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Instructor: Angelica T. Opeña

Notes to the User: This material is exclusive for Grade 11 students under my class. If
you are from Blocks 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 25, 28, and 30, you may secure a copy of this
material for your perusal. Students can review the questions in preparation for their
quarterly exam.

PS: The questions are randomly arranged and these are open for corrections.
Quarter 1 Bowl Questions
1. In what section of the atmosphere do space shuttles orbit?-Thermosphere
2. The geosphere, also called the lithosphere, is made up of the physical earth,
such as rocks, magma, and soil.-True
3. How many kilometers deep is the mantle?-2,900 km
4. Geologic events can be taken from-Stratification
5. What are the two types of polarity?-Normal and Reverse
6. The atmosphere is divided into 3 layers according to altitude.-False
7. The following are stages of the ocean basin evolution, except: Metamorphism
8. It was ________ who stated that the universe is still expanding.-Edward Hubble
9. The size of the earth is how many kilometers in diameter?-Exact: 12,756 km
(Between 12,750 km and 12,760 km)
10. What is the first function of the magnetic field?-Repel solar wind/deflect the solar
11. The thermosphere is how many km above the earth?-90 km
12. Old rocks will be found nearer the spreading zone.-False
13. The mantle is found where?-Below the crust
14. How many elements are in the crust?-8
15. The earth is made up of mainly nitrogen and oxygen.-True
16. The Big Bang Theory supposes that the universe is not expanding.-False
17. Metamorphism occurs when rocks are in what state?-Solid
18. The building block of silicate materials are what shape?-Tetrahedral
19. What causes the formation of new seafloor?-Basaltic magma
20. According to the Big Bang Theory, matter and energy were different.-False
21. In which layer is the weather found?-Troposphere
22. What kind of activity causes seafloor spreading?-Volcanic activity
23. Gravity alone cannot cause weathering.-True
24. Earthquakes are caused by strain energy underneath a fault line within the crust
of the earth.
25. What is the registered number on the Richter Scale at which and beyond which
surface faulting occurs?-5.5
26. The Steady State Theory predicts that the universe is not expanding.-False
27. Flash floods occurs due to the sudden overflowing of rivers along a stream or a
low-lying area.
28. The outer layer, or crust, is thinner than other layers.-True
29. Two pillars that maintain life are metabolism and movement.-False
30. What is the radius of the core?-nearly 3,500 km
31. In open ocean basins, the source of energy that creates waves is-Wind
32. The assembly of minerals in rocks are random-True
33. The Mohorovicic discontinuity or the Moho is the lower boundary that separates
the mantle from the core.-False
34. What year did Edward Hubble hypothesize that planets and stars are still moving
far away from each other?-1929
35. These factors determine the rate of exogenic processes, except: Amount of relief
36. Nitrogen is the most abundant element in the crust.-False
37. Fred Hoyle, the scientist who proposed the Steady State Theory, believes that
the universe is governed by two principles: the cosmological principle and the
imperfect cosmological principle.-False
38. Absolute dating determines how many years ago an event took place.-True
39. The following are effects of earthquakes except: Sublimation
40. Geologic events can be taken from.-Stratification
41. The two main pillars that sustain life are.-Metabolism and Genetics
42. The Steady State Theory arose when?-1940s
43. In the simplest case, a living organism is a cell.-True
44. Are glasses part of the earth's make-up?-Yes
45. How many groups of silicate materials are there?-6
46. "Open-ended evolution" refers to the capacity of living things to explore novel
functions and relationships with their surroundings, not including other living
47. Relative dating determines how many years ago the event took place.-False
48. The Steady State Theory predicts that the universe is expanding, but it also
predicts that new matter is being created enough to fill the empty spaces left
behind by the expansion of the universe.-True
49. Volcanic Eruptions are the spewing forth of lava from active volcanoes.
50. The liquid outer core is how many kilometers thick?-2,200 km (inner core is 1,250
51. In which layer does the atmosphere merge with space?-Exosphere
52. It is the vibration of the ground caused by seismic waves.-Ground
shaking/ground motion
53. Plasma is sometimes called the third state of matter.-No
