MSCE 509-106-Deep Beams Using Strut and Tie Models

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1. The Code defines Deep Beams as those with clear spans less than or equal to 4
times the total depth of the member (clear span to depth ratio is 4 or less) OR
beams with concentrated loads placed within twice the member depth from the

Ln ≤ 4h
Ln = clear span of beam
h = total beam depth

Deep Beam

Deep Beam

2. Transfer Girders are typical deep beams. These beams support columns then
transfer the heavy loads to supporting columns, as shown.
3. As such, deep beams have D-regions in which the stress and strain are non-linear
in distribution as earlier explained.

4. In deep beams, the magnitude of the tensile stress at the bottom of the beam far
exceeds the compressive stress at the top of the beam.

5. This high tensile stress at the lower fibers of the beam thus requires a
concentration of tensile reinforcement at the bottom of the beam

6. Studies have shown that there is a concentration of compressive stress

trajectories at the supports of the beam, and in many cases, cracks that form
would almost be vertical or nearly follow the trajectories with the beam almost
shearing-off from the support with total failure in shear.

7. With such failure, deep beams need horizontal reinforcement throughout their
height, in addition to the vertical shear reinforcement along the span.

8. It is clear then that shear is the major consideration in design for deep beams.

9. The nominal shear in deep beams must not exceed 10 f c 'bw d English Units or
about f c 'bw d in SI units.
10. In view of the non-linear strain, the Strut-and-Tie model is suitable for the design
of deep beams.
Single Span Deep Beam

11. The transfer girder shown earlier is a deep beam in a single span. As such the,
the loads carried by the beam are column loads which are usually heavy. This
would mean that the beam must be of such size that it can carry the large load.
Note that a large column load is a concentrated load that creates load

12. The following example illustrates how the strut-and-tie method can be applied
to deep beams of this sort.

Design the single span transfer girder loaded as shown by the strut-and-tie
method, using fc’ = 28 MPa and fy = 415 MPa. Assume concrete density at 23.56
kN/m3. Use 1.2 and 1.6 load factors for dead and live loads respectively.

Typically, deep beams with this type of loading form cracks as shown indicative of the
stress flow.
As a result, the usual strut-and-tie model for a deep beam loaded in this manner is the
following simple truss.

Determine factored column loads and corresponding reactions at the supports

Pu = 1.2(955) + 1.6(1783.75)
Pu = 4000.00 kN

RA (5) – 4000(3) = 0
RA = 2400 kN
RA = 2400 000 N

Rc (5) – 4000(2) = 0
RC = 1600 kN
RC = 1600 000 N
φVn = φ f c 'bw d
Use: ф = 0.75
φVn = (0.75) 28bw d

To estimate beam dimensions, set max Vu = фVn

Where: max Vu = RA= 2400 kN (largest reaction)

However, noting that this reaction does not include the weight of the beam, some
designers suggest (therefore this is not a rule) that max Vu be set equal to about 70% of
фVn instead.
 5 
2400000 = (0.70) (0.75) 28bw d 
 6 
Try: bw (beam width) = column width = 500 mm

Thus, d = 2073.41 mm, say 2075 mm

If d = 2075 mm is used, θA = arctan(2075/2000) = 46.05°

θc= arctan (2075/3000) = 34.67°

It has been observed that it would be better to have the smallest angle between the
strut and tie at least 40° because at 40° and above, variations in forces in the struts do
not change significantly when the dimensions are changed in the course of the design.

Since θc is the smallest angle in the truss, set θc= 40° and resolve for corresponding d.
40° = arctan (d/3000)
d = 3000 (tan 40°) = 2517.3, say 2520 mm

It is usually assumed that d = 0.90 h to give the tie width about 0.10h from the tension
face. This means that the axis of the tie is at 0.05h.The node directly under the column is
also assumed to be at 0.05h below the top face of the beam.

