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Drugs & Aging


Local Anesthetic Toxicity in the Geriatric Population

Rachel Waldinger1 · Guy Weinberg1,2 · Marina Gitman1 

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

This article provides a concise overview of local anesthetic systemic toxicity, its history, mechanisms, risk factors, prevention,
clinical presentation, and treatment, with a special emphasis on issues specific to the geriatric population. The authors used
MEDLINE, Scopus, and Google Scholar to search for original research articles (human and animal studies), registries data,
case reports, review articles, and pertinent online publications using the combinations of the following search terms: local
anesthetics, local anesthetic systemic toxicity, intralipid, lipid emulsion, Exparel, ultrasound-guidance, regional anesthesia,
lidocaine, bupivacaine, ropivacaine, cocaine, procaine, tetracaine, levobupivacaine, liposomal bupivacaine, lignocaine. Local
anesthetic systemic toxicity continues to occur despite the use of putatively less cardiotoxic formulations of local anesthetics
and more common use of ultrasound guidance. The elderly appear to be at a disproportionately increased risk for toxicity
owing to the presence of relevant comorbidities and decreased muscle mass. Examination of recent case reports involving
patients over the age of 65 years demonstrates that inadvertent overdosing is responsible for some cases of local anesthetic
systemic toxicity. Elderly patients are at increased risk of local anesthetic systemic toxicity. When considering use of local
anesthetics in older patients, special attention should be paid to the presence of systemic disease and muscle wasting. The
safety of regional anesthesia and multi-modal analgesia among these at-risk patients will be improved by educating physi-
cians and staff to recognize and manage local anesthetic systemic toxicity.

Key Points  1 Introduction

Despite advances in the diagnosis, treatment, and pre- Local anesthetics (LAs) have been integral to the practice
vention of local anesthetic systemic toxicity, it continues of medicine since cocaine was first used for ophthalmologic
to occur. and dental anesthesia in the 1880s [1]. The incidence of
acute toxicity and risk for dependence prompted the devel-
Elderly patients are at an increased risk for toxicity
opment of the amino-ester local anesthetic Novocain (pro-
as a result of comorbidities and a higher likelihood of
caine) in 1905, but toxicity remained a problem [2]. A 1924
report sponsored by the American Medical Association doc-
Physicians should employ added caution when adminis- umented 43 fatalities linked to the administration of LAs [3].
tering local anesthetics to these patients. The introduction of the amino-amide bupivacaine into clini-
cal practice in the 1960s [4] was accompanied by a parallel
increase in reports of severe cardiovascular (CV) and cen-
tral nervous system (CNS) toxicity [5]. Many early reports
described fetal death and maternal cardiac arrest associated
with paracervical blocks and epidural anesthesia using bupi-
vacaine. Bupivacaine toxicity was noted for its rapid onset
* Marina Gitman; of CV collapse and for being refractory to electrical defi-
brillation. The levo-rotatory enantiomers ropivacaine and
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Illinois levobupivacaine are shown in certain non-clinical models
Hospital, 1740 W. Taylor St, Suite 3200W, Chicago, to be less cardiotoxic than bupivacaine, but like virtually
IL 606012, USA
all LAs, their use can also result in severe local anesthetic
Research and Development Service, Jesse Brown Veterans
Affairs Medical Center, Chicago, IL 606012, USA

