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“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

The Honourable Prime Minister June 29, 2022

His Excellency Cleopas DLAMINI
Office of the Prime Minister
Cabinet Offices
Hospital Hill

Dear Honourable Prime Minister:



Your Excellency, greetings.

We the representatives of the vast majority of the people of Swaziland, represented

by our various political organizations, Members of Parliament [MPs], civil society
organizations, Business, Labour movement, women’s groups, persons with
disabilities, LGBTIQ persons, youth movements and community based formations
through the Multi-Stakeholders Forum (MSF), are engaged in the struggle for the
transformation of the Kingdom from an undemocratic society under the Tinkhundla
system of government to a fully-fledged constitutional multi-party democratic
dispensation hereby present this petition to you for the attention of the Parliament
of Swaziland.

Press statement of Wednesday October 27, 2021

We have listened with keen interest yet with amazement the press statements made
by the Prime Minister since he took office in July 2021, in particular the statement
of Monday June 28, 2022. Like your immediate predecessor, Acting Prime Minister
Themba Masuku you have adopted a posture of using force to crush the people’s
aspirations towards democratization. We are shocked that His Excellency the Prime


“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

Minister spoke in a forked tongue in that on the one hand the Prime Minister
emphasized the importance of respecting the rule of law, yet at the same time
maintained the Government position on the ban of the delivery of petitions
throughout the country.

We were pleasantly amazed that the Honourable Prime Minister sees nothing wrong
with the banning of receipt and consideration of the notification of petitions by the
municipalities in the country. As we understand, there is no provision in the Public
Order Act, 2018 that empowers the Minister for Housing and Urban Development
to issue a total ban on the consideration of notices by municipalities in the country.
Such an order or instruction or directive is a blatant disregard of the Act itself as
well as the Constitution. His Excellency cannot speak of and call upon the citizenry
to abide by the rule of law and the Constitution when your government disobeys
the very laws that it is supposed to enforce.

The government is playing double standards; respecting and enforcing the law
when it suits it, and disobeying it with impunity when it deems fit. It is our view
that the Office of the Premier plays a central role in advancing the welfare of the
nation, and to see to it that the issues of the people are not only attended to, but
attended to earnestly and urgently.

His Excellency would note that we have written at least some two letters to the
Office of the Prime Minister. The first letter was delivered to your predecessor, His
Excellency Themba Masuku who at the time was the Acting Prime Minister, on or
about July 6, 2021. The second letter was delivered on or about August 2021 to
His Excellency after YOU assumed office. Typical of a leadership drunk with the
arrogance of power, we received no response on both occasions.


“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

While we were not surprised at the failure of the office of the Premier to respond to
the letters, we are deeply concerned with the lack of political will on the Premier,
Government and the King to commit to a genuine commitment to a dialogue
process that will result in finding a lasting solution to the recurring political and
governance crisis that has engulfed our country, which has resulted in the deaths
of at least eighty [80] at the hands of the security forces, at the instance of the

The statement by His Excellency the Prime Minister was out of sync and out of
touch with the reality.

Your Excellency we petition the Office of His Excellency as follows:

A. We note that at least TWO MPs, Honourable MDUDUZI BACEDE MABUZA

and Honourable MTHANDENI DUBE are languishing in jail on trumped up,
baseless and politically motivated charges. We also note that the Government
has declared Honourable MDUDUZI MAGAWUGAWU SIMELANE a fugitive
from the law. We note with deep concern that despite this business continues
as usual in Parliament.

B. It is common cause that the three MPs and many others in the Parliament
have made a call for the election of the Prime Minister by the people as opposed
to the Head of Government being appointed by the King. In effect, the
Honourable MPs called for a constitutional review process that would lead to
the amendment of the Constitution. The call for an elected Prime Minister was
and is within their constitutional mandate to provide an oversight over the
other arms of Government. In our view the call by the MPs is the right one. It
is the correct call. It resonates with the long standing aspiration of the people
to self-determination and self-rule.