2520 = 0.90 h
h = 2800 mm
Try: bw = 500 mm and h = 2800 mm
Weight of beam = (23.56 kN/m3)(0.500 m) (2.800 m)(5 m) = 164.92 kN
Factored weight of beam = 1.2(164.92) = 197.90 kN

To simplify calculations, a usual practice is to include the weight of the beam with the
column load, thus:
Pu = 4000+ 197.90
Pu = 4197.90 kN
Resolving reactions
RA (5) – 4197.90(3) = 0
RA = 2518.74 kN

Rc (5) – 4197.90(2) = 0
RC = 1679.16 kN

Resolving angles between struts and tie:

θA = arctan(2520/2000) = 51.56° > 40°
θc= arctan (2520/3000) = 40.03° > 40°
Establish Effective Concrete Compression Strengths for the Nodal Zones using fcu =
0.85 βn fc’

Nodes A and C

As can be observed, both nodes are C-C-T (compression-compression-tension) nodes

From the table, corresponding βn= 0.80

fcu = 0.85 (0.80) 28 = 19.04 MPa

Node B

Node B is a C-C-C (compression-compression-compression) node

From the table, βn= 1.0
fcu = 0.85 (1.0) 28 = 23.80 MPa

Determine Effective Concrete Compression Strengths in the Struts using fce = 0.85 βs fc’
Since there is space for bottle-shaped struts in the girder, and corresponding
reinforcement will be provided,
βs= 0.75, from the table.
fce = 0.85 (0.75) 28 = 17.85 MPa
Note that the smallest strength, either fcu or fce, governs. Thus, for the struts and the
faces at the nodes where these inclined struts are connected, use fce = 17.85 MPa.

Locate the Nodes A, C, B1, and B2

Since d = 0.90h = 2520 mm, initially assume that the remaining 0.10h is equally divided
between the top and bottom nodal zones, such that nodes A and C are at ½ (0.10 h)
from the bottom and node B (B1 and B2) is also at ½ (0.10 h) from the top

½ (0.10 h) = ½ (0.10) (2800) = 140 mm, as shown.
Again, these are not rules but rather are suggestions

It can be observed that since the column load Pu is not symmetric with respect the
beam, the strut forces transferred are not the same.
The same is true with the reactions.

This means that nodal zone B can be divided into two parts that are not symmetric so as
to transmit such unequal strut forces resulting in unequal reactions.

Think of the column as made-up of two struts connected at node B and transmitting two
unequal vertical forces which are of course equal to the reactions.
The widths of these struts are of course not equal and their widths are unknown.
Determine the width of the column struts wc1 and wc2
Recall that the effective concrete strength at node B is fce = 0.85 (1.0) 28 = 23.80 MPa
(not the governing 17.85 MPa for the inclined struts).

Capacity of the column strut = strut load

Note: capacity in this case is based on concrete strength only

Ф fcewc1b = Pu1
Reduction factor Ф=0.75 must be applied to nominal strength
(0.75)(23.80)(wc1)(500) = 2518.74 x 103
wc1= 282.21 mm
Ф fcewc2b = Pu2
(0.75)(23.80)(wc2)(500) = 1679.16 x 103
wc2= 188.14 mm

Evidently, the sum of these two widths must not exceed the width of the column which
is 500 mm.

wc1 + wc2 ≤ 500 mm

282.21 + 188.14 = 470.35 < 500 mm, ok

Note: In case the column strut width is greater than the column width, include the
strength of steel in the column struts, As fy, in the capacity of the struts then re-
compute widths

Assume that the sides of column struts have equal distances from each side of the
column faces, as shown.
From the figure,

x1= (500/2) - (29.65/2) - (wc1/2)

x1= 94.07 mm
Therefore the horizontal location of node B1 from the center of the column is 94.07 mm

x2= (500/2) - (29.65/2) - (wc2/2)

x2= 141.11 mm
The horizontal location of node B2 from the center of the column is 141.11 mm

With the horizontal locations of B1 and B2 known (but still assuming their vertical
locations to be at 140 mm below the top), a re-computation of the angles between the
inclined struts and the tie is necessary.
From the figure,
θA = arctan(2520/1905.93) = 52.90°
θc= arctan (2520/2858.89) = 41.40°

Compute forces in the inclined struts and in the horizontal tie.

Strut AB1
Sin 52.90 (AB1) = 2518.74

AB1 = 3157.96 kN (This is the axial force in the strut between A and B1)
H1 = 1904.91 kN

Strut CB2

Sin 41.40 (CB2) = 1679.16

CB2 = 2539.14 kN (This is the axial force in the strut between C and B2)

H2 = 1904.63 kN

Note that H1≈ H2

These two values must be equal; the very small difference is due to the rounding-off of

Say, H2= H1 = 1904.91 kN (This is the axial force in the tie)

Compute strut and tie widths

Strut AB1

Set: фFns = AB1

Fns = fce Ac
ф = 0.75
fce = 17.85 MPa
Ac= (wAB1) (bw)
bw = 500
AB1=3157.96 kN = 3157960 N

Substitute values,
(0.75)(17.85)(wAB1) (500) = 3157960
WAB1= 471.78 mm (required strut width at face A)

Compare this computed width using:

ws = wh sin θ + wv cos θ

wv = wAv = 280 mm, as initially assumed
wh = wAh

Determine wAh from:

(0.75)(17.85)(wAB1) (500) = 2 518 740
wh=wAh=376.28 mm

ws = 376.28 (sin 52.90) + 280 (cos 52.90)

ws =469.01mm

ws < wAB1
Noting that wAB1is the required width of strut while ws is the computed width actually
provided by the node, the node at A cannot accommodate the required strut width.

