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Republic of the Philippines


Taculing Road, Bacolod City, 6100,
Taculing Campus, (034)707-7469, Sum-ag Campus,(034) 704-5843,
Fortune Towne Campus,(034) 704-5844
Tel #: (034) 707-7469

Bachelor of Science in Office Administration


BCC VISION, Vision: A leading Educational Institution meeting global demands in the fields
MISSION & GOAL of education, business, and technology.
Mission: To provide quality and affordable education for the holistic development
of students to become globally competitive graduates.
Goal: Empowered graduate to become an active contributor to the development of
the country and the world.

BCC GRADUATE A graduate who is diverse, committed, and globally competitive professional who
ATTRIBUTES manifests Moral integrity, Innovativeness, Competence, Accountability, and is

S - Service
H - Humility
I - Integrity
N- Nobility
E - Excellence
S – Spiritually blessed
1. Understand the meaning, nature, and dynamics of research;
Program Learning 2. Familiarize the basic concepts of research.
Outcomes (PLO): 3. Apprehend and appreciate then nature and purpose of research.
4. Master the techniques in writing the sections of a research paper
5. Create solutions to the given and identified problems.
6. Understand of how to cite information from books and internet in making
Review of Literature.
7. Develop an creative and inquisitive mind.
Code Research 01
Descriptive/Course Title Introduction to Research
Program: Bachelor of Science in Office Administration
Credits: 3
Level: 3rd Year
College: Office Administration
Pre-requisites: None
Academic year: AY 2021-2022
Semester: First
Contact number: 09456196167
E-mail address:
Learning hours: Approx. 54 contact hours, the exact nature of which is specified in course syllabus

Course Description/Overview
The course introduces the students to the world of research by providing them with working and necessary
knowledge of the concepts and methods in the conceptualization and conduct of research. It covers topics on the
nature of research, the research problem, and related literature. This course will help the students develop their
ability in finding, probing and evaluating problems to derive to the systematic solutions- become responsible
researchers equipped with knowledge, skills and strategies in conducting research.

Course Learning Outcomes(CLO)

On successful completion of this course, the learners will be able to:

K1: Understand the meaning, nature, purpose of research.
K2: Master the techniques in writing the sections of a research paper.
K3: Differentiate what is effective and ineffective research, and proper way of getting
related literature, contents, purpose, and readership of research reports;

S1: Demonstrate the capacity to effectively integrate multiple sources (primary and secondary, in print
and electronic sources) into the writing assignments of the course;
S2:  Exemplify ethical writing practices (i.e., avoid plagiarism, use of an appropriate citation
style) in all forms of written communication;
S3: Critically evaluate and explain the issues around ethics in research as they relate to
subject matter, participants, and researchers.
C1: Discuss the guidelines in writing the theoretical/conceptual framework of the study,
scope and delimitation, significance of the study, and definition of terms
C2: Apply and enhance personal abilities to navigate changes brought about by research
results in professional and personal lives.
C3: Create research outputs reflective of their experiences as competent students who are
fully prepared in the real work.

Course Instructions/Guidelines

Each week, students are expected to work through lessons that present security-specific readings and research
and/or statistics-related concepts that bring to life examples of how the weekly topic applies to educational
research. This will allow students to clearly understand how the course material relates to their jobs as teaching

At the end of each module are activity questions that are relevant to the topics discussed. Students will be
required to provide the answers to the exercises/learning tasks as cited as these will earn marks for this course
and will determine students’ grade.
Teaching and Learning Approach
This course will combine a variety of the following teaching and learning methodologies to maximize
students’ intellectual abilities and develop their learning capabilities:
Teaching media will be used in the series of lectures supplemented by online participative discussions and
problem solving randomly in the chat room.
Lecture notes are provided for providing information, demonstrating skills and providing a framework for the
subject. Asynchronous learning approach will be used where lecture notes, PowerPoint presentation or links of
video researches will be uploaded through chat group, e-mail, and other available platforms.
Enrichment write-shop, worksheets exercises, reflection activities and reading articles are provided whenever
needed, worksheets and other activity guidelines are shared.
Varied teaching methods aligned to the CLO will be used, most specifically from the following sources:
Assessment Methods
Assignments, coursework and a will be given to students as course assessments. The exam will consist of
short-answer and/or problem-solving type questions on the materials covered during that part of the course for
which the test is given. In order to do well in the exams and for the coursework, students must read and give
special attention to the materials embedded in the modules.
Indicators of students’ learning performance shall be determined and marked as variables for grading
purposes through their finished outputs of worksheets, guided exercises, reflection activities and other activity
requirements. Links are provided for the online learning portfolio, rubrics and guides/formats for the required
projects shall be disseminated.
Assessment tools from these resources are used whenever appropriate.
Midterm and Final Exams will be conducted at a scheduled time of the test as mandated by the Office of
the Vice President for Academics/ Dean of Instruction through the Program Heads. However, failure to take the
exams, valid reasons should be presented to the Dean/Faculty in authority on why the exam was not taken during
its scheduled date/time.

