Connection General Parameters
Subjected to Shear and/or Axial Load
Stress Ratio = Conn. Summary of Beam End Connection Capacities (kips) Additional Parameter
Beam on Beam Beam Column or Forces (kips) Max. No. Top Row Cope Top Cope Bot. Cope Angle Min. Weld Max. Weld Conn. Force O.K.? Welded Clip Angles Beam Properties
I.D. (Start or Size Girder? Shear Axial Rows Location Length Depth Depth Length Size Eff. Size Allow. Capacity (Is S.R. Uncoped Beam Top Flange Coped Both Flanges Coped Area Depth Web Thk. Flg. Width Flg. Thk. Beam Fillet
End) (If Girder/Size) R P Nr D1 c dc1 dc2 L w(min) w(max) Shear Axial <=1.1?) Shear Axial Shear Axial Shear Axial A d tw bf tf k

4 of 10 07/01/2022 02:38:19
AISC BEAM END CONNECTIONS (ASD) "ClipConnTable.xls" Program
Using Clip Angles Welded to Beam Web Version 1.8
Subjected toSummary:
Shear and/or Axial Load
Total No. of Conn's = 44
Job Name: Subject: Check of Existing Building End Connections
Job Number: Originator: Checker: Total No. of Conn's. Failed = 8 Assumptions:
Failed by Bolts = 0
Input Data: Failed by Prying on Angles = 8 1. The most critical assumption used herein is that all beam end connections are basically "full-depth",
Failed by Coped Bm. Web Buckling = 0 utilzing as many vertical rows of bolts as permitted (Nrmax).
Beam Yield Stress, Fyb = 50 ksi Failed by Coped Bm. Block Shear = 0 2. Nrmax = Min. of: (dbeam-D1-ED-kbeam)/S+1 or (dgirder-D1-ED-kgirder)/S+1
Yield Stress of Angles, Fya = 36 ksi 3. D1 = Max. of: (kbeam+ED), kgirder+ED, or 2.5" for W8 beam and 3" for >= W10 beam
Angle Leg (OSL) at Support, Lc = 4.000 in. Support Face 4. D2 = Angle usual gage (per AISC 9th Ed. Manual angle gages table, page 1-52)
Angle Leg at Beam Web, Lb = 3.500 in. g=5.5 ta=0.375 tw c 5. c = bfgirder/2 , and beam cope clears girder flange due to beam setback distance, s
Angle Leg Thickness, ta = 0.3750 in. ED=1.25 D2 tf k dc1 6. dc1 = Max. of: kbeam or kgirder
Diameter of Bolts, db = 0.875 in. D1 7. dc2 = (dbeam-dgirder)+kgirder, applicable only when dbeam >= dgirder-kgirder
ASTM Bolt Designation = A325 Nr S 8. L = (Nr-1)*S+2*ED , total length of angle
Bolt Type = SC S P d 9. For combined shear and tension on bolts, AISC 9th Ed. Manual, Sections J3.5 and J3.6 are used as
Bolt Hole Type in Clip Angles = Standard R k well as interaction Table J3.3, page 5-74. In connection analysis, all "limit states" (except combined
Bolt Vert. Spacing in Angles, S = 3.0000 in. Lc=4 bolt shear and axial tension), employ the following interaction formula: P/Ra+(R/Rv)^2=1.
Bolt Gage in Angle OSL's, g = 5.500 in. s=0.5 bf c dc2 Thus, an interaction reduction factor = (1-R/Rv)^2 is applied to the tension "limit state" capacity.
Edge Distance for Angles, ED = 1.250 in. Lb=3.5 10. The connection forces shown have already been reduced for wind or seismic.
Beam Setback Distance, s = 0.5000 in.
