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Prepared to Fulfill English Course Assignments

Lecturer : Mr. ISMAIL RAHMAT M.Pd

Compiled By :







Assalamu'alaikum. Wr.Wb

Praise be to the author for the presence of Allah SWT, who always gives His Mercy

and Hidayah to the author so that he can complete the paper Biography of Umar Bin


The author hopes that it can be useful for writers in particular and for readers in

general, namely as reading material that provides enlightenment and insight to us.

The author realizes that this compiled paper still has many shortcomings or errors

both in terms of composition and content, therefore constructive criticisms and suggestions

both from lecturers and from readers are highly expected for the perfection of the next paper.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

Sanggatta09 June 2022


TITLE PAGE.............................. i

FOREWORD.................................................................................... Ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS........................... Iii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................... 1

A. Background........................ 1

B. Problem Formulation........................... 1

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION........................... 2

A. Biography of Umar Bin Khattab............... 2

B. Umar Bin Khattab's Appointment Process........................... 3

C. End of Umar Bin Khattab's Reign............................... 4

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION........................... 5

BIBLIOGRAPHY........................... 6


A. Background

Organizations are a forum for human activities as well as a place for establishing

cooperative relationships between people. Because as social beings human beings cannot

live alone, each other needs each other and cooperation is an indispensable part of his life.

Human beings are also individualist beings who have egos and ambitions. In order for

harmony betweensocial and individualist traits to occur, each organization or working group needs a

leader. A leader is expected to be able to lead, mobilize and direct humans to work together to

achieve the desired goals

Leadership can be conceptualized as an interaction between a person and a group,

precisely between a person and members of a group each participant in the interaction
plays a role and in certain ways that role must be separated from one another. The basis of

the election is a matter of influence, the leader influences and others are influenced. In

this paper, we will discuss the leadership of the figure of Umar Bin Khattab.

B. Problem Formulation

1. Biography of Umar Bin Khattab

2. Appointment Process of Umar Bin Khattab

3. The End of Umar Bin Khattab's Reign




Umar bin Khattab bin Nafiel bin Abdul Uzza or better known as Umar bin Khattab

(581 - November 644) was one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad who was also

the second caliph of Islam (634-644). Umar bin Khattab was born 12 years after the birth of

the Prophet.

Umar was also one of the four Caliphs who were classed as instructed Caliphs

(Khulafaur Rasyidin).

Umar was born in the city of Mecca to the Tribe of Bani Adi, one of the family of the

Quraysh, the largest tribe in the city of Mecca at that time. His father was named Khattab bin

Nufail Al Shimh Al Quraisyi and his mother Hantamah binti Hashim. Umar has an epithet

given by Muhammad, namely Al-Faruk which means a person who can separate between

truth and spirituality.

Umar's family belonged to a middle-class family, he could read and write, which in

those days was something rare. Umar is also known for his strong physique where he became

the wrestling champion in Mecca.

History of Umar's Entry into Islam.

" O Allah, glorify Islam with one of these two men : Umar ibn Khattab or Umar Ibn Hisyam

Abu Jahal". That was a piece of Rosulullah's prayer at one point.

By the time Islam emerged, namely when Rosulullah announced his religious mission, Umar

was one of Rosulullah's most persistent opponents. He considered that Islam was a heretic
and a madness that opposed the religious beliefs of their ancestors. So he was very hostile to
the Prophet Muhammad. In various ways Umar opposed the teachings brought by

Rossulullah. Once Umar told the people that he was going to kill Rosulullah, then he came

out of his house with a sharply drawn sword and was about to head to Rosulullah's residence,

arriving in the middle of the road he met his younger brother Fatimah sitting under a tree

carrying a mushaf and reciting part of the verses of the Qur'an (surah At-Thaha). He asked his

sister "what you have read", with great fear fatimah replied "verses of the Quran" then Umar

asked him and said "verily you are the one who deserves me to kill first, "if the truth is

among us what you will do" said fatimah, "give me the paper", after umar read it, after he

learned the verse he read was very related to him. his heart melted, his heart trembled at the

sound of such a beautiful verse, then he ran to Rosulullah's house and declared he had
converted to Islam. He converted to Islam in the month of Dhulhijjah in the sixth year of

prophethood and he is recorded as the 40th person to convert to Islam. Umar died on

Wednesday the 25th of Dzulhijjah 23H / 644 AD. He was killed by a Persian slave named

Abu Lu'luah or Feroz when he was the priest of the dawn prayers. This murder is said to be

motivated by Feroz's personal grudge against Umar because he felt hurt over the defeat of

Persia, which at that time was an adigdaya state.


Umar ibn Khattab r.a was appointed and handpicked by Abu Bakr r.a to succeed him
in the caliphate. By Abdul Wahhab an-Nujjar, this method of appointment is called thariqul
ahad, which is a leader who chooses his own successor after hearing other opinions, only then

is it generally corrected.