“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

It is regretable that their effective exercise of the oversight role over the
Executive in particular has resulted in the MPs languishing in jail and the
other declared an outlaw on the basis of flimsy and trumped up charges.

The accusations levelled against the Honourable MPs is the clearest indication
that no process of constitutional review and constitutional talks can happen
within the framework of the current Tinkhundla system. There is absolutely
no reason why the Honourable MPs should be facing criminal sanctions for
making a call for the review and amendment of the Constitution. It is
important to state that the call for the review of the Constitution was made
within the four corners of the existing constitutional framework. The result:
arrest, persecution and prosecution of the innocent MPs. This is a shame and
a black spot on the Tinkhundla regime.

C. It is our view as a people that the call by the MPs for the election of the Prime
Minister is fundamentally a call for the need to engage in a process of
engagement towards a fully-fledged democratic dispensation in Swaziland. It
is a just call aimed at redressing the brutal and unlawful seizure of state power
by King Sobhuza II in 1973, entrenched by King Mswati by subseqent Decrees
and affirmed in the 2005 Constitution.

D. In this regard, we call upon the Prime Minister to embrace the way forward as
proposed by the people through their diverse representatives. We have long
stated that the only way to finding a lasting solution to the crisis that has been
recurring in this country for the last forty-nine [49] years since April 12, 1973


“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

is through a negotiated political settlement. We have indicated and we

reiterate that the way to lasting peace is founded on the following Five Point
Plan (FPP), which is the framework that should be embraced:

1. An all-inclusive externally mediated political

dialogue/negotiation process

The time has long come for the Government and the King to declare a serious
commitment to an all-inclusive political dialogue or negotiation. A written
declaration of commitment must be signed by all parties to ensure and
guarantee the process. It is the obligation of the Speaker and the President in
Parliament to see to it that the Executive seriously commits to this process.
Through the various motions that were intended to be moved by the MPs, but
shot down and frustrated by the Speaker in recent times, Parliamentarians
have made it clear that it cannot be business as usual when the country is
engulfed in a crisis arising out of a governance and political issue.

2. The total and unconditional unbanning of all political parties

[including lifting the proscription of the People's United Democratic
Movement [PUDEMO] that was listed as a terrorist organization under
the oppressive Suppression of Terrorism Act, 2008].

It is now generally accepted that political parties are a necessary and critical
player in any democratic society. There can be no democracy without political

3. Creation of an interim government while the negotiation process

is under way


“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

This government is no longer fit to govern the people of Swaziland. It has lost
all credibility and the moral standing to govern in the eyes of the Swazi
society. Those who occupy the seat of power have their hands dripping with
the blood of innocent Swazis who were killed, maimed and rendered disabled
by members of the army and the police on the clearest instruction and order
of His Majesty King Mswati III. The regime to date continues to murder, maim
and disable innocent civilians.

We are faced with a situation where, as a people in our various capacities

and all walks of life, we have lost all faith in the leadership of the King and
his appointed Cabinet.

It is unfortunate that in your press statement of Wednesday October 27,

2021 the Prime Minister discounted, downplayed and undermined the
legitimate call for an interim transitional government as the logical and
sensible step to be taken at this moment in history.

Your Excellency, we are of the firm view that the great wrongs that have been
perpetrated by the Tinkhundla royal regime could and still can be cured
without the shedding of one drop of blood of the innocent. Sadly, the
intransigence and vengeance of the Government and the King has led to too
much blood spilt and innocent lives lost. Many have been injured with
broken limps, bones and ribs. Many walk with live bullets in their bodies.

We hate to say Mr Prime Minister, but we should say that there should be
full accountability and justice for these crimes against humanity. Delaying
the talks is merely delaying the inevitable.