Acceptable Stress Ratio, S.R. = 1.100 Bolted Clip Angles Nomenclature Beam and Cope Nomenclature

Location Conn. to Connection General Parameters Stress Ratio = Conn. Summary of Beam End Connection Capacities (kips) Additional Parameters
Beam on Beam Beam Column or Forces (kips) Max. No. Top Row Bolt Cope Top Cope Bot. Cope Angle Conn. Force O.K.? Bolted Clip Angles Beam Properties
I.D. (Start or Size Girder? Shear Axial Rows Location Gage Length Depth Depth Length Allow. Capacity (Is S.R. Uncoped Beam Top Flange Coped Both Flanges Coped Area Depth Web Thk. Flg. Width Flg. Thk. Beam Fillet
End) (If Girder/Size) R P Nr D1 D2 c dc1 dc2 L Shear Axial <=1.1?) Shear Axial Shear Axial Shear Axial A d tw bf tf k
1-238 Start W16X57 Column 7.54 13.67 4 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.500 0.191 1.020 Yes 39.49 13.41 --- --- --- --- 16.8 16.4 0.43 7.12 0.715 1.12
1-238 End W16X57 Column 5.33 16.86 4 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.500 0.216 1.258 **No** 24.65 13.41 --- --- --- --- 16.8 16.4 0.43 7.12 0.715 1.12
1-239 Start W24X84 Column 41.68 16.25 7 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 0.313 0.685 Yes 133.33 23.74 --- --- --- --- 24.7 24.1 0.47 9.02 0.77 1.27
1-239 End W24X84 Column 12.68 26.01 7 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 0.202 1.095 Yes 62.74 23.74 --- --- --- --- 24.7 24.1 0.47 9.02 0.77 1.27
1-240 Start W24X55 W36X230 57.52 5.36 6 3.50 2.00 8.25 2.25 0.00 17.500 0.583 0.471 Yes --- --- 98.69 11.37 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-240 End W24X55 W36X280 19.83 1.17 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 0.201 0.162 Yes --- --- 98.69 7.24 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-241 Start W24X55 W36X230 53.14 4.10 6 3.50 2.00 8.25 2.25 0.00 17.500 0.538 0.434 Yes --- --- 98.69 9.43 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-241 End W24X55 W36X280 21.77 1.19 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 0.221 0.178 Yes --- --- 98.69 6.68 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-242 Start W36X150 Column 65.96 217.43 11 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.500 1.010 5.563 **No** 65.28 39.09 --- --- --- --- 44.2 35.9 0.625 12 0.94 1.69
1-242 End W36X150 Column 26.79 89.59 11 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.500 0.416 2.292 **No** 64.42 39.09 --- --- --- --- 44.2 35.9 0.625 12 0.94 1.69
1-243 Start W24X55 W36X170 52.10 3.34 7 3.25 2.00 6.25 2.00 0.00 20.500 0.455 0.365 Yes --- --- 114.57 9.16 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-243 End W24X55 W36X280 22.21 1.56 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 0.225 0.182 Yes --- --- 98.69 8.58 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-244 Start W24X55 W36X170 43.67 4.09 7 3.25 2.00 6.25 2.00 0.00 20.500 0.381 0.306 Yes --- --- 114.57 13.35 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-244 End W24X55 W36X280 20.18 1.63 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 0.204 0.165 Yes --- --- 98.69 9.90 --- --- 16.3 23.6 0.395 7.01 0.505 1.11
1-245 Start W24X84 Column 28.88 66.51 7 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 0.507 2.801 **No** 57.00 23.74 --- --- --- --- 24.7 24.1 0.47 9.02 0.77 1.27
1-245 End W24X84 Column 12.59 2.86 7 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 0.090 0.120 Yes 139.57 23.74 --- --- --- --- 24.7 24.1 0.47 9.02 0.77 1.27
