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Sri Lanka Institute 

of Development Administration

Programme : Capacity Building Training Programme for SLAS Grade  III - 2012
Batch/ Group – H

Module  : Strategic Thinking for Development Administration

Assignment : Strategic Plan Development for the Organization,   Division or the


CBP- 111/H/22
Question : 
Strategic Plan Development for the Organization, Division or The Country:
Introduction to the department
The Department of Agrarian Development was established on 01st October 1957 with the
objective of providing necessary facilities to Sri Lankan farmer community abolishing the
hitherto existed Food Department. This department empowered by the Paddy Lands Act No. 46
of 1958 is currently functions as the Department of Agrarian Development as per the Agrarian
Development Act No. 46 of 2000 and its subsequent amendments. The Vision of the department
is “Sustainable development of the agrarian society and all agricultural lands in Sri Lanka” and
the mission of the department is “Formulation and timely maintenance of institutional, ancillary,
legal and management services so as to ensure sustainable development of the agrarian society of
Sri Lanka and making optimal productivity from all agricultural lands”.

Responsibilities of the department

Guiding the entire agrarian service centre network in order to play the role of a mediator with the
intention of strengthening socioeconomic background of the farmer community by fulfilling
agricultural requirements of the farmer community. Steering the Sri Lankan farmer
community towards sustainable development through optimal productivity of agricultural lands
in Sri Lanka.
Granting necessary approvals to construct access roads to agricultural lands which do not have
access roads with the objective of enhancing productivity of agricultural lands. Providing
necessary information and extending support to the Ministry for the formulation of the
agricultural policy of Sri Lanka, agrarian law and regulations thereto. Sanctioning the estimates
on the construction and renovating of minor irrigation, buildings, agrarian service centres,
district offices carried out by the Department. Duly maintaining daily, monthly and annual
accounts reports in compliance with financial regulations, acts and circulars for the management
of expenses authorized by the annual Appropriation Act. Mobilizing and empowering farmer
community, developing and facilitating institutional structures to establish financial strength
amongst the said community required to build a self-reliant, dignified agrarian society.
Formulating and implementing programmes required for the ensuring protection and
conservation of all minor (rural) irrigation schemes by increasing their productivity and
managing them properly. Preparing the annual Action Plan of the Department of Agrarian
Development and conducting monthly progress review meetings at the district level as pre the
plan and conducting progress review activities. Preparing monthly progress reports of all
development programmes implemented by the Department and submitting reports so prepared to
the Ministry and the audit division and preparing the annual performance report and submitting
same to the Ministry.

Development Plan
Present Government Policy is promote the organic fertilizer usage in the country and stop the
chemical fertilizer. Based on that, H.E President already banned to import chemical fertilizer and
promoting local organic fertilizer production though all the entities in the country whoever can
produce the organic fertilizer production. Anyhow, it took time to issue the specification of
organic fertilize production by department of Agriculture. Before that, several institutions started
to produce compost targeting Maha season of 2021/2022 Maha season. When replacing one
product with another product, it should fulfill the purpose of using that particular product. Urea,
TSP and MOP were replaced with organic fertilizer. Urea has 46% of Nitrogen, TSP has 40% to
46% of phosphate and MOP has 42% of Potassium. Anyhow, traditional compost has 1% of
Nitrogen and maximum 1% of Potassium and phosphate.
Therefore, Agrarian Development Department has the major role to promote enriched organic
fertilizer production though farmers who can produce for their own consumption, minor scale
and major scales. Based on the present issue, following VSTEEP analysis has done and the
prioritized issues are identified. Strategic Plan developed for Self Sufficient Organic Fertilizer
Production in Sri Lanka by 2035. Forecasting and Back casting methods are applied.

Determine the Driving Forces/ Issues through VSTEEP Analysis 

S/N  Element  Identified issues 

01  V- Value  I. Ethics of Farmers and Officers
II. Attitude on Sustainable development
02  S- Social  I. Qualified Professionals
II. Obedient to the policies
03  T- Technology  I. Innovative and Applicable Technology
II. Technology dissemination mechanism 
04  E- Environment  I. Waste Management
II. Protection of Land and Water
05  E- Economic  I. Economic crisis and need for the export
II. Rupees depreciation and reduce the import
06  P- Political/ Legal  I. Political Stability 
II. Favourable Policies for Health, economy
and environement
Above listed issues were prioritized based on following factors : 
 Value 
 Urgency 
 Return on Investments (ROI) 
 Cost 
 Timing 

To prioritized the issue, Likert scale method used. Points have been given for lowest and
maximum 5 have been assigned to identify the most 2 issues.

