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© 2021 IJRAR May 2021, Volume 8, Issue 2 www.ijrar.

org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Review Paper on Design and Analysis of Structure

for Rotary Bike Parking System.
Bhushan Ashok Patil, 2Prof A S Patel,
M-Tech Student, 2Assistant Professor.
Mechanical Engineering Department, D N P College of Engineering Shahada


India houses 37 million motorcycles and accounts for largest number of motorcycles in the world. Considering huge number of
vehicles in our society the facility for parking is not yet developed. Due to the lack of space for parking along with inappropriate
systems available there are always conflicts at parking spaces. Most People park their vehicles on road sides which have led to
accidents many times. Therefore it is necessary to optimize available parking grounds by increasing their capacity in vertical
dimension. Multilevel parking system can be a boon to all the problems associated with lack of parking places. There is various
multilevel parking systems available for cars like puzzle parking, tower parking, rotary parking systems which are either operated
manually or can be automated. Traditional design approach has been more focused on multilevel parking system developed for cars.
However there has been not proper attempt made for analysis of structure required for efficient parking system for two wheeler. The
present study focuses on the design approach of rotary structure for parking of two wheelers along with its structural analysis.
Keywords – Rotary, Multilevel, Puzzle, Tower.


Availability of Proper Parking systems has always been absent in India. Due to growth in population and increasing
urbanization, parking problems have become more worse. Due to absence of proper parking facilities people tend to park thier
vehicles inappropriately which gives rise to problems such as traffic crowding, congested footpaths as well as increase in criminal
activities due to lack of proper surveillance. Out of 8760 hours in a year vehicle rolls on road for only 400 hours which means vehicle
remains parked for 8360 hours so development of proper parking utilities is very crucial. Daily Traveller in metropolitan city like
Delhi spends over 80 hours searching for parking spaces in a year. People have to travel around for half an hour a day to find parking
Basically Parking Systems are classified in two types:
On street or Kerb Parking : In these type of parking systems vehicles are parked on the sides of the road. This type of parking
system is suitable for that commuter who wants to park their vehicle close to the destination. But this type of parking system can’t
accommodate large number of vehicles so those who don’t find space for parking by sides of the street such peoples have to park their
vehicles faraway from shops they wish to go. Fig 1 shows Patterns of kerb parking.

Fig 1 Patterns of Kerb Parking

Off street parking: Kerb parking can solve only part of parking problems as all vehicles rolling around road can’t be parked into
it therefore off street parking is developed. In off-street type of parking various parking structures are constructed on open spaces near
to crowded areas. People need to park their vehicles there and walk to their destination. Various types of off-street parking are given
as follows:
1. Surface automobile parks.
2. Roof parks.
3. Mechanical parks.
4. Underground parks.

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© 2021 IJRAR May 2021, Volume 8, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Multilevel Parking System:

As we all are aware that need to increase available parking spaces is utmost important owing to increased number of vehicles and
growing urbanization. The development of parking structures dependent on new technologies and utilizing available parking grounds
to the highest efficiency can be performed through implementation of multilevel parking structures. Multilevel Parking can provide 6
to 8 time’s larger space as compared to traditional parking spaces. For instance the parking capacity in New Delhi’s station can bounce
to six to hundred vehicles (hypothetically) from hundred vehicles. Multilevel Parking system can also be integrated into government’s
mission of electrifying automobiles in India. Vehicles Parked into parking stations can be recharged till the time their owner returns to
pick up the vehicle. This can inspire people to buy more electric vehicles. Thus multilevel parking structures fits exactly at the center
of the plan of creating infrastructure for electric automobiles. It can serve both purpose of keeping city pollution free and decongested.
Multilevel Parking System basically houses a structure which is built above the ground or below the ground. Floors are built which
act as levels on which vehicles are parked. Multilevel Parking systems are an attempt to use vertical space to avoid shortage of parking
space on grounds. There are basically two type’s involved Conventional system and Automated systems. Conventional System houses
a building type structure wherein driver has to drive to the parking space available on respective floor. In Automated systems steel
pallets are manufactured which are motorized and operable. When the vehicle is parked into the parking zone the pallet transports
vehicles to the parking slot. Lift and sensors are used which provides the information on slot vacancy, and vehicles position. This is
highly technological system which eases the parking process and reduces parking time and effort of the driver.
The Multilevel Parking system is further defined as rotary parking system when the structure uses rotary elements such as chains,
sprockets, motors which rotate the pallets on which vehicle is parked.

