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8. Neeraj Sharma Says:

February 23rd, 2008 at 8:40 am
I want to know the affects of shukra-rahu yuti (yog)

& wat are the remedies?

9. Rajarshi Says:
February 23rd, 2008 at 8:45 am
Hi Rafal,

I have been trying to study and learn about curses and their remedies. I have a few
questions regarding the same.

1) In one article I had read that if there is a benefic planet involved in teh curse, then
doing remdies for the devata related to the planet will help to remove teh curse. Or
else even jupiter can remove curses if well placed. Is it true? Because every curse will
have a benefic planet involved.. the one that gets cursed. If say venus is cursed by
shani and mangal, then will worshipping the diety associated with venus (Mahalakshmi)
help to remove the curse? Please clarify.

2)If the Istha devata is involved in the curse, i.e, say someone has jupiter as istha
devata and there is a brahmana shaap in the chart, will praying to the istha remove the

3)If in a chart the planet that is cursed is exhalted, like say in lord rama’s chart where
jup is cursed but exhalted, does it mean that the person did the karma willfully?

4)If the badhakesh is involved in a curse, say someone has moon as badhakesh then
does it mean that its a curse of a deity? In that case should the remedies for the curse
be as per the badhakesh remedies, i.e. depedning on the tattwa and the placement of
badhakesh? Like say if jal tattwa depositor then offering ghee milk etc..

5)If in a curse badhakesh is one of the cursing planets, for example say badhakesh is
shani and shani along with mars aspects venus, what does it indicate? What is the
difference when badhakesh is the CURSED planet and when badhakesh is one of the
CURSING planets?

6)In case badhakesh is cursed and the AK is also involved in the curse, then should the
native be adviced to worship the jyotirlinga corresponding to exhaltation sign of the
AK, or should we advice the native to do remedies based on badhakesh depositor
tattwa and its placement. Please clarify.

Sorry for such a long mail, but i am getting confused regarding these things. Once
again let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a guide and a teacher to
so many like me who are trying to understand the finer aspects of jyotish.

May Krishna light your path, always!


10. Rafal Gendarz Says:

February 24th, 2008 at 7:21 pm

hare rama krsna

Dear Shashank, Neeraj, Namaskar
Just follow Vistiji advise and you will see a big change in your life.


5 af 26 22-10-2009 23:21 » Curse of Shukra

Usually it gives shoking/scandalous experiences in relationship and passionate

mind. Remedy depends on whole chart.

Rafal Gendarz

11. TKL Says:

February 25th, 2008 at 1:59 pm
Respected Guruji,

Amongst the Rasi and Navamsha Chart which is stronger and which will fruitify into

Thanks and Regards,


12. Rafal Gendarz Says:

February 26th, 2008 at 1:55 am

hare rama krsna

Dear TLK, Namaskar
Navamsa avastha has more weightage (refer Jataka Parijata III). Its better to
understand role of the two Vargas in Jyotisha. The first lesson is that Navamsa
relates to Bhagya, while Rasi shows manifestation/actualization. Navamsa also has
many layers, one is strictly related to Vivaha, while the other is read together
with Rasi and Drekkana. Planets which are exalted in Navamsa are really blessings,
while those debilitated shows adharma/avishnu and gives trouble to the native.

In Rasi debilitation shows lack of opportunities and resources to produce results

indicated by the planet. We should also look for bhavas lorded by the planet
which is in sign lorded by the neecha planet - people represented by those lords
will have weak health, therefore Pakesh (dispositor of Lagnesh) is so important in
Ayus matters.

Sometimes debilitation can grant good to the native; this happens when this bad
influence is refering to our enemies in form of people, diseases etc. If the enemy
suffer then natives gets rajayoga. Usually to be millionaire in Kali Yuga one should
have at least one debilitated graha (best if GK) in D1, D9, D10 or D60.

Rafal Gendarz

13. TKL Says:

February 26th, 2008 at 7:13 am
” Om Namo Narayanaya ”

Respected Guruji,

Thank you very much for your kind clarification.

Guruji you have made a reference of ” GK “. Please clarify.

Thanks and Regards,


6 af 26 22-10-2009 23:21 » Curse of Shukra

14. Rafal Gendarz Says:

February 26th, 2008 at 10:36 am

hare rama krsna

Dear TLK, Namaskar
GK i.e. Gnati Karaka shows opposition/enmity in the chart. GK Mahadasa is usually
the best dasa in one’s life.

Rafal Gendarz

15. shashank Says:

February 27th, 2008 at 5:01 pm
Respected guruji,
This is abt my friend who works with me, & going through very unfortunate period
regarding his marriage life, his wife living separately & refuses to come & stay with
him from last 2 years,she claims that this person has affairs with other ladies & has a
bad character, she speaks very bad & ugly abt his parents specially to his mother, pls
advise abt this as he is suffering a lot.& needs to settle down for the sake of his son.
DOB:- 7-7-1973
POB:- Ahemadnagar, India 74E44,19N05.
Waiting for ur reply,,,,,,,

16. Rafal Gendarz Says:

February 27th, 2008 at 8:54 pm

hare rama krsna

Dear Shashank, Namaskar
Ok, so he should do like everybody else, go for a consultation to an astrologer.

