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Title of Research: Quadriceps Strengthening exercise in Closed Versus Open Kinematic Chain for
persons who have undergone all inside technique for ACL reconstruction – Single blinded
Randomized Control Trial.

You are invited to participate in my study which aims to compare fixed versus free dynamic
thigh muscle strengthening exercises for persons following knee ligament repair.

If you take part, what will you have to do?

If you agree to participate in this study, you will be assessed on 14 th day after the knee
ligament surgery. This will include checking the initial muscle strength, muscle bulk, knee
range and the knee function. Followed by this you will be randomly assigned to either
interventional or control group. If you are allotted to interventional group, you will receive
free dynamic thigh muscle strengthening exercises for the operated knee for 2 weeks. If you
are allotted to control group, you will receive fixed thigh muscle strengthening exercises for
the operated knee for 2 weeks. Along with this you will also continue the exercises of the
rehabilitation protocol. At the end of 2 weeks a final assessment will be done to check the
change in the muscle strength, muscle bulk, active range of motion and knee function. You
will be continuing the exercises as advised in the rehabilitation protocol for 3 months at
home. At 3 months follow up final assessment will be done to find out the improvement in
your muscle strength, muscle bulk, active knee range and functional ability.

Can you withdraw from this study after it starts?

Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary and you are also free to decide to
withdraw permission to participate in this study. If you do so, this will not affect your usual
treatment in any way.

What will happen if you develop any study related injury?

There is no risk of study related injury during the strengthening program or during the
assessments in this study.

How will you benefit from this study?

This study includes strength training which may improve the muscle strength, muscle bulk,
active knee range of motion and functional ability. The knowledge acquired from this study
will help the physical therapists and Orthopedic surgeons while advising or recommending
exercises to promote strength of quadriceps muscle post-operatively.
Will your personal details be kept confidential?

All the information assessed and collected from the participant will always remain strictly
confidential, only accessible to the investigators. The results of this study will be published
in a medical journal, but your identification details will not be revealed in any presentation
or publication. Your health information and the assessments may be reviewed by people
associated with the study, without your additional permission, should you decide to
participate in this study.

If you have any further questions, please contact,

Contact no: 8946025064

Contact person: Paul Joshi Surendar R

BPT Final year student.

Christian Medical College, Vellore 632006.

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