COBOL Interview Question

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1. What are the differences between COBOL and COBOL II?

Subscribe There are at least five differences: COBOL II supports structured programming by using in line PERFORMs and explicit scope terminators, it introduces new features (EVALUATE, SET .. TO TRUE, CALL .. Latest Answer: The END Delimiter --> END-READ ... Last Updated By fawzy on October 10, 2005 (Answers: 1) Read / Answer

2. What is an explicit scope terminator? Subscribe A scope terminator brackets its preceding verb, eg. IF .. END-IF, so that all statements between the verb and its scope terminator are grouped together. Other common COBOL II verbs are READ, PERFORM, Latest Answer: terminators like END-PEROFRM ENDEVALUTE are called explicit scope terminaotr available in COBOL 85.... Last Updated By hemant on April 18, 2006 (Answers: 1) Read / Answer

3. What is an in line PERFORM? When would you use it? Anything else to say about it? Subscribe The PERFORM and END-PERFORM statements bracket all COBOL II statements between them. The COBOL equivalent is to PERFORM or PERFORM THRU a paragraph. In line PERFORMs work as long as there are no int Latest Answer: In-line perform is a concept where the control will execute a block of statements residing in a same... Last Updated By sudhakar chandu on September 28, 2007 (Answers: 4) Read / Answer

4. What is the difference between NEXT SENTENCE and CONTINUE? Subscribe NEXT SENTENCE gives control to the verb following the next period. CONTINUE gives control to the next verb after the explicit scope terminator. (This is not one of COBOL II's finer implementations). Latest Answer: According to this code If "Next sentence" is given the control wil go to the statement aft... Last Updated By Jeena John on October 25, 2007 (Answers: 4) Read / Answer Subscribe

5. What COBOL construct is the COBOL II EVALUATE meant to replace? EVALUATE can be used in place of the nested IF THEN ELSE statements. Latest Answer: EVALUATE statement contrusts a case structure. The explicit scope terminator for EVALUATE is END-EVA... Last Updated By Sathish kumar D on July 27, 2007 (Answers: 2)

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6. What was removed from COBOL in the COBOL II implementation? Subscribe Partial list: REMARKS, NOMINAL KEY, PAGE-COUNTER, CURRENT-DAY, TIME-OF-DAY, STATE, FLOW, COUNT, EXAMINE, EXHIBIT, READY TRACE and RESET TRACE. (Answers: 0) Read / Answer 7. What is the linkage section? Subscribe The linkage section is part of a called program that 'links' or maps to data items in the calling program's working storage. It is the part of the called program where these share items are defined. Latest Answer: Each parameter to be accepted or passed by a procedure must be declared in the LINKAGE SECTION.This ... Last Updated By RiddhiKavinithi on August 14, 2007 (Answers: 6) Read / Answer

8. What is the difference between a subscript and an index in a table definition? Subscribe A subscript is a working storage data definition item, typically a PIC (999) where a value must be moved to the subscript and then incremented or decremented by ADD TO and SUBTRACT FROM statements. A Latest Answer: subscript tells the occurance of a table.where as index tells the displacement of the table. subscri... Last Updated By narendra on March 03, 2006 (Answers: 1) Read / Answer

9. Explain the difference between an internal and an external sort, the pros and cons, Subscribe internal sort s Explain the difference between an internal and an external sort, the pros and cons, internal sort

syntax etc? An external sort is not COBOL; it is performed through JCL and PGM=SORT. It is understandable without any code reference. An internal sort can use two different syntaxes: 1.) USING, GIVING sorts are (Answers: 3) Read / Answer 10. What is the difference between comp and comp-3 usage? Explain other COBOL Subscribe usages? Comp is a binary usage, while comp-3 indicates packed decimal. The other common usages are binary and display. Display is the default. 3/28/00 Dave Herrmann: 'I was reading your FAQ on Cobol, as an Latest Answer: Comp, Comp1, Comp2 are used when you going to use SYNC (When you want the storage should start only ... Last Updated By venkatesh on August 31, 2007 11. When is a scope terminator mandatory? Subscribe Scope terminators are mandatory for in-line PERFORMS and EVALUATE statements. For readability, it's recommended coding practice to always make scope terminators explicit. Latest Answer: in line perform & evaluate verb. in these two scope terminator is mandatory.... Last Updated By himanshu kaushik on December 20, 2006 (Answers: 1) Read / Answer