4. The crafting and adoption of a new democratic Constitution


“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

The 2005 Constitution is a product of an illegitimate process that was not

inclusive, not transparent and open, and not accountable to the vast majority
of the people of Swaziland. It was a royal project solely intended to entrench
royal supremacy and undermine the rule of law and democratic values. The
people aspire for a constitution that will serve their interests without favour
or discrimination while protecting their basic human rights and fundamental
freedoms. The current Constitution is also unworkable to the extent that it
entrenches the 1973 Decree, the rule by the King and practically obstructs
any constitutional pathway to political reforms.

The failure of the 2005 Constitution to guarantee good governance and to

provide checks and balances is the very reason why some MPs are unable to
play their oversight role over the other arms of Government and are
languishing in jail and declared a fugitive from justice. Prime Minister, your
insistence that change should only come via the constitutional set-up is
unfortunately misguided, ill-informed and ill-advised as there is surely no
workable pathway through the current constitution.

The only viable and workable way is political dialogue and negotiation. Your
suggestion that progress can be made via the constitution and established
channels is fallacious and an indication of lack of commitment to finding a
lasting solution to the crisis. We implore you to rethink such an unworkable

5. The introduction of a multi-party dispensation founded on the

rule of law
As stated in point No. 2 political parties are an essential ingredient of a
democratic society. Without their lawful existence there can be no


“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

democracy. Both in the SADC region and in Africa as a whole, political

parties have been institutionalized. Swaziland is out of step not only with its
regional obligations but also its international commitments.

Indeed over the years regional and international elections observation

missions have advised the King and Government to uplift the ban on political
parties and allow for free political activity. You have chosen to bury your
heads in the sand.

E. Leveling of the political playing field

In order to achieve the above, decisive steps must be taken to clear the
political playing field to remove all impediments to effective and meaningful
engagement. Such steps must include:

(a) A cessation of hostilities including, but not limited to the removal

of the army and the military wing Operation Support Service Unit
[OSSU] of the police from the streets and communities;

(b) Total leveling of the playing field to ensure effective and meaningful
engagement with the transitional process;

(c) The unconditional return of all exiles, including the withdrawal of

the warrant of arrest against Honourable MP MDUDUZI
MAGAWUGAWU SIMELANE and all those who have been exiled before
him for many years; and


“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

(d) The unconditional release of all political prisoners, including the

Members of Parliament Honourable MDUDUZI BACEDE MABUZA and
Honourable MTHANDENI DUBE, who were arrested at the instance,
order and instruction of the King and other prisoners of conscience
such as the late AMOS MBEDZI and many others.

F. Sibaya not a forum for effective and meaningful dialogue

We regret that at the press conference His Excellency insisted that dialogue
will only happen through Sibaya and will only happen after Incwala. This
was sad, unrealistic and blatantly insensitive. It was actually an insult to the
democratic aspirations of the people. Incwala adds no value to the lives of
the struggling masses of the people of his nation. The future of this nation
should be held at ransom because of a ritual that benefits them in no way
whatsoever but a show of the luxurious lifestyle of the Monarch and their
cronies. The process of dialogue ad negotiation should have started and
started without undue delay.

We, therefore, wish to make it clear and unambiguous that we reject with the
seriousness it deserves the suggestion that a process of dialogue and
negotiation will happen at Sibaya at a timeline singularly imposed upon the
people. Neither party can ever impose the terms of engagement.

What is more is that over the years Sibaya has failed in many respects
including but not limited to the following:

[a] As a people we have neither control nor influence on when Sibaya

is called;
[b] We, the people have no say on the agenda thereof;


“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

[c] We, the people have no role on the partisan chairmanship of Sibaya.
The fact that a person who exercises traditional power chairs the
Sibaya meeting simply means that we cannot subject the political
question facing the country to a traditional forum. The political and
governance problems we face are not traditional. They are political and
need a clear political solution. The time for window-dressing, half-
hearted, cosmetic and incremental attempts at finding a lasting
solution is long gone;

[d] We, the people have no role in the recordings of the meetings;
[e] We have no right to have the minutes or report;
[f] We, the people have no control on the modus operandi of the
implementation of decisions as and when such decisions are taken.
Sibaya can only be called at the whims of the King upon the advice of
his appointed advisors; and

[g] Sibaya is not a conducive platform, for engagement in that it is

inherently opposed and hostile to democratic principles.

