Activity About Education 4.0-CALANOC SHAINA

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Shaina R.

Calanoc BSED SS-1A

The “Virtual Reality and Education 4.0 Remagining Digital World”


( Manifest Function ) (2 pts each) REASON FOR THAT PURPOSE OR WHAT IS THE

(INTELLECTUAL) This will enhance persons intellectual abilities that will

Learning approach in line with the fourth industrial help them to easily cope and can keep up with education
revolution and about changing the future of 4.0 so it will be easy for them to do anything related to
education using advanced technology and education 4.0. It will be easier and they will learn more
about education 4.0.The workforce is always ready for the
automation. Creativity is the foundation of Education
coming generation for new learnings in education 4.0.
4.0. Progress over time, and for higher education
institutions it means understanding what is needed in
their future.

(SOCIAL ) Socialization has become easier because of innovative

For them to understand and know more about technologies. They will learn more and further enhance
education 4.0. and for the advancement of education their skills for the advancement of learning new
to further enhance their abilities or skills. It technology and for us to become more accustomed
especially to learning in a scenario of needs and new skills
emphasizes the need to prepare students to face
for Industry 4.0. which will establish capability. new
technologies in a disruptive and complex ecosystem.

(POLITICAL) Physical systems are steadily becoming more integrated

Is a desired approach to learning that aligns itself with the into various industries, inevitably affecting the skills
emerging fourth industrial revolution. This means teaching requirements for employees. And its important to students
students about this technology as part of the curriculum, to know more knowledge about the different technology.
changing the approach to learning altogether, and utilizing
this technology to better improve the university

(ECONOMIC) Shares key characteristics leading to the future of

education that can serve as inspiration for driving holistic
To help grow the economy and further develop and transformative action on this important agenda. This
productions. paper is the result of an extensive consultation process
with educators, policy and business leaders, educational
technology developers and experts curated by the
Platform for Shaping the Future of the New Economy.

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