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TOPIC: Topic. Virtual games to develop Writing skills

NAME: Edwar Castillo Del Castillo

CODE: 218

Speaking skills

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Virtual games to develop Writing skills

The present research work aimed to promote the learning of vocabulary in English in
children, through the use of interactive games in foreign language. This approach was
carried out from a qualitative approach, using a descriptive research method. For this
purpose, the educational tool Gimkit was selected, which allowed to guide the learning of
the language.
Thus, after completing the phases of the investigation, it was possible to show that the Use
of interactive game applications in the English language allowed children increase their
vocabulary in that language.
On the other hand, it attends to the imperative of social transformation that is intended to
promote from this initiative and also, in the case of a complex educational problem such as
thethe need to search for new pedagogical strategies, in different ways of understanding or
address learning and its actors, as well as to give way, in some way to better life expectancy
of the students, the methodology selected although it is rigorous, is its turn flexible, and
allows a broad look at the phenomenon that you want to understand and to which it is seeks
to attend.
Addressing this research has been possible through a process that starts from the experience
of the research teacher and her reflections on the pedagogical exercise, from which arises
the concern to transform her own educational practices, getting closer to the children and
young people to whom she teaches English.
Keywords: game as a mediator of learning, video games, educational innovation, learning
English as a second language.

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General Objective

• Describe how the use of interactive games promotes learning Vocabulary in English
in children and young people
• Establish the possibilities of educational innovation offered by video games such as
alternative strategy to improve the learning of English in students.
Specific Objectives

• Diagnose the comprehension and use of English vocabulary.

• To evaluate the effect of using the interactive games of the Gimkit application in
learning English vocabulary.
• Identify the conditions of access and use of technological devices such as interactive

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It is well known that, today, educational actors face great challenges in the field of
education. Learning English as a foreign language and mastering skills Technological
competences are presented as two primary competences of learners today, so that
addressing them from an early stage becomes crucial for their effective learning

This paper entitled Virtual games to develop Writing skills, involves a proposal for
educational innovation, which aims to identify the possibilities offered by video games as
an alternative strategy to improve the learning of English in students. The methodological
route to carry it out is that of Action Research, which is part of the qualitative tradition.
This route is relevant to integrate and bring into play different aspects of this work as a
process; on the one hand, as it is a research that reflects and proposes transformative actions
to educational practice, validates educational actors (teachers and students in particular) and
makes them participants in the process with their experience, their voices, initiatives and
ability to work cooperative; in this sense reality is as valuable and important as theory, in
the construction of knowledge, which is none other than the best understanding of the
problem to be studied.

Therefore, the present research emerged, which sought, from the practice in the classroom,
a way to bring young people closer to the foreign language by making use of technological
tools; two components that, as mentioned, are entirely relevant in the current local,
national, and worldwide.

The idea of appropriating English as a second language begins to open the vision to life
possibilities different from the expectations of young people, who are generally hopeless
due to the lack of opportunities. This research mobilizes new horizons for young people,
initially those of the Mentality to English group.

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Today's world poses new challenges that demand specific skills and abilities from the
students. One of them is to be able to communicate in a second language, specifically in the
English language. Under this premise, this research focused on learning English through
use of interactive games. For this, it became necessary to locate within the current reality,
where the students need to be proficient in both the mastery of the foreign language and the
handling of new technologies. The latter is manifested through experimentation and
manipulation that makes the student in interactive games, so that it allows him to build and,
also, self-regulate knowledge.

Learning a second language at an early age greatly favors the development of cognitive
skills in children and young people, therefore, it is essential to create strategies within the
educational institutions, with the purpose of achieving an adequate mastery of the language
as such. To this end, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and their
respective applications provide innovative tools that enhance better performance in the
area. This is why the implementation of educational projects, structured and articulated
with other areas within the FIE, offers a timely response to this shortcoming, while
generating interactive spaces where the children have the possibility to acquire knowledge
in contexts that are not only physical but also virtual.

