Spores &amp Tentacles

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Of Spores & Tentacles

Danielle Simpson flew through the entrance of the girls public bathroom and, as the wave nausea finally overwhelmed her, launched herself into the nearest toilet stall just as she was beginning to wretch. She stayed glued to the toilet bowl as she brought up all of breakfast, and then a little bit of the snack she had eaten in between first and second class. She waited a few minutes after her last bout of vomiting before she dared to face away from the toilet. She sat down on the floor as she tried to contemplate what was wrong with her. It could have been something she ate, or the flu, but she had felt fine up until the nauseousness. The only thing she could complain about health wise was a bit of cramping, but she had simply dismissed that as a sign that her period was starting a little early that month. After staying with three other girls during two weeks of band camp, it wasnt shocking to think that her cycle would be a little off. Danielle stood up gingerly, then stepped out of the stall. Her American History books were sitting on the floor next to the trash can. She could barely remember dropping them. On her way down to pick them up, her side began to ache a little bit. Could have been cramping, perhaps, but still it felt a little different. She stood back, her hand on her belly out of instinct. Rubbing sometimes helped when she was gassy, so she tried that now. As she rubbed below her belly, she noticed that there was a part of her skin just below her waist which felt very firm to the touch. Her fingers slipped further down just beneath her panties line. She pulled back when she felt the tuff of pubic hair. Somehow it just didnt seem appropriate to be pleasuring herself while she was in school. She caught her image in the mirror above the sink. She had long, flowing blonde hair like her moms, and a mostly clear complexion. Both parents had always told her that she had been blessed by good looks and lots of smarts. She earned mostly As and Bs in school, but sometimes worried that she wouldnt live up to her parents expectations. Danielle, are you okay? The sound of Mrs. Henshaws voice started Danielle. Yes, Im okay. You said youd be ill. You never came back to class, and I was worried about you. Im fine. Just something I ate. The lunch bell just rang, so youd better hurry if you want to eat. That is, if you have an appetite. Yes, thanks Mrs. Henshaw. You can stop by my class after school for the parts of my lecture that you missed. With that, Danielles teacher stepped back out the bathroom. Danielle grabbed her books, and stepped into a toilet stall, closing the door behind her. She wasnt really that hungry, and the urge to pleasure herself even just a little had become to much to ignore. In fact, she hadnt been able to get enough self-stimulation ever since she made the pact with the other girls at the end of band camp. She pulled down her pants and underwear, then seated herself on the toilet. She felt the urge to pee, so she relaxed. A long stream of urine trickled into the toilet bowl.

The door to the bathroom creaked open, and there was suddenly a huge amount of shuffling as the room began to fill up with girls desperate to pee. The stall door next to Danielle opened and slammed shut, and then she heard the sound of someone pissing. Whoever it was had waited a long time, as it took a while for them to finish. Danielle could see without too muich effort her stall neighbors tennis shoes and a glimpse of her white underwear. The activity in the bathroom was too distracting, so Danielle decided to postpone her naughtiness until she got home. She grabbed a piece of toilet paper off the roll next to her and reached down to wipe. On its way down, her hand brushed against something long and slimy. She peered down for a closer look only to be greeted by a long, skinny tentacle which was protruding out of her vagina and flailing aimlessly. It was long enough to reach the edge of her breasts. The tip was flat and triangle, shaped almost like a leaf. Some parts of it were covered by short hairs, but all of it was skin toned. Danielle leaped off the toilet and twisted around so quickly that her feet became entangled in her pants and underwear. Losing her balance, she twisted around with the intention of leaning against the stall door, but unfortunately she had forgotten to lock it. She tumbled outward and crashed into the middle of the bathroom on her side with her butt aimed towards the back wall of the bathroom, and her newly discovered tentacle wiggling and seeming to wave at the girls who were lucky enough to view Danielles privates.

It didnt take long for stories about the incident to get out amongst the student population. Most of the girls who had been in the bathroom were discreet enough not to say anything, but those who did talk about it began telling stories about Danielle being a transvestite, and claiming that they had seen her penis with their very own eyes. In the meantime, Danielle was clothed and whisked away to Nurse Johnsons office so that Danielle could wait inside the examination room in private while Mrs. Johnson could meet with the Principal and two of the secretaries from the front office. Danielle tried her hardest to convince herself that she wasnt a freak. At that moment, she probably would have found comfort in the idea that she really did have some form of a really long, weird looking penis. It would have been shocking yet somehow familiar. While she was waiting, she began to feel that same urge to play with herself. She dismissed it at first, but as she sat there the urge became strong and stronger. What was most curious was that the tentacle in her pants seemed to flail more violently as the urge increased. She stood up and cracked open the door just as she heard the tail end of what Principle Givens was saying--something about contacting the government. She noticed that the adults all seemed to stop talking the moment she opened the door. Excuse me, Mrs. Johnson, Danielle began. Yes, dear? Um..I was wondering if I could use the bathroom please? Oh, Mrs. Johnson seemed almost relieved, as if there were bigger things Danielle could have asked for other than permission to visit the bathroom. Go right ahead and use the faculty washroom. Danielle thanked her, and then slipped past the huddle of school officials and into the nearby unisex bathroom. She made sure to lock the door behind her before pulling down her pants and sitting down on the toilet. When she looked down, she was greeted once again by the strange tentacle. It was still weird, but not nearly as terrifying. It stiffened up until the whole thing pointed upward. Danielle peared at the leaf-like structure at the very tip. It was soft and tissue-like. She could see an opening where the leaf connected with the shaft of the tentacle. She wondered if this allowed the movement of fluids or... It was as if her crotch had suddenly caught on fire. She reached down instinctively and pulled at the flaps of her vagina. The feeling subsided as she did so. She continued to stroke down there, and the pain went away. But now as she massaged her area she could feel the lips of her vagina stretching. From her point of view this looked painful, but somehow she knew that she would be okay if she continued to rub. Gradually her crotch opened up and she began to feel a pressure that she had never felt before...it was similar to a bowel movement, but came more from her front and somewhat lower. She couldnt help but bear down with stomach muscles she never knew she could use in such a fashion, and as she did something began to emerge from with her. She caught a glimpse of something smooth and white colored. Mrs. Simpson, Nurse Johnson was standing right by the door. Out of surprise and embarrassment, Danielle jumped off the toilet but whatever she was expelling prevented her

from standing up. Ill be right there, she said in a squeak. Are you okay Ms. Simpson? Now Mrs. Johnson was trying the doorknob, and finding that it was locked. Unlock the door, Danielle. Danielle couldnt move more than a few inches from the toilet. She was locked in more of a squatting position. She could feel the object peeking through her vagina. Out of panick, she pressed down one more time. Whatever it was crowned and then shot outward. Danielle snatched it from the air before it could hit the floor, but in the process lost her balance and rolled onto the ground. The bathroom door swung open, and once again Danielle was caught laying on a floor with her pants down. But, this time the focus was on the egg that she held in her hands. Bigger than a chickens egg and still covered with slime from Danielles body, it almost seemed possible that a human could grow in there. Or, could the egg grow to human size?


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