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Study - I
Gaming Apps


Problem Statement

Segment APNA
these 10,000 users based on
Premise hehe activity level, engagement or
playtime, any other possible Market
There are 10,000 users on a
gaming App. Out of these,
parameters that seems fit
some users have daily Propose a strategy to drive
engagement, some have engagement of each segment.
weekend engagement etc.
Tracking for Segmentation

Record Rolling Record Record

Track All In-Game
Monetization Useful User
Active Users Engagement
History Information

- In-game purchases - Sessions - Install Date

- Transactions - Minutes Played - Last Login
- Ad Revenue (rolling - Participations - Max Level in Game
- Hours played - Player Categorization
daily/monthly - Primary Day of week
- In-game wallet
We will monitor the users’ actions
and learn from their behavior to offer
optimized experiences through the
following segmentation techniques:

Geographic Behavioral
Segmentation Segmentation

Demographic Psychographic
Segmentation Segmentation
Behavioral and Psychographic Segmentation
Activity Level Analyze the activity of the users while using the app/website
Engagement Measure the engagement of users
Duration The amount of time spent on the app/website
Genre Action/Adventure/Puzzle/Strategy/Leisure
Device Laptop/PC/Mobile/Tablet
Monetization F2P (free to play) vs P2W (pay to win)
Mode Online or Offline
Level of gameplay Segment according to level of the player

Demographic and Geographic Segmentation

Age Segment the target audience for a specific game
Gender Segment according to gender patterns
Location Analyze the gaming patterns from different locations
Game Analytics Metrics
DAUs Daily Active Users
MAUs Monthly Active Users
Sessions Every time any user opens the app, it counts as a session
Duration Time spent per Session
Retention/Churn Comparison of the activity of the player time to time
ARPDAU Average Revenue Per Daily Active User
ARPPU Average Revenue Per Paying User
Start/Fail/Complete Progression of the player
Source/Sink/Flow Total balance of currency that players have spent and earned
User Retention

MAUs To-Do
Monthly Active Users or MAU is DAUs vs • Market Research
the number of
unique users that
start at least one session in your MAUs

User Feedback
Daily Active Users or DAU is app on in a month. This is then • Product development
the number of unique users compared to the Daily Active The ratio of Daily Active Users • Customer Assistance
that start at least one users. to Monthly Active Users shows • Solve existing problems
session in your app on any how well an app retains users.
given day. This metric shows you how
frequently users log in to your
In-Game metrics

ABOUT APNA hehefactors

Fails occur when a user

starts a level but does not • Build user interest
complete it. • Provide incentives
Starts measure the
A complete counts the
number of times a
number of times users
player starts a new
complete a certain level.
In-Game metrics

Sink • If the chart skews upward
like an exponential curve,
A sink is the opposite of a
ABOUT APNA your player base will have
hehe These are the
locations in your game too much currency and
Sources are places where users spend their no need to monetize.
where users can earn Combining sources and • If the chart slopes
precious currency.
virtual currency. The sinks gives you the flow. negatively to zero, players
source metric Flow is the total balance won’t have enough
measures the amount of currency that your resources for the game
of currency a user has players have spent and
earned. earned.
Key Drivers for

• User Activity (DAUs, MAUs)

• Engagement (Sessions, Duration)
• Monetization (ARPDAU, ARPPU)
on basis of Activity, Engagement, Monetization and Retention

New player, left after Highly engaged,

playing initial set of Was highly engaged, Highly engaged,
active, in-game
games/matches now inactive active, real money
money only
• Understand these • Understand these type • Most valuable users • Scope for changes
type of users for of users for retention • Understand why they • Understand why they
acquisition • Identify patterns play with real money do not use real money
• Analyze expectations • Identify problems • Understand further • Apprehend if they
and outcomes of • Understand preferences requirements want to play with
these users of the users • Actively solve their money

Further Product Increase number

Targeted Acquisition Increase Retention
Development of paying users
Study - II
Multi-Gaming Platform


Problem Statement

UX Research
Problem hehe
Enhance customer experience,

UI Design
increase play time and Retention.
Design a Home Page of a Multi-
Gaming Platform. Put together
Designing a wireframe and Home
set of ideas that would enhance
Page based on the UX research
customer experience , increase
play time and Retention.
Designing a Multi-
Gaming Platform

• Community and brand

Pain Points
• Trust Building
• Provide incentives
• Solve Transaction related
• Brand awareness issues
• Trust issues • Simple User Interface
• Transactions related issues • Customer Support
• Communication and Support
• Usability, Visual Design and
UX issues
Community and Brand Building
• In-app banners
• Referrals
• Advertisements
• Social media
Trust Building
Risk Aversion Mechanism
Designing a level progress for the new user and as they play more and clear levels, we
keep bringing new levels for them. When they clear level they get some variable money

So that users can play some matches, experience the fun and build the trust with the
product. This will unlock the door for new players to play with real money and for players
who were highly engaged but did not try playing with real money before because of the
risk involved and the lack of trust in the system.
Providing incentives
When users complete the progress, they get a scratch card having a variable reward, users
can then use this reward money to play some real money games without the risk of losing
the money because this time they didn’t have to put their money, they got it as a reward .
Transaction related issues
These issues can only be solved through transparency
and clear explanation of the transaction
Home Page
• Minimalistic UI
• Home screen should show
the basic purpose of the
website: Gaming
• Add more functionalities
Home Page
UI Design:
• Dashboard for the user
• Transactions History
• Wallet Details
• Task Bar with different
Customer Support

• Live support thread

• Last transaction quick
preview, if any issue has
been identified
• List of common problems
with explanations
• How to use, Privacy
policy, FAQs section

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