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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Bohol

Physical Education 6


Quarter : 4 Week : 1 Day : 3 Activity No. : 1

Competency: : 1. Assesses regularly participation in physical activities based the Philippines
Physical Activity Pyramid.Code:PE6PF-IVb-h-18
2. Observe safety precautions. Code: PE6GS-IVb-h-3
Objective : Assess physical activities and physical fitness using health related fitness
Topic : Assessment of Physical Activities using Health - Related Fitness Components.
Materials : Pictures from LAS
Reference :
Mildred C. Gemperoso, Marie Michelle G. Manigpue, Felix G. Ecaldre. Sing Sketch Stretch.

Copyrights : For classroom use only

Concept Notes:

➢ Physical Activities- refers to the ability of a person to use his/ her body in a vigorous physical exercise.
➢ Fitness – is well-being of the person and determines the ability of his/her body to perform well in work
and leisure activities.


Cardiovascular Enhances stamina which improves your performance ability.
Endurance Reduces the risk of fatigue, enhances concentration, and reduces stress level.
Muscular Strength Plays vital role in the longevity and success of a dancer.
Allows the dancer to have the physical capacity to leap at great heights perform
complex diverse movements, and to safely increase and stabilize his/her range of
motion and extended positions.
Muscular Endurance Is when less force is sustained over a longer period of time such as in gallops, skips,
plies, and swings.
Flexibility It helps a dancer attempt more intricate twists and turns and prevents the occurrence
of injury.
It improves the ability of a joint to move easily and attain a wide range of
Body Composition To stay slim will help the dancer to perform easily the different steps in dancing.
Precautionary Measures in Doing Physical Activities
1. Stretching. Before an activity, you need to stretch your muscles to avoid injuries.
2. Attire. You must wear the proper attire comfortable enough so you can move freely and at ease.
3. Equipment. These must be checked if they are free from wear and are still safe to use.
4. Weather. Check if the weather could affect the activity. If it is raining, better do it indoors. If it is too
sunny, put anti-ultraviolet lotion on your skin. Put insect- repellent lotion.
5. Health condition. Before being involved in a strenuous activity, you must secure medical clearance from
your doctor. Physical activities might give you injury rather than long time health benefit if you have
health problems.

Activity 1

1. Follow the safety precautions and refer to the result of your PAR-Q before doing the physical fitness test.

2. Perform the following physical activities with the assistance of your parents, elder siblings, or anybody
in the home older than you.

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Resting Heart Rate
Directions: Count your pulse for 1 minute before doing any activity with your radial or carotid artery.
Write your pulse rate here: ___________beats per minute

2. General Warm- up Exercise

Directions: Do the following
a. Breathing exercise (inhale-exhale) d. arms circling f. half knee bending
b. Neck bending e. hip bending g. foot rotation
c. Shoulder rotation

B. Performance of Physical Fitness Test

✓ Starting in a kneeling, prone position. Place feet shoulder-width apart.
Keep feet, ankle, knees, and hips in a vertical plane. Place the palms of
the hands flat on the floor shoulder-width apart (elbows should be
pointing directly back – not out to the side.
✓ Drop the elbows to the floor (one side at a time) and place them under
shoulders. Forearms should be parallel.
✓ Move the feet back one at a time allowing the abdomen and hips and
legs to rest on the floor.
✓ Elevate the hips. Hips and shoulders should remain parallel to the floor Photo credit: Runner’s World
while the legs are straight.
✓ Keep the head/neck in a neutral position.
✓ Tighten the core by drawing the belly button to the spine and hold the position.
✓ At the end of the repetition, return to a resting position.
✓ Record the results up to maximum minutes the pupils hold.
Leg Raise
✓ Lie on your back, legs straight and together.
✓ Keep your legs straight and lift them all the way up to
the ceiling until your butt comes off the floor.
✓ Slowly lower your legs back down till they’re just above
the floor. Hold for a moment.
✓ Raise your legs back up. Repeat. Photo credit: The Leg Raise: Not An Ab
✓ Do the activity in 2 minutes. Movement/NFPT
✓ Record your result.

C. Assessment of Physical Fitness Tests Results.

1. Record your scores in the table below.
Physical Activity Components of Target Actual Rating
Physical Fitness Performance Performance
1. Plank Muscular strength 5 minutes
and above
2. Leg Raise Abdominal strength 30

2. Assess your performance rating by using the rating scale below:

Plank Leg Raise
Score Rating Score Rating
5 minutes and above Excellent 30 Excellent
3- 4:59 minutes Very Good 23-29 Very Good
1-2:59 minutes Good 16-22 Good
30-59 seconds Fair 8-15 Fair
29 seconds and below Needs Improvement 1-7 Needs Improvement

D. Answer the following questions:

1. In which component are you weak?
2. How would you improve your weak component?

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