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Técuwocogy : Towagos A REAL Dseztac— Paugstan Te is not the shongest of the species Wad survive , nor the most intetbigent Mak survives: Je is the one thak le He Most adaptable to change « 7 ~ Chores Darwin CuRRENT OBETACLES TOWARDS DIGITALIZATION : > Only 18, women account holders in Pakistar| > Pakistan Suffers from 387 Geter gap 19 Mobile ownersinp — highest in South Psi 44 gender Jap i whernet usoge > Fak ranted Last for internet inclusivity in South Asia — Economist Intetizgence Unit (E10) Inctusive Internet Ince > Fok ranked bottom three in ath over Asia for “internet erclusivity ee ty Eeeect oF Covid- 19 ON DiGitaL SPACE: => Pandemic provided Jampstart 40° digital Paxistan : ; => Digital golutions for communication , bearning » oO heatth 5 finance and other Services — Online educational platforms such 081 Zoom, Google Meek } @ => Teeschool Initiakver such aa: Tee Ghar Qrd Tele Taleem | =D Covid- 14 also exposed fiaws toward digtali~ Sakion t 2, Dijitat solutions only availoke to a few s Resouces and skills not aqpatty chisti- buted => Digital access relies on income levels , Geographic Lecations and gender @ {Se Inefficient services high cock ard Low Brgitat uptake 9, The digital divde veshicts move toward a Ae gitaL economy ATE/ iecrease 1 Mobile USL, Wenvos Dasa Usoge Tnotvipva Mogzie Powe Onncesere (+) | Rurot T Urewn | Mate | femole i Totat | | Forisrens Bq-2 | 55-4 | cuss ; | | |_ mee Sang | sa5 | 65-2 | | Poxmae ues | 55-5 eee PSsxow | 32.3 | see | 65-4 Bavocaistans | 34g | 43-6 | 58a | 43-4 | 37-3 | Trree - Prat Steateqy TownrRas breiciedt MO Innovetwe DIGITAL PawssTAN t 4) DrertaL Acess AS pA FUNOAMENTAL RIGHT = 6 1 steps fe declare digital access Oo Surdamental right + > Recess to internet and digital engagement fo be addressed os basic necessities * Must bridge urban-rural , gender ard Class clivides © Investment in digital Lterorey cructal —> wit expard hovizens and oppartunities fise users @ Telecommunications $9 be parkamf an essertot Service in future dlisaster planning » 4 eniure connectivity —> wit encouroge ‘enprved vegulalin 5 better tax policies ard faster el | => Above mentioned measwes wil rreqpire t -¥ Ecosysteen phprt ‘involving both, public & Private sectors =H AU government polides , programmes & ‘intervertions Shoutd be weaved with a digital focus ~My Powdes 40 be aligned with dearly Gefined targets for vapid digital ordoption. -W) Orgetng Policy processes around manufacturing Of smart phones , cyber security » data protection , broadband Services choutd be Caurefuthey Getiberated with Gil stakeholder “N) Connection fo wider ecpnomic Seals as) Creure that going digital \« natinat Priority © Such policy cleveliop ments may be syergisedl as part of Digitar Padeistan Policy 20> > boy groudwork Of digital economy » 2, Dseartarise Government = + Pak shoutd Set a precedent by digitally transforming government ° Can happen by a —> Migrating public Services to digital Channels = Pigitasing internal government systems hoe + Pigtalising public Cectoy can provide opportunities for Private cector 40 wavk on large Projects * Wi improve. government’ wrderstanding of fechnolegy > Can ane Pasilive impact, on future. decisions *Garding bechwology 0 Digitised govt: For millions of citizen > wit ienp Yove citizens’ trust and Gover nment. £y stems Services Can beceme enhy point The 60% population OF youth under 30 should be given Necessary Atgtal AKIUS rough updated ise Cuniula € encouragement of inmevotive talent Government led technology witiakives such as Notional Incubation Cente (NIC) need 4 trickle down in smatler cities © Poe musk attract domestic & international invect-| ment for Start-ups & business ventured L To do this , govt: “mwit “ttop | bane om internet websites oF services. 3) Invervé THe PRivaTe Sector: 2 OigitaL economy Is ult pronged | Opproach eo Toput frorns Private sector important: to enrich and develop Pakistan's digital edecysteme + Interrotional players shoud indule fase's dowak market by estabished Locak presence and Yoveating “in public Oe — ' . ok + Larger Companies hove. fpace Yo ‘invest in SOc Cawood buch of digital access for women © Private seckoy bas the copacity te provide ‘vesour- Ces and Luppuvt govt ‘in initiatives related to cd tech, finance , C-Commerce de: © Trctusiocn pf focal playa who Con Provide financial opportunities to Start-ups, and &mall = Gnd mediver enterprises (SMEs) ¢ Start-ups . investors and. otver Companies shoud Ose prioritise vesponible & sustainable business Practices to establish tract with both govt & contumers + Tyys indudes? => Protecting consumer dato 53 prioritising cybersecurity © Corporate Seckot can ‘nwest in social finance — wit avate Sodal & economic benefits in Lergtem|. - Govte PAsza's OsqstaL Drvsoe MMR OOORBRBC}N.: Sean CL Ci Indonesia ZZ CRCKWWWiWO 0 QL T.KC—K—O EE /Z7/ OOOO Bongdeh ZZ (@9Me) BA Mobile Internet Penetration LN Gvered by Hobile broadband but donot cubseribe A Out of mobile brocclband coverage Some INITEATEVES Taken BY GOVERNMENT + ds Bicoas Saving Wallets 2 ~ & pregrarsme. thet will bring wWemen whe firancal incusion net by allowing femate bereficiaries the use of Auigital yoabtets Rs the Pool of bank account ‘increates Poverty decrease ”? 2. Reast —PM Imran Khan - Pok's first instant Payment system thet Crables end-to-end diigrtaL Paxments is individuals , businesses and government 3. Date. Heosa DeveropuenT Pee GRaume (Bue) : — @n initiative. by the govt: in Partnership With ON Deretopment Programs (unpp) ~ Tw bridge the Jap between students, Government and Pagital meoli Incastvy by training the. youth 4. Online Citizen Povtal : “GN easy Oppreach for the Gtizens* to file thar complaints from the, Comfort Of their homes . — Makes communication etuseen the Gtizens ard government easier .

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