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Government Polytechnic, Pune-16

(An Autonomous Institute of Government of Maharashtra)

Project Report


Arya Baride 1907004

Yashaswini Bhosale 1907006
Aaditya Pillai 1907052

Under the Guidance of

Smt. H.F Khan


(Academic Year: 2021-22)
Government Polytechnic, Pune-16
(An Autonomous Institute of Government of Maharashtra)


This is to certify that,

Arya Baride 1907004

Yashaswini Bhosale 1907006
Aaditya Pillai 1907052

Of class Third Year have successfully completed project on

Data Visualization under the guidance of Smt.H.F.Khan in parallel
fulfilment of requirement for the award of Diploma in Information
Technology from Government Polytechnic, Pune.

Mrs. H.F.Khan Mrs.M.U.Kokate Dr.V.S.Bandal

(Project Guide) (H.O.D) (Principle)

------------- -------------
(Internal Examiner) (External Examiner

Sr Page no
1 Abstract 1

1.1 Introduction 2

1.2 Literature Survey 3

1.3 Project Motivation 4

2 Project Schedule 6

3 System Requirements 8

3.1 System Description 9

3.2 Product Modules 10

4 System Analysis 11

4.1 UML Diagrams 12

4.2 Outputs 17

5 System Testing 26

5.1 Test Cases 29

Conclusion 31

Future Scope and Expansion 32

References 33

Table no. Name of Table Page no.

1 2.1 Project Schedule 7

2 4.1 Risk Determination

3 5.2.1 Test Cases 1 29

4 5.2.1 Test Case 2 30


Figure no. Name of Figure/Diagram Page no.

1 2.2 Project Gantt Chart 7

3.2.1 Product Perspective 9

2 4.2.1 Level 0 - Data Flow Diagram 12

3 4.2.2 Level 1 - Data Flow Diagram 13

4 4.2.3 Use Case Diagram 14

5 4.2.4 Class Diagram 15

6 4.2.5 Activity Diagram 16

Data Visualization


Data visualization is the graphical representation of information and data. By

using visual elements like charts, graphs, and maps, data visualization tools provide an
accessible way to see and understand trends, outliers, and patterns in data. In the world
of Big Data, data visualization tools and technologies are essential to analyze massive
amounts of information and make data-driven decisions. Data visualizations are common
in your everyday life, but they always appear in the form of graphs and charts. The
combination of multiple visualizations and bits of information are still referred to as
Infographics. Data visualizations are used to discover unknown facts and trends. You can
see visualizations in the form of line charts to display change over time. Bar and column
charts are useful for observing relationships and making comparisons. A pie chart is a
great way to show parts-of-a-whole. And maps are the best way to share geographical
data visually. Today's data visualization tools go beyond the charts and graphs used in
the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, which displays the data in more sophisticated ways such
as dials and gauges, geographic maps, heat maps, pie chart, and fever chart.

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Data visualization is a graphical representation of any data or information. Visual
elements such as charts, graphs, and maps are the few data visualization tools that provide
the viewers with an easy and accessible way of understanding the represented information.
In this world governed by Big Data, data visualization enables you or decision-makers of
any enterprise or industry to look into analytical reports and understand concepts that
might otherwise be difficult to grasp. Data visualization convert large and small data sets
into visuals, which is easy to understand and process for humans. Data visualization tools
provide accessible ways to understand outliers, patterns, and trends in the data. In the
world of Big Data, the data visualization tools and technologies are required to analyze
vast amounts of information. Data visualizations are common in your everyday life, but
they always appear in the form of graphs and charts. The combination of multiple
visualizations and bits of information are still referred to as Infographics.

Data visualizations are used to discover unknown facts and trends. You can see
visualizations in the form of line charts to display change over time. Bar and column charts
are useful for observing relationships and making comparisons. A pie chart is a great way
to show parts-of-a-whole. And maps are the best way to share geographical data visually.
Effective data visualizations are created by communication, data science, and design
collide. Data visualizations did right key insights into complicated data sets into
meaningful and natural. o craft an effective data visualization, you need to start with clean
data that is well-sourced and complete. After the data is ready to visualize, you need to
pick the right chart.

After you have decided the chart type, you need to design and customize your
visualization to your liking. Simplicity is essential - you don't want to add any elements
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that distract from the data. The concept of using picture was launched in the 17th century
to understand the data from the maps and graphs, and then in the early 1800s, it was
reinvented to the pie chart. Computers made it possible to process a large amount of data
at lightning-fast speeds. Nowadays, data visualization becomes a fast-evolving blend of
art and science that certain to change the corporate landscape over the next few years.
Data visualization is important because of the processing of information in human brains.
Using graphs and charts to visualize a large amount of the complex data sets is more
comfortable in comparison to studying the spreadsheet and reports. Data visualization is
an easy and quick way to convey concepts universally. You can experiment with a
different outline by making a slight adjustment.