During the reign of Abu Bakr r.a, the caliph was called the caliph of the Messenger of

Allah. Meanwhile, during the reign of Umar bin Khattab r.a, they were called

Amirulmu'minin. This designation itself was given by the people to him. One of the reasons

for this replacement is only the meaning of language, because if Abu Bakr r.a is called with

the caliph of the Messenger of Allah (the successor of the Messenger of Allah), automatically
his successor means the caliph of the caliph of the Messenger of Allah (his successor the

Messenger of Allah), and so on, at least so according to Haikal. Moreover, because the

islamic dominions have expanded, up to areas that are not Arab areas, which of course

requires a detailed system of government, while he does not get a detailed system of

government in the Qur'an al-Karim and the sunnah of the prophet, he therefore refuses to be

called as caliph and caliph of the Messenger of Allah.

There are differences in the process of appointing Abu Bakr and Umar, if Abu Bakr is

elected by several representatives of the elite circles of society, Umar is elected and

appointed directly by Abu Bakr to replace him. There are several factors that may greatly
influence this direct appointment:

1. It is very likely that Abu Bakr was worried that there would be a split in the body of the

Islamic ummah if the elections were handed over to the people as almost happened to


2. After all, Umar was abu Bakr's successor in the election to be Caliph.

3. While some other opinions say that Abu Bakr's concern for the election of Ali bin Abi

Talib motivated him to directly elect his successor


Many new decisions had to be taken by the IIth caliph Umar Ibn Khattab (634-644
AD). The spread of Islam was carried out in line with the expansion of Islamic territory.

Many people who were subjugated under Islam embraced it as a religion even though there

were some of them who hated Islam or the Arabs who were invaders. Umar ruled with

firmness and discipline, the people and their employees would be punished if convicted. At

the end of his reign there were symptoms of discontent with his policies that were voiced for

the first time by those who hated Islam or the Arabs. The most notable thing is the

distribution of the spoils of war, which is judged to be unfair. But until the end of his life no

one dared to speak outtly.

Is it true that there was dissatisfaction with the rule of Umar bin Khattab, it could be

true. One of the evidences that shows this is the murder of Umar bin Khattab himself, he was

killed by Abu Lu'luah, a Christian. He argued that his objection to the tax he valued was too

great for him, who was a carpenter, painter, and blacksmith by profession, he had to pay two

dirhams every day. However, although Umar bin Khattab r.a heard his complaints, he did not

reduce the tax as it was reported that he would also open the flour millennial with the wind.

Abu Lu'luah apparently passed with dissatisfaction with his decision, this was inferred

from his answer to Umar bin Khattab r.a's decision: "Then work for me with the mill!", which

was then answered: "if you are safe then I will work for you". Three days later he succeeded
in killing her.

However, if only this evidence is put forward to suggest that the end of the reign of

Umar bin Khattab r.a there was some non-fasting of his judiciary, then it is too exaggerated.

But even so, it is a fact that some are dissatisfied with Umar bin Khattab r.a.He died at the

age of 63. As for its caliphate runs for 10 years, 6 months and 8 days.

There are indications that his feud with Ali bin Abi Talib r.a began to fade-if indeed

they were feuding-, namely Umar bin Khattab r.a married one of ali bin Abi Talib r.a's

daughters namely Ummi Kaltsum, besides ali bin Abi Talib r.a was one of the men who

descended on his tomb, another case when Fathimah binti Rasulullah died, neither Abu Bakr

r.a and Umar ibn Khattab r.a came to his silence nor when Abu Bakr r.a died where Ali ibn
Abi Talib r.a did not come to his silence.

Some opinions say that one of the attempts to defuse his feud with the Bani Hashim

was to appoint the leaders of the Bani Hashim as the leader of the army and send them to the

battlefield, so that they would not think too much about who exactly was entitled to be the

caliph, besides he also did marry the daughter of Ali ibn Abi Talib r.a.


Throughout the history of the rasyidah caliphate, the widest expansion ever achieved

was during the time of Umar ibn Khattab r.a. By the time he died his power had reached

Alexandria, Najran, Kerman, Khurasan, Rayy, Tabriz and all Shia.

In addition to administration, he adapted many government systems from Sasania,

Kostantinopel and Byzantium. This is indeed due to its contact with the three great empires,

and also due to the expansion of the fiefdom which requires a neater arrangement.

In the field of law, he has also established qadi-qadi in each region, and also

established its judicial procedural law. In addition, Umar ibn Khattab r.a was a man famous

for his criticality, many of his ijtihad-ijtihad munjul during his reign. Map of the Arabian

Peninsula, the rule of Umar ibn Khattab r.a culminated in Alexandria, Najran, Kerman,

Sijistan, Khurasan, Rayy, Tabriztan, Armenia, and Shia.


Nujjar, Abdul Wahhab, al-Khulafa' ar-Rasyidun. Beirut: Daar al-Qalam, 1986.

Husain Haikal, Abu Bakr al-Shiddiq, terj. Abdul Kadir Mahdawi (Solo: Pustaka Mantiq,

1994), p. 54.

Lapidus, Ira M., Social History of the Islamic Ummah, terj. Ghufron, bag. I and II. Jakarta:

PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 1999.

Bakhsh, Khuda, Politics In Islam. India: Idarah Adabiyah Delli, 1975.

Ja'far, Abu, Tarikh at-Thabari, vol. III. Daar Maarif: Cairo, 1963.

Maududi, Abul A'la, Caliphate and Kingdom. Jakarta: Mizan, 1996.

Nuruddin, Amiur, Ijtihad Umar bin Khattab. Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 1991.

__________, Tarikh at-Thabari, jil. IV. Daar Maarif: Cairo, 1963.

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