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Group Project -Introduction to Operations Management

BBA 3rd Semester -Section B
Max. Marks: 10
Submission due date: 20th November 2021
Submission at:

Group 1
Over a period of time, a product is likely to move from the introduction stage to the
growth stage and from the growth stage to the maturity stage. How would this movement
across different stages of the product life cycle affect supply chain strategy and practices
of the firm?

Group 2
A company is considering the relocation of its manufacturing plant and administrative
offices from a small city in North India to a similar size city in the South India.
Approximately 20% of the residents of the city are employed by the company and many
others are employed in business such as banks, personal services, restaurants, shopping
centres and Malls that would suffer a decline in business if the company decides to
relocate. What are major considerations that must be factored into its decision that its
move would have on the city? Explain with your reasoning.

Group 3
Describe key considerations for layout design in following case
(a) Retail Stores
(b) Garages
(c) Parking Lots

Group 4
To be competitive, many fast-food chains began to expand their menus to include a wider
range of foods. although contributing to competitiveness, this has added to the
complexity of operations, including inventory management. Specifically, in what ways
does the expansion of menu offerings create problems for inventory management?
Group 5
For each of the following products that you purchase or use, identify the ordering system
(Purchasing System) that you employ and state what factor(s) guide your quantity
(i) Magazines,
(ii) Fuel for your vehicle,
(iii) Printer ink,
(iv) Shampoo,
(v) Snacks,
(vi) Fresh Fruits,
(vii) Stationary items,

Group 6
The owner of a fast-food franchise has exclusive right to operate in a medium-size
metropolitan area. The owner currently has a single outlet open, which has proved to be
very popular, and there are often waiting lines of customers. The owner is therefore
considering opening one more outlets in the area. What are key factors that the owner
should investigate before making a final decision? What trade-offs would there be in
opening one additional site versus opening several additional sites?

Group 7
Visit and meet the personnel/manager of a courier company in your town to understand
the delivery model followed by them to deliver mails to various locations in the country.
Compare their model with that of Mumbai’s dabbawallahs. Explore if it is possible to for
the courier company to replicate the delivery model of delivery of lunches in the offices
of your city.

Group 8
Conduct a study on the sequencing of customer orders in a prominent restaurant in your
area during rush hours in day-time. Study how the chefs prioritize making dishes
belonging to different customer orders. Find out their reasons for this scheduling. Suggest
some better options, if possible.
Group 9
A marketing firm is planning to conduct a survey of a segment of the potential product
audience for one of its customers. The planning process for preparing to conduct the
survey consists of six activities, with precedence relationships and activity time estimates
as follows
Activity Activity Description Activity Time
Predecessor Estimates
A Determine survey objectives --- 3
B Select and hire personnel A 3
C Design questionnaire A 5
D Training of personnel B, C 4
E Select target audience C 3
F Make personnel assignments D, E 2
(i) Design a network diagram for this project
(ii) Find the project duration
(iii) Identify critical path and critical activity
(iv) Determine earliest start, earliest finish, latest start, latest finish times
(v) Determine the slack for each activity

Group 10
Identify two products each in the functional and innovative categories. Identify
similarities and differences in the way supply chains for these products are managed by
their respective firms.

Group 11
The management of a municipal department is planning to come up with a Municipal
Hospital. It’s team conducted a detail survey (using closing rating method as shown in
Table 1) on identification of a suitable layout for this building.
Table 1 (Closeness ratings)
Closeness Importance
1 Absolutely
2 Highly Important
3 Important
4 Slightly Important
5 Unimportant
6 Undesirable
The matrix for closeness ratings between each pair of departments are shown in the table
2. For example, the closeness rating between departments D1 and D2 as 2, departments
D1 and D3 as and so on.
Table 2 (Closeness Rating between each pair of Departments)
Dept D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9
D1 - 2 4 1 4 5 4 5 1
D2 2 6 5 4 4 5 6 4
D3 4 6 - 1 5 3 5 3 3
D4 1 5 4 - 4 4 5 1 6
D5 4 4 5 4 - 6 2 4 5
D6 5 4 3 4 6 - 5 5 4
D7 4 5 5 5 2 5 - 3 2
D8 5 6 3 1 4 5 3 - 1
D9 1 4 3 6 5 4 2 1 -

Develop a relationship matrix diagram and suggest a suitable layout for the proposed

Group 12
(a) What are customer expectations (quality dimension) for these organizations
(i) Hospital (ii) Bank (iii) Restaurant (iv) E-Commerce (v) Automobile
(b) What is the purpose of control charts?
(c) Explain Type I and Type II errors on quality control and how may a manager avoid or
reduce these errors?

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