1.1 Literature Survey

Healy, K. (2018). Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction. Princeton

University Press.

It explains what makes some graphs succeed while others fail, how to make high-quality
figures from data using powerful and reproducible methods, and how to think about data
visualization in an honest and effective way.

Kokina J, Pachamanova D, & Corbett, A. (2017). The role of data visualization and
analytics in performance management: Guiding entrepreneurial growth decisions.
J. of Acc. Ed., 38, 50-62.

The paper introduces a project-based activity that targets data visualization and critical
thinking development as well as supports application of accounting knowledge and
technical skills in teaching financial accounting.

Sadiku, M. N. Shadare, A. E., Musa, S. M., & Akujuobi, C. (2016). DATA

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VISUALIZATION. International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced


The study investigated user experience, display complexity, display type (tables versus
graphs), and task difficulty as variables affecting the user’s ability to navigate through
complex visual data.

Schultz, H. D. (2018). Visualizing data in research articles. The Journal of

Physiology, 596 (16).

They recommended effective use of color to differentiate data sets within graphs for
clarity and focus. Their journal facilitates this recommendation by not charging for use
of color in illustrations in the online version.

1. 2 Project Motivation
To analyze lots of data at one time
Data visualization lets decision-makers view vast amounts of data with a single look.
Managers using data visualization were 28 percent more likely to find useful
information, according to an Aberdeen Group survey.

To simplify complex patterns

Data visualization lets decision-makers see patterns that would be hard to find across
numbers in the columns and rows of a massive spreadsheet.

To find correlations between business operations

By making sense out of visual patterns, data visualization allows decision-makers to
find correlations between day-to-day tasks and long-term outcomes when it comes to
business performance. Data visualization also helps compare to topics side by side.

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To analyze and identify upcoming trends

Decision-makers can use data visualization to proactively strategize for the future. For
example, it becomes easier to identify upcoming trends when data visualization lets
companies immediately see changes in customer preferences.

To perform better collaboration

Data visualization can make it easier for teams to collaborate. A visual representation
saves the time of having to explain to colleagues and supervisors what one found in
their big data analysis.

All the above points motivated us to choose this topic as our project.

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A Project plan formal document is designed to guide the control and execution of
project. A project plan is the key to successful project and is the important document
that needs to be created when startingany business project.

In IT, the term project plan refers to a Gantt chart or any other document that
displays project activities alone timeline. However, considering these documents alone
as a project plan is inaccurate. This particular document can be more precisely termed as
project schedules and may be considered only a part of actual project plan.

Serial No. Task Expected Time

1 Topic Finalization 3 Weeks
2 Requirements 1 Week
3 Planning 1 Week
4 Design 1 Week
5 Coding 5 Weeks
6 Testing 1.2 Weeks
7 Deployment 1.5 Weeks

Table 2.1: Project Schedule

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Figure 2.2: Project Gantt Chart

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3.1 System Requirements and SRS

3.1.1 Purpose
The purpose of data visualization is pretty clear. It is to make sense of the data and use
the information for the organization’s benefits. That said, data is complicated, and it
gains more value as and when it gets visualized. Without visualization, it is challenging
to quickly communicate the data findings and identify patterns to pull insights and
interact with the data seamlessly. Data scientists can find patterns or errors without
visualization. However, it is crucial to communicate data findings and identify critical
information from them. And for this, interactive data visualization tools make all the

3.1.2 Scope
Nowadays, we cannot deny the existence and importance of data anywhere. Whether
you are a buyer or seller, company or customer all the significant stories live in your
data which if written clearly and designed elegantly can be a powerful means of data
observation and comprehension. It is truly said, that a picture is more valuable than a
thousand words if it is a well composed, as an eye-catching graphic can clarify
information more accurately.

3.2 System description

3.2.1 System Perspective

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Figure 3.2.1: Product Perspective

3.2.2 Minimum Hardware requirements/specifications

Browser: Any browser

RAM: 512MB

Hard Disk (1 terabyte)

3.2.3 Software Specifications

Framework: Django
For storing and retrieving database: dbsqlite3
For client-side validation of forms: Html, css, java script
Development end: VS Code

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3.2.4 Communication interfaces

Client on Internet will be using HTTPS protocol.
Server on Internet will be using HTTPS protocol.

