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Laibah Abdul Khader

1. Stormi is a dog. She is dark grey and has long legs. Her eyes are
expressive and are able to let her humans know what she is
thinking. Her tongue is long, pink, and wet. Her long legs allow
her to sprint after other dogs, people or bunnies. She can be a good
dog, but also very bad. Her tail wags when happy or excited and
hides between her back legs when she is bad. Stormi is a dog I

2. Don't forget that gifts often come with costs that go beyond their
purchase price. When you purchase a child the latest smartphone,
you're also committing to a monthly phone bill. When you
purchase the latest gaming system, you're likely not going to be
satisfied with the games that come with it for long and want to
purchase new titles to play. When you buy gifts it's important to
remember that some come with additional costs down the road that
can be much more expensive than the initial gift itself.

3. There were about twenty people on the dam. Most of them were
simply walking and getting exercise. There were a few who were
fishing. There was a family who had laid down a blanket and they
were having a picnic. It was like this most days and nothing
seemed out of the ordinary. The problem was that nobody noticed
the water leaking through the dam wall.

4. I'm so confused by your ridiculous meltdown that I must insist on

some sort of explanation for your behavior towards me. It just
doesn't make any sense. There's no way that I deserved the
treatment you gave me without an explanation or an apology for
how out of line you have been.
5. Sometimes there isn't a good answer. No matter how you try to
rationalize the outcome, it doesn't make sense. And instead of an
answer, you are simply left with a question. Why?

6. There wasn't a bird in the sky, but that was not what caught her
attention. It was the clouds. The deep green that isn't the color of
clouds, but came with these. She knew what was coming and she
hoped she was prepared.

7. The amber droplet hung from the branch, reaching fullness and
ready to drop. It waited. While many of the other droplets were
satisfied to form as big as they could and release, this droplet had
other plans. It wanted to be part of history. It wanted to be
remembered long after all the other droplets had dissolved into
history. So it waited for the perfect specimen to fly by to trap and
capture that it hoped would eventually be discovered hundreds of
years in the future.

8. Sleep deprivation causes all sorts of challenges and problems.

When one doesn’t get enough sleep one’s mind doesn’t work
clearly. Studies have shown that after staying awake for 24 hours
one’s ability to do simple math is greatly impaired. Driving tired
has been shown to be as bad as driving drunk. Moods change,
depression, anxiety, and mania can be induced by lack of sleep. As
much as people try to do without enough sleep it is a wonder more
crazy things don’t happen in this world.
9. Breastfeeding is good for babies and moms. Infants that are
breastfed get antibodies from their mothers against common
illnesses. Breastfed babies have less chance of being obese as an
adult. Breastfeeding a baby lets the infant-mother pair bond in a
very unique way. Mother’s who breastfeed lower their chances of
developing breast cancer. Usually, mothers who breastfeed lose
their pregnancy weight more quickly and easily. The benefits of
breastfeeding are numerous.

10.He couldn't remember exactly where he had read it, but he was
sure that he had. The fact that she didn't believe him was quite
frustrating as he began to search the Internet to find the article. It
wasn't as if it was something that seemed impossible. Yet she
insisted on always seeing the source whenever he stated a fact.

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