As remedy, increase either wAv or wAh

Noting that, wh=wAh=376.28 mm is less than the width of the supporting column which
is 500 mm, this means that a slight increase in wAh can still be accommodated.

set wAB1= ws in which wAh is unknown

471.78= wAh sin 52.90 + 280 (cos 52.90)

wAh = 379.75 mm
Strut CB2

Set: фFns = CB2

Fns = fce Ac
ф = 0.75
fce = 17.85 MPa
Ac= (wCB2) (bw)
bw = 500
CB2= 2539.14 kN = 2 539 140 N

(0.75)(17.85) (wCB2)(500) = 2 539 140

WCB2 = 379.33 mm (required strut width at face C)

Compare this computed width using:

ws = wh sin θ + wv cos θ

wv = wAv = wCv = 280 mm
wh = wCh
Determine wCh from:
(0.75)(17.85) (wCh)(500) = 1 679 160

wh=wCh= 250.85 mm

ws=250.85(sin 41.40) + 280 (cos 41.40)

ws = 375.92 mm

ws < wCB2
The node at C cannot accommodate the required strut width.

Increase either wCv or wCh

Noting that, wh=wCh= 250.85 mm is less than the width of the supporting column which
is 500 mm, this means that a slight increase in wCh can still be accommodated.

set wCB2= ws in which wCh is unknown

379.33 = wCh (sin 41.40) + 280 (cos 41.40)

wCh = 256 mm

Tie AC

Set: фFnt = AC
ф = 0.75
Fnt = Ast fy
Ast = required area of tie steel
fy = 415 MPa
AC = H1 = H2 = 1904.91 kN= 1 904 910 N, axial force in the tie

Substitute values,
(0.75) Ast (415) = 1919180
(0.75) Ast (415) = 1904190
Ast = 6 117.88 mm2

Try 25 mm diameter bars:

n = required number of bars
n = 12.46 say 14 bars (instead of 13 to have a symmetric bar arrangement)

With 14-25 mm diameter bars, = 6872.23 mm2

Compare with the minimum steel area required by the Code
f c' 1.4
min As = bw d but not less than bw d
4 fy fy

min As = (500)(2800 − 140) = 4239.58

1.4 1.4
bw d = (500)(2800 − 140) = 4486.75
fy 415
Actual Ast = 14 (25) 2 = 6872.23 mm2 > min As

Inasmuch as these bars are continuous throughout the length of the beam, it would be
best to provide more concrete between bars by providing larger spacing between bars.

Distribute the 14 bars in three layers instead of just two.

Say five bars in the first layer and four bars each in the second layer and five bars third
Fit these bars within the 140 mm tie width using 40 mm clear concrete cover from the
bottom of the beam and 62.5 mm clear space between layers, as shown.

The clear space between bars and layers are larger than the minimum requirements of
the Code for bars in tension. Thus, the bars will fit within a beam thickness of 500 mm.
Note that 75 mm are provided on each side in anticipation of the vertical and horizontal
reinforcements of 16 mm diameter bars on each face of the beam.

With Actual Ast = 14 (25) 2 = 6872.23 mm2
Fnt = Ast fy = (6872.23) (415) = 2 851 975.45 N
wt, max = Fnt / bwfce
wt, max = 2 851 975.45/(500)(17.85)
wt, max = 319.55 mm > 280 mm
Therefore: The assumed 280 mm tie width is within limits and can accommodate the

The 14-bars will be anchored within the nodal zone and extended nodal zones at A and
C, as shown:
Estimating the required development length for 25 mm diameter bars with fy = 415
MPa, fc’ = 28 MPa using:

9 f yαβγλ
ld = db
10 ' c + ktr 
f 
c 
 db 
With: db = 25 mm,
α = 1,
β = 1,
γ= 0.8 for 25 mm diameter bars,
λ =1.0 normal weight concrete
c = ½ (56.25),
ktr =0 (conservative)

9 (415)(1)(1)(0.8)(1)
ld = (25) = 1254.62 mm > 300 mm
10  28.13 + 0 
28  
 25 

The length of the nodal zones and the extended nodal zones at A and C are evidently
Therefore, either use anchor plates, or hooks in the bar ends.

