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Teacher: Minerva Pons

Room and board describes a situation where, in

exchange for money, labor or other
considerations, a person is provided with a
place to live as well as meals on a
comprehensive basis.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
When you believe that what you want to happen will
happen, when in fact it is not possible.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

A possibility of something happening.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
A typical value in a set of data.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
If something is convenient, it adds to your comfort, causes little trouble, or is easy to use, do, or reach. If you
live close to your job, that's convenient––it's very easy to get there and get home.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Dark and often also dirty.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
To succeed in finishing something or reaching an To put something with something else to
aim, especially after a lot of work or effort. increase the number or amount.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

To think that something will probably or certainly
happen. The term 'grow your own' is a common way to
express the fact that you are a gardener and prefer
to grow your own vegetables, fruits, herbs, and

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Leave or cause to leave one's place of residence Go and live in a different town or area of a
or work. country.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

To consume, spend, or employ uselessly or To go to a different place and begin to live or
without adequate return. work there.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons

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