Pashte P et al. (2016) proposed a methodology to reduce the space utilized in parking vehicles and developed an operating model
of rotary automated car parking system. They have used chain and sprocket mechanism to drive the pallets on which cars will be
parked. A 14KW motor is used to power the system and perform indexing. These pallets will move in a rotary direction counter
clockwise. After the car is parked on one of the pallet it rotates and the next vacant pallet arrives at ground position. The Provision to
park 8 cars is made in this model which provides the flexibility in operation without much need for supervision and minimum chances
of damage occurring to cars. This mechanism can accommodate six or more number of cars in the space required for parking 2 cars. It
utilizes vertical dimension in order to reduce space accumulation on ground thus helping for reduction in car parking problem. Ansys
analysis of crucial parts like pallet, joint, hanging rod and frame are performed considering actual dimensions. The scaled model of
rotary automated car parking system is prepared and composite parts in the model are manufactured and assembled.
Gandhi Maharshi et al. (2017) presented the simulation of puzzle parking system for 2 wheeler vehicles to reduce the parking
problems. The movements of elements in parking system are computerized and controlled through software. The software houses all
the data of the vehicles parked and the vacant slots. The parking slots are constructed on each floor. The use of electromagnet and
solenoid is employed to stack the vehicles into the parking slots with the help of fork lift. When the driver arrives at parking station
the bike is parked on top plate. The forklift has bottom plate which is provided with electromagnet and solenoid. After the bike is
parked on the top plate the computer software sends signal to fork lift to arrive at the position where bike is parked. Fork lift arrives at
the position sent according to software where the base plate of fork lift connects with the top plate through solenoid. The
electromagnet holds the bike through magnetic field when the fork lift transports the bike to the vacant slot. The electromagnet is then
disconnected and bike is parked into the vacant parking slot available. The connection between base plate and top plate is detached
and fork lift returns to its position. When the driver arrives for the parking the token is processed and software sends signal to fork lift
for retrieving the vehicle from parking station. Thus in these project they have utilized software solution to store all the information of
vacant slots and guide the fork lift to park and retrieve the vehicle thus reducing time and efforts.
DR Choudhary S K et al. (2018) applied Geneva mechanism concept to develop multilevel parking system for cars. Geneva
mechanism which performs the process of indexing i.e. rotating shaft for a particular degree is powered by DC motor. When the car
arrives at parking station the Geneva mechanism rotates the vacant pallet through chain and sprocket. The car is then parked on the
vacant pallet and transported up through rotating pallet. For retrieving car from parking station, pallet with parked car rotates down
through set of chain and sprocket indexed by Geneva mechanism. AutoCAD model and analytical calculations are correctly performed
for the proposed model which provides the dimensions and power required for operation of model.
Prashanthkumar et al. (2014) designed and built prototype of multilevel parking system to accommodate 20 two wheelers in a
space of 30 m2. Parking slots are constructed around the circumference of steel ring. When the ring rotates the parking slots arrive at
the safety zone where the bike is parked. The driver then parks the bike in the slot and leaves the safety zone. The steel ring then
rotates and next vacant parking slot arrives at the parking slot. This steel ring is operated by motor and operated in the same way as the
giant wheel in fairs operate. When relieving the bike from parking station the rotary giant wheel moves the parking slot to the safety
zone on the ground. The driver then enters into the safety zone and takes the delivery of the bike. The analytical calculations for safe
design of ring, shaft and assembly are successfully performed. The present model shows that usage of rotary steel ring for parking of
bikes helps in reducing maintenance and quick operation with minimum number of dynamic parts.
Kolekar J Rahul et al. (2014) designed the lift mechanism used in tower parking system. They analyzed the existing parking
structures and found out that with increasing height traction lift is more suitable and cheaper as compared to hydraulic type of lift. The
components of the traction lift were Pallet, Push-pull mechanism, Turn table mechanism , Lift cart, Elevator rails, Geared machine,
Traveling cable, Control system, Sheaves and Wire ropes , Motor, Counter weight, Car buffer and Counter weight buffer which are
analyzed analytically and their stress analysis in ANSYS workbench was carried out. The components under the working load were
safe to operate under the given load. As there is no space for reversing vehicle the tower parking is the most suitable option for scarce
parking space and traction lift fits efficiently for the application.