By making use of interactive games in English as proposed on the Gimkit English platform,
young people get closer and familiar with the language, since this tool gives them
multisensory stimuli that arouse interest in learning. Carrying out research that addresses
aspects such as the learning of English vocabulary and ICT as facilitators of the process,
allows to approach the current reality that in relation to these topics are presented inside the
classroom in public education institutions, where in some Occasions and context has left
aside the teaching and learning of vocabulary of the second language dismissing that a wide
vocabulary generates confidence in young people when communicating or understanding a
speech in the second language Therefore, research on the subject allows not only to know
these aspects but to contribute with alternatives that lead to innovation in the methodology
of teaching English and optimizing learning from the new technologies.

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In addressing the issue of the use of interactive games to promote the learning of English
vocabulary in young people, it was necessary to have conceptual clarity regarding the terms
that are transverse to this research. To this end, theoretical postulates were addressed that
offered support to the research proposal, providing relevant contributions that guide
learning effective foreign language. Thus, within the framework of this study, aspects that
were dealt with were treated. shaped both in the approach and in the development of the

A second language is one that is acquired after internalizing the mother tongue, that is,
when the speaker is already competent to communicate in his native language. Currently, it
is handle three concepts for your reference: bilingualism, foreign language and second
language. Bilingualism refers to the language that is acquired simultaneously with the
mother tongue; the foreign language is the one that is learned in a country where it does not
represent the native language, that is, it is notspoken within the immediate context and
usually takes place in school contexts and in times regulated classes; and, finally, the
second language is the one that is learned as a result of the 17the need to interact socially
with people and the environment, and usually takes place in extracurricular contexts.

On the other hand, researchers such as Krashen and Terrell (1983) argued that the
acquisition of the second language is framed from a natural approach, where it is learned
through contextualized communicative situations and not by the rigorous study of the
grammatical rules that govern it. Therefore, both communication, comprehension and
teaching of communication skills areare relevant when acquiring a second language.
However, it is important that your learning takes place in enriched environments that, in
turn, allow an adequate acquisition. For this reason, these authors gave greater value to
vocabulary learning than to learningthe grammatical rules, since it is the richness of the
vocabulary that makes it possible not only to build, but also to build. understanding
statements for effective communication (Krashen and Terrell, 1983).

On the other hand, many authors have dedicated much of their lives to developing studies
related to the way in which young people learn a second language. Some of his theories
converge in aspects of great relevance such as, for example, the exposure that the young
person has with respect to the language he wants learn, as well as the similarity that this
language has with its mother tongue; therefore, the learning occurs automatically if the
student is exposed to significant samples of the language foreigner.

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According to Krashen and Terrell (1983), the acquisition occurs regardless of the order of
presentation established by the teacher in the class.In that case, for him, more than the order
of the contents presented, what is interesting is the quantity, quality and structuring of
significant experiences aided by the resources that are used for the purpose, by virtue of the
fact that there is a stronglink between what you select and retains memory. In this regard,
Ellis (1985) added that learning of the second language takes place by the intersection of
the student's own causes, added to the 18situations presented for learning, which,
undeniably, are highly influenced by the mother tongue.

According to Carter and McCarthy (1988), the lexicon acquired by speakers of a second
language is similar to the one he has in his mother tongue, which suggests that he is
mediated by factors affective and functional language; that is, that the child learns and uses
the vocabulary acquired by virtue of the exigency of the context. According to Carter and
McCarthy (1988), the lexicon acquired by speakers of a second language is similar to the
one he has in his mother tongue, which suggests that he is mediated by factors affective and
functional language; that is, that the child learns and uses the vocabulary acquired by virtue
of the exigency of the context. For this reason, the role of the teacher consists of develop
and strengthen associative ties through games, icons or other elements that allow the
children learn a second language, which, subsequently, are associated and affirmed to the
knowledge previously conceived.