Attendance Policy/Compliance Of Course Outputs

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, no attendance policy shall be implemented. However, it is importantly
emphasized that deadlines of submission of required worksheets, and other relevant outputs MUST be observed
and complied with on the dates as specified as attendance requirements.
Should a synchronous class meeting be required through Google meet/ Virtual platform, students are required to
attend during the schedules specified by the teacher, with preferential dates identified by the teacher.
Moreover, compliance of exercises or activity sheets must be with quality and neatness, questions must be
answered properly, handwritten/computerized in a short-sized bond paper, or intermediate pad paper (white sheet
for clarity of picture output) get a picture of the answered sheets and upload to the designated portal/chat or e-
mail account.

For the major output/chapter compliance, upload the documents and strictly adhere to the suggested format.


Modules Weeks Dates Deadline of Submission
of Course Requirements
Weeks 1 & 2 September 14- 26, 2020 Sept. 26, 2020

Weeks 3 & 4 Sept. 28, 2020- Oct. 10, 2020 Oct. 10, 2020

Weeks 5 & 6 Oct. 12, 2020- Oct. 24, 2020 Oct. 24, 2020
4 Weeks 7 & 8 Oct. 26, 2020 – Nov. 7, 2020 Nov. 7, 2020
Week 9 Nov.9, 2020 – Nov. 14, 2020 MIDTERM EXAMS

Weeks 10 & 11 Nov.16, 2020 – Nov. 28, 2020 Nov.28,2020

Weeks 12 & 13 Dec. 1, 2020 -Dec. 12, 2020 Dec. 12,2020

Weeks 14 & 15 Dec. 14,2020 - Dec. 23,2020 Dec. 23,2020


Christmas Break
Weeks 16-17 Jan.4, 2021- Jan. 16, 2021 Jan. 16, 2021
Editing/Revising of Major Project
Week 18 Jan.18, 2021- Jan. 23, 2021 FINAL EXAMS
Major required outputs MUST be submitted via e-mail account of the Instructor @, not later than January 16, 2021.

Amplified Content Leaning Learning Assessment

Outcomes Activities Schemes
MODULE 1: Introduction: Course Expectations,
Requirements & Implementing Guidelines
This module will introduce the course to students, set
.expectations, rules and regulations for online/virtual class
WEEKS 2 & 3:
MODULE 2 & 3: The Meaning of Research, Characteristics
of Research, and Qualities of a Good Researcher
This module presents the definition, nature, and dynamics of
Research. This also tackles the characteristic of good research
and effective researcher.
WEEK 3 & 4 K1
MODULE 3 & 4: Quantitative Research, Variables and its
Classifications S1
This module will discuss the basics of quantitative research, and
its characteristics, and define and understand the meaning of C1
variables and its classifications.
WEEKS 5 & 6
MODULES 5 & 6: Basic Structure of Research & Data
This module will expound the basic structure of research,
discuss and understand the data gathering techniques or
WEEK 7 & 8
MODULES 7 & 8: The Research Problem
– Sources of Research Problems

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Hypotheses of the Study
1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Definition of Terms
1.7 Review of Related Literature
1.8 Theoretical Framework
1.9 Conceptual Framework
1.10 Schematic Diagram

Chapter 2: Research Methodology

2.1 Research Design
2.2 Subject and Respondents of the Study
2.3 Research Instrument
2.4 Data Collection Procedure
2.5 Data Analysis Procedure
2.6 Ethical Consideration

Assessment Type Percentage %

Quiz/Exercise 20
Assignments/Project 30
Class Participation 10
Exam 40___
Total 100%

FINAL Term 50%___
FINAL Grade 100%

Indicative Reading List

The course will draw upon a range of PowerPoint presentation, as well as printed and electronic sources suitable
to reflect on the contemporary issues of the subject material. Students enrolled in the course are encouraged to
read relevant websites and related publication articles to keep abreast with current developments in Educational
Research and relevant Teacher Education information.
URL for Supplementary Reading Notes

PROGRAMS USING THIS COURSE AS CORE/OPTION: Bachelor of Science in Office Administration


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