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Kurdistan Region Government

Ministry of Higher Education

and Scientific Research
Erbil Polytechnic University

Module (Course Syllabus) Catalogue

College/ Institute Erbil Technology College
Department Petroleum Equipment
Module Name 3D Computer Drawing (AutoCAD)
Module Code COM404
Degree Technical Diploma X Bachelor
High Diploma Master PhD
Semester Semester: 4
Scientific Title /
ECTS (Credits) 5
Module type Prerequisite Core X Assist.
Weekly hours 3 hr.
Weekly hours (Theory) ( )hr Class ( )Total hrs Workload
Weekly hours (Practical) ( 3 )hr Class (135 )Total hrs Workload
Number of Weeks 14
Lecturer (Theory) /
E-Mail & Mobile NO. /
Lecturer (Practical) Firas Muhammed Saib M.M. AL-Naqshbandi
E-Mail & Mobile NO.

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

Course Book
AutoCAD classes provide learning in software used for product and home
design. Classes in Auto CAD are typically offered for students seeking
careers in drafting or technical drawings.
The AutoCAD course will give students foundation knowledge in the use of
this powerful drafting software that is used across multiple designs,
architectural and engineering companies worldwide. Building up
Course Description knowledge about the essential drawing and drafting tools enables
students to leave the AutoCAD course with a confident foundation
knowledge that will allow them to explore the higher functionality this
Students attending the course need to have an understanding of basic
Microsoft operating systems but do not need any previous CAD drafting.

The primary objective of this courseware is to teach the student the basic
commands necessary for 2D drawing, design, and drafting using AutoCAD.
Upon completion of the course, the student will:
• Become familiar with the AutoCAD user interface.
• Understand the fundamental concepts and features of AutoCAD.
Course objectives • Use the precision drafting tools in AutoCAD to develop accurate technical
• Present drawings in a detailed and visually impressive manner.
• Develop a level of comfort and confidence with AutoCAD through hands-
on experience.

The student should attend the class so as to practice the software, absent
Student's obligation
student will lose activity marks, he/she must draw different drawings as a
homework whenever required.
Required Learning The form of teaching will be through using data show and white board for
Materials explanation or through educational videos that are prepared by the
lecturer, students will follow steps to use specific commands in the
software to draw any sketch or model.
Task Weight Due Relevant Learning
(Marks) Week Outcome
Paper Review
Homework 14% 3-4-5

Evaluation Class Activity 2% 1-12

Report 8% 7
Seminar 6% 9
Project 10% 6-10-12
Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬
Quiz 4% 5-8-6
Midterm Exam 16%
Final Exam 40%
Total 100%
1. Demonstrate basic concepts of the AutoCAD software.
2. Apply basic concepts to develop construction (drawing) techniques.
3. Ability to manipulate drawings through editing and plotting
Specific learning 4. Understand geometric construction.
5. Produce template drawings.
outcome: 6. Produce 2D Orthographic Projections.
7. Understand and demonstrate dimensioning concepts and techniques.
8. Understand Section and Auxiliary Views.
9. Become familiar with the use of Blocks, Design Centre, and Tool
10. Become familiar with Solid Modelling concepts and techniques.
• AutoCAD users guide.
• AutoCAD command reference guide.
Course References: • Introduction to AutoCAD 2020 for Civil Engineering Applications
by Nighat Yasmin Ph.D. (Author)
• AutoCAD 2020 Instructor
by James A. Leach (Author), Shawna Lockhart (Author), Eric
Tilleson (Author)
Course topics (Theory) Week

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

Practical Topics Learning
• Introduction to CAD
• Introduction The student will
understand what
• What is CAD?
Week 1 AutoCAD is and how
• Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing to start working on
• Taking a Guided Tour the program
• Working with AutoCAD
• Inserting Charts The student will
• Starting Your First Drawing learn how to create
and Setting up Work
• Setting up a Work Area Area, Specifying
• Specifying Distances with Coordinates Distances with
• Getting to know the Draw Toolbar Coordinates and
• Drawing in 2D Getting to know the
Draw Toolbar.
• Detailed Usage of Draw Tools (Polylines, Polygons,
The student will
Circles, Arcs, learn to Detailed
• Multiline, Donuts, Ellipse, etc.) Week 2 Usage of Basic Draw
• Using the AutoCAD Modes as Drafting Tools Tools (Polylines,
• Learning the Tools of the Trade Polygons, Circles,
Arcs, Multiline,
• Planning and Laying Out a Drawing Donuts, Ellipse, etc.),
Viewing your Drawing Using the AutoCAD
Modes as Drafting
Tools and Planning
and Laying Out a
• Modifying in 2D The student will
learn how to use
• Basic Modify Tools (Erase, Copy, Move, Rotate, Scale,
Basic Modify Tools
Align, Offset, Mirror, Stretch, Lengthen, Break, Trim, Week 3
Extend), etc.