Accordingly, any attempt to subject the dialogue process to the structures of

Tinkhundla is a futile exercise. We need to engage in the negotiation process
as equal partners and in an inclusive and neutral mutually agreed venue
under the coordination of an impartial mediator.

We categorically state that the talks about the democratic future of the
country should not have waited for or be dependent on the conclusion of
Incwala (or any other processes), for the following reasons:

 The army and the police continue to kill, maim, torture and harass
communities at the behest of the Government and the King.

“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

 The Incwala itself is a ritual of the royal family that has no significance to
the people of the country.
 Swazis have a right to freedom of religion, thought and consciousness and
as such cannot be held at ransom by a cultural practice that they do not
believe in.
 The task of nation building cannot wait. The time for change has arrived
and it shall wait no longer than is necessary.

G. On the social ills inflicted upon the people:

 Food prices continue to increase, eroding the right to food security,

especially in the context of Covid-19.

 Electricity hikes are skyrocketing.

 Petrol prices are frequently escalating to unmanageable levels.

 Unemployment and joblessness is increasing.

 Students continue to be denied scholarships and allowances.

 All basic social services are collapsing, especially education and health.

 The levels of poverty are increasing daily.

 The education sector is in crisis.


“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

 The health sector has cumbled.

 The general failure to deliver services to the people.

All these happen in a working environment where wages and salaries have
been stagnant for more than five (5) years.

H. We welcome and support the SADC initiative to intervene in

Swaziland and the Draft Framework For Inclusive Multi-
Stakeholder National Dialogue In The Kingdom Of Eswatini [“The
SADC Framework”].
There should be no doubt that we welcome the intervention of the Southern
Africa Development Community [SADC] through the SADC Organ Troika. We
do believe that SADC as the immediate regional block is better placed to play
a mediatory role in brokering genuine peace. As a country we long committed
to the SADC principles and values of respect for the rule of law, the protection
and promotion of all basic human rights and fundamental freedoms as well
as good governance. These have nevertheless, evaded us for the longest time
as a people because Tinkhundla is inherently opposed to the enjoyment and
exercise of these basic rights and freedoms.

We maintain that the existing Government and the King can neither impose
the rules and terms of engagement for the all-inclusive dialogue process, nor
can they unilaterally set the timelines of engagement. These are matters that
should be dealt with at the level of talks about talks, that is, discussions to
precede the actual negotiation process.


“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

His Excellency the Prime Minister will recall that in his maiden speech to
parliament the Prime Minister rightly observed that when he assumed the
high office of Premier some fifty-five [55] constituencies had been served and
had received petitions from the general populace in the various
constituencies. The Prime Minister accepted that the crisis facing the country
is a political one.

The point of departure is the suggestion that the political and governance
crisis can only be resolved by following existing structures and the
Constitution to resolve the impasse, in particular a dialogue through Sibaya
and consultative processes at the behest of the government and the King.

We submit that it has been made clear over the years that commissions and
committees singularly appointed by the King, such as the Vusela
Committees, the Tinkhundla Review Commission [TRC], the Constitution
Drafting Committee [CDC] as well as Sibaya have failed to deliver the lasting
solution that as a people we have been longing for.

It is for these reasons that we have collectively and individually rejected the
suggestion that the King will convene Sibaya as the forum for dialogue and
negotiation. This is contemptuous of the many lives that have been lost at
the hands of the security organs of government that continue to date, to
murder and kill, maim and break the bones of innocent citizens.