54. According to the Big Bang Theory, matter and energy were different.-No
55. Does the mantle undergo convection?-Yes
56. The mantle has the following subdivisions, except: Middl
57. Chromoplasts contain phycobilins.-False
58. The universe is estimated to be how many billions of years old?-15 byo
59. The plasma theory observed that __ of matter is made up of plasma.-99%
60. All of these comprised the radioactive material during the creation of the earth,
except: Iron and Potassium
61. The Calvin cycle is another term for photosynthesis.-False
62. The outer core is made up of liquid iron, nickel, sulfur, and magnesium.-Yes
63. Fluorescence is the fourth step in photosynthesis.-False
64. Eukaryotic cells include the following except: Blue-green algae
65. The photosynthesis of bacteria does not produce oxygen.-True
66. The pollen itself is a male gamete.-False
67. These are all examples of angiosperms except: Ferns
68. This is another name for the male reproductive part of flowers.-Androecium
69. The male gametophyte's external layer is known as the intine.-False
70. This gives rise to offspring that are genetically different from parents.-Sexual
71. These are three types of plant reproduction, except: Summative
72. Four pollen sacs are known as-Microsporagia
73. This is a hormone that assists in the growth and reproduction of plants.-
74. Parethenogenesis is common in arthropods.-False
75. These are the two types of chlorophyll in plants.-Chl a and Chl b
76. The core is a nickel-rich sphere.-Yes
77. The formation of female eggs is known as-Oogenesis
78. Gametes are diploid.-False (It is haploid)
79. Vegetative reproduction requires what type of division?-Mitotic
80. Embryonic gonads become testes in males and ovaries in females.-True
81. These are the plant's vegetative parts, except: Flowers
82. It is the movement of salt water, or saline water into freshwater aquifiers.-
Saltwater intrusion
83. Robert Hooke is the scientist that coined the term "cell" that he used to designate
the small, honey-comb like structures that he was able to view on a cork bottle.-
84. It is a rotary storm that appears as a whirling and advancing funnel of wind
extending downward from a cloud.-Tornadoes
85. These are all artificial methods of vegetative reproduction, except: Budding
86. Groud shaking, or ground motion, is the primary cause of the partial or total
collapse of structures on the surface of the earth.-True
87. The theory that states that the outer shell of the earth is divided into several
plates that move over the mantle.-Plate Tectonics
88. In the 1920s, Aleksandr I. Oparin fathered the notion that the origin of life has
unfolded based on the physiochemical processes that occur on earth.-True
89. The DNA is a polymer composed of four nucleic acid bases: adenine (A),
guanine G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T).-True
90. It refers to organisms that are capable of synthesizing its own food using light or
chemical energy.-Autotrophic
91. It refers to the number of waves that occur in a given period of time.-Wave
92. The geosphere is the layer that protects the earth from solar rays.-False (It is the
93. These are single-membrane bound sacs that are present in cytoplasm.-Vacuoles
94. It is the basic unit of life structure and function.-Cell
95. DNA is short for-deoxyribonucleic acid
96. Endogenous processes are processes that occurred from inside the Earth.
97. These are geological processes that took place outside the earth.-Exogenous
98. Traits inherited as pairs are termed as-Chromosomes
99. Sedimentary rocks are classified into three types: clastic, chemical, and
100. These are granular, nonmembraneous structures that produce proteins inside
the cell.-Ribosomes
101. It is the study of proteins and their properties.-Proteomics
102. Pyroclastic phenomena are masses of hot, dry pyroclastic material built into
103. The sequences in this determine the sequence of amino acids in proteins.-
104. The _________ is located underneath the lithosphere, and is composed of
semi-solid, hot material, which flows and softens after being subjected to high
pressure and temperature.-Asthenosphere
105. The process by which the magnetic fields of the earth move.-Geodynamo
106. These plants live for two seasons.-Biennials
107. It is the study of transformation of energy in all living things.-Bioenergetics
108. Genes are basic units of inheritance that transmits the genetic information from
parents to offspring.
109. Biological processes regulate themselves through a mechanism called.-
Feedback regulation
110. This may induce the formation of functional female flowers on male plants.-


ELSCI Instructor

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