1-246 Start W21X111 Column 26.48 25.88 6 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.500 0.302 1.242 **No** 87.73 20.84 --- --- --- --- 32.7 21.5 0.55 12.3 0.875 1.38
1-246 End W21X111 Column 34.19 22.34 6 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.500 0.333 1.072 Yes 102.69 20.84 --- --- --- --- 32.7 21.5 0.55 12.3 0.875 1.38
1-247 Start W24X76 Column 22.76 19.66 7 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 0.210 0.835 Yes 108.31 23.53 --- --- --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-247 End W24X76 W27X84 31.17 15.50 7 3.00 2.00 5.00 1.25 0.00 20.500 0.243 0.658 Yes --- --- 128.15 23.53 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-248 Start W24X76 W36X280 19.42 4.41 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 0.177 0.219 Yes --- --- 109.93 20.17 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-248 End W24X76 W36X170 12.42 15.96 7 3.25 2.00 6.25 2.00 0.00 20.500 0.141 0.678 Yes --- --- 87.86 23.53 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-249 Start W24X76 W36X280 29.06 15.22 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 0.267 0.754 Yes --- --- 108.67 20.17 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-249 End W24X76 W36X170 24.90 6.19 7 3.25 2.00 6.25 2.00 0.00 20.500 0.195 0.263 Yes --- --- 127.63 23.53 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-250 Start W21X111 Column 41.85 22.79 6 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.500 0.388 1.094 Yes 107.73 20.84 --- --- --- --- 32.7 21.5 0.55 12.3 0.875 1.38
1-250 End W21X111 Column 35.19 23.22 6 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.500 0.344 1.114 **No** 102.38 20.84 --- --- --- --- 32.7 21.5 0.55 12.3 0.875 1.38
1-251 Start W24X76 W36X280 31.99 10.74 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 0.291 0.532 Yes --- --- 109.93 20.17 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-251 End W24X76 W36X170 34.59 5.84 7 3.25 2.00 6.25 2.00 0.00 20.500 0.271 0.248 Yes --- --- 127.63 23.53 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-252 Start W24X76 W36X280 19.40 10.02 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 0.178 0.497 Yes --- --- 108.99 20.17 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-252 End W24X76 W36X170 22.78 38.54 7 3.25 2.00 6.25 2.00 0.00 20.500 0.313 1.638 **No** --- --- 72.81 23.53 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-253 Start W24X76 Column 17.03 13.57 7 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 0.152 0.577 Yes 111.91 23.53 --- --- --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-253 End W24X76 W27X84 28.96 44.21 7 3.00 2.00 5.00 1.25 0.00 20.500 0.369 1.878 **No** --- --- 78.43 23.53 --- --- 22.4 23.9 0.44 8.99 0.68 1.18
1-286 Start W24X94 W24X84 33.38 0.00 7 3.00 2.00 5.00 1.50 1.50 20.500 0.233 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 143.11 --- 27.7 24.3 0.515 9.07 0.875 1.38
1-286 End W24X94 W24X55 15.20 0.00 7 3.00 2.00 4.00 1.50 2.00 20.500 0.106 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 142.98 --- 27.7 24.3 0.515 9.07 0.875 1.38
1-292 Start W24X104 W24X55 13.67 0.02 7 3.00 2.00 4.00 1.25 1.75 20.500 0.096 0.096 Yes --- --- --- --- 141.74 0.25 30.6 24.1 0.5 12.8 0.75 1.25
1-292 End W24X104 W36X150 34.51 0.02 7 3.00 2.00 6.25 1.75 0.00 20.500 0.241 0.241 Yes --- --- 143.11 0.10 --- --- 30.6 24.1 0.5 12.8 0.75 1.25