R. Waldinger et al.

systemic toxicity (LAST) [5]. Notably, many published cases 3 Risk Factors
of LAST involve elderly patients.
People aged older than 65 years comprise 16% of the US The frequency of patient-specific risk factors for LAST,
population and will exceed 56 million by 2020 [6]. Elderly especially cardiac, liver, and kidney disease among older
patients (aged older than 65 years) account for more than patients contributes to the increased risk of LAST observed
one third of all surgeries in the USA. The rate of periopera- in this population. Reduced muscle mass is another impor-
tive complications increases with age, and patients over the tant risk factor seen among the elderly [9, 10]. Several
age of 80 years are especially vulnerable [7]. Local anesthet- recently published case reports of LAST involved patients
ics play a major role in the anesthetic care of the elderly. over the age of 65 years with either cardiac disease and/or
Peripheral nerve blocks and neuraxial anesthesia are fre- liver and kidney dysfunction [11–15]. A poorly functioning
quently used for orthopedic procedures such as joint replace- ventricle is more susceptible to contractile depression by
ments. Intravenous infusion of lidocaine (lignocaine) is now LA toxicity and contributes to decreased drug distribution.
a common component of a multi-modal analgesia regimen. Moreover, low circulation times can increase the likelihood
As more elderly patients undergo surgery, and the use of of ‘stacking’ injections that increase plasma and tissue drug
local anesthetics increases, practice in this specific patient concentrations if the time interval between incremental
population warrants a re-evaluation. injections is shorter than the time needed for an intravascular
(IV) injection to cause recognizable hemodynamic change.
Liver and kidney disease decrease drug metabolism and
2 Pharmacology of Local Anesthetics clearance. Advanced liver disease complicated by hypoalbu-
and Mechanism of Local Anesthetic minemia and plasma cholinesterase deficiency increases the
Systemic Toxicity unbound (active) fraction of LA and decreases its metabo-
lism [16]. Mitochondrial and metabolic disorders, such as
Local anesthetics reduce the sodium ion flux across plasma carnitine deficiency also increase the risk of LAST [10].
membranes by binding to voltage-gated sodium channels Analysis of a national sample (patients aged older than
throughout the body, and inhibiting action potential propaga- 57 years) from 1998 to 2013 looking at LAST in total joint
tion in neuronal axons and action potential cycles in cardiac arthroplasty procedures showed that 59% (n = 737) of
myocytes and the cardiac conduction system. These effects patients with LAST had some type of metabolic disorder,
contribute to the numbing and antiarrhythmic properties that followed by cardiac (22.3%) and pulmonary (17.9%) dis-
make local anesthetics clinically useful [5]. However, LAs ease. Shoulder arthroplasty carried the highest risk of LAST
also inhibit a wide array of other ion channels, enzymes, when compared with hip and knee arthroplasty [17]. Finally,
signaling systems, and drug receptors leading to pleiotropic hypoxemia and acidosis lower the threshold for LAST and
and potentially harmful effects at high blood and tissue make resuscitation more difficult.
concentrations [5]. For instance, bupivacaine reduces the Drug-specific risk factors include the volume, dose,
production of secondary messengers such as cyclic adeno- and delivery mode. When bupivacaine was introduced in
sine monophosphate and drives the rapid dephosphoryla- the 1960s, its frequent use for paracervical blocks for labor
tion of protein kinase B and the activation of 5′-adenosine analgesia was associated with a high incidence of fetal brad-
monophosphate kinase, an indication of depleted cellular ycardia and death [18]. While the CNS is generally more
energy stores. The latter is expected because bupivacaine at sensitive to the toxic effects of LA, the more lipid-soluble
high tissue concentrations potently inhibits mitochondrial LAs such as bupivacaine are particularly potent in terms
oxidative phosphorylation and adenosine triphosphate pro- of cardiac toxicity, and their relative ratio of toxic CV to
duction by several mechanisms: blocking fatty-acid transport CNS doses is closer to one than seen among the less lipid-
into the mitochondria, degrading the proton motive force, soluble LAs. One hypothesis to explain the association of
and directly inhibiting elements of the hydrogen-electron enhanced cardiac toxicity with lipid solubility is that this
transport system, including adenosine triphosphate synthase physical property enhances the interaction of (positively
[8]. This array of effects accounts for the predominant CNS charged) LAs with (negatively charged) cardiolipin, a key
and CV signs of LAST as these organs are uniquely sensi- phospholipid in the mitochondrial inner membrane [19, 20].
tive to anaerobic metabolism. The resulting tissue adenosine Bupivacaine is typically avoided for intravenous regional
triphosphate depletion contributes to the potential clinical anesthesia (Bier block) and is used with a vasoconstrictor
severity of LAST and, presumably, the difficulty treating it. such as epinephrine near highly vascular tissues. For con-
High plasma concentrations of LAs also decrease systemic tinuous epidural infusions, very low concentrations of bupiv-
vascular resistance, worsening cardiogenic shock and con- acaine are used. Case reports from March 2010 to November
tributing to CV collapse [8]. 2016 indicate slightly conflicting relative frequencies of LAs
Local Anesthetic Toxicity in the Geriatric Population

