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The private security industry is a crucial component of security and safety in

India. Today, private security is responsible not only for protecting many of the
nation‘s institutions and critical infrastructure systems but also for protecting
intellectual property and sensitive corporate information. Many companies rely
heavily on private security for a wide range of functions, including protecting
employees and property, conducting investigations, performing pre-employment
screening, providing information technology security, and many other functions.
Some companies hire their own security personnel, whereas others contract with
security firms for these services or use a mix of services—both proprietary and
contract staff.

Security services are used in a wide range of markets, from commercial to

There are many reasons, why security services are essential. They help protect
businesses, schools, banks, and other important places. Not only do they protect
places, but they also protect people. Many famous people will hire security guards
known as bodyguards or a security guard company to protect them.

The security companies are categorized into various kinds considering the reason
why it is required factors.

Personal security
Personal security involves giving protection to the individuals for personal
Bodyguards who protect individuals or groups of people come under this category.

Home security
Home security deals with securing an individual’s property from the criminals.
One common way of securing one’s property or apartment is by utilisation of gadgets
like cameras, motion sensors, heat sensors and alarm systems that can alert them.
Also, security guards come under this category as their job is to look after the

Automobile security
Automobile security includes alarm systems used specifically in vehicles.
GPS is a popular component along with biometric car locking system and cars that
start and lock with remotes.

Event security
Event security comprises of offering security at events, parties and political
crowds. The guards are placed at the entrances, exits and within the crowd to
ensure a safe environment.

Aviation Security
Security is a must at airports due to the large number of people that travel
everyday with luggage. Thus, proper inspection of every individual along with their
luggage is mandatory to avoid all kinds of hassle.

Where to find the best security solutions in India ?

There are plenty of security agencies in India that perfectly cover every security
need you might need, from security guards and close protection to events security
and building security.

If you are looking for the best services for your personal, business or commerce
security, you should think of hiring Anshuman Intelligence And Protection ( AIP)
Security Services.

The AIP Services is a leading security services provider in India with diverse
solutions across the security spectrum. When there is a potential threat of
violence or danger, AIP Services is who you need to call on first. They supply each
client with the best personnel possible, regardless of how many are needed or what
the conditions entail.Their mission is safety, and they operate on quality, not

The AIP Services offers extensive support to major corporations that require
security solutions to minimize and eliminate threats to their physical
infrastructure as well as protecting human resources and the general public.
AIPS provide various range of services like security services , electronic
security solutions, cash logistics , detective services , alarm monitoring and
response. Also, AIPS is India's fastest growing facility management company which
offers deep cleaning, disinfection, and hygiene management solutions to customers
across India with special expertise in healthcare, pharma, and hospitality.

A Few Good Reasons To Choose Ansuhman Security and Protection Services

Leading the industry for years, AIPS have gained vast experience and unmatched
skills in security solutions.
they also offer flexible time slots and availability throughout the year.
their security guards and management team are well-trained and licensed in
providing security services.
AIP Services is a budget-friendly and reliable security solution for houses and
They provide all types of security services and have all the resources to satisfy
the client needs.
They efficiently carry out routine patrols to establish a sense of security on the

So if you are looking for the best security solutions provider , choose Aips
without any doubt.

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