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This research was conducted for the purpose of addressing how interactive games promote
the learning of English vocabulary in young people, which allowed raise those presented

Make an adequate diagnosis faithful to the reality that is presented inside the classroom and
in relation to with the problem under study, it is of great importance, since an adequate
diagnosis initial, guarantees a broad perspective of the situation in question, making it
possible to discover, understand and describe the actions of the subjects during the
performance of the stipulated task. In this phase, the understanding and use of the language
in English was valued, through which it was obtained relevant information. It was possible
to determine that the young people recognized that the work to be done was under another
oral code; however, despite differentiating it from their mother tongue, they were unable to
execute the actions requested, due to the lack of knowledge of the vocabulary in English.
Thus, the need to implement games to promote and achieve the learning of such

These games were of great support in the process of teaching-learning the language foreign,
as they enabled the active participation of young people in the sessions, motivating the
interaction with the target language. That said, it can be concluded that the planning of
activities does notalways responds to the needs of the student as to their preferences and
arrangements for the learning. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate thoroughly about the
tastes and preferences of the students, in order to make an adequate selection of the game
that responds to their interests, of what in It will allow to effectively achieve the desired

Interactive games for educational purposes, such as the Gimkit app, are fits the objective of
promoting vocabulary learning. However, to achieve an adequatelearning vocabulary of a
second language, mainly at an early age, is done it is essential to create methods and forms
of teaching adjusted to the educational needs present in the classroom, in order to
implement methodological alternatives relevant to the cognitive moment in which the child
is found. This, with the aim of instructing properly and not overwhelming the student with
great number of words in short periods.

Therefore, it is convenient to select a game that meets not only expectations of teachers and
students. This must be a thorough task, since it must be taken into consideration. the
versatility of the game, the relevance in terms of the age of the person who is going to run

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it, the contents appropriate and adjusted to the expected objective. The above allows that, as
a consequence of its use systematic and the repetition of the actions arranged in the game, it
is possible to learn and increase the vocabulary in the second language.

Finally, it is worth highlighting the importance of research within the classroom, as it

allows as a teacher to recognize oneself from another role, different from that of facilitating
knowledge. In short, this makes it possible reflect on the educational act and for the benefit
of learners. This work allowed to have a approaching students from another perspective,
leaving aside simple instruction to recognize in them their experiences and previous
knowledge that they use as scaffolding on which they support the new learning

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Based on the above, the main pedagogical recommendations for the public educational
institutions, as well as for basic education teachers in schools with in order to improve
educational practice, these recommendations arose after the development of this research:

• Open space for ICT to be addressed as an effective and transversal means to

allareas, which allows achieving objectives in the teaching-learning process; thus
alienating the teachers of the false belief that technological devices only comply
with the function to entertain.

• Promote so that the effective class hours for the English Area, which is found
consigned in the FIE, provide a timely response to the current needs of domain of
the language, thus preparing the learner for the future.

• Recognize the particularities and needs of the learner, in order to access knowledge,
especially when learning represents various challenges, such as learning a second

• Select interactive games with clear educational objectives that allow the student
achieve achievements gradually until reaching the met learning.

• Adapting to the changes of today's world requires commitment on the part of

teachers in the sector public, which leads them to incorporate technologies in their
educational practice that enhance better Learning.

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Abt, C. (1970). Serious Games. Viking Press.
App Store. (2022) Gimkit - programa de juegos de aprendizaje en vivo
Barber, M. (2006). Technical reason challenges school reason. In M. Narodowski, H.
Ospina, & A. Martinez, Technical Reason Challenges School Reason. Noveduc.
Alternativas a Kahoot: Gimkit es el Kahoot Mejorado permite más gamificación
Las 7 mejores alternativas a Kahoot en 2022 (¡en su mayoría gratis!) Las mejores
alternativas de Kahoot | Juegos como Kahoot | AhaSlides

15 Best Alternatives to Kahoot 15 Mejores Alternativas A Kahoot ▷➡️ UnComoHacer ▷➡️

▷ Las 8 Mejores Aplicaciones PARECIDAS a KAHOOT para Aprender mientras Juegas (

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