1-293 Start W24X104 W36X150 34.51 0.00 7 3.00 2.00 6.25 1.75 0.00 20.500 0.241 --- Yes --- --- 143.11 --- --- --- 30.6 24.1 0.5 12.8 0.75 1.25
1-293 End W24X104 W24X55 13.67 0.00 7 3.00 2.00 4.00 1.25 1.75 20.500 0.096 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 141.74 --- 30.6 24.1 0.5 12.8 0.75 1.25
1-294 Start W24X94 W24X55 12.30 0.00 7 3.00 2.00 4.00 1.50 2.00 20.500 0.086 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 142.98 --- 27.7 24.3 0.515 9.07 0.875 1.38
1-294 End W24X94 W24X84 30.48 0.00 7 3.00 2.00 5.00 1.50 1.50 20.500 0.213 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 143.11 --- 27.7 24.3 0.515 9.07 0.875 1.38
1-307 Start W14X30 W14X43 2.95 0.00 3 3.00 2.00 4.25 1.25 1.25 8.500 0.081 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 36.29 --- 8.85 13.8 0.27 6.73 0.385 0.785
1-307 End W14X30 W21X111 2.95 0.00 3 3.00 2.00 6.25 1.50 0.00 8.500 0.081 --- Yes --- --- 36.20 --- --- --- 8.85 13.8 0.27 6.73 0.385 0.785
1-308 Start W14X30 W14X43 5.07 1.55 3 3.00 2.00 4.25 1.25 1.25 8.500 0.142 0.161 Yes --- --- --- --- 35.68 9.61 8.85 13.8 0.27 6.73 0.385 0.785
1-308 End W14X30 W21X111 4.48 3.56 3 3.00 2.00 6.25 1.50 0.00 8.500 0.124 0.371 Yes --- --- 36.20 9.61 --- --- 8.85 13.8 0.27 6.73 0.385 0.785

5 of 10 07/01/2022 02:38:19
AISC BEAM END CONNECTIONS (ASD) "ClipConnTable.xls" Program
Using Clip Angles Welded to Beam Web Version 1.8
Subjected to Shear and/or Axial Load

6 of 10 07/01/2022 02:38:19
AISC BEAM END CONNECTIONS (ASD) "ClipConnTable.xls" Program
Using Clip Angles Welded to Beam Web Version 1.8
Subjected to Shear and/or Axial Load

7 of 10 07/01/2022 02:38:19
AISC BEAM END CONNECTIONS (ASD) "ClipConnTable.xls" Program
Using Clip Angles Welded to Beam Web Version 1.8
Subjected Summary:
to Shear and/or Axial Load
Total No. of Conn's = 44
Job Name: Subject: Check Existing Building End Connections
Job Number: Originator: Checker: Total No. of Conn's. Failed = 8 Assumptions:
Failed by Welds = 0
Input Data: Failed by Bolts = 1 1. The most critical assumption used herein is that all beam end connections are basically "full-depth",
Failed by Prying on Angles = 8 utilzing as many vertical rows of bolts as permitted (Nrmax).
Beam Yield Stress, Fyb = 50 ksi Failed by Coped Bm. Web Buckling = 0 2. Nrmax = Min. of: (dbeam-D1-ED-wmin-kbeam)/S+1 or (dgirder-D1-ED-wmin-kgirder)/S+1
Yield Stress of Angles, Fya = 36 ksi Failed by Coped Bm. Block Shear = 0 3. D1 = Max. of: (kbeam+wmin+ED), kgirder+ED, or 2.5" for W8 beam and 3" for >= W10 beam
Angle Leg (OSL) at Support, Lc = 4.000 in. Support Face Support Face 4. D2 = Angle usual gage (per AISC 9th Ed. Manual angle gages table, page 1-52)
Angle Leg at Beam Web, Lb = 3.500 in. g=5.5 ta=0.375 g=5.5 ta=0.375 tw c 5. c = bfgirder/2 , and beam cope clears girder flange due to beam setback distance, s
Angle Leg Thickness, ta = 0.3750 in. ED=1.25 w ED=1.25 D2 tf k dc1 6. dc1 = Max. of: kbeam or kgirder
Diameter of Bolts, db = 0.875 in. D1 D1 7. dc2 = (dbeam-dgirder)+kgirder, applicable only when dbeam >= dgirder-kgirder
ASTM Bolt Designation = A325 Nr S Nr S 8. L = (Nr-1)*S+2*ED , total length of angle
Bolt Type = SC S P S P d 9. wmin = Minimum size of fillet weld based on AISC 9th Ed.Manual, Table J2.4, page 5-67
Bolt Hole Type in Clip Angles = Standard R R k 10. wmax = Min. of: 0.40*Fyb*twbeam/(SQRT(2)/2*0.30*70*2) or 0.40*Fya*ta/(SQRT(2)/2*0.30*70)
Bolt Vert. Spacing in Angles, S = 3.0000 in. Lc=4 Lc=4 11. Welding electrode is assumed to be E70XX.