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

• Power Editing The student will learn
how to use More
• Editing More Efficiently (Usage of Advanced Editing Modify Tools and
Commands like (Fillet, Chamfer, Array, Pedit, etc.) Using Grips to Simplify
• Using Grips to Simplify Editing. Editing.
The student also will
• Drawing Skills
learn extra drawing
• Selecting Objects skills Drawing Skills
• Using Advanced Selection Tools Week 4 like Selecting
• Using Hatch Patterns in Your Drawings Objects, Using
• Understanding the Boundary Hatch Options Advanced Selection
Tools, Using Hatch
• Hatch Editing
Patterns in the
• Finding Area Drawings, Finding
• Getting General Information Area and Getting
• Blocks The student will
• Creating and Inserting Blocks learn how to
Creating and
• Modifying a Block Inserting new
• Creating Attributes Blocks, modifying a
• Editing Attributes Block, Creating and
• Layers Editing Attributes.
• Creating a new Layers and changing the properties of Week 5
The student also
will learn how to
the layers Creating, editing a
• Working on Linetypes, Lineweights and Color new Layers,
Controls Working on
• Organizing Information with Layers Linetypes,
Lineweights and
• Managing Layers
Color Controls
• Adding Text to Drawings The student will
• Adding Text to a Drawing learn how to
Adding and Editing
• Understanding Text Formatting in AutoCAD Text in the Drawing
• Organizing Text by Styles and Adding tables
• Adding Simple Text Objects to your Drawing
• Using Fields to Associate Text with Drawing Week 6
• Adding tables to your Drawing
• Using Dimensions Learning how to
• Understanding the Components of a Dimension Adding and editing
• Drawing Linear Dimensions different types of
dimensions to your

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

• Dimensioning Non-orthogonal Objects drawing, and
• Adding a Note with an Arrow Adding a Note with
an Arrow (Leader)
• Creating a Dimension Style
• Editing Dimensions

• Introducing 3D Learning how to

Creating and
• Creating a 3D Drawing Viewing a 3D
Week 7
• Viewing a 3D Drawing Drawing
• Drawing Predefined 3D Surfaces

• Mastering 3D Solids Learning how to

• Understanding Solid Modeling Creating complex
solids, Enhancing
• Creating Solid Forms the 2D Drawing
• Creating Complex Solids Process and
Week 8
• Editing Solids Finding the
• Advanced Editing Tools for Solids Properties of a
• Enhancing the 2D Drawing Process
• Finding the Properties of a Solid
• Solid Editing
Learning how to
• Subtract, Union, Intersect, Interfere, Slice, …. etc. Week 9 editing Complex 3D
• Coordinate & Views
Learning how to
• Wcs & Ucs working with ucs and
• Basic Ucs Commands different viewing
Week 10
• Basic Views Commands port.
• Creating Multiple Viewports

• 3D Surfaces Learning how to

Creating and editing
• Creating Complex 3D Surface Complex 3D Surface,
• Using Other Surface Drawing Tools Mastering the User
Week 11
• Using Advanced 3D Features Coordinate System
and Viewing your
• Mastering the User Coordinate System Model in Perspective
• Viewing your Model in Perspective
• Section
• Sectioning a Model and Creating Drawings
Week 12
• Section a solid model and generate 2D geometry
• Creating drawings from 3D models

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

• Plotting drawings earning how to
• Plotting Drawings in AutoCAD Plot the Drawings
Using the Plot
• Plotting Drawings Using the Plot Dialog Box Page Dialog Box, Setup
Setup Area plot Area, set up
• Printer/plotter Area Paper size,
Week 13
• Paper size Area *(Number of copies) specifying the
number of copies
• Area Plot area
and specifying the
• Plot offset (origin set to printable area) * Area Plot scale factor of the
scale Area drawing


Question Example Design:
Q\ Choose the correct answer for the following: (8 m)

1- Polygon allows you to draw polygon up to…...

A- 10 sides B- 100 sides

C- 1000 sides D- 1024 sides

2- To turning Ortho. On/ off use the….

A- F7 key B- F2 key
C- F8 key D- F9 key

3- Zoom Extents allows you to...

A- Minimize the drawing B- See all of the drawing at once

C- Close in on a small area D- Move around the drawing at the same scale

4- Ellipse draws….

A- A Circle whose line thickness you specify by entering it's inside and outside
B- An ellipse
C- A smooth curve to asset of points
D- A 3D solid cylinder

Answer\ 1- D : 2- C : 3-B : 4- B

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

Q\ Write the steps necessary to draw the following shapes? (12 m)


Answer\ Answer\
L (line) rec
50,50 (Suppose) 20,20 (suppose)
@120<0 @120,100

Q\(25 Points) (Assume any missing dimension)

Draw the figure below (Scale 1:1)

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

Q\ Draw tha following by using AutoCAD program in scale 2:1

Extra notes:

External Evaluator

Dr. Saad Khalis Essa

Erbil Polytechnic University/ Building Dept.

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

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