3.3 Product Modules

The main purpose of the ‘Data Visualization’ is to provide easy visualization for every
uploaded dataset. Various chart options are provided to be able to visualize and save
the datasets. More than just making numbers look pretty, data visualization is the
graphical representation of information. Graphs, charts, maps, and tables are powerful
communication tools, helping to make data more accessible.

Following is the list of functions that the web application will provide:
- Changing password through email when forgotten.
- Setting a chart type.
- Uploading of datasets.
- Saving of visualizations.

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4.1 System Analysis

Risk Category Probability Impact

TC-01 Failure of module TE 30% 2

TC-02 Change in requirements PS 40% 1

Lack of training of any

TC-03 DE 50% 2
of the member

TC-04 Less reuse than planned PS 70% 2

TC-05 Use of technology TE 80% 4

TC-06 Late delivery BU 50% 2

TC-07 Improper Documentation CU 30% 3

TC-08 Crashing of system TE 20% 2

Table 4.1: Risk Analysis Table

PS - Product Size
TE - Technology to be built
BU - Business Impact
CU - Customer Characteristics

1 - Catastrophic
2 - Critical
3 – Marginal
4 - Negligible
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4.2 UML Diagrams

4.2.1 Data Flow Diagram
A data flow diagram is graphical tool used to describe and analyze movement of data
through a system. These are the central tool and the basis from which the other
components are developed. The transformation of data from input to output, through
processed, may be described logically and independently of physical components
associated with the system. These are known as the logical data flow diagrams. The
physical data flow diagrams show the actual implements and movement of data
between people, departments and workstations.

Figure 4.2.1: Data flow diagram Level 0

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Figure 4.2.2: Data flow diagram Level 1

4.2.2 Use Case Diagram

A use case is a set of scenarios that describing an interaction between a user and a
system. A use case diagram displays the relationship among actors and use cases. The
two main components of a use case diagram are use cases and actors.

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Figure 4.3: Use Cases diagram

4.2.3 Class Diagram

Class diagrams are widely used to describe the types of objects in a system and their
relationships. Class diagrams model class structure and contents using design
elements such as classes, packages and objects. Class diagrams describe three
different perspectives when designing a system, conceptual, specification, and
implementation. These perspectives become evident as the diagram is created and
help solidify the design. This example is only meant as an introduction to the UML
and class diagrams.

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Figure 4.4: Use Cases diagram

4.2.4 Activity Diagrams

Activity diagrams describe the work flow behavior of a system. Activity diagrams
are similar to state diagrams because activities are the state of doing something. The
diagrams describe the state of activities by showing the sequence of activities
performed. Activity diagrams can show activities that are conditional or parallel.

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Figure 4.5: Activity Diagram

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4.3 Outputs
Dashboard Page

Dashboard Carousal 1

Dashboard Carousal 2
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Dashboard Carousal 3

About us Page

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Login Module

Login Page

Forget Password Page

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Change Password Page


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Contact us Module

Virtualization Module

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Faceted Bar Chart Display

Scatter Plot Chart Display

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Line Plot Chart

Histogram Chart

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Box Plot Chart

Pie Chart

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Saving of visualized charts

Database Modules

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5.1 System Testing

Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the
ultimate reviews of specification, design and coding. No system is error free because
it is so till the next error drops up during any phase of the development or usage of
the product. A sincere effort however needs to be put to bring out a product that is
The testing phase involves the testing of development system using various data.
Preparation of the test data plays a vital role in system testing. After preparing the test
data, the system under study was tested using those data. While testing the system, by
using the test data, errors were found and corrected by using the following testing
steps and corrections were also noted for future use. Thus, a series of testing is
performed on the proposed system before the system is ready for implementation.

5.1.1 Test Plan

The importance of software testing and its implications cannot be overemphasized.
Software testing is a critical element of Software Quality Assurance and represents
the ultimate review of the specifications, design and coding. Data visualization is the
way to represent the information and data graphically. This process includes visual
elements like charts, graphs, and data visualization tools. Data visualization tools play
a significant role in the world of big data. Data visualization gives you the freedom to
analyze a massive amount of data and information. Companies can make data-driven

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5.1.2 Software Testing

As the coding is completed according to the requirements, we have to test the quality
of the software. Here we have tested the design and layout as per requirements. We
have tested if all requirements are fulfilled. To assure the software quality we have
conducted both white box testing and black box testing.

5.1.3 White box testing

In White-box testing we have used control structure of the procedural designs to
derive test cases. As we are using a non-procedural language, there is very small scope
for the white-box testing. Whenever it is necessary, there the control structures are
tested and successfully passed all the control structures with minimum errors.

