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Lecture Notes M.

Kaliamoorthy AP/EEE, PSNACET

3-Phase Induction Machines - Dynamic Modeling Using Reference Frame Theory

Winding arrangement for a 2-pole, 3-phase, wye-connected symmetrical induction

machine is shown in Fig.1. Stator windings are identical, sinusoidally distributed
windings, displaced by120°, with Ns equivalent turns and resistance rs. Consider the case
when rotor windings are also three identical sinusoidally distributed windings, displaced
by120°, with Nr equivalent turns and resistance rr.

Fig1. 2 pole Three Phase Induction Machine

In abc reference frame, voltage equations can be written as

Vabcs = rs iabcs + pλabcs
Vabcr = rr iabcr + pλabcr
( f abcs )T = [ f as f bs f cs ], ( f abcr )T = [ f ar f br f cr ]
s: denotes variables and parameters associated with the stator circuits and r: denotes
variables and parameters associated with the rotor circuits.
Lecture Notes M.Kaliamoorthy AP/EEE, PSNACET

λabcs   Ls Lsr  iabcs 

λ  = ( L ) T Lr  iabcr 
 abcr   sr

 1 1   1 1 
 Lls + Lms − Lms
− Lms 
2  Llr + Lmr − Lmr
− Lmr
2 
 1 1   1 1 
L s =  − Lms Lls + Lms − Lms , L r =  − Lmr Llr + Lmr − Lmr 
 2 2   2 2 
−1L 1
− Lms Lls + Lms  −1L 1
− Lmr Llr + Lmr 
 2 ms 2   2 mr 2 

Lls and Lms are, respectively, the leakage and magnetizing inductance of the stator
windings. Llr and Lmr are, respectively, the leakage and magnetizing inductance of the
rotor windings.
 2π 2π 
 cos θ r cos(θ r +
) cos(θ r − )
 2π 2π 
L sr = L rs = Lms cos(θ r − ) cos θ r cos(θ r + ) ,
 3 3 
cos(θ + 2π ) cos(θ − 2π ) cos θ r 
 r
3 
“Lsr” is the amplitude of the mutual inductances between stator and rotor windings. A
majority of induction machines are not equipped with coil-wound rotor windings;
instead, the current flows in copper or aluminum bars which are uniformly distributed
in a common ring at each end of the rotor. This type of rotor is referred to as a
squirrel-cage rotor. Rotor variables can be referred to the stator windings by
appropriate turn’s ratio.
N N N N 

iabcr ′ = s Vabcr , λabcr
= r iabcr , Vabcr ′ = s λabcr , Lms =  s  Lsr
Ns Nr Nr  Nr 
 2π 2π 
 cos θ r cos(θ r +
) cos(θ r − )
3 
 2π 
[L′sr ] = N s [L sr ] = Lms cos(θ r − 2π ) cos θ r cos(θ r + ) ,
Nr  3 3 
cos(θ + 2π ) cos(θ − 2π ) cos θ r 
 r
3 
2 2
N   
Lmr =  r  Lms , [L′r ] =  N r  [L r ]
 Ns   Ns 
Lecture Notes M.Kaliamoorthy AP/EEE, PSNACET

 1 1 
 Llr′ + Lmr −
Lms − Lms
2 
 
[L′r ] =  − 1 Lms Llr + Lms
− Lms 
 2 2 
−1L −
Lms Llr + Lms 
 2 ms 2 
N 
Llr′ =  s  Llr
 Nr 
Flux linkage may be expressed as
λabcs   L s L′sr  iabcs 
 λ ′  =  ( L′ ) T ′ 
L′r  iabcr
 abcr   sr

Voltage equations expressed in terms of machine variables referred to the stator windings
may be written as
Vabcs  rs + pL s pL′sr  iabcs 
V ′  =  p (L′ )T ′ 
rr′ + pL′r  iabcr
 abcr   sr

N 
rr′ =  s  rr
 Nr 
Energy stored in the coupling field may be written as

Wc = W f = (iabcs )T (L s − L ls I )iabcs +
′ + (iabcr
(iabcs )T (L sr )iabcr ′ )T (L′r − L′lr I )iabcr

Where, I: identity matrix

Voltage equations expressed in terms of machine variables referred to the stator windings
may be written as
P ∂Wc (i j , θ r )
Te (i j , θ r ) =
2 ∂θ r
Since Ls and Lr are functions of θr, the above equation for the electromagnetic torque
Lecture Notes M.Kaliamoorthy AP/EEE, PSNACET

p ∂
Te = ( )(iabcs )T [L′sr ]iabcr

2 ∂θ r
 1 1 1 1 1 1  
′ − ibr
ias (iar ′ − icr ′ ) + ibs (ibr
′ − iar ′ − icr ′ ) + ics (icr
′ − ibr
′ − iar
′ ) sin θ r 
P  2 2 2 2 2 2  
= − Lms  
2  3 
+ 2 [ias (ibr − icr ) + ibs (icr − iar ) + ics (iar − ibr )]cos θ r
′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′

The torque and rotor speed are related by

Te = J   pωr + TL
Equations of Transformation for Rotor Circuit

In the analysis of induction machines it is desirable to transform the variables associated

with the symmetrical rotor windings to the arbitrary reference frame.

 2π 2π 
f qd′ 0 r = K r f abcr
′ cos β cos( β −
) cos( β + )
3 
[ ]
( f qd′ 0 r )T = f qr′ f dr′ f 0′r 2
K r =  sin β

sin( β − ) sin( β +
2π 
′ )T = [ f ar′ f br′ f cr′ ]
( f abcr 3 3 3 
 1 1 1 
 2 2 2 
where, β=θ-θr from figure below

Fig. 2. Axis of 2-pole, 3-phase Symmetrical machine.