associated with LAST [9, 21]. Earlier reports show that the pharmaceutical companies; therefore, each drug’s manu-
majority of LAST events involved either lidocaine (33%) or facturer’s insert should be reviewed for detailed safety
ropivacaine (33%) followed by bupivacaine (23%), while information.
more recent reports show bupivacaine (36%) was most com-
monly involved followed by lidocaine (26%) and ropivacaine
(21%) [9, 21]. A better interpretation of this information is 4 Prevention
that commonly used LAs, lidocaine, ropivacaine, and bupi-
vacaine, are likely to be the top three common causes of Data regarding the incidence of LAST are conflicting. Stud-
LAST. ies from different cohorts show substantial differences: Liu
Administering large amounts (e.g., high concentrations, et al. found a rate of LAST to be 0.4/10,000 (n = 80,661)
volumes or both) of LAs or the rapid perivascular injec- at the Hospital for Special Surgery while Barrington and
tion without epinephrine will increase the risk for toxicity Kluger found a rate of 8.7/10,000 (n = 25,336) across several
[22]. Continuous peripheral nerve catheters and intrave- academic hospitals in Australia [29, 30]. Studies by Mor-
nous lidocaine infusions are also associated with LAST. wald et al. (n = 238,473) and Rubin et al. (n = 710,327) used
A recent review included seven cases of LAST caused by different criteria to measure the occurrence of LAST in very
continuous infusions. Five patients presented between 24 h large but distinct administrative databases and found rates of
and 4 days after initiation [21]. Intravenous lidocaine infu- 18/10,000 and 10/10,000, respectively [17, 31]. Moreover,
sions are becoming ubiquitous among hospitals’ periopera- confounding by misdiagnosis or under-reporting suggests
tive multimodal analgesia regimens and enhanced recovery the actual incidence of LAST could be considerably higher.
after surgery protocols—these will undoubtedly increase the The American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain
occurrence of perioperative LAST. A systematic review of Medicine (ASRA) recommends adopting measures in a
intravenous lidocaine infusions for postoperative analgesia three-pronged approach to prevent LAST: active avoidance
found ten cases of LAST among 2802 patients (four CV and early detection of an IV injection of LA, decreasing
and six CNS) with infusion rates ranging from 1 to 5 mg/ systemic uptake of LA from soft tissues, and identifying
kg/h [23]. While no details about the ages of patients who patients at increased risk for toxicity [10]. Standard tech-
developed LAST were provided, it can be assumed that a niques to avoid accidental IV administration include fre-
continuous infusion of higher LA doses in elderly patients quent serial aspiration between small divided (3–5 mL)
carries an increased risk of LAST. doses of LAs. Using an IV marker such as epinephrine
Liposomal formulations of bupivacaine (e.g., Exparel; 5 μg/mL allows earlier detection of IV injection (e.g., an
Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Parsippany, NJ, USA) present a increase in the heart rate of 10 bpm and/or increase in the
special concern for LAST. One ampule of Exparel contains systolic blood pressure of 15 mmHg) [32]. Recent studies
266 mg of bupivacaine that has two peak plasma concentra- demonstrated that ultrasound guidance of peripheral nerve
tions (immediate and 36 h) and can last as long as 96 h [24]. blocks can significantly decrease the incidence of LAST pre-
Administration of other LAs within 20 min of Exparel can sumably by reducing the occurrence of IV injection and by
release more bupivacaine and result in toxicity as the effects allowing the use of smaller volumes of the drug [30, 33, 34].
of the two LAs are additive [25, 26]. A dis-proportionality In addition to these safety steps, anesthesia providers
analysis of retrospective data from the US Food and Drug should account for each patient’s potential susceptibility
Administration Adverse Event Reporting System showed to LAST and maintain vigilance of the total number of
a statistically significant association between Exparel and doses administered by all providers. Standard monitoring
LAST. This association holds for both CNS and CV toxicity. is required for at least 30 min after any regional anesthetic
Among 1940 LAST events reported between Q1-2012 and procedure. Higher risk patients should be identified preop-
Q2-2016, 130 cases were related to Exparel compared with eratively, and the drug, technique, and/or dosage should be
346 cases with non-liposomal bupivacaine [27]. Among adjusted accordingly. Because there is no entirely “safe” LA
these 130 events, 11 (8.5%) were fatal. Exparel is commonly or dose, the administration of all LAs warrants a basic level
used for intra- and peri-articular injections after total knee of caution. Understanding this risk is important because any
arthroplasty [28], suggesting the risk of LAST secondary LA can result in LAST, and any dose can become toxic if
to liposomal bupivacaine could disproportionately affect injected in the wrong location or a given to a particularly
elderly patients. susceptible patient.
Table 1 describes the recommended maximum doses of
commonly used LAs; however, as previously mentioned,
patient-specific risk factors and both the site and route of
injection should be considered when calculating individual
dosing. Furthermore, drug formulations may vary among
R. Waldinger et al.