5.1.4 Black box testing

Here we have focused on the functional requirements to the software. We have
enabled to derive sets of input conditions that will fully exercise all functional
requirements for a program. We have found almost all errors such as interface errors
and errors in accessing the database and some performance errors. In Black box
testing we have used two techniques: equivalence partitioning and the boundary value
analysis technique.

5.1.5 Code Testing

Code testing is done to check if the program does with it should do and how it should
behave under various condition or combinations and submitted for processing in the
system and it is checked if any overlaps occur during the processing. This strategy
examines the logic of the program. Here only syntax of the code is tested. In code
testing syntax errors are corrected, to ensure that the code is perfect.
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5.1.6 Unit Testing

The first level of testing is called unit testing. Here different modules are tested against
the specification produced running the design of the modules. Unit testing is done to
test the working of individual modules with test oracles. Unit testing comprises a set
of tests performed by an individual programmer prior to integration of the units into
a large system. A program unit is usually small enough that the programmer who
developed it can test it in a great detail. Unit testing focuses first on the modules to
locate errors. These errors are verified and corrected so that the unit perfectly fits to
the project.

5.2 Performance Testing

This is done to determine how long it takes to accept and respond that is the total time
for processing when it has to handle quite a large number of records. It is essential to
check the exception speed of the system, which runs well with only a handful of test
transactions. Such systems might be slow when fully loaded. So testing is done by
providing large numbers of data for processing. A system testing is designed to
uncover weaknesses that were not detected in the earlier tests. The total system is
tested for recovery and fall back after various major failures to ensure that no data is
lost during an emergency, an acceptance test is done to ensure about the validity and
reliability of the system.

5.3 Test Cases

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Test Test Case Expected Actual

case Description Result Results
Click on It should open It has opened

01 RegistrationLink Registration Registration Pass

page page
Click on submit It should ask It displayed
without for the error asking for
02 Pass
credentials credentials the credentials
Enter username
It displayed
and email without
It should ask error asking for
03 password Pass
for password the password

Enter username It displayed

It should ask
and password error asking for
04 for email Pass
without email the email
Enter email and
It displayed
password without
It should ask error asking for
05 username Pass
for username the username

Passwords and It displayed

It should ask to
Re-enter error asking to
re-enter the
06 password does re-enter Pass
not match password
All the credential It should It has
validations are redirect to redirected to
07 Pass
satisfied other page other page

Table 5.2.1 Name of the test case: User Registration Page

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Test Test Case Expected Actual

case Description Result Results
Click on It should provide It has provided
01 Pass
visualization charts charts all the charts
It should ask It has asked
Click on upload
you for for uploading
02 datasets Pass
uploading of of datasets
It should provide It has provided
Click for
both the axis both the axis
03 selecting axis Pass

It should ask It has asked

Click for
you for the color you for the color
04 selecting the color Pass

Enlarging of It should enable It has asked

datasets you to enlarge the you to enlarge
05 Pass
datasets the datasets

06 Enlarging of It should enable It has asked you Pass

visualization you to enlarge the to enlarge the
visualizations visualization
Saving of It should save the It has saved the
07 visualizations visualizations visualizations Pass

Table 5.2.2 Test Page: Home page

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Data visualization is the essential and final process in data analytics because
it helps to make decisions according to the collected data. It is important to
understand the needs of data visualization in web data integration solutions. Hence
data visualization consists of various types that are beneficial for different sectors.
Data visualization plays a vital role in decision-making and business growth. It is
essential to verify the data authenticity without any error. Data visualization testing
provides that confidence. Always test the business dashboards, charts, and graphs
before handing over the application to the client.

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Organize & manage data better

With the large amount of data being generated every minute, we must use it
to benefit our business. And an organization can do it effectively by using data
visualization tools. They extract data from different sources and help the
organization structure the same. And, it also helps generates real-time,
comprehensive reports.

Add more meaning to data

Data is meaningless until it tells a story. The advanced BI software helps

organize data collated from different sources. It presents in a meaningful and more
understandable form. Best of all, visual data is easier to interpret for all levels of
seniority and technical awareness within the employees.

Make better decisions in lesser time

We all want quick solutions. Leaders have to make prompt and accurate
decisions. This can be much better achieved when they embrace data visualization.
It makes the results of complex calculations more comfortable to understand.

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"Information Dashboard Design: Displaying Data for At-a-glance Monitoring” by

Stephen Few

"The Visual Display of Quantitative Information” by Edward R. Tufte

"Visual Thinking for Design” by Colin Ware

"The Big Book of Dashboards” by Steve Wexler, Jeffrey Shaffer, and Andy Cotgrave

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