Body Comp Lab

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Bailey Devinney SER 311 01 Testing and Prescription Laboratory Module 3 - Body Composition April 5, 2022 Dr. Larouere Devinney, Background: Body composition can be defined as the percentage of mass that is fat (FM) to the percentage of mass that is fat-free (FFM). Fat-free mass includes parts of the body such as muscle, bone, organs, water, and minerals. All of which contribute to the body’s total mass but are not fat. Tests to determine body composition include bioelectrical impedance analysis, skinfold measurements, hydrostatic weighing, and densitometry. The most accurate test for body composition is the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) but can be hard to find and can require a meniscal amount of radiation to be used. More common tests include the Bod Pod and underwater weighing. The Bod Pod uses an air displacement plethysmograph to determine body composition. Another very accurate body composition test is hydrostatic weighing, also known as underwater weighing, this is the gold standard due to its accuracy. This test is based on Archimedes’ principle and relies on the principle that the amount of liquid a submerged object displaces is equivalent to the volume. By weighing out of the water and underwater, body density can then be calculated Quick tests that are utilized in this lab include skinfold measurements, anthropometric measurements (to find body mass index), and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). While these tests are not as accurate as the tests previously stated, they are quick and inexpensive tests that can be utilized in a clinical setting. Skinfold measurement is a technique to find body fat percentage by using a caliper to measure a pinch of skin and underlying fat in certain areas. Ifthe technique is not correct results may be inaccurate, Common mistakes are not identifying the correct sites, pinching muscle along with fat, not placing the caliper on the correct spot on the pinch, and not grabbing enough fat at the site. BMI is not a body fat percentage test and is a ratio of weight to the square of height instead. This ratio can correlate to disease risk when used Devinney, alongside a waist circumference measurement but cannot diagnose percentage body fat or the health of an individual. BIA uses a low-level el al current sent through the body based on the rate of the current an equation is used to estimate fat-free mass. This measurement has alist of guidelines to make sure the testis accurate including: not eating or drinking 4 hours before the test, no exercise before the test, voiding the bladder and colon 30 minutes before testing, and being hydrated. A female’s menstrual cycle may also alter the measurement ‘We assess body composition because it is known that excess body fat is directly associated with many chronic conditions. There are two types of obesity: android and gynoid. Android obesity is often seen in males and is an apple shape body, meaning more fat in the chest and abdomen area. Gynoid is often seen in females and is a pear-shaped body with fat rulating below the waist. When excess body fat is located centrally around the abdomen est as seen in android obesity itis associated with many chronic conditions. Some of the conditions and diseases associated with obesity include high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, colon cancer, and type two diabetes. Conditions like these show a decreased risk directly correlated to healthy body weight and increased physical activity. Body composition tests can also give information on changes that happen to the body due to an increase in age such as sarcopenia which is a decrease in muscle as you age. DXA can be used to assess body composition, but it can also be used to diagnose osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is the gradual loss of bone, as well as structural changes, causing the bones to become thinner, more fragile, and more likely to break Another reason to assess body composition is to monitor muscle mass. When using BIA an athlete or anyone who tracks their muscle mass can see how many pounds of muscle mass they have and can calculate their ideal body weight or even the proper amount of weight they can Devinney, lose, Taking multiple measurements over time can show progress or decline in muscle mass or fat percentage Data: Personal Body Composition Results Name: Bailey Devinney Age: 21 Height: 5°5°/65" Weight: 145 Ibs. / 65.9 kg. Skinfold Results Date of ‘Test Score Interpretation of | Confidence in Accuracy of Test ‘Test (Body fat Score Result percentage, rounded to the nearest whole number) WIsID 20% 60" Percentile, | Moderate: The administrator Good did struggle with sites such as the thigh and triceps when (Table 3.5, p.74)_ | pinching which could have led to skewed measurements. Chest location was inaccurate 32D 20% 60" Percentile; _ | Moderately High: The Good administrator did struggle with sites such as the thigh and (Table 3.5, p.74)_| triceps when pinching which could have led to skewed measurements, 32D 16% 85" Percentile; __| Moderate: Some sites were not Excellent located correctly including the chest and thigh sites leading to (Table 3.5, p.74)_| inaccurate measurements. Devinney, BIA Results Date of | TestScore | Interpretation of | Confidence in Accuracy of Test Test | (BF, rounded to Score Result the nearest whole number) 32222 30% 15" Percentile; _ | Moderately High: Caffeine was Very poor | consumed before the test. (Table 3.5, p. 74) 3/2222 30% 15" Percentile; _ | Moderate: Personally, I was not Very poor | hydrated, did not void my