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The past participle in regular verbs usually ends in -ed because it is formed from the past tense of a

verb.(los verbos regulares en pasado usualmente terminan en ED como observamos a continuación)

Act → Acted Play → Played
Bake →Baked Dress → Dressed
Turn → Turne Shop → Shopped
Want → Wanted Guess → Guessed
End → Ended Die → Died
But irregular verbs have a different spelling.(Los verbos irregulares en pasado tienen diferente escritura)
Go → Gone Be → Has Been
Come → Come See → Has Seen
Think → Thought Take → Has Taken
Begin → Has Begun Say → Has Said
Make → Has Made Know → Has Known
Let’s write the past participle of the following verbs and practice the pronunciation(escribamos
el pasado participio de los siguientes verbos regulares e irregulares)
Believe: ...................................... Break: ......................................
Carry: ......................................... Climb: ......................................
Crawl: ......................................... Feel: ......................................
Find: ........................................... Hold: ......................................
Kiss: ........................................... Run: ......................................
Scale: ......................................... Speak: ......................................
Complete the blank spaces with the past participle of the verbs above.

Let’s write these sentences in present perfect.(Escribe estas oraciones en present
perfect con sus respectivos dibujos)
María has drank a coffee last night
(María ha tomado un café anoche)
1. you / keep a pet for three years
2. The lights went off because we / not pay the electricity bill.
3. When I arrived at the cinema, the film / start.
4. we play soccer/ when we are in the school
5. she write a letter/ to his cousin in Cochabamba
Activity (Annexes)
Write about what changes have been done in laws to protect women’s rights in Bolivia. You can
write five statements or more.(escribe los cambios que ha habido en cuanto a las leyes de
protección de los derechos de la mujer en Bolivia)(escribe 5 oraciones utilizando el present
Write a journal explaining what have you been doing since the pandemic started?(escribe un
diario explicando lo que hiciste desde que empezó la pandemia)
Nota: primero en ingles luego su traducción y 10 palabras para el vocabulary.

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