Table 1  Recommended dosages of common local anesthetics (LAs)

Local anesthetic Route(s) of administration Recommended dose (mg/ Single maximum dose (mg) Comments

Benzocaine Topicala 200 (1) Can cause methemo-

(2) 1-second spray of 20%
solution delivers 150–
200 mga
Chloroprocaine Infiltration, PNB, epidural, 12 800
intrathecal 1000 (with epinephrine)
Cocaine Topical 1.5 150 Contraindicated with other
sympathomimetics and
Lidocaine (lignocaine) Topical, infiltration, PNB, 4.5 300 (1) For intravenous infusion,
epidural, intrathecal, 7 (with epinephrine) 400 (with epinephrine) 1–3 mg/kg bolus followed
IVRA, intravenous by 1–3 mg/kg/h infusion
(2) 35–55 mg/kg for
tumescent solution (0.5%
or 0.1% with epinephrine
Bupivacaine Infiltration, PNB, epidural, 2 150
Levobupivacaine Infiltration, PNB, epidural, 2 150
Liposomal bupivacaine Infiltration 266 (1) Single-dose administra-
tion only
(2) Administration of
non-bupivacaine LAs
within 20 min may cause
an immediate release of
Mepivacaine Infiltration, PNB, epidural, 4.5 400
intrathecal 7 (with epinephrine) 500 (with epinephrine)
Ropivacaine Infiltration, PNB, epidural, 3 225

The information in this table was compiled from the following sources: Kane et al. [45], Bailey et al. [46], Weibel et al. [47], Gitman et al. [48],
FDA [49], Australian Medicines Handbook Pty Ltd. [50], Butterworth et al. [51], Liu and Lin [52], Rosenberg [53], Klein and Jeske [54]
IVRA intravenous regional anesthesia, MAOIs monoamine oxidase inhibitors, PNB peripheral nerve block
 A strong case can be made to avoid topical benzocaine given that the associated occurrence of methemoglobinemia is neither clearly dose
dependent nor predictable. This life-threatening complication can occur after even one spray (Weinberg [55])

5 Diagnosis of Local Anesthetic Systemic was not identified in the majority of patients described in a
Toxicity review of cases published between April 2014 and Novem-
ber 2016 [21]. Interestingly, CNS and CV toxicity can occur
Timely diagnosis of LAST depends on the context-specific simultaneously without any prodrome, and cardiac arrest can
recognition of clinical features. A wide array of clinical occur suddenly without any CNS features at all [10, 16, 36].
presentations was described in several reviews of cases and A recent shift in the timing of LAST was observed from
summarized in professional societies’ practice guidelines [9, sudden onset as often seen in the past to a delayed onset
10, 21, 35, 36]. Early manifestations typically include CNS occurring many minutes or hours after administration of LA.
excitation (e.g., agitation, acute psychosis, or seizure) fol- This presumably results from the increased use of ultrasound
lowed by CNS depression (e.g., loss of consciousness or res- guidance and a parallel reduction in the incidence of direct
piratory arrest). Hypertension and tachycardia are early CV IV injection. As more cases result from delayed IV absorp-
signs of toxicity that, as toxicity worsens, progress to brady- tion from the site of injection, delayed onset of LAST will
cardia, hypotension, or cardiac arrest [10, 36]. The classical become more common. Moreover, increased use of continu-
sequence of a mild prodrome (e.g., perioral paresthesia and ous catheter or intravenous infusions also leads to instances
tinnitus) followed by seizures and hemodynamic instability where LAST is delayed. This shift in timing warrants
Local Anesthetic Toxicity in the Geriatric Population