Prof. Shinde et al. proposed the development of automatic car parking system which can perform parking of cars without driver
assist through mechatronics system. The vehicles will be properly guarded and secured under this system. The forklift lifts the car and
transports it to the vacant parking slot available at particular floor. The operation of fork lift is same as it does in industries to lift
goods. The lift controller coordinated the transport of vehicle from one floor to another. The web camera is fitted over the fork lift
which monitors the empty slot and detects obstacles if present in pathway. The motors are utilized for performing lifting function of
cars from ground to the parking space while L2938D system is installed in the system which provides means of communication

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© 2021 IJRAR May 2021, Volume 8, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

between lift controller and the car. This system is time efficient and needs minimum use of human workforce as only one operator can
perform the operation.

Prof Jog Yatin et al. (2015) presented paper on understanding different types of parking system available in India which are smart
and automatic. They found out various parking issues present into the country due to increase in number of vehicles which causes
narrowing lanes and thus acts as obstruction for transportation. The Plots available to park vehicles have become expensive and hence
traditional parking system can’t be the solution. Rather than using car ramps or car lifts mechanized parking system are more efficient
and more practical to use in terms of time, capital and maintenance consideration. Multilevel Car Parking system (MLCPS) offer
number of advantages like efficient space utilization due to use of lifts which eliminated the driveways and ramps, low construction
expenditure due to on site construction and delivery with automated operation, lower maintenance on account of elimination of
ventilation system which are used for underground parking. MLCPS provides increased security to vehicles as they cannot be
accessed by anyone and no need of driver’s interruption for carrying car to parking slot. MLCPS have some limitations like noise and
oil leakages. Various types of automated parking systems are discussed in the paper and a survey is conducted to understand the
parking issues. Under the survey people were asked 20 questions regarding their readiness to adapt new technology. Through survey
an attempt was also made to educate masses of smart parking systems and its benefits. The Post Analysis of survey was done by SPSS
which showed that 43% of people were unaware of smart parking systems but are interested in adopting the new parking structures.

S Vigneshwaran et al. (2020) developed a sensor based multilevel parking system where the controller named Arduino Mega
2560 will receive all the information of the vehicles parked and vacant spaces available from IR sensor placed at every parking slot.
The vacancy data will be displayed on a LCD and system will provide the directions to the nearest vacant space available based on the
algorithm. The time of entry and exit will be recorded in the system and the ticket will be generated on the basis of time spent in the
parking station. All the data is updated every 3secs in the backend as well as in the web interface. The prototype model is created in to
the solidworks after many iteration and finally a working model is developed. The parking slot can be prebooked through online
portal, payment for which will start 30 minutes before vehicle arrives till the time of parking. Instant parking is also present where
driver needs to book slot at the parking station. All the data is displayed by Netbeans Java and database is updated and stored in SQL.
This system helps in reducing the time required for finding the parking slot and also reserves the parking slot for vehicle without any
extra charge.

Albagul A et al. (2013) presented symbolic car parking system with 3 floors where the transport of vehicle to the parking slot is
done through elevator controlled by PLC. When the car arrives at the parking station sensor situated at elevator sends signal to the
system of existence of the car. The control system then instructs elevator of suitable floor on which vacant space is present. The
elevator then transports the car to the suitable floor and entry is done into the system regarding parking time. For exit the sensor sends
signal to control system about the existence of car waiting for exit. The elevator then transports back the car to the ground level. There
are two kinds of light present at entry gate red and green. Green light indicates parking slot available and red light indicated no
parking slot is available.