12. In an EVALUTE statement is the order of the WHEN clauses significant? Subscribe Absolutely. Evaluation of the WHEN clauses proceeds from top to bottom and their sequence can determine results. Latest Answer: It's important to have the order in place, you can not put 'When other' as the first cla... Last Updated By tarun on July 04, 2007 (Answers: 3) Read / Answer

13. What is the default value(s) for an INITIALIZE and what keyword allows for an Subscribe override of the defau What is the default value(s) for an INITIALIZE and what keyword allows for an override of the default? INITIALIZE moves spaces to alphabetic fields and zeros to alphanumeric fields. The REPLACING option can be used to override these defaults. (Answers: 1) Read / Answer 14. What is SET TO TRUE all about, anyway? Subscribe In COBOL II the 88 levels can be set rather than moving their associated values to the related data item. (Web note: This change is not one of COBOL II's better specifications.) Latest Answer: then wat would be the value of married-value when ws-status = "2"?... Last Updated By aggarwal_dipti on October 30, 2007 (Answers: 3) Read / Answer Subscribe

15. What is LENGTH in COBOL II? LENGTH acts like a special register to tell the length of a group or elementary item. Latest Answer: length(ws-length) : ws-length we have to declare in working storage section... Last Updated By jitendra on June 18, 2006 (Answers: 1)

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16. What is the difference between a binary search and a sequential search? What are Subscribe the pertinent COB What is the difference between a binary search and a sequential search? What are the pertinent COBOL commands? In a binary search the table element key values must be in ascending or descending sequence. The table is 'halved' to search for equal to, greater than or less than conditions until the element is fo (Answers: 0) Read / Answer 17. What is the point of the REPLACING option of a copy statement? Subscribe REPLACING allows for the same copy to be used more than once in the same code by changing the replace value Latest Answer: Hi, Replacing option in COPY verb provides facility to use same block of code for differ... (Answers: 2) Read / Answer

Last Updated By pradeepbhatt on June 06, 2006 18. If you were passing a table via linkage, which is preferable - a subscript or an index? Subscribe Wake up - you haven't been paying attention! It's not possible to pass an index via linkage. The index is not part of the calling programs working storage. Those of us who've made this mistake, app Latest Answer: We can pass subscript by linkage section. index cant. ... Last Updated By kavithalaya on June 05, 2006 (Answers: 4) Read / Answer

19. Explain call by context by comparing it to other calls? Subscribe The parameters passed in a call by context are protected from modification by the called program. In a normal call they are able to be modified. Latest Answer: In call by content a copy of variable is passed to the sub program. In case of call by address the a... Last Updated By pulikutty on July 17, 2007 (Answers: 2) Read / Answer

20. In a COBOL II perform statement, when is the conditional tested, before or after the Subscribe perform execut In a COBOL II perform statement, when is the conditional tested, before or after the perform execution? In COBOL II the optional clause WITH TEST BEFORE or WITH TEST AFTER can be added to all perform statements. By default the test is performed before the perform. 21. How include time & date in the report generation in cobol programing? Latest Answer: this can be done in 2 ways, 1 is u can enter the date by user itself or u can excpet date form syste... Last Updated By gowda on August 05, 2005 Subscribe

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22. How to include system time & date in the report generation in cobol programing? Latest Answer: ACCEPT WS-ACCEPT-DATE FROM DATE. ACCEPT WS-ACCEPT-TIME &nbs... Last Updated By praleo on July 12, 2006

