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Danica Yen P.

Pagal July 13, 2021


Our sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions, and behaviors toward other people are
all part of our sexuality. Other people can be physically, sexually, or emotionally
appealing to us, and all of these aspects are a part of our sexuality. Sexuality is unique,
special to each individual, and has a significant impact on our identity and sense of self.
It is not always as simple as being straight or not. Some people are only attracted to one
sex, while others are attracted to a variety of people regardless of sex or gender, with a
lot of different preferences in-between. It is essential to recognize that we are all
different and unique, that the things that feel right for us are different from the things
that feel right for someone else and society should accept this because how can we call
ourselves a society if we are not diverse? The LGBTQIA+ community needs our
acceptance and deserves our support. I don't believe they deserve the treatment they
are receiving because we all have the right to express our gender preferences, and
those preferences must be respected.

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