prolonged monitoring of patients for signs of delayed toxic- 7 Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity
ity and improved education of staff because the longer the in Elderly Patients
interval from treatment to the onset of toxicity, the more
challenging it becomes to link symptoms to their root cause, Older patients are at greater risk for LAST owing to both
thereby increasing barriers to making the correct diagnosis the increasing rates of surgery with anesthesia/analgesia
and providing proper timely treatment [10, 21]. using LAs and the relevant co-morbidities associated with
aging. Among patients having joint arthroplasty, Rubin
et al. showed that 60% were aged older than 65 years [17].
6 Treatment Table 2 summarizes peer-reviewed cases of LAST published
between January 2014 and June 2019 involving patients aged
The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ire- older than 65 years [11–15, 37–42]. Table 3 summarizes
land and ASRA provide stepwise algorithms for the treat- cases of LAST that were submitted to an online registry (lip-
ment of LAST. Immediate supportive treatment includes: (1) during the same timeframe [43]. Three pub-
airway management to maintain oxygenation and ventilation lished cases provide examples of toxicity from inadvertent
to prevent hypercapnia and acidosis; (2) management of sei- IV injections of LA and are not unique to the elderly but may
zures with benzodiazepines; (3) standard therapy for CV be more difficult to treat in this population. Remaining cases
instability, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation when show two dominant patterns: obvious overdose of LA or an
indicated; and (4) lipid emulsion infusion, which should be apparently appropriate dose in a patient with multi-system
delivered for any signs or symptoms of LAST. Treatment of organ disease. Several of the “overdoses” are minimal, sug-
cardiac arrest caused by LAST is fundamentally different gesting that the combination of the dose with age-related
from other, more common causes (e.g., ischemia) because comorbidities likely contributed to toxicity. A similar pattern
the underlying pharmacotoxicity can be reversed by lipid appears among cases submitted to Surpris-
resuscitation. It is prudent to use lower doses of epinephrine ingly, five of the 11 published cases did not report adminis-
(e.g., ≤ 1 μg/kg) because higher standard doses (e.g., 1 mg) tration of lipid emulsion despite the fact that four of the five
are shown in animal models of LAST to interfere with lipid exhibited significant neurological derangements.
resuscitation. Beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, or A more comprehensive appreciation of the problem
lidocaine for the treatment of arrhythmias should be avoided comes from combining information from large datasets with
[10, 36]. Vasopressin is deleterious in animal models of that provided by the more granular detail derived from case
LAST and should be avoided for treatment of LAST-related reports. For instance, Litz et al. describes combined CNS
hypotension. This is rational in LAST because increasing and CV toxicity in a 91-year-old (57 kg) man shortly after a
systemic vascular resistance is not helpful in the setting of supplemental ulnar nerve block with 100 mg of prilocaine
very low cardiac contractility as occurs in severe LAST. 15 min following an infraclavicular brachial plexus block
Infusing lipid emulsion creates a bulk lipid phase in with 300 mg of mepivacaine [44]. While weight-based dos-
plasma that reduces toxicity by scavenging/shuttling LA ing does not accurately predict plasma drug concentrations,
from affected organs (heart, brain) to large reservoir organs this aggregate LA dose seems high for a small patient with
such as the liver and skeletal muscle. Lipid emulsion also coronary artery disease. This case highlights the value in
directly exerts both cardiotonic and vasoconstricting effects awareness of the increased risks of LAST in elderly patients
and attenuates cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury [8]. The generally and particularly among cachectic patients with car-
Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland diac disease.
and ASRA guidelines recommend an initial bolus of 1.5 mL/ Similarly, Vadi et al. described fatal LAST in an 88-year-
kg of a 20% lipid emulsion delivered over 2–3 min, followed old woman (45  kg) with hypertension, coronary artery
by a 0.25-mL/kg/min infusion until hemodynamic stabil- disease, peripheral vascular disease, cerebrovascular dis-
ity is achieved without exceeding a total dose of 12 mL/kg ease, renal artery stenosis, aortic stenosis, and a history of
[10, 36]. The total dose for treating LAST including lipid a subdural hematoma [15]. Twenty minutes after a com-
delivered by bolus and infusion is usually 3–5 mL/kg. For bined psoas compartment and sciatic nerve block using a
patients 70 kg or larger, a recent ASRA working group rec- total of 25 mg of bupivacaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine
ommended giving an initial bolus of a 100-mL 20% lipid and 450 mg of plain mepivacaine, she had a grand mal sei-
emulsion, followed by an infusion of 200–250 mL over zure, followed by severe bradycardia, which progressed to
15–20 min. This simpler regimen reflects experience sug- pulseless electrical activity that was refractory to resusci-
gesting that the precise dose delivered is less important than tation. The diagnosis of LAST was considered and lipids
rapidly establishing modest lipemia. were administered after 30 min of resuscitation that was ulti-
mately unsuccessful. This case illustrates that ‘anchoring’