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23. In the example below 05 WS-VAR1 PIC X(5),05 WS-VAR2 REDEFINES WA-VAR1 PIC 9(5),PROCEDURE DIVISION M In the example below 05 WS-VAR1 PIC X(5),05 WS-VAR2 REDEFINES WA-VAR1 PIC 9(5),PROCEDURE DIVISION MOVE 'ABCDE' TO WS-VAR1.Now what is the value of WSVAR1 and WS-VAR2 ? (Answers: 17) 24. What is the maximum size of the variable length record? Latest Answer: 32022.... Last Updated By Kavitha on September 25, 2006

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25. Can Redefines clause be used in File section, if yes at which level number ? Latest Answer: Redefines can be used in File Section,but from 02-49 levelThanks,Murali... Last Updated By Murali on June 21, 2007 26. What is difference between comp & comp-4? Latest Answer: In COBOL There is no usage clause like comp-4... Last Updated By M Hussain on April 11, 2007 27. What are the type of comp usage?

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Latest Answer: COMP - Half word - s9(01) to s9(04) takes 2 bytes for storageFull Word - S9(05) to S9(08) take... Last Updated By V on December 13, 2006 28. Can Redefines clause be used at 01 level ? Latest Answer: Surely we can use the redefine clause at 01 level, but the only condition is that both the redefined... Last Updated By Muraleedharan on August 22, 2007

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29. How to remove the duplicate records present in a PS dataset using JCL? Asked by: Radha Latest Answer: Hi,The XSUM parameter cannot be given with the sort card. It should be given in the SUM FIELDS card.... Last Updated By Raja on September 25, 2007 (Answers: 4)

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30. I have a variable x(20), but i need the out as in two ways One is 1.12300000000000000000, other one I have a variable x(20), but i need the out as in two ways One is 1.12300000000000000000, other one is 2.123-----------------? Asked by: samayamsas 31. Can we able to execute the following statement move a,b toc,d' What will happen ? Asked by: toprakashr Latest Answer: No, we cant able to move by this syntax. its very confusing not only cobol complier but also human b... Last Updated By intiaz ali on October 14, 2006 (Answers: 10)


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32. Suppose i have array of 10 elements in it how to access 5 element from the array using sup scrip Suppose i have array of 10 elements in it how to access 5 element from the array using sup script and index? Asked by: raja (Answers: 9)

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33. 1) Without execution cobol program how to see output?2) how to rename input Subscribe filename and outputfil 1) Without execution cobol program how to see output?2) how to rename input filename and outputfile name?3) what is flag?4) what is impact analysis what basis how will you write test cases?5) how you sea output of cics command?6) how are datasets concatenated explain with example? i don't know please give me answer Asked by: mohansharma (Answers: 5) Read / Answer Subscribe 34. What are the two cobol verbs that are used in data division? (one is COPY..what is the other) no comments Asked by: shahid Latest Answer: I think Two COBOL Verbs used in Data division are - COPY & INCLUDE.Many people have answered CAL... Last Updated By Shalika on September 30, 2007 (Answers: 18)

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35. What is the difference between write & move in COBOL.? What is the meaning of 'TALLING' v What is the difference between write & move in COBOL.? What is the meaning of 'TALLING' verb in cobol? What is the meaning of 'Eject' verb in cobol? Asked by: sanjib goswami

(Answers: 9) 36. What is the difference between Call and Link in cobol? Asked by: kavitha Latest Answer: In the cal statement, the called program is included in the load module so if we changed the called ... Last Updated By santosh on August 27, 2007 37. Can we use search and search all in embedded sql? Asked by: Premnath Latest Answer: search and search all are cobol reserved words.sequal will not recognize them wether it's embeded or... Last Updated By Senijor Mastrojani on October 24, 2006 38. What is Resident program? Asked by: tamal sengupta Latest Answer: A RESIDENT program is one that is loaded into the CICS cashe. This will improve the performance of t... Last Updated By David on March 20, 2006 39. What are the HIGH Values,LOW values and where we can use? Asked by: Gangadhar N Latest Answer: Low values means move some variables to spaces or lowest value if we dont know the actual value... Last Updated By kapilvharande on May 30, 2006 (Answers: 4) (Answers: 1) (Answers: 7) (Answers: 6)