We are deeply concerned that the posture adopted by the Prime Minister
seems to be that adopted by the King in July 16, 2021 when he sought to
down-play the role that the regional block must play in assisting us overcome
the challenges we face. Nobody has suggested that SADC through the Organ
Troika seeks to impose a solution(s) to the crisis. Instead we see SADC rightly


“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

playing a mediatory role among the parties to the impasse. It is the duty of
the Government and the King not to shut the doors, but to open its hand to
the leadership of the regional block to assist as best they can in resolving the
crisis by finding a lasting solution.

The hardening of hearts will not resolve the problems we face as a people.

Please advise the King that the time for talk is now, and that the people have
made it clear that the time for multiparty democracy has long arrived. Please
remind the King about his words when he assumed the Throne on that
glorious day on April 26, 1986. In his own words the King said the following:

"I have pledged myself to your service, and throughout my life

and with all my heart, I shall try to be worthy of your trust. In
this resolve, however, I can only be inspired by the loyalty and
counsel of those whose king I have been called upon to be. A king
is a king by his people. This is the theme of our social and
political thought, a sacred part of our way of life and outlook."

The time has come for the King to be true to his words, accept the counsel of
the people whose king he was called upon to be.

In the meantime, and as sign of commitment we call upon the Prime Minister
to immediately:

1. Withdraw the banning of the delivery of petitions in the tinkhundla

centres throughout the country;
2. Withdraw the ban on receipt of notification for marches, protests and
gatherings by Municipalities;


“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

3. Remove the army and the police from communities and stop the torture,
harassment and brutalisation of the civilian population;
4. Government must stop interfering with the internet and social media
platforms to fight its political battles with the people; and
5. Advise His Majesty to clear the way for genuine dialogue to begin now.

This is a clarion call to conscience.

Your Excellency we now know that after the King and the Government dilly-
dallied and were coy about the status of the SADC intervention process, the
Chairperson of the Organ Troika His Excellency RAMAPHOSA long delivered
on the resolution and agreement of November 2, 2022 between the King and
the President. We now know that as of February 14, 2022 the Organ Troika
handed to the King and Government the DRAFT FRAMEWORK FOR

We note that the first seven points of the SADC Framework are intended to
create a climate that is conducive to meaningful dialogue. Prime Minister, it
is our firm view that by now they would already have been an opportunity
for engagement with the SADC Framework so as to consolidate and move
forward with the process.

What is the hold up, Sir?

The scenario of stagnation that we face as a country does not serve any good,
if anything, it is fertile ground for violence and escalation of the crisis, that
has the potential to result in a serious civil war. This can and should be


“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

You will agree with us at the MDM that the current state of affairs that has
seen loss of lives, mainly of innocent civilians and including lives of members
of the security forces is a clear indicator that the longer the King and
Government delay to embrace a genuine dialogue, the more danger for a
serious violent confrontation. We have mentioned before and we repeat here
for emphasis that violence is never a solution, but talking is.

For the consideration by the King and Government we have attached to this
petition our own proposal of the terms of engagement on the dialogue.

J. Conclusion

Prime Minister Sir, we do trust that this our petition will receive your utmost
attention. Your Excellency, we will give you time to consider it and return
after some days so to seek a detailed response to the issues we have raised,
in particular on the question of dialogue and to our proposed Five Point Plan
as a way forward to genuine peace in our land.

Yours sincerely,

Mobile: 00268 7602 5165


“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“… the IDEAL of a democratic and free society…” Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Tel: (00268) 2404 9128 P.O. Box 6018

Fax: (00268) 2402 9128 Mbabane
Swaziland, H100
Institute for Democracy and Leadership

Mobile: 00268 7604 3082

Cc: 1. His Excellency the Chairperson of the SADC Organ

President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa
President of the Republic of South Africa
The Union Buildings

3. All Diplomatic Missions in Swaziland

- The Delegation of the European Union
- Embassy of the USA
- British High Commissioner
- The United Nations Agencies
- Foreign Governments

3. International Bodies

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” - Mohandas K. Gandhi


“… the content of our character…” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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