Please keep in mind, that these comments are for purpose of studying Jyotisha,
not giving free readings.

Rafal Gendarz

17. arjun Says:

February 28th, 2008 at 3:39 am
Dear guru,
Namaskar! i have one query regarding my wife’s horoscope, her shukra afflicted in a
spouse curse and aspected by atmakarka retrograde saturn. for remedy she is
worshipping goddess laxmi. i just want to know that as atmakraka involved in a curse,
it could be a great suffering. so worshipping godess laxmi is enough for remedy? to
look the chart - her date of birth is 19-jun-1985, 6:52am, delhi(india). kindly guide.


18. TKL Says:

February 28th, 2008 at 7:30 am
” Om Namo Narayanaya ”

Respected Guruji,

7 af 26 22-10-2009 23:21 » Curse of Shukra

I place my sincere thanks for your information of worshipping Lord Matangi devi for
debiliation of Lord Sun.

Guruji,one more clarification is those who have Lord Sun in Libra all are inflicted or
the infliction is severe when Lord Sun is the Rashi Lord i.e. for Simha Rasi.

Could you please clarify.

Thanks and Regards,


19. Rafal Gendarz Says:

February 28th, 2008 at 11:48 am

hare rama krsna

Dear Rajarsi, Namaskar
1. No, that will not help. You should worship 1) dispositor of the curse-yoga or 2)
bhava karaka of bhava where the curse is placed depending on which of the two is
better placed. If AK is cursed then Jyotirlinga mantra of Atmakaraka should be
2. Yes, if AK or ID are involved then we should pray to Ishta Devata for relief. Still
you will choose best remedy depending on technique in point nr.1.
3. Willfulness depends on bhava. If curse occurs in kendra/kona then person is
innocent or to be more accurate there was no bad motive from native’s side.
Exaltation of benefic shows the power of curser.
4. Yes, then its no more Shukra-saapa, but its Lakshmi-saapa. I would still sugests
normal remedy for the curse.
5. There is no special difference because of curse, just follow the standart
6. If AK is cursed then no doubt - jyotirlinga mantra. If Badhakesh is cursed then
you can advise all badhakesh remedies like tattwa remedy, house remedy,
Ganesha-rupa remedy and all others. But if there is curse I always advise Upayas
based on point 1.

Im happy to help you in those points.

Rafal Gendarz

20. Rafal Gendarz Says:

February 28th, 2008 at 12:05 pm

hare rama krsna

Dear Arjun, TKL, Namaskar
First we see pravraja yoga in the lagna. The strongest benefic in Vishnu, so
performing Abhishek for Vishnu is quite effective remedy for your wife.

Just see my answers to Rajarsi about remedying the curse. In that situation its
advisable to recite Mahakala mantra.

om namaH shivaaya mahakalaaya hum hum saH (5 malas daily ; starting from

These two remedies will act very beneficial in life’s of your wife.

Surya is always Simha lord. I have also Surya debilitated and its in second from AL
conjoining seventh lord from Arudhapada (in your chart its exactly the same). This
one graha has 75% neechabhanga in my chart, but two 50% of neechabhanga-

8 af 26 22-10-2009 23:21 » Curse of Shukra

grahas are formed from Moon - so I need the mantra to protect myself from that
yoga. This one graha can block you from rajayoga. I was also advised to recite
Matangi mantra, and you should also follow the same.

Rafal Gendarz

21. TKL Says:

February 28th, 2008 at 1:36 pm
” Om Namo Narayanaya ”

Respected Guruji,

Mantangi devi is the avataara of Lord i right. Goddess Matangi gives us
power of speech. In my chart since Lord Sun is debiliated in the second house from the
Arudha Lagna, this could affect my communication skills and hence your goodself has
advised me to receite Mantangi Mantra.

Further, Guruji from your goodself explanation it is very clear that such positioning of
Lord Sun from the Arudha Lagna could result in one being wrongly misunderstood in
the world. am i right guruji.

Guruji I receite Goddess Sarawathi devi sthuthi. Please provide me with Matangi devi

Thanks and Regards,


22. Rajarshi Says:

February 28th, 2008 at 2:35 pm
Hi Rafal,

I have gone through your posts. My doubt is cleared now. Thank you once again.

While mentioning remedies as per mantra’s etc, i have seen you also mention how
many malas per day and which day to start the japa. How is this decided?

I have ordered for Visti Larsens book, because I really wanted to be able to use the
narayan dasa which I still find some difficulty in using unlike the vimsottari dasa. I find
greater accuracy in prediction and insights using the vimsottari dasa. Maybe because
of my moon is in tauras. Anyway thanks once again Rafal. You have been a terrific
help. Really appreciate it.


23. shashank Says:

February 28th, 2008 at 5:06 pm
Respected rafalji,
ur very correctly said that he should go to an astrologer & he did exactly that,but he
come up with only disappoinment,as astrologers here only predicts in if & buts,i was
hopeing just a comment not a reading, but u r absolutely right ,i was asking too
much,sorry to disturb u, , May sai never let u meet a studunt like

24. Rajarshi Says:

February 29th, 2008 at 10:51 am

9 af 26 22-10-2009 23:21

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