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40. In file section of a COBOL program, I have the following line.Record varying from 122 to 160 depe In file section of a COBOL program, I have the following line.Record varying from 122 to 160 depending on WS00_RECORD_LENGTH. How would the value of WS00_RECORD_LENGTH found out? Where will it be? 41. Can we use redefine clause in occurs clause? Asked by: vinayk Latest Answer: If you write code like below, You will get compilation error, here problem with occurs not with Rede... Last Updated By kumar n on August 08, 2007 (Answers: 22) Read / Answer Subscribe


42. How may do the following definitions occupy?(a) s(3)v99 comp-3(b) s(9)v99 comp Asked by: Bharath Latest Answer: Hi, ur question for comp and comp3 storage u have m... Last Updated By Rajeev Saklani on July 20, 2006 43. How to initialize a group data which is containing occur clause? Asked by: bhaskar singh Latest Answer: Here is the example:01 WS-REC. 02 TAB OCCURS 10 TIMES. &nbs... Last Updated By ATUL BANKE on June 10, 2006 44. What is the maximum size of table space? Asked by: jj_rahim22 Latest Answer: The max size a table space can take is 64 GB.... Last Updated By neha on October 04, 2007 (Answers: 3) (Answers: 6) (Answers: 6)

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45. How to commit updated records in IMS as well as in DB2?Both in CICS and Batch. Is Subscribe there any single How to commit updated records in IMS as well as in DB2?Both in CICS and Batch. Is there any single command will do these?

Asked by: krishnaraj25 (Answers: 1) Read / Answer 46. what are differences between COBOL and java ? why we are giving more preference Subscribe to COBOL ? Asked by: prem123 Latest Answer: the hari prasad answer is very good and intersting answer.thank u hari prasad.... Last Updated By vasu on December 01, 2006 47. What are the functions like c/c++ in cobol? Asked by: prem123 Latest Answer: In C/C++ you can define the function by the arguments taken and arguments returned and request an ex... Last Updated By Senijor Mastrojani on October 24, 2006 (Answers: 3) (Answers: 4) Read / Answer Subscribe

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48. What is the difference between Working-storage Section & Linkage Section? Asked by: sanjit_das Latest Answer: (1) WORKING STORAGE SECTION is used to declare internal data items that is used in the same program.... Last Updated By ATUL BANKE on June 10, 2006 (Answers: 3)

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49. How to read,write records form bottom from a sequential file in cobol? Asked by: javid Latest Answer: Hi, It is possible through jcl. For example if the input file contains 80 record length thenIn ... Last Updated By P.Karthikkumar on January 17, 2007 (Answers: 9)

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50. How can you pass values from COBOL program to non-COBOL programs? Asked by: mftechrao Latest Answer: IBM-MQseries are used for communication purpose from cobol to no cobol prog... Using this you can pa... Last Updated By srinivashn82 on October 26, 2007 (Answers: 4)

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51. How to pass values from one jcl to another jcl, if how ? How to pass data from cobol Subscribe to jcl? How to How to pass values from one jcl to another jcl, if how ? How to pass data from cobol to jcl? How to access jcl from cobol? How to display comp fields? Asked by: mohan (Answers: 3) 52. What is the logical difference between Move A TO B and COMPUTE B = A? Asked by: pradeepbhatt Latest Answer: Hi, Up to my knowledge, compute can handle only numeric items. But Move statement is having capabi... Last Updated By P.Karthikkumar on January 17, 2007 53. Configuration section comes under which division? Asked by: nirupamkundu Latest Answer: CONFIGURATION SECTION comes under ENVIRONMENT DIVISION... Last Updated By Gaurav Prasad on December 18, 2006 (Answers: 6) (Answers: 2) Read / Answer Subscribe