θ r = ∫ ωr (t )dt +θ r (0)
Lecture Notes M.Kaliamoorthy AP/EEE, PSNACET

 
 cos β sin β 1
 
(K r )−1 = cos(β − 2π ) sin( β − 2π ) 1
 3 3 
cos( β + 2π 2π
) sin( β + ) 1
 3 3 

“r” subscript indicates the variable, parameters and transformation associated with
rotating circuits.

Voltage Equations in Arbitrary Reference Frame Variables

For two-pole, 3-phase symmetrical induction,

Vabcs = rs iabcs + pλabcs λabcs = (Ls )iabcs + (Lsr′ )iabcr

′ Vabcs = K sVqd 0 s , iabcs = K s iqd 0 s
′ + pλabcr
′ = rr′iabcr ′ ′ = (Lsr′ ) iabcs + (Lr′ )iabcr ′ = K rVqd′ 0 r , iabcr
′ = K r iqd′ 0 s
Vabcr λabcr ′ Vabcr

Using the above transformation equations, we can transform the voltage equations to an
arbitrary reference frame rotating at speed of ω.

Vqd 0 s = rs iqd 0 s + ωλqds + pλqd 0 s

Vqd′ 0 r = rr′iqd 0 r + (ω − ω r )λqdr
′ + pλqd
′ 0r

where, (λqds )T = λds [ − λqs ] ′ )T = λdr′

0 , (λqdr [ − λqr′ 0 ]
Flux linkage equations in abc reference frame can be transformed to qd axes using Ks and
Kr transformation matrices.

λqd 0 s   K s L s (K s )−1 K s L′sr (K r )−1  iqd 0 s 

 =  
′ 0 r  K r L′sr (K s )−1 K r L′r (K r )−1  iqd
λqd ′ 0 r 


 Lls + M 0 0 
=  0 0 , M = Lms
K s L s (K s )
Lls + M
 0 0 Lls + M 

 Llr′ + M 0 0 
=  0 0 , M = Lms
K r L′r (K r )
Llr′ + M
 0 0 Llr′ + M 
Lecture Notes M.Kaliamoorthy AP/EEE, PSNACET

M 0 0 
K s L′sr (K r ) = K r (L′sr ) (K s ) =  0 M 0 
−1 T −1

 0 0 M 
Voltage equations written in expanded form can be expressed as

Vqs = rs iqs + ωλds + pλqs Vqr′ = rr′iqr′ + (ω − ωr )λdr′ + pλqr′

Vds = rs ids − ωλqs + pλds , Vdr′ = rr′idr′ − (ω − ωr )λqr′ + pλdr′
V0 s = rs i0 s + pλ0 s V0′r = rr′i0′ r + pλ0′r
Flux linkage equations are
λqr′ = Llr′ iqr′ + M (iqs + iqr′ )
λqs = Lls iqs + M (iqs + iqr′ )
λdr′ = Llr′ idr′ + M (ids + idr′ )
λds = Lls ids + M (ids + idr′ )
λ0′r = Llr′ i0′ r
λ0 s = Lls i0 s

Since machine and power system parameters are nearly always given in ohms or percent
or per unit of a base impedance, it is convenient to express the voltage and flux linkage
equations in terms of reactances rather than inductances.
ϕ = λωb

Vqs = rs iqs +
ϕ ds + pϕ qs Vqr′ = rr′iqr′ +
(ω − ωr ) ϕ ′ ϕ qr′ +
ωb ωb ωb

ω p
Vds = rs ids − ϕ qs + ϕ ds , Vdr′ = rr′idr′ −
(ω − ωr ) ϕ ′ + p ϕ ′
ωb ωb ωb ωb
qr dr

p p
V0 s = rs i0 s + ϕ0s V0′r = rr′i0′ r + ϕ0′ r
ωb ωb
And flux linkages become flux linkages per second with the units of volts.

ϕ qs = X ls iqs + X m (iqs + iqr′ ) ϕ qr′ = X lr′ iqr′ + X m (iqs + iqr′ )

ϕ ds = X ls ids + X m (ids + idr′ ), ϕ dr′ = X lr′ idr′ + X m (ids + idr′ )
ϕ 0 s = X ls i0 s ϕ 0′ r = X lr′ i0′ r
Lecture Notes M.Kaliamoorthy AP/EEE, PSNACET

Equivalent circuits of a 3-phase, symmetrical induction machine with rotating q-d axis at
speed of ω.

Equivalent circuits of a 3-phase, symmetrical induction machine with rotating q-d axis at
speed of ω.

Equivalent circuits of a 3-phase, symmetrical induction machine with rotating q-d axis at
speed of ω.
Lecture Notes M.Kaliamoorthy AP/EEE, PSNACET

Electromagnetic torque in terms of arbitrary reference frame variables may be obtained

by substituting the equations of transformation in

Te =
(iabcs )T ∂ (Lsr′ )iabcr

2 ∂θ r
(K s ) −1 iqd 0 s ]
T ∂

∂θ r
(Lsr′ )(K r ) −1iqd′ 0r
After some work, we will have the following:

 3  P 
′ − ids iqr
Te =    M (iqs idr ′ )
 2  2 

Where, Te is positive for motor action. Other expressions for the electromagnetic torque
of an induction machine are

 3  P 
Te =   (λqr′ idr′ − λdr′ iqr′ )
 2  2 

 3  P 
Tem =   (λds iqs − λqs ids )
 2  2 

 3  P  1 
Te =    (ϕ qr′ idr′ − ϕ dr′ iqr′ )
 2  2  ωb 

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