Akeneo Upgrade: Clone Repository COMPOSER - MEMORY - LIMIT - 1 Composer Install

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Akeneo Upgrade

Clone repository
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer install
cp -R ./vendor/akeneo/pim-community-dev/upgrades/* ./upgrades/
cp -R ./vendor/akeneo/pim-enterprise-dev/upgrades/* ./upgrades/

Remove all migrations which were already done from upgrades directory by
looking into table "migration_versions":
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:version --add --all -q
rm -rf var/cache/*
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update

Check if everything is ready for upgrade

bin/console pim:installer:check-requirements


yarn install

Please, make sure the folder upgrades/schema/ does not contain former migration
files (from PIM 3.0 to 3.1 for instance), otherwise the migration command will
surely not work properly.
rm -rf var/cache
bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate --env=prod
bin/console pimee:data-quality-insights:migrate-product-criterion-evaluation

delete from migration_versions where version like '_3_2%' or version like '_4_%'
or version like '_5_%';

bin/console doctrine:migration:execute --env=prod

bin/console doctrine:migration:execute --env=prod
bin/console doctrine:migration:execute --env=prod
bin/console doctrine:migration:execute --env=prod
bin/console doctrine:migration:execute --env=prod
bin/console doctrine:migration:execute --env=prod
copy 3.0-
3.1/Version_3_1_20190304144940_add_twa_project_computing_status.php to
bin/console doctrine:migration:execute --env=prod

copy all files from pim-enterprise-standard-v5.0.22/vendor/akeneo/pim-

enterprise-dev/config/packages/prod_onprem to config/packages
Extract file_storage into var/file_storage

bin/console pim:product:index --all

bin/console pim:product-model:index --all
bin/console akeneo:asset-manager:index-assets --all
bin/console akeneo:reference-entity:index-records --all
bin/console pimee:product-proposal:index
bin/console pimee:published-product:index
bin/console pim:completeness:calculate
bin/console pimee:project:recalculate
php bin/console akeneo:elasticsearch:update-mapping -e prod --all
Rename Cron jobs:
From pimee:data-quality-insights:schedule-periodic-tasks to pim:data-
From pimee:data-quality-insights:evaluate-products to pim:data-quality-

Activity -> Proposals error

Not working
delete from migration_versions where version =
rm -rf var/cache/*
bin/console doctrine:migration:execute --env=prod
Migrate PAM to Assets
git clone https://github.com/akeneo/CsvToAsset.git
cd CsvToAsset
composer install --no-dev --ignore-platform-reqs
composer require symfony/process --ignore-platform-reqs
cp .env.dist .env

Create a user first:

Create credentials file:

in: vendor/akeneo/api-php-client/src/Client/HttpClient.php
add following line in foreach ($headers...)
if ($header == 'localized') continue;
php bin/migrate.php "ProductImages" /home/akeneo/pim

Migrations completed:
s was executed but did not result in any SQL statements.
Migration _4_0_20200102220042_move_assets_to_asset_storage was
executed but did not result in any SQL statements.
Migration _4_0_20200113145800_fix_versioning_indexes was executed but
did not result in any SQL statements.
Migration _4_1_20200127171059_unauthorized_view_all_jobs_permission
was executed but did not result in any SQL statements.
teness was executed but did not result in any SQL statements.
was executed but did not result in any SQL statements.
Migration _5_0_20200427144538_create_connection_error_index was
executed but did not result in any SQL statements.
ssions was executed but did not result in any SQL statements.
ions was executed but did not result in any SQL statements.
was executed but did not result in any SQL statements.
Migration _5_0_20201208132458_update_asset_export_prefix_suffix was
executed but did not result in any SQL statements.
Migration _5_0_20210119135130_reindex_assets was executed but did not
result in any SQL statements.

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