Bolt Gage in Angle OSL's, g = 5.500 in. s=0.5 s=0.5 bf c dc2 12. For combined shear and tension on bolts, AISC 9th Ed. Manual, Sections J3.5 and J3.6 are used as
Edge Distance for Angles, ED = 1.250 in. Lb=3.5 Lb=3.5 well as interaction Table J3.3, page 5-74. In connection analysis, all "limit states" (except combined
Beam Setback Distance, s = 0.5000 in. bolt shear and axial tension), employ the following interaction formula: P/Ra+(R/Rv)^2=1.
Acceptable Stress Ratio, S.R. = 1.100 Welded Clip Angles Nomenclature Bolted Clip Angles Nomenclature Beam and Cope Nomenclature Thus, an interaction reduction factor = (1-R/Rv)^2 is applied to the tension "limit state" capacity.
13. The connection forces shown have already been reduced for wind or seismic.

Location Conn. to Connection General Parameters Stress Ratio = Conn. Summary of Beam End Connection Capacities (kips)
Beam on Beam Beam Column or Forces (kips) Max. No. Top Row Bolt Cope Top Cope Bot. Cope Angle Min. Weld Max. Weld Conn. Force O.K.? Welded Clip Angles Bolted Clip Angles
I.D. (Start or Size Girder? Shear Axial Rows Location Gage Length Depth Depth Length Size Eff. Size Allow. Capacity (Is S.R. Uncoped Beam Top Flange Coped Both Flanges Coped Uncoped Beam Top Flange Coped Both Flanges Coped
End) (If Girder/Size) R P Nr D1 D2 c dc1 dc2 L w(min) w(max) Shear Axial <=1.1?) Shear Axial Shear Axial Shear Axial Shear Axial Shear Axial Shear Axial
1-238 Start W16X57 Column 7.54 13.67 4 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.500 3/16 0.290 0.215 1.020 Yes 35.01 13.41 --- --- --- --- 39.49 13.41 --- --- --- ---
1-238 End W16X57 Column 5.33 16.86 4 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.500 3/16 0.290 0.244 1.258 **No** 21.86 13.41 --- --- --- --- 24.65 13.41 --- --- --- ---
1-239 Start W24X84 Column 41.68 16.25 7 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.317 0.376 0.685 Yes 110.99 23.74 --- --- --- --- 133.33 23.74 --- --- --- ---
1-239 End W24X84 Column 12.68 26.01 7 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.317 0.243 1.095 Yes 52.23 23.74 --- --- --- --- 62.74 23.74 --- --- --- ---
1-240 Start W24X55 W36X230 57.52 5.36 6 3.50 2.00 8.25 2.25 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.266 0.583 0.555 Yes --- --- 103.71 9.66 --- --- --- --- 98.69 11.37 --- ---
1-240 End W24X55 W36X280 19.83 1.17 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.266 0.201 0.191 Yes --- --- 103.98 6.15 --- --- --- --- 98.69 7.24 --- ---
1-241 Start W24X55 W36X230 53.14 4.10 6 3.50 2.00 8.25 2.25 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.266 0.538 0.512 Yes --- --- 103.85 8.00 --- --- --- --- 98.69 9.43 --- ---
1-241 End W24X55 W36X280 21.77 1.19 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.266 0.221 0.209 Yes --- --- 104.00 5.67 --- --- --- --- 98.69 6.68 --- ---
1-242 Start W36X150 Column 65.96 217.43 10 3.25 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.500 1/4 0.364 1.111 6.119 **No** 61.89 35.53 --- --- --- --- 59.35 35.53 --- --- --- ---
1-242 End W36X150 Column 26.79 89.59 10 3.25 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.500 1/4 0.364 0.457 2.521 **No** 61.07 35.53 --- --- --- --- 58.56 35.53 --- --- --- ---
