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Lesson Plan 1

Name(s): Eda Geniş
İrem Dağdelen
Kübra Nur Soylu

Unit Title
Grade Level
60-72 month
50 minute (1 lesson)
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
At the end of the course, the children who are 60-72 months will define who astranout is and
explain at least three of his/her duties mentioned in the video.

Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Powtoon video about the duties of astronout, smart board, computer, diverse art materials, planet
pictures, stars, moon, astronout and space rocket pictures, black A4 paper
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]

We will use an an eclectic approach combining with discussion and collaborative methods.
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner
The teacher initiates a discussion environment by asking the children questions about the astronaut.
By using Powtoon video , the children are shown a video about the astronaut introducing herself.
When the video is over, the teacher opens the song ‘astronaut let's send us into space’ from smart
board and children make movements according to the song.
As a group, the children can create what they see in space using different art materials by
imagining of being astronauts and going into space.
For the assessment part, teacher asks children various assessment questions and through the
activity, the teacher observes the children using checklist.

Individual Learning Activities There is no individual learning activities in this

Group Learning Activities This activity is designed as a whole group activity.
Discussions related to astronaut, watching a video
about it , making various movements in song
about astronaut and space, and imagining
children are space station and creating what they
see in there are the group learning parts.

Explaining who is the astronaut and what are his/her duties
Describing and creating what can be seen on the space station.
Measurement & Evaluation
The teacher will the children assessment questions to assess them. Moreover, the teacher
evaluates the children by observing them using the checklist. In this way, the teacher can assess

Measurement & Assessment Activities for The teacher observes the children individually during
Individual Performance parts of the actvity.

Measurement & Assessment Activities for The teacher asks the children various assessment
Group Performance questions:
Descriptive Questions:
-What does the astronaut’s outfit like?
Affective Questions:
-How do you think astronauts feel in space? Why?

- Did you like acting like an astronaut? What did you

like an astronaut? What did you feel?

Questions related to gains :

-Who is called an astronaut?

-What are the duties of an astronaut?

Homework (optional) -
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
The teacher initiates a discussion by asking the children question about the astronaut to learn
their prior knowledge. This questions are related to the astronaut. That is, have you ever heard the
word astronaut before? If so, what do you know about the astronaut? Then, the teacher starts the
video about the astronaut created using Powtoon. In this video, the astronaut introduces herself.
In other words, she mentions about the astronauts’ duties, astronauts’ clothes and what she sees
in space station. Then, the astronaut say that ‘children, let’s all be astronauts. Let's get on our
space rocket and get ready to fly.’ The children image they are traveling inside a spaceship and tell
which planets they see. Then, the song related to astronaut and space is played and the children
make movements according to the song. After the song is over, children are divided into various
groups and the children imagine going to space as astronauts create what they see in space utilizing
various art materials and planet pictures, stars, moon, glitter, astronout and space rocket pictures.
Then, assessment is done by asking assessment questions.

If the computer or smartboard does not turn on or the Pawtoon video does not work, the teacher
can take out the astronaut picture used in the video or say what the astronaut will say in the video
using an astronaut puppet.

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