Hook diameter D for 25 mm diameter bars = 6db=6(25) = 150 mm

Radius, r = 150/2 = 75 mm
Say, use 90°- degree hooks extended with 12db = 12(25) = 300 mm at the ends of each

Vertical and Horizontal Reinforcement

To control shear cracking, vertical and horizontal reinforcements are provided across
the depth of the beam.

Horizontal Steel:
Min Avh= 0.0015bw sh

sh spacing of bars
Say, sh=250 mm o.c.

Min Avh= 0.0015(500)(250)

= 187.50 mm²
Set: min Avh = bar area
187.5 = db 2
db = 15.45 mm, say 16 mm
Use 16 mm diameter bars spaced at 250mm o.c. on each face of the beam parallel to
the span of the beam

Vertical Steel:
Min Avv= 0.0025bwsv

sv spacing of bars
Say, sv = 150 mm o.c.

Min Av= 0.0025(500)(150)

= 187.5 mm²
Set: min Avv = bar area
187.5 = db 2
db = 15.45 mm
Use 16 mm diameter vertical bars spaced at 150mm o.c. on each face of the beam
perpendicular to the span of the beam

Check Longitudinal Splitting of Bottle-shaped Struts

Check if vertical and horizontal reinforcements provided are sufficient to prevent the
strut from longitudinal splitting of bottle-shaped struts

When fc’ ≤ 41.36 MPa (6000 psi), the vertical and horizontal reinforcement are
adequate if ∑ si sin γ i ≥0.003
where: Asi = area of vertical and horizontal bars each face
γi = angle of inclination of bars under consideration with respect the strut
si = spacing of bars
b = beam width
For Strut AB1

Area of horizontal bar (on two faces), As1 = As1 = (2) (16)2 = 402.12 mm²
γ1 = 52.90°
s1 = 250 mm
Area of vertical bar (on two faces), As2 = As 2 = (2) (16) 2 = 402.12 mm²
γ2 = 90° - 52.90 ° = 37.10°
s2 = 150 mm

402.12 402.12
sin = sin 52.90 + sin 37.10 = 0.006
500(250) 500(150)
Since ∑ bs sin γ i = 0.006 > 0.003 ,
the vertical and horizontal bars provided are sufficient to reinforce strut AB1 so as to
prevent longitudinal splitting
Strut CB2

Area of horizontal bars (on two faces), As1 = As1 = (2) (16)2 = 402.12 mm²
γ1 = 41.40°
s1 = 250 mm
Area of vertical bars (on two faces), As2 = As 2 = (2) (16) 2 = 402.12 mm²
γ2 = 90° - 41.40 ° = 48.60°
s2 = 150 mm
402.12 402.12
sin = sin 41.40 + sin 48.60 = 0.006
500(250) 500(150)
Since ∑ sin γ i = 0.006 > 0.003 , vertical and horizontal bars provided are sufficient to
reinforce strut CB2 to prevent longitudinal splitting

Determine Height of Node B

Taking the tie force as equal to фFnt = фAst fy ,

фFnt = (0.75) (6872.23) (415)

The horizontal force at Node B, Fnn must be equal to the force in the tie AC.
фFnn = фfce AB ,
фFnn = (0.75)(17.85) [(500)(y)]
фFnt = фFnn

(0.75) (6872.23) (415) = (0.75)(17.85) [(500)(y)]

y = 319.55 mm

Nodes B1 and B2 are therefore 319.55/2 mm from the top of the beam
Recheck the Design (Computations not shown here) as there might be a need to
increase the tie width so as to increase the nodal zone and extended nodal zone at C
considering that for a 90-degree hook, the development length is:

= $%
! #

Where, in this case, ψe=1 and λ = 1

= (25)

Ldh= 470.56 mm which is larger than the length of the nodal zone plus the extended
nodal zone at C.

A check is necessary particularly when the changes in the dimensions and angles are

13. When a single span deep beam sustains a uniform load instead of a concentrated
load such as in the previous example, it acceptable to divide the resultant force
into two concentrated forces leading into a trapezoidal strut-and-tie model.

14. Alternatively, a number of equal concentrated loads equally spaced, can be used.
This will lead into a model with several struts and ties but as a result the forces in
each strut or tie will be smaller. Say, the uniform load is divided into six (6)
loads, the strut-and-tie model may be configured as shown.

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