Daur Vatsala et al. (2016) presented the use of IOT (internet of things) in parking systems thus making it smart. RFID which can
track the items in near range is also utilized into this projects. The system allows only the owner with the positive card balance to enter
at entry point. At entry RFID Card reader scans the RFID card installed in the car and extracts car registration number and other
details. The system checks if the owner has any preferred park slot and best parking available is allotted to the car and same
information is displayed on the LCD. Time of entry is recorded in the system and same sms is sent to the owner’s mobile phone
through GSM. During exit card is scanned again and the charges are calculated based on the time spent in parking station. The charges
are deducted from car owner’s balance and updated in data base. Sms is sent to owner about charges deducted and balance remaining.
After the exit of car system then deallocates the slot used. The components forming system architecture were Arduino Uno Board,
GSM module, RFID Card reader, RFID cards, SIM cards and LCD. These product aims at reducing long queues, solving chaos and
confusion at parking spaces available at malls, cinema halls etc.

Jayanthi R et al. (2016) developed a scaled model of multilevel car parking system where RFID is incorporated at entry and exit
zone. Parking system is operated by chain and sprocket mechanism powered by DC motor. Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm is used
to guide the vehicle to nearest parking slot available. When the car arrives for parking at station, RFID card reader reads the tag
present on the car and proceeds car for parking on the pallet. The pallet containing car is then transported to the vacant space. When
the driver arrives for retrieving car the system then sends signal to transport the pallet to the ground level. Sometimes cars are parked
too deep so it can lead to time consumption so there is specially tailored software present to shuffle the cars which will ease to release
car. Also there is turn table provided for those who find it difficult to turn their vehicle. The turn table rotates the car so that car is
facing out into the drive way which reduces chances of accidents which occur while backing out of garages or parking spaces.

Waghmare Akash et al. (2016) proposed study on multistage car parking system wherein they studied the historical traces of
multistage car parking systems along with its benefits. Multistage car parking provides several benefits of safety and security, saving
of time and money, systematic operation. Space required for 3 cars can hold more than 9 cars. Operation is rotary in nature thus
providing flexibility and less noise with minimum supervision. This paper provides information to develop a scaled model of a car
parking system which can accommodate 6 to 24 cars in a parking space of 32.17m2. The model is operated through chain and sprocket
drive mechanism which can be powered through one fourth of HP brake motor for indexing the system.

Sabnam Masiha et al. (2016) discussed the use of RFID and IR sensor in making parking management systems efficient one. IR
sensor is fitted at each parking slot and entry gate. If there is vacant parking slot, IR sensor provides high signal to the microcontroller.
Also the IR sensor provides the information of vehicle presence at entry gate. The power supply is provided through several blocks
with every block having its own individual function. To reduce or increase the Voltage the Transformer is provided. The rectifier unit
performs the function of power conversion from AC to DC. An additional smoothening block is provided which gives pure DC
current eliminating any AC components. The RFID reader and tag are used. The registered users will be provided by RFID tags which
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© 2021 IJRAR May 2021, Volume 8, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

are scanned by the reader. When user arrives for exiting the parking the amount chargeable will be automatically deducted through
card. The new user will be provided with token which will be encrypted by slot code. The use of this system will provide quick user
identification and slot detection and thus reducing the waiting time and increasing the efficacy of parking systems.

