Case Study Ecco Stampa

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L’Eco della Stampa S.p.A.

gets power and

flexibility with Syneto storage products

Founded in Rome in 1901, lead today
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY by the fourth generation of the
Frugiuele family, L’Eco della Stampa is
Client one of the most important european
L’Eco della Stampa S.p.A. companies operating in the media monitoring business. A perpetual leader of
Industry: Press & Media the italian market, it has at present an annual income of 20 million euros, 5.000
Employees: 250 customers, 250 employees, and offices in Milan, Rome and Genova.
The company is a founding member of the FIBEP (Federation Internationale
des Bureaux d’Extraits de Presse), associate of IABM (International Association
Needs of Broadcasts Monitors) and AMEC(Association of Media Evaluation
‣ Higher flexibility Companies).
‣ Better feature set
‣ Reuse existing hardware More than one hundred years of history, always keeping an eye out for new
‣ Simple network integration international developments, news and technical innovation led L'Eco della
Stampa into becoming a company with a strong international presence.
Used Syneto products
‣ Unified Storage XXL (32TB)
Part of its business offer, L’Eco della Stampa records every second of broadcast
from 60 television channels and 20 radio stations (24 hours a day, 365 days a
year). The process obviously produces large amounts of data, which only
increase over time.
Having reached the storage limits of their existing solution, I.T. management
searched for a better substitute, one that could leverage the existing hardware
infrastructure, while providing for future extensibility.
Being somewhat limited by the features of the old product, they needed an
alternative that would provide an extended feature set, more suitable for the
ever varied needs of their customers.
Seeing as how the existing infrastructure was constituted by a heterogenous
mix of operating system platforms, the new product would have to easily
integrate with the network and be interoperable with Windows and Linux.

Eco della Stampa found a perfect match for their needs in the Syneto Unified
Storage line of products. They chose the XXL solution, that “weights in” at
32TB. The old products were included in the solution for their capacity
(2x30TB), and were linked with the Syneto product using fiber channel, thus
providing extreme speeds, and a total of almost 100TB of data storage.
Several disks were transparently made available to the multimedia server that
processes data and video (format H.264) and runs Linux. The results of the
processing are then shared across a Windows network, which employees can
easily access (no added software required) and choose a subset for each of the
company’s customers.

“Syneto  Unified  Storage  has  brought  great  benefits  to  our  business.  It's  very  easy  to 
manage  and  has  an  efficient  SLA  (technical  support  speed  and  availability)  that  ensures 
prompt intervenAons and  full support for  difficult problems, but also is very  effecAve. The 
value of the partnership with Syneto was proven once more.”
CASE STUDY • OCTOBER 2010 Gianfranco Cerosimo, Systems Manager
Network layout

Better service for customers
With L’Eco della Stampa’s business growth, customer requirements diversified.
The Syneto Unified Storage has a rich feature set that enables multiple ways to
process data and ensures high levels of customer satisfaction.
Lowered cost by reusing existing hardware
A lot of vendors support only proprietary solutions, which require customers
to completely replace their existing hardware. Syneto products can reuse
existing pieces of infrastructure, significantly reducing total costs.
Simple network integration
Eco della Stampa’s business offer is supported by a complex network of
integrated devices: video and audio capture servers, streaming servers,
processing machines and multiple operating systems. The Unified Storage
integrates with each of these devices in a transparent and consistent manner.
Quasi instant deployment
One of the most appreciated features of Syneto products - their ease of use -
was demonstrated when the solution was first implemented. It only took our
engineers about 2 hours from the time they started the installation to the
moment when Eco della Stampa’s servers were ready to serve data.

The future
Syneto  is   a  new  compe/tor  in  the  The business partnership between L’Eco della Stampa and Syneto became even
data  storage  field,  offering  solu/ons 
for  network  data  sharing,  virtualized 
stronger after the installation of the Unified Storage devices.
e n v i r o n m e n t s  a n d  b u s i n e s s  Alongside the Syneto UTM, Total Email Protection and Total Web Protection
con/nuity plans.  Unlike  many of  the  solutions already implemented, the storage machines strengthen the technological
other products  on the  market today, 
backbone of Eco’s network infrastructure built around Syneto products.
our  products  are  friendly,  easy‐to‐
use  product,  with  a  small  learning  And, as information sources constantly multiply, the two companies already started
curve.  discussions about future implementations that would ensure data storage scalability
The  web‐based  interface  and  and data security.
command  line  interface  offer  both  Plans are on the table for the integration of additional storage machines that will
novice  and  experienced  users  an 
appropriate instrument for the job.
create space for future content and also add a layer of much needed redundancy
for critical business continuity plans.

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