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(The First Nursing School of the Philippines)

NCM 1202 (Health Assessment)

Physical Assessment Performance Checklist

Name:__________________________________________ Score/Rating: _____________________________

Year/Section: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________________________

Scale: 2 – Correctly done (Good) 1 – Incorrectly done (Needs practice) 0 – Not done

Procedure Scale Remarks

1. Assemble/gather equipment to the body system/region to be assessed 2 1 0
2. Greet /identify client 2 1 0
3. Explain the procedure to be done, the reason and how the client can 2 1 0
4. Perform hand hygiene and observe other appropriate infection control 2 1 0
5. Provide privacy
6. General appearance, facial expression, body built, height and weight in 2 1 0
relation to age/developmental stage
7. Client’s posture/gait, hygiene/grooming, body/breath odor, signs of distress 2 1 0
8. Apply gloves as necessary 2 1 0
9. Inspect and palpate the head for size, shape and configuration 2 1 0
10. Note consistency, distribution and color of hair 2 1 0
11. Observe face for symmetry, facial features, expressions and skin condition 2 1 0
12. Palpate the temporal arteries for elasticity and tenderness 2 1 0
13. As client opens and closes mouth, palpate the temporo-mandibular joint 2 1 0
(TMJ) for tenderness, swelling and crepitation
14. Test visual acuity. Ask client to read smallest possible line of letters, first 2 1 0
with both eyes open and then one eye at a time
15. Inspect external eye structure (eyelids, eyelashes, eyeballs, and eyebrows), 2 1 0
cornea, conjunctiva and sclera. Note color, edema, symmetry and alignment
16. Examine the pupils for equality of size, shape, reaction to light by darkening 2 1 0
the room and using a penlight to shine the lights on each pupil.
17. Inspect the external ear bilaterally for shape, size and lesions, discoloration 2 1 0
and discharge
18. Palpate the ear and mastoid process for tenderness 2 1 0
19. Inspect the external nose for color, shape and consistency. Palpate external 2 1 0
nose for tenderness
20. Check patency of airflow through nostrils (occlude one nostril externally
with a finger while the client breathes through the other; repeat for the 2 1 0
other side
21. Perform hand hygiene and don gloves 2 1 0
22. Inspect the lips for consistency, color and lesions 2 1 0
Procedure Scale Remarks
23. Inspect the teeth for number and condition 2 1 0
24. Check the gums and buccal mucosa for color, consistency, lesions 2 1 0
25. Inspect the hard and soft palate for color and integrity by asking the client 2 1 0
to open mouth wide using a tongue blade and penlight
26. Ask client to say “Aaah” and observe the rise of the uvula 2 1 0
27. Inspect tonsils for color, size and exudates 2 1 0
28. Inspect the tongue for color, moisture, size and texture, Inspect frenulum 2 1 0
and Wharton’s duct
29. Palpate the tongue for masses and tenderness 2 1 0
30. Inspect the neck for lesions, masses, swelling 2 1 0
31. Test range of motion 2 1 0
32. Palpate lymph nodes in slow and circular motion 2 1 0
33. Palpate the trachea for alignment and deviation. Inspect the thyroid gland 2 1 0
for visible enlargement and masses
34. Inspect and palpate carotid arteries. Auscultate bruit 2 1 0
35. Inspect the upper extremities for over-all skin coloration, texture, moisture, 2 1 0
masses and lesions
36. Palpate shoulders and arms for tenderness, swelling and temperature 2 1 0
37. Assess epitrochlear lymph nodes 2 1 0
38. Test ROM of shoulders and elbows 2 1 0
39. Palpate the brachial, ulnar and radial pulses 2 1 0
40. Inspect palms of hands and palpate for temperature 2 1 0
41. Check for capillary refill 2 1 0
42. Test ROM of wrist 2 1 0
43. Test rapid alternating movements of hands 2 1 0
44. Inspect configuration and shape of scapulae and chest wall 2 1 0
45. Note posture and use of accessory muscles during breathing 2 1 0
46. Palpate for tenderness, sensation, crepitus, masses and fremitus 2 1 0
47. Evaluate chest expansion at level T9 and T10 2 1 0
48. Percuss the posterior chest 2 1 0
49. Auscultate for breath sounds and voice sounds 2 1 0
50. Expose anterior chest 2 1 0
51. Inspect anteroposterior diameter of the chest, slope of ribs and color 2 1 0
52. Note quality and pattern of respiration 2 1 0
53. Observe intercostal spaces for bulging or retractions and use of accessory 2 1 0
54. Palpate for tenderness, sensations, masses, lesions, fremitus and anterior 2 1 0
chest expansion
55. Percuss for tone above clavicles and then at the intercostals spaces 2 1 0
(compare bilaterally)
56. Auscultate for anterior breath and voice sounds 2 1 0
57. Pinch skin over the sternum/clavicle to assess mobility and turgor 2 1 0
58. Inspect and palpate for apical impulse 2 1 0
59. Palpate the apex, left sternal border and base of the heart for any abnormal 2 1 0
60. Auscultate heart sounds, rate and rhythm 2 1 0
61. Ask client to lie on left side, use bell of stethoscope to listen for the apex of 2 1 0
the heart
62. Ask the client to lean forward and exhale; use bell of stethoscope to listen 2 1 0
over apex and left sternal border of the heart
Cover chest with gown and drape to expose abdomen
Procedure Scale Remarks
63. Inspect the overall skin color, vascularity, striae, lesions and rashes; 2 1 0
location, contour and color of the umbilicus; symmetry and contour of the
abdomen; aortic pulsations or peristaltic waves
64. Auscultate for bowel sounds; vascular sounds and friction rubs 2 1 0
65. Percuss over four abdominal quadrants, liver and spleen location and size 2 1 0
66. Lightly palpate over four abdominal quadrants to identify tenderness and 2 1 0
muscular resistance
67. Deeply palpate over four abdominal quadrants for masses; liver, spleen and 2 1 0
kidneys for enlargement and irregularities
68. Feel for aortic pulse 2 1 0
Replace gown and drape so lower extremities are exposed
69. Inspect the lower extremities for over-all skin coloration, texture, moisture, 2 1 0
masses, lesions and varicosities. Note hair distribution
70. Observe muscles of the legs and feet 2 1 0
71. Palpate for pulses (femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial and dorsalis pedis) 2 1 0
72. Palpate for edema, skin temperature, muscle size and tone of legs and feet 2 1 0
73. Palpate joint of hips, knees and ankles 2 1 0
74. Test ROM of hips, knees and ankles 2 1 0
75. Assess for capillary refill 2 1 0


_____________________________ _______________________________
Signature over printed name Signature over printed name of CI

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