bladder or colon, did consume cafteine, (Table 3.5, p.74)_ | and the test was administered during a menstrual cycle 329722 31% TS" Percentile; _ | Moderate: Caffeine was consumed Very poor _| before the test along with a meal. Hydration level was also low (Table 3.5, p.74) | during this measurement. Devinney, Anthropometric Resul Date Test Score Interpretation of ‘Confidence in of Test BMI (kg/m?) Score Accuracy of Test Waist Circumference Result (cm) 32D BME 245 BMI Classification: | High: Scale was Normal calibrated before using, Waist Circumference: shoes were removed 115 BMIMaist before height and circumference disease | weight measurements. risk: Gulick tape was None properly used with the appropriate tension and (Table 3.1, p. 64) | both trials were within 1 em of each other 32222 BMI: 24.2 BMI Classification: | High: Scale was Normal calibrated before using, Waist Circumference: shoes were removed 765 BMIMaist before height and circumference disease | weight measurements. risk: Gulick tape was None properly used with the appropriate tension and (Table 3.1, p. 64) | both trials were within 1 em of each other 32D BMI: 24.02 BMI Classification: | High: Scale was Normal calibrated before using, Waist Circumference: shoes were removed 85 BMIMaist before height and circumference disease | weight measurements. risk: Gulick tape was None properly used with the appropriate tension and (Table 3.1, p. 64) | both trials were within 1 em of each other ‘Sources Used in Background and Data Table: 1 American College of Sports Medicine. (2022). ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (1 *ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer. Dis 6 Devinney, tussion of Test Results: ‘The variability of each test does differ immensely if not conducted correctly. With skinfold measurements variably is mainly based on the administrator's technique during the test, During my personal tests, skinfold measurements could vary up to 4% body fat based on the technique of the administrator. BIA can also vary if the specific guidelines are not followed causing skewed results, Overall, the BIA measurements were very close in results during my personal tests and for the tests, | administered to my clients. BMI, however, was ar clients such as male athletes I tested. Their skinfold and BIA not accurate on more musa ‘would estimate healthy body fat percentages, while the BMI ratio would classify them as obese. For an obese client, I would use BMI as a starting test, by their waist circumference, height, and weight we could determine the percentile they are in and how much of a disease risk they are. I would also use BIA since skinfold testing may poorly assess body fat percentages in an obese client. I would follow the same testing for a very lean client as well If cannot use the sites to accurately pinch subcutaneous fat only, skinfold measurements ‘would not be accurate. I could use a BMI ratio to estimate what percentile they are in and can even compare it to normative data to see if the client is a healthy weight or underweight. Bioelectrical impedance analysis would also be useful for a very lean client as it provides ideal body weight, fat mass, along with fat percentage. This could be used to determine if the client is again a healthy weight or underweight. For a muscular client, I would not use BMI since it may be inaccurate for how much muscle mass they have. Using BMI on a muscular client may classify them as obese even though they are muscular and lean since itis aratio of ‘weight to height. Instead, I would rely on skinfold measurements and bioelectrical impedanc Devinney, analysis. During skinfold measurements, I would make sure I am only pinching subcutaneous fat and not muscle as well. BIA would be very helpful with this category of the client since it does give an estimation of muscle mass in the analysis. Learning: Based on the comments and scores from my peer observations the only areas where I struggled were correctly pinching the skinfold tests at frst. I agree with this critique since during my first tests, I did struggle correctly pinching the sites to only get subcutaneous fat and to make sure I started my pinch wide enough to get all the fat in that area. However, by the end of my tests I did become more comfortable with my technique and could physically feel an improvement. I became more comfortable and confident in my ability which made my clients more comfortable as well. I appreciate the honesty from my peers since it did force me to refl on my previous technique and watch others to make the necessary changes that need to be made to further improve myself Testing non-exercise science clients forced me to fully explain every step of each test in detail. Many of the non-exercise science clients I used for this lab had many questions since they do not fully understand the tests and their background, From explaining wiy each test produced a different result to understanding each result required a detailed layman’s explanation. Using these clients helped me develop a bedside manner and a way to develop and convey an explanation to their level of understanding. Testing outside students also offered me the experience to test my professionalism. Since body composition tests can be uncomfortable for anyone who has not been exposed to them before, I was able to make sure my client was comfortable throughout each process. Whether it was using a screen for their privacy or listening Devinney, to their needs and not showing results to them. I was able to put my clients first and cater my approach to each of them individually.

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