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Activity 11.

A   Politics, Society and You

Name: Danica Yen Pagal Section: BSN I – A

Instructions: For the following, choose the statement/s that apply to you by putting a ✓ mark on the
space provided. Check as many as applicable.

✓ 1. I always make it a point to be updated with current events.

2. I have voted in the Sangguniang Kabataan elections.

✓ 3. I am actively involved in community organizations that are not academically required.

4. I have posted a political statement, at least once, on my social media account.

✓ 5. If there is an opportunity, I am likely to watch the State of the Nation Address (SONA).

✓ 6. I find the issues about graft and corruption in the government very disturbing.

✓ 7. I am likely to engage in discussions about politics with my peers.

8. I have attended a rally fighting for a specific advocacy.

✓ 9. I make it a point to follow the ordinances in our barangay, particularly about cleanliness and

✓ 10. When confronted with political news, I carefully scrutinize facts before forming an opinion.

✓ 11. I believe I have a personal responsibility to serve my country.

✓ 12. After I graduate, I will use my skills to be a productive citizen of my country.

✓ 13. I update myself on current events happening in my country.

Activity 11. B   Politics, Society and You

Name: Danica Yen Pagal Section: BSN I – A
Instructions: Kindly review the items you checked in Activity 11.A and answer the following questions
 1. Do you feels you have the voice in the society? Why or why not?
There is free speech in the Philippines. Freedom of speech is the right to seek, receive, and impart
information and ideas of any kind, through any means, and it is a fundamental human right, which is
why, yes, I believe I have a voice in society.

2. In your opinion, can an adolescent initiate change in the society? Why or why not?
Yes, I am an adolescent, and I believe that by simply investing in ourselves, we can already contribute
so much to society and by being the change. Let us work together to make the world a better place.
3. Do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about the future of the country? Why?

I am optimistic about the country's future because we have control over something – our responses,
actions, and perceptions, in other words, the future is in our hands.

4. Do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about being a Filipino? Why?

The Philippines is a wonderful country with wonderful people known as Filipinos. I am optimistic
about my Filipino identity. Being Filipino entails being a part of a fantastic culture. A culture with
amazing foods, beautiful languages, and a wonderful homeland to view. We spread happiness and

Activity 11. C   My Advocacy

Name: Danica Yen Pagal Section: BSN I – A
Instructions: Choose a particular political or societal issue that you feel strongly about. Write down
the nature of that issue in the box below and answer the questions.
1. Why do you feel strongly about this issue? Explain.
Drug addiction or substance use disorder is one of the major issues challenging our country today. It
has been a highlight of our country’s battle cry for years. Let us abide by the rules and support the
governments’ campaign against illegal drugs.

2. What can you do as an individual to address this issue? Describe and explain.
As an individual, I can help to address this issue by raising awareness and promoting knowledge
about its harmful effects, as well as encouraging everyone to engage in productive activities such as
sports and livelihood programs instead. Volunteering at rehab centers and supporting campaigns
and programs that help eradicate delinquency and vices are all ways we can help our fellowmen.
Most importantly, committing to and staying connected to the Lord Almighty, the source of all that
is beautiful, and encouraging others to do the same.

3. Are you happy of being a Filipino? Explain.

I am not only happy but also proud to be a Filipino because I have a lot to offer. As I've gotten older,
I've picked up a lot of Filipino traits that have helped me become a better person because dealing
with life's ups and downs is never easy, but rather than being miserable, I'm always positive and
appreciative for what I have. Many things were taught to me by my family, including how to love
unconditionally. Finally, I learn to trust God and surrender, for faith without practice is dead faith.

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