Table 2  Peer-reviewed local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST) cases from January 2014 to June 2019 for patients aged older than 65 years
Author, journal, year Patient age/sex Patient comorbidities Mode of administration, type and dose LAST description
of LA

Vadi et al., Anesthesiology, ­2014a 88 F HTN, CAD, PVD, CKD, CVD Combined psoas compartment/sciatic 15 minutes after completion of block, LOC
nerve block with 25 mg of bupivacaine followed by grand mal seizure, bradycar-
with 1:200,000 epinephrine and 450 mg dia, heart block, PEA, and death
of mepivacaine
Fenten et al., Reg Anesth Pain Med, ­2014a 67 F Not reported Local infiltration analgesia of the lower 80 minutes after local infiltration analgesia,
extremity with 400 mg of ropivacaine LOC with atrial fibrillation with RVR,
(200 mg with epinephrine) clonic seizure
Monti et al., Emerg Care, ­2014a 73 M HTN, NAFLD, neuropathic pain Local tissue infiltration (lower leg wound) 30 seconds after infiltration, LOC, tonic-
with 30 mg of bupivacaine clonic seizure, cardiac arrest
Akimoto et al., Masui, 2014 71 M Not reported Epidural bolus of 56.25 mg of ropiv- Tachycardia, mild HTN, delayed arousal
acaine over 1 h later discovered to be after general anesthesia
Gungor et al., Agri, 2015 67 F HTN, DM Interscalene block with 93.75 mg of Immediate tonic-clonic seizure
Gaies et al., Rev Mal Respir, 2016 74 F Bronchiolitis obliterans Endotracheal 2% lidocaine, dose not 3½ h after tonic-clonic seizure, which
reported recurred 7 h later
Tsang et al., BMJ Case Rep, ­2016a 66 M GERD, hyperlipidemia Paravertebral block with initial bolus 37 hours after initiation of block, agita-
of 50 mg of bupivacaine followed by tion and paresthesias, followed by focal
a continuous infusion of 20 mg/h of seizures, HTN, and tachycardia
Nelson et al., J Emerg Med, 2018 66 M CAD, DM, hypothyroidism, OSA, lung Interscalene nerve block with 150 mg of Minutes after completion of the block,
cancer bupivacaine and 200 mg of lidocaine bradycardia, hypotension, ECG changes,
dyspnea, hypotension, LOC
Hickey et al., J Anaesth Clin Pharmacol, 73 M CAD, HTN, DM, CKD Subcutaneous infiltration with 60 mg of Unclear timeline of when LA was adminis-
­2018a lidocaine and 30 mg of bupivacaine tered, but 10 min after arrival in recovery,
plus 3375 mg of lidocaine in tumescent incoherent speech, tachycardia, HTN,
solution muscle rigidity of all four limbs, LOC
Tunney et al., J Clin Pharm Ther, 2018 71 M CAD, ICM (post LVAD and ICD implan- Intravenous bolus of 210 mg of lidocaine 22 hours after initiation of lidocaine infu-
tation), pAF, VT followed by a 2-mg/min continuous sion, altered mental status, tremors
infusion for treatment of refractory VT
Bacon et al, J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth, 76 F HFpEF, moderate MR, OSA, obesity, Topical lidocaine (airway topicalization) 45 minutes after topicalization, altered
­2019a hypothyroidism, new-onset AF with 4800 mg of lidocaine mental status, bradycardia, hypoxia,
LOC, seizure, cardiac arrest

AF atrial fibrillation, CAD coronary artery disease, CKD chronic kidney disease, CVD cerebrovascular disease, DM diabetes mellitus, F female, GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease, HFpEF
heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, HTN hypertension, ICD implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, ICM ischemic cardiomyopathy, IV intravenous, LA local anesthetic, LOC loss of
consciousness, LVAD left ventricular assist device, M male, MR mitral regurgitation, NAFLD non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, OSA obstructive sleep apnea, pAF paroxysmal atrial fibrillation,
PVD peripheral vascular disease, VT ventricular tachycardia
 Lipid emulsion was administered
R. Waldinger et al.
Local Anesthetic Toxicity in the Geriatric Population

Table 3  Cases of local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST) involving patients aged older than 65 years submitted to from Janu-
ary 2014 to June 2019
Date submitted Patient age/sex Patient comorbidities Mode of administration, type and LAST description
dose of LA

