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Question :
1. What are the gestures in the marimba show?
2. Are gestures part of musical interpretation?
3. Is it important for marimba players to use gestures?
4. What was your experience as a marimba player like?
5. What is the interpretation of the marimba?
6. Are there any factors that influence the interpretation?
7. What was your experience playing Keiko Abe's work like?
8. How to interpret it?
9. Are there special gestures/interpretations in Keiko Abe's works?
10. About Tambourin Paraphrase, are there any gestures when playing this piece? What's the
gesture like?
11. What do you think about the interpretation process of this song?
12. Do you think the gestures in marimba come naturally or can you make your own?
13. So, do you think gestures and interpretations are related or not?
14. Suggestions for marimba players in Indonesia regarding gestures and interpretation
(Note: I’am really sory, if my English is not good)

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