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Compact Hausdorff space


Equivalent definitions in tabular format

A topological
A topological space
space is
is said to be
No. Shorthand said to be
compact Hausdorff
if ...
Hausdorff if ...
it is compact (i.e.,
every open cover
has a finite subcover)
and Hausdorff (i.e.,
1 and Fill this in later
any two distinct
points can be
separated by disjoint
open subsets)
for any subset
of ,
is closed in
Closed iff a subset is closed iff
if and only if it
2 compact it is compact in the
is a compact
on subsets subspace topology
space in the
for any
ultrafilter of
every ultrafilter
Ultrafilter , there is a
3 converges to a
formulation unique point
unique point.
that .
there exists a
Closed power such
it is homeomorphic
subspace that
to a closed
4 of has a closed
subspace of a
Tychonoff subspace
Tychonoff cube.
cube homeomorphic
to .

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This article describes a property of topological

spaces obtained as a conjunction of the following
two properties: compactness and Hausdorffness

Relation with other properties


Effect of property operators

Last edited 3 years ago by Joshua


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