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Teacher: S van Balveren Subject: Science Unit/ Topic:

Class: 7 Period: Date: 7C1: Particles & Chemical Reactions

Resources: UPD8 Airbus A380 Worksheets, film canisters, alka-seltzer tablets, soda can, large bowl, potassium
permanganate, large beaker, plastic tweezers, glass tube (with bungs), cotton wool, conc. HCl, conc. Ammonia
1. Gas particles are moving 2. Gas pressure is caused by 3. N/A
LEARNING all the time (C) particles hitting the walls of
OBJECTIVES the container (B)

All students should be able Most students should be Some students should be
to: able to: able to:
1. Describe gas particles as 2. Offer explanations (which 3. Explain observations using
LEARNING OUTCOMES moving all the time (C) may be incorrect) in which the particle model (A)
(SUCCESS CRITERIA) they try to link their existing
knowledge to observations,
e.g. the collapsing can, alka-
seltzer rocket, diffusion (B)

7C1.4: Applying Particle Theory Link AFL Diff

L.Os Strat


Introduce the lesson objectives and success criteria to the students. 1, 2, 3 L RO

Airbus UPD8: Start the activity by showing a video clip of the A380’s maiden flight. Then display 1 SPA KQ
page 1, which gets across its huge size and other attributes. Ask why the A380 doesn’t fall out of S
the sky. Then display page 2, which uses the ideas of trampolines and balloons to explain ‘lift’ in RO
terms of particles. Page 3 asks students to sequence a series of sentences so that they can take
the role of Airbus scientists explaining to passengers via an in-flight magazine (page 4) how the
A380 stays in the air.

The correct order for the sequencing activity on page 3 is E A G L F K I J C H B D.

Some other facts about the A380 compared to its closest competitor (Boeing 747)
- It has just 10% more range
- It is 15 – 20% cheaper (at 95 passenger miles per gallon with the maximum number of
- It makes half the noise on take-off
- It carries more passengers (555 mixed class = 840 all economy)
- The lift force bends the wings 4 metres on take-off
- The big idea behind the A380 is to allow more people to fly without requiring more
flights and the need to build more airport capacity.

Investigating Gas Pressure & Diffusion: 1, 2, 3 SPA RO

The Alka-Seltzer Rocket: KQ S
Fill the film canister (1/3 full) with water. Add an alka-seltzer tablet. Place the canister upside
down on the tablet and wait for it to explode.

The Collapsing Can:

Pour about 5 ml of water into an empty soda can.
Place the can on a hot plate, or hold it with tongs, open end up, over a flame. Heat it until the
water boils. Have the students note the characteristic "steam" rising from the opening in the can.
Also note the sound as the boiling begins.
Quickly turn the can upside down, allowing the hot water that remains to run out into a 600-mL
beaker. Plunge (drop) the inverted can into the bath of cold water.

Diffusion with Potassium Permanganate Crystals:

Place a crystal of potassium permanganate into a large beaker of water. Watch the potassium
permanganate slowly diffuse throughout the water.

Concentrated HCl and Ammonia in a long tube:

Clamp the glass tube to the ring stand so that it is exactly horizontal
Place several drops of concentrated HCl on one of the cotton swabs. Place several drops of
concentrated NH3 on the second cotton swab.
Place one swab into each end of the tube.
After about 3-4 minutes, the solid ammonium chloride particles will begin to form.


Students should offer explanations to explain the phenomena they have observed. All 1, 2, 3 SPA RO
explanations should be given in terms of the particles model. This could be done as a think-pair- KQ
share activity in conjunction with the mini-whiteboards. TPS

Review the learning objectives and success criteria with the students. Use thumbs up to assess 1, 2, 3 TH RO
levels of knowledge and understanding. SPA


Moodle activity. 1, 2, 3 KQ RO

DIFFERENTIATION Key: C - Content (adapting material to be assessable to all); R – Resource (providing different materials
depending upon ability; T – Task (giving pupils different things to do to access curr. At different points); S – Support (support
to all but concentrated on weaker pupils); RO – Response to Outcome (grades are given on a relative basis depending upon
perceived ability); AGT – Able, Gifted & Talented

SEAL Key: SS – Social Skills; M – Motivation; E – Empathy; SA – Social Awareness; MF – Managing Feelings

AFL Key: TH – Thumbs; TL – Traffic Lights; KQ – Key Questions; SPA – Self/Peer Assessment; L – levels; M – Millionaire; W –
Whiteboards; TPS – Think, Pair, Share

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