S.No  Identified Issues  Value Urgenc ROI Cost Timing  Total

1 Ethics of Farmers and Officers 4 4 4 4 4 20 

2 Attitude on Sustainable 5 5 5 5 5 25 

3 Qualified Professionals 2 3 3 3 4 15 

4 Obedient to the policies 5 4 5 5 4 23

5 Innovative and Applicable 3 5 4 4 4 20

Technology avaialability
6 Technology dissemination 5 5 5 4 5 24

7 Waste Management 4 4 5 5 4 22

8 Protection of Land and Water 3 4 3 3 3 16 

9 Economic crisis and need for 4 5 4 4 4 21 

the export market
10 Rupees depreciation and reduce 3 4 4 4 3 18
the import
11 Political Stability  3 4 4 3 4 18 

12 Favourable Policies for Health, 4 4 4 4 5 21 

economy and environement

Based on the above scaling following two issues identified as prioritized issue and they will be
taken for further scenario analysis and strategic development.
 Attitude on Sustainable development
 Technology dissemination

Unawareness of Benefits of Organic Fertilizer

Scenario 1 : To reduce cost & Increase ingredients Scenario 2: Farmers will be motivated

Find out Latest Technology Strengthen Transfer Mechanism

Scenario 3: Farmers reluctant to change Scenario 4: Everyone will easily adopt

Cooperate Companies polluted traditional farming practices

Strategic Plan for 2035 – Promotion of Local Organic Fertilizer Production and Usage

Department of Agrarian Development develop the strategic development plan to produce

required organic fertilizer production locally in the country using new technology with the help
of professional via Farmers in three ways such as Own purpose, minor scale and Major scale.
Farmers should be aware on the benefit on the organic fertilizer usage. Organic fertilizer also
should has required nutrition.

Action Plan - Forecasting

2021 2023 2026 2030 2033 2035

Identify the Continuous Analyze Testing all Solving All the Become
Farmers in Training of the existing the land plots issues of Farmers World
three different Officers and organic of Sri Lanka by giving required First
level according Farmers on fertilizer and improve price and Pure
to their desire using organic varieties the introduce the Organic
– Own fertilizer and and knowledge of appropriate crop Country
purpose, Minor the new improve Farmers and varieties according
scale, Major technology to the Officers on to testing and
Scale and produce standard New developed Organic
develop the organic and Varieties Fertilizer
enriched fertilizer regularize
product all

Back casting

Identify the Continuous Analyze the Testing all Solving All the Become
Farmers in three Training of existing the land issues of Farmers World
different level Officers and organic plots of Sri by giving First Pure
according to Farmers on fertilizer Lanka and required price Organic
their desire – using organic varieties and improve the and introduce the Country
Own purpose, fertilizer and improve the knowledge appropriate crop
Minor scale, the new standard and of Farmers varieties
Major Scale and technology to regularize and Officers according to
develop the produce all on New testing and
enriched product organic Varieties developed
fertilizer Organic
2021 2023 2025 2027 2032 2035

Organic Fertilizer Production and Usage in the country become more debatable topic due to the
policy taken by the H.E President. This Study focus on the present issues in the country in-terms
of present usage pattern, present production pattern, introducing new technology and developing
enriched organic fertilizer varieties, promoting farmers, aware the farmers on benefits of organic
fertilizer, solving all related issues of farmers and declaring the first country in the world become
fully organic. For this purpose strategic pan is developed using many tools such as VSTEEP
Analysis instead of PESTLE and SWOT. Likert scale method to prioritize the issue and scenario
developed. Based on that, action plan prepared to achieve the target. Back Casting Method also
used to achieve the target on the time without any delay.
 Xinjian, C , Di, Z, Ying, X & Xiaojun, F, 2018, Perceptions, Risk Attitude and Organic Fertilizer
Investment: Evidence from Rice and Banana Farmers in Guangxi, China, Sustainability, vol. 10.
 Ekta, S 2019, Startegic Human Resource Management and Development, Pearson India
Education Services Pvt. ltd, Chennai.
 Van Toan.P, Duc Minh.N & Van Thong.D, 2019, Organic Fertilizer Production and Application
in Vietnam, on 20th July 2021,, Accessed

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