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54. 77 CTR PIC S9(4)V99 VALUE 1234.55. What will be output of the statement DISPLAY CTR? Asked by: nirupamkundu

Latest Answer: Hi Lavanya,Why don't you try before answering any question??Readers should not confused by your answ... Last Updated By Ganesh on May 31, 2007

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55. 77 WS-AMT PIC ZZZ999.ADD 100 TO WS-AMT WILL RESULT INa) COMPILATION ERRORb) SOC7 ERRORC) NO ERROR Asked by: nirupamkundu Latest Answer: It will give compilation error because WS-AMT is a edit-item and edited items can not be used in art... Last Updated By kkreddy98 on September 05, 2007 (Answers: 6)

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56. 77 I PI 9.PERFORM VARYING I FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL>10DISPLAY 'OK'ENDSubscribe PERFORM.What o 77 I PI 9.PERFORM VARYING I FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL>10DISPLAY 'OK'END-PERFORM.What output/msg is likely when this program is executed thru JCL? Asked by: nirupamkundu (Answers: 6) Read / Answer 57. 1) Is more than one record description is allowed in a FD?2) Is NUMERIC EDIT fields Subscribe can be used for 1) Is more than one record description is allowed in a FD?2) Is NUMERIC EDIT fields can be used for Arithmatic operations?3) Is COMPUTE P,Q,W = A+ B/C -E ** 2 is a valid statement?4) Is LINKAGE SECTION is mandatory in a sub program?5) In edit fiels the character used for check protection is __________6) COMP-2 occupies _________ bytes?7) Maximum length of a numeric item ________ ? Asked by: nirupamkundu (Answers: 3) Read / Answer Subscribe 58. 77 CTR PIC S9(4)V99 VALUE -1234.55.What will be output of the statement DISPLAY CTR? Asked by: nirupam kundu Latest Answer: Output will be -123455... Last Updated By V on December 13, 2006 59. Tell me about changeman & expidator tool? Asked by: kapil vharande Latest Answer: Hi ,Changeman is a version controller tool used keep track of the coding changes you made.Whenever y... Last Updated By sdharitas on June 14, 2006 60. What is the difference between RETURN CODE & MAXCC CODE? Asked by: nirupam kundu Latest Answer: A RETURN_CODE shows the status of each step within a job and the maximum RETURN_CODE is 256, where a... Last Updated By varanasi on July 05, 2006 (Answers: 3) (Answers: 2) (Answers: 8)

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61. I submitted the batch job in jcl and i went to my home.the next day i came and i want Subscribe to see 1- job I submitted the batch job in jcl and i went to my home.the next day i came and i want to see 1job submitted time,2- job execution time,3- cpu time, from TSO option but not into the jcl itself. Tell me TSO option for this? Asked by: neeraj (Answers: 1) 62. How can we pass data from cobol to JCl? Asked by: Bala Prasad Latest Answer: You can pass data from cobol to jcl by setting the value in RETURN register and fetching it in (Answers: 7) Read / Answer Subscribe Read / Answer

JCL.e... Last Updated By Rohit on February 22, 2007 63. What is the difference between STOP & STOP RUN ? Asked by: nirupam Kundu Latest Answer: STOP is a cobol command that terminates execution of a program. RUN is just its parameter.So, to ans... Last Updated By techieheart on September 11, 2006 64. Why can't occurs clause be used at 01 level ? Asked by: Robin Gulla Latest Answer: hi,See 01 level contains file header. so u can't use occurs clause for header file. You can use occu... Last Updated By karthi on December 08, 2006 (Answers: 4) (Answers: 5) Subscribe