1-243 Start W24X55 W36X170 52.10 3.34 6 3.25 2.00 6.25 2.00 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.266 0.528 0.501 Yes --- --- 103.94 6.67 --- --- --- --- 98.69 7.85 --- ---
1-243 End W24X55 W36X280 22.21 1.56 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.266 0.225 0.214 Yes --- --- 103.90 7.28 --- --- --- --- 98.69 8.58 --- ---
1-244 Start W24X55 W36X170 43.67 4.09 6 3.25 2.00 6.25 2.00 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.266 0.442 0.421 Yes --- --- 103.70 9.72 --- --- --- --- 98.69 11.44 --- ---
1-244 End W24X55 W36X280 20.18 1.63 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.266 0.204 0.194 Yes --- --- 103.82 8.40 --- --- --- --- 98.69 9.90 --- ---
1-245 Start W24X84 Column 28.88 66.51 7 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.317 0.609 2.801 **No** 47.45 23.74 --- --- --- --- 57.00 23.74 --- --- --- ---
1-245 End W24X84 Column 12.59 2.86 7 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.317 0.108 0.120 Yes 116.18 23.74 --- --- --- --- 139.57 23.74 --- --- --- ---
1-246 Start W21X111 Column 26.48 25.88 6 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.500 1/4 0.364 0.302 1.242 **No** 99.33 20.84 --- --- --- --- 87.73 20.84 --- --- --- ---
1-246 End W21X111 Column 34.19 22.34 6 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.500 1/4 0.364 0.333 1.072 Yes 116.25 20.84 --- --- --- --- 102.69 20.84 --- --- --- ---
1-247 Start W24X76 Column 22.76 19.66 7 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.296 0.252 0.835 Yes 90.16 23.53 --- --- --- --- 108.31 23.53 --- --- --- ---
1-247 End W24X76 W27X84 31.17 15.50 7 3.00 2.00 5.00 1.25 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.296 0.292 0.658 Yes --- --- 106.68 23.53 --- --- --- --- 128.15 23.53 --- ---
1-248 Start W24X76 W36X280 19.42 4.41 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.296 0.191 0.219 Yes --- --- 101.57 20.17 --- --- --- --- 109.93 20.17 --- ---
1-248 End W24X76 W36X170 12.42 15.96 7 3.25 2.00 6.25 2.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.296 0.170 0.678 Yes --- --- 73.14 23.53 --- --- --- --- 87.86 23.53 --- ---
1-249 Start W24X76 W36X280 29.06 15.22 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.296 0.315 0.754 Yes --- --- 92.27 20.17 --- --- --- --- 108.67 20.17 --- ---
1-249 End W24X76 W36X170 24.90 6.19 7 3.25 2.00 6.25 2.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.296 0.215 0.263 Yes --- --- 115.62 23.53 --- --- --- --- 127.63 23.53 --- ---
1-250 Start W21X111 Column 41.85 22.79 6 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.500 1/4 0.364 0.388 1.094 Yes 116.70 20.84 --- --- --- --- 107.73 20.84 --- --- --- ---
1-250 End W21X111 Column 35.19 23.22 6 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.500 1/4 0.364 0.344 1.114 **No** 115.91 20.84 --- --- --- --- 102.38 20.84 --- --- --- ---
1-251 Start W24X76 W36X280 31.99 10.74 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.296 0.324 0.532 Yes --- --- 98.74 20.17 --- --- --- --- 109.93 20.17 --- ---
1-251 End W24X76 W36X170 34.59 5.84 7 3.25 2.00 6.25 2.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.296 0.294 0.294 Yes --- --- 117.47 19.82 --- --- --- --- 127.63 23.53 --- ---