6 February, ­2014a 66 F HTN, DM, seizure disorder Periarticular block (hip) with Immediate severe bradycardia fol-
200 mg of ropivacaine lowed by multifocal ectopy and
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
22 December, ­2014a 70 M HTN Supraclavicular block with 2 hours after initial block and
400 mg of lidocaine and 55 min after tourniquet inflation,
56 mg of levobupivacaine plus immediately after tourniquet
peripheral radial, median, and deflation, bradycardia, hypoten-
ulnar nerve blocks with a total sion, and headache
of 60 mg of lidocaine, 1 h
later 50 mg of lidocaine with
17 June, ­2015a 66 F GERD Peribulbar block with 80 mg of 1 minute after injection, tachy-
ropivacaine cardia and hypertension, LOC,
grand-mal seizure
6 May, ­2016a 66 M Not reported Adductor canal block with 2 minutes after block, LOC, sei-
unknown dose of 0.5% bupiv- zure, cardiac arrest
acaine with epinephrine
29 March, ­2017a 96 F HTN, chronic AF, CVD, anemia Psoas compartment block with 5 minutes after block, convulsions,
150 mg of lidocaine and 75 mg altered mental status, hemody-
of ropivacaine plus sciatic nerve namic instability
block with 100 mg of lidocaine
and 50 mg of ropivacaine
9 January, 2­ 018a 72 M Not reported Suprascapular nerve block with Immediate tonic-clonic seizure,
75 mg of bupivacaine with LOC
1:200,000 epinephrine
6 March, ­2018a 75 F No coexisting disease 40 mg of lignocaine with Timeline unclear, altered mental
1:200,000 epinephrine for a status, altered taste sensation,
dental procedure vomiting, shivering, palpita-
tions (atrial flutter), tachycardia,
22 May, ­2019a 69 M HTN iPACK and adductor canal block 2 minutes following block,
with a total of 150 mg of bupi- bradycardia, hypotension, focal
vacaine seizures, LOC

AF atrial fibrillation, CVD cerebrovascular disease, DM diabetes mellitus, F female, GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease, HTN hypertension,
iPACK infiltration between popliteal artery and capsule of knee, LA local anesthetic, LOC loss of consciousness, M male
 Lipid emulsion was administered

to a presumptive diagnosis (here, ischemic arrest) can delay infusions (paravertebral and intravenous) [11, 41]. As con-
correctly identifying LAST. Relevant co-morbidities in this tinuous catheter and intravenous infusions (e.g., intravenous
patient that are known to increase the risks of LAST includ- lidocaine for perioperative multimodal analgesia) become
ing age, small size, and coronary artery disease. This case more common, associated LAST events will increase. This
emphasizes that LAST must be considered in any patient makes it imperative for departments to educate responsible
experiencing neurologic or hemodynamic alterations after ward personnel on best practices for preventing, recognizing,
receiving LAs. and treating LAST.
Gaies et al. described LAST after the use of endotracheal
lidocaine for a bronchoscopy [40]. Although no dose was
reported, it is important to recognize that LAST is not lim- 8 Conclusions
ited to peripheral nerve blocks and can occur with virtu-
ally any exposure to LAs, including topicalization of the Elderly patients are at increased risk of toxicity related to
airway, oral ingestion, mucosal application, and subcuta- the use of LAs. Demographic and surgical trends assure that
neous or submucosal injection. Tsang et al. and Tunney LAST will continue to disproportionately affect this popu-
et al. described delayed-onset LAST during continuous LA lation. Improved awareness of LAST, progress in adopting
R. Waldinger et al.

standard preventive measures (e.g., monitors and test dos- 9. Vasques F, Behr AU, Weinberg G, Ori C, Di Gregorio G. A review
ing), along with refined practice (e.g., ultrasound guidance) of local anesthetic systemic toxicity cases since publication of the
American Society of Regional Anesthesia recommendations: to
and treatment algorithms have dramatically improved our whom it may concern. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2015;40(6):698–
management of LAST over the past several decades. Unfor- 705. https​://​00000​00032​0.
tunately, systems and physician errors as well as patient 10. Neal JM, Barrington MJ, Fettiplace MR, Gitman M, Memt-
co-morbidities guarantee that LAST will continue to occur. soudis SG, Morwald EE, et al. The Third American Society of
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