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65. Is there any condition in cobol to check the variable has any special characters? Asked by: seshu Latest Answer: Hi,In COBOL there are only two clouse for this type of check IS NUMERIC & IS ALPHABETIC let's take e... Last Updated By sangramkc on January 10, 2007 (Answers: 2)

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66. Can we reverse the string in cobol ? See the following problem : 77 NAME PIC X(10) VALUE 'MANO Can we reverse the string in cobol ? See the following problem : 77 NAME PIC X(10) VALUE 'MANOJ', 77 SRNAME PIC X(10).I want JONAM in SRNAME. Asked by: manoj (Answers: 5) 67. Can we fetch select in working storage section variables directly without using the host variables Can we fetch select in working storage section variables directly without using the host variables? Asked by: Abhishek mangal (Answers: 5) 68. Is it possible that the REDEFINES clause has different picture clauses compared to the one it redef Is it possible that the REDEFINES clause has different picture clauses compared to the one it redefined? Asked by: unica (Answers: 7) 69. Can we have online testing for cobol? Asked by: shameemHiriyal Latest Answer: Use XPEDITER... Last Updated By desai on October 13, 2006 70. How you can read the file from bottom? Asked by: ashish surkar Latest Answer: Hi, It is possible through jcl. For example if the input file contains 80 record length thenIn ... Last Updated By P.Karthikkumar on January 17, 2007 71. What is difference between Initialize and value? Asked by: p.srinivas Latest Answer: value--- value is used to initialize data item in working storage sectionwhere as intialize----is us... Last Updated By khamuruddin on November 20, 2006 (Answers: 4) (Answers: 3) (Answers: 2)

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72. Is it possible to handle image file in COBOL only without using any third party vendor tools? Asked by: Mandeep Latest Answer: It is very much possible to store and read images in COBOL files, using binary format. However for d... Last Updated By shriniv on July 06, 2007 (Answers: 2)


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73. I want to copy the first and last record from the sequential file in efficient manner? Asked by: Harry Latest Answer: hi friend i have a solution for ur pbmplz go trg the jclfirst count the no of records for example if... Last Updated By Gurudev.k on February 14, 2007 74. what is the difference between static call and dynamic call? Asked by: russal Latest Answer: in the case of static call the mainprogram and subpgms r loaded into the mainmemory the... Last Updated By manasa on October 02, 2006 (Answers: 3) (Answers: 7)

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75. I am trying to create a line sequential file with record length 150 bytes (fixed format). Subscribe The requi I am trying to create a line sequential file with record length 150 bytes (fixed format). The requirement is that the last 50 bytes of the record should be blanks. Finally, when I am opening the file the actual record length is 100 bytes. That means that the last 50 bytes are truncated. solve this problem? Asked by: vagoro (Answers: 1) Read / Answer Subscribe 76. I have 50 records , i want access records from bottom onwards. what is the logic for that? Asked by: manoj (Answers: 3)

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77. What is the difference between static & dynamic call? Subscribe in the case of static call the mainprogram and subpgms r loaded into the mainmemory the case of dynamic call only the mainpgm is loaded first and the subpgm is loaded only when a call to Asked by: manasa thomas Latest Answer: HI Buddy..... In case of STATIC CALL t load module of both t main prog and t sub pr... Last Updated By AJAY on December 19, 2006 78. How to delete sequential file? Asked by: Gilbat (Answers: 5) 79. What is the use of evaluate statement give example? Asked by: Namash Latest Answer: The Evaluate statement can be used in replacement of Nested-IF statements. These are also potentiall... Last Updated By susi on November 27, 2006 80. In which situation condition 88 variable used,give example? Asked by: namash Latest Answer: You can use a level 88 to set up condition names that can be used to simplify IF and UNTIL tests. ... Last Updated By IRINA K on March 24, 2007 81. Tell me about Login and password parameters in job statement? (Answers: 4) (Answers: 3) (Answers: 4) Read / Answer Subscribe Read / Answer Subscribe