1-252 Start W24X76 W36X280 19.40 10.02 6 4.00 2.00 8.50 2.75 0.00 17.500 3/16 0.296 0.210 0.497 Yes --- --- 92.54 20.17 --- --- --- --- 108.99 20.17 --- ---
1-252 End W24X76 W36X170 22.78 38.54 7 3.25 2.00 6.25 2.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.296 0.376 1.638 **No** --- --- 60.61 23.53 --- --- --- --- 72.81 23.53 --- ---
1-253 Start W24X76 Column 17.03 13.57 7 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.296 0.183 0.577 Yes 93.16 23.53 --- --- --- --- 111.91 23.53 --- --- --- ---
1-253 End W24X76 W27X84 28.96 44.21 7 3.00 2.00 5.00 1.25 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.296 0.444 1.878 **No** --- --- 65.29 23.53 --- --- --- --- 78.43 23.53 --- ---
1-286 Start W24X94 W24X84 33.38 0.00 7 3.00 2.00 5.00 1.50 1.50 20.500 1/4 0.347 0.233 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 143.11 --- --- --- --- --- 143.11 ---
1-286 End W24X94 W24X55 15.20 0.00 7 3.00 2.00 4.00 1.50 2.00 20.500 1/4 0.347 0.106 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 143.11 --- --- --- --- --- 142.98 ---
1-292 Start W24X104 W24X55 13.67 0.02 7 3.00 2.00 4.00 1.25 1.75 20.500 3/16 0.337 0.115 0.115 Yes --- --- --- --- 119.13 0.21 --- --- --- --- 141.74 0.25
1-292 End W24X104 W36X150 34.51 0.02 7 3.00 2.00 6.25 1.75 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.337 0.290 0.290 Yes --- --- 119.14 0.08 --- --- --- --- 143.11 0.10 --- ---
1-293 Start W24X104 W36X150 34.51 0.00 7 3.00 2.00 6.25 1.75 0.00 20.500 3/16 0.337 0.290 --- Yes --- --- 119.14 --- --- --- --- --- 143.11 --- --- ---
1-293 End W24X104 W24X55 13.67 0.00 7 3.00 2.00 4.00 1.25 1.75 20.500 3/16 0.337 0.115 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 119.14 --- --- --- --- --- 141.74 ---
1-294 Start W24X94 W24X55 12.30 0.00 7 3.00 2.00 4.00 1.50 2.00 20.500 1/4 0.347 0.086 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 143.11 --- --- --- --- --- 142.98 ---
1-294 End W24X94 W24X84 30.48 0.00 7 3.00 2.00 5.00 1.50 1.50 20.500 1/4 0.347 0.213 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 143.11 --- --- --- --- --- 143.11 ---
1-307 Start W14X30 W14X43 2.95 0.00 3 3.00 2.00 4.25 1.25 1.25 8.500 3/16 0.182 0.081 --- Yes --- --- --- --- 36.29 --- --- --- --- --- 36.29 ---
1-307 End W14X30 W21X111 2.95 0.00 3 3.00 2.00 6.25 1.50 0.00 8.500 3/16 0.182 0.081 --- Yes --- --- 47.18 --- --- --- --- --- 36.20 --- --- ---
1-308 Start W14X30 W14X43 5.07 1.55 3 3.00 2.00 4.25 1.25 1.25 8.500 3/16 0.182 0.142 0.161 Yes --- --- --- --- 35.68 9.61 --- --- --- --- 35.68 9.61
1-308 End W14X30 W21X111 4.48 3.56 3 3.00 2.00 6.25 1.50 0.00 8.500 3/16 0.182 0.124 0.371 Yes --- --- 42.10 9.61 --- --- --- --- 36.20 9.61 --- ---

8 of 10 07/01/2022 02:38:19
AISC BEAM END CONNECTIONS (ASD) "ClipConnTable.xls" Program
Using Clip Angles Welded to Beam Web Version 1.8
Subjected to Shear and/or Axial Load

9 of 10 07/01/2022 02:38:19
AISC BEAM END CONNECTIONS (ASD) "ClipConnTable.xls" Program
Using Clip Angles Welded to Beam Web Version 1.8
Subjected to Shear and/or Axial Load

10 of 10 07/01/2022 02:38:19

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