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1. What are the basic properties of charge?

2. Write the nature of force (1) q1q2> 0 (2) q1q2 <0.
3. Represent graphically the variation of electric field with distance, for a
uniformly charged plane sheet.
4. At what condition torque acting on a dipole in an electric field becomes
5. What is the maximum value of torque acting on a dipole?
6. The torque acting on a dipole is τ = PXE. Name the pairs of vectors which are
perpendicular to each other.
7. A charge Q is placed at the center of a cube of side l. What is the electric flux
passing through each face of the cube?
8. Draw a plot showing the variation of electric field [E] with distance r due to a
point charge Q.
9. Plot the graph showing the variation of coulomb force F verses 1/r 2 for two
pair of charges (1μC ,2μC) and (2μC,-3μC).
10.Write the values of net torque and net force acting on a dipole.
11.Name the physical quantity whose unit is (1) N/C (2) C-m.
12.What is the value of the angle between the vectors 𝑝 and 𝐸 for which the
potential energy of an electric dipole of dipole moment𝑝 , kept in an external
electric field 𝐸, has maximum value?
13.Draw lines of force to represent uniform electric field.
14.Sketch the electric lines of force due to (i) q>0 (ii) q<0.
15.What are the orientations corresponding to stable equilibrium and unstable equilibrium?
16.A glass rod when rubbed with silk cloth acquires a charge 1.6 × 10-13 C. what
is the charge on the silk cloth?
17.What is the importance of coulomb’s law of electric force in vector form?
18.Why two electric lines of force cannot intersect each other?
19.Force experienced by an electron in an electric field is F Newton. What will
be the force experienced by a proton in the same field? Take mass of proton
1836 times the mass of an electron.
20.Two point charges of +3µC each are 100cm apart. At what point on the line
joining the charges will the electric intensity be Zero?
21.Why the electric field lines do not forms closed loop?
22.An electrostatics field lines cannot be discontinuous except at charge. Why?
23.When is the torque on an electric dipole in a field maximum?
24.Which orientation of an electric dipole in a uniform electric field would
correspond to stable equilibrium?
25.What is the net force on a dipole in a uniform electric field?
26.What happens when an electric dipole is placed in a non-uniform electric
27.At what points dipole field intensity is parallel to the line joining the charges?
28.What is the direction of electric dipole moment vector of an electric dipole?
29.An electric dipole of dipole moment 20×10-6C is enclosed by closed surface.
What is the net electric flux coming out of this surface?
30.A box encloses an electric dipole consisting of a charge 5µC and -5µC and of
length 10cm.What is the total electric flux through the box?
31.If the radius of the Gaussian surface enclosing a charge is halved, how does
the electric flux through the Gaussian surface change?
32.Does the charge outside the Gaussian surface contribute to total electric flux?
33.Is electric flux a scalar or a vector?
34.Force between two point electric charges kept at a distance d apart in air is F.
If these charges are kept at the same distance in water, how does the force
between them change?
35.In a medium, the force of attraction between two point electric charges,
distance d apart, is F. What distance apart should these be kept in the same
medium so that the force between them becomes 3F?
36..Define the term electric dipole moment of a dipole. State its S.I. Unit.

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