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Asked by: keerthi kiran Latest Answer: Login parameter is used to specify from which login the job has to run.Correct me if wrong... Last Updated By sukumar on March 13, 2007 82. What are function use in cobol ? Asked by: tooshoo Latest Answer: An intrinsic function is a function that performs a mathematical, character, or logical operation, a... Last Updated By max on October 17, 2006 (Answers: 1) (Answers: 2) Read / Answer Subscribe

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83. How to pass the parameter in PARM using LINKAGE SECTION ? (syntax)? Asked by: kapilymca Latest Answer: the syntax for passing values is //step1 exec pgm='pgm1' parm='x y z'this is simple jcl code and the... Last Updated By balaji on November 24, 2006 (Answers: 1)

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84. How data names with comp1 usage is stored in memory ? What is difference between comp1 comp2 , com How data names with comp1 usage is stored in memory ? What is difference between comp1 comp2 , comp3 and binary ? Asked by: vanitha (Answers: 4) 85. can we able to give the inputs to cobol program at run time.i.e cobol+ jcl Asked by: vasu Latest Answer: Using CICS online panels . you can. if it is cobol-CICS... Last Updated By srinivashn82 on October 26, 2007 (Answers: 8)

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86. What will happen if we give GOBACK statement instead of STOPRUN in a program Subscribe which does not call an What will happen if we give GOBACK statement instead of STOPRUN in a program which does not call any other program? Asked by: Jeeva (Answers: 3) 87. Is COBOL platform independent and object oriented language? Asked by: jiteshbhimani Latest Answer: old versions of cobol viz. MS-Cobol, Cobol-85 etc are structured but cobol 2002 and cobol 97 are obj... Last Updated By Pradeep Bhatt on January 30, 2007 88. why COBOL is called as business oriented language? Asked by: sakav Latest Answer: hey,actually at that time i mean in late 60's or early 70's , COBOL was the most popular langugae av... Last Updated By ashish_setia on December 20, 2006 (Answers: 2) (Answers: 5) Read / Answer Subscribe

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89. why we cant use occurs in 01level when it is defined as a group? eg. 01 a.------->why Subscribe cant w why we cant use occurs in 01level when it is defined as a group? eg. 01 a.------->why cant we use occurs here? 02 b occurs 5. 03 c pic 9(4). 03 d pic x(4). Asked by: karthikeyan (Answers: 5) 90. how to pass paramter from cobol to Jcl Asked by: nutan Read / Answer Subscribe


Latest Answer: It is passed using PARM parameter. ... Last Updated By alok on February 13, 2007 91. what is rollback in cics Asked by: gowri Latest Answer: All the changes (update,insert and delete) made to the back end tables during a particular transact... Last Updated By Subhatra on February 13, 2007 92. What is the use of Level 49 in COBOL? Asked by: LC Sharma Latest Answer: You "need" 49 levels to define host variables for VARCHAR cols in DB2. The 1st 49 contains... Last Updated By Irina K on March 24, 2007 (Answers: 8) (Answers: 1) Subscribe

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93. We have two files. and we want to write the matching records from both the files to a Subscribe third file.Th We have two files. and we want to write the matching records from both the files to a third file.There can be duplicate records in both the input files. Asked by: Abdul (Answers: 1) Read / Answer 94. State difference between reading a file by using start command and reading a file Subscribe using the key val State difference between reading a file by using start command and reading a file using the key value? (Both are in dynamic access mode) Asked by: P_KARTHIKKUMAR (Answers: 2) 95. Write sample program to read a file randomly i.e according to key value. Asked by: shrikant gadag Latest Answer: If a file must be read randomly, then it must either be a relative file or a direct file. In either ... Last Updated By Priyakk on March 15, 2007 96. What is Addressing mode Asked by: shrikant.gadag Latest Answer: AMODE is the attribute that tells which hardware addressing mode is supported by your program: 24bit... Last Updated By Anil on March 02, 2007 97. what is the diffrence between endeavor and changeman? Asked by: shrikant.gadag Latest Answer: Both Endeavor and Changeman are version control tool in Mainframe where you can elevate your compone... Last Updated By Dinesh on April 13, 2007 (Answers: 1) (Answers: 1) (Answers: 3) Read / Answer Subscribe

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98. How do you make the conversion from ascii to hex in cobol ? is there any function Subscribe which will do thi How do you make the conversion from ascii to hex in cobol ? is there any function which will do this in cobol? Asked by: sandeep851985 (Answers: 2) 99. What is the difference between COPY and INCLUDE Asked by: itsme20 Latest Answer: COPY statements are executed at compile time.INCLUDE executed at run time.... Last Updated By hari on March 21, 2007 (Answers: 1) Read / Answer Subscribe

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100. Where is a period required in Cobol? Subscribe At the end of the word DIVISION At the end of the word SECTION At the end of paragraph names coded in Area A To denote the end of a sentence To denote the end o Asked by: irinak Latest Answer: we can code the period at end of every COBOL statement or can code in separate line at end of the pa... Last Updated By chandra on May 17, 2007 (Answers: 1) Read / Answer

101. What is the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION in Cobol? Subscribe A place to reserve storage for data that is not part of the program's input or output. This area contains fields that are used as temporary storage while the program is executing. Some temporary stora Asked by: irinak Latest Answer: you need the section to define all your variables.But you dont have to hardcode. You can copy... Last Updated By altehexe74 on August 03, 2007 102. how do you encrypt passwords in MainFrames Asked by: sridevi Latest Answer: ans: ACCEPT PASSWORD WITH NO ECHO. With this clause the password is encrypted... Last Updated By praddu on May 07, 2007 103. What is the need of using comp field in COBOL Asked by: shrikant.gadag Latest Answer: We use comp field in cobol because when we want to store the data in binary form we use comp a... Last Updated By Avinash Sharma on April 10, 2007 (Answers: 1) (Answers: 1) (Answers: 1) Read / Answer Subscribe

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104. what is the difference between the 'call by value' and 'call by reference'? Asked by: shivanag Latest Answer: Call by reference : - address of the parameters will be passed to the sub-program. Changes to the pa... Last Updated By shob on April 24, 2007 (Answers: 1)

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105. What is Linkage Section? Can we use this concept when there's no called program? Subscribe Asked by: Suganj Latest Answer: How can you use the concept of Linkage section in the manner you have specified.. Where do you inten... Last Updated By Rajni on May 25, 2007 (Answers: 3) Read / Answer Subscribe

106. If spaces is compared with Null then what will be the result True or false? Asked by: Suraj Prakash Latest Answer: FALSE... Last Updated By kaHackett on May 07, 2007 (Answers: 1)

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107. what are the ways for passing a variables? tell me all the possibilities please. Asked by: Suganj Latest Answer: Variables can be passed 1) by content The called program accesses and processes... Last Updated By ranju on May 02, 2007 108. Differentiate between literal and figurative constant Asked by: Vishnu Latest Answer: Literal means any values given by the user..It may be of strings, numeric like that..constants given... Last Updated By J.B.Deepa on June 14, 2007 (Answers: 1) (Answers: 1)

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109. Is zero suppression possible on an alphanumeric working-storage variable?


Asked by: v.Bharathi dasan Latest Answer: Yes, by using INSPECT eg., INSPECT variable REPLACING LEADING ZEROS BY SPACES.... Last Updated By shriniv on July 06, 2007 (Answers: 1) Read / Answer

110. How can you redefine pic x(10) with pic 9(10) without loosing the existing data from Subscribe the record. Asked by: divya Latest Answer: You can redefine pic x(10) with pic 9(10) without any data loss, as long as you don't move the v... Last Updated By shriniv on July 06, 2007 (Answers: 1) Read / Answer


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