Padiachy V et al. developed automated multilevel car parking system through designing in AUTOCAD with hardware present at
input and output stages. A plate is considered which will lift the vehicle and place it into the parking slot receiving direction form
microcontroller. Pinion and rack gear mechanism is used to move system back and forth driven by the belt drive which will lift the
car. Rack and pinion, base structure for back and forth movement and two shafts are designed into Autocad software .Multilevel
housing is constructed out of the plywood for ease of manufacturing. Each compartment is fitted with LDR light dependent resistor.
The lead screw is used for movement of the base along X direction. Vertical movement along z direction is produced through belt
mechanism and the pinion and rack gear system will perform the operation of moving vehicle in and out. Motor was button operated
through timing sequences. PIC microcontrollers and timers were used to achieve real time intervals to switching of 3 directional
motors. Timer 0 and 16 bit prescaler is used which can read values from 0 to 65535. When the button is pressed it is either sensed by
LDR of vacant spaces or to which button is pressed for retrieving a car. When it detects an empty space or button operated for
relieving, car timer is enabled and calls the timer function. After the conditions are satisfied the motor is either turned on or off to
perform the function of parking or retrieving. The timer is then disabled and waits for the pressing of button for next task. Analytical
calculations for gears used are performed and overall circuit diagram is drawn. This system can be scaled up for real life performance
by using powerful motor, limit switches for precision. With the use of bearings the friction can be reduced.

Dahane A Radhika et al. (2016) proposed a designed methodology for multi storey car park to overcome challenges arising due to
increase in traffic in public places using different available case studies. Computer software ETABS 2015 was used in designing and
analysis as software automatically generates the self-weights. The software results were compared with manual definition of loading
to achieve precision. The car bay dimensions were considered 5m × 2.8m while the minimum head room was taken up to 2.10m. Floor
to floor height was accounted for 3.3 m to accommodate any deductions due to signage, lighting, ventilations, barrier controls and any
miscellaneous projections. 90° parking angle was considered with width of aisle 6m. Structure dimensions are 84m×33m with 10
spans of 8.4 m in X direction and 6 spans of 5.5m in Y direction. Due to huge length of span expansion joint is used after 5 spans in X
direction. The structure is proposed in compliance with Indian Standard 1893 (Part I): 2002 (Indian Code of Criteria for Earthquake
Resistant Design of Structures). Grades of material used were M25 for concrete and Fe415 for steel with 6KN/m2 as live load and
weight of floor finish 2.4KN/m2. According to clause 7.8.1 (a) dynamic analysis is not required so static analysis was preferred for the
building as it requires less computational efforts as it is based on formulae given in code practice.
This design optimized the storey drift within permissible limit in both X and Y direction in both cases with columns with and
without curtailments. The maximum displacement was found out be in permissible limits in both X and Y directions in columns with
or without curtailments.

Dr Mahendran S et al. (2018) presented the design of multilevel car parking building using AUTOCAD Software. The analysis of
frame for vertical and horizontal loads was performed on STAAD Pro software. The design has been done according to Indian
standard code IS 456:2000. The building area considered is 6800m2. Every floor is made to park 50 vehicles. The beams are designed
as 250 x 500 mm. The columns are designed as 300 x 300 mm.300 mm shear thickness is provided for shear wall. The shear force and
bending moment diagram is drawn from the analysis carried out. The multi-level car parking was designed as a complex building with
G+5 and G+4 floors and analyzed which provides useful information for designing elements. All the layouts were planned according
to codes to provide maximum usefulness. A dog legged staircase is provided on back side for any emergency needs. All the moments
acting on RC elements are considered and design is considered to convey all the moments acting on the structure. Top view as well as
Ground floor plan is also given in this paper.

Patel Chandni et al. (2015) proposed a project work to form reduced operating model which can accommodate 6 to 24 cars in
parking space of 32.17m2. The platform is operated through chain and sprocket mechanism which is powered by one fourth horse
power brake motor. RFID radio frequency Identification is used to access user’s information and verify payment details whereas IR
Infrared Sensors are installed at each parking slot to determine availability of parking slots. Microcontroller 89S51 is utilized for
controlling and code for it is written in EMBEDDED BASIC LANGUAGE. The microcontroller is programmed by Bascom Compiler
BC software. LCD displays all the relevant information. A proper circuit diagram for showing interconnection of linear control system
is provided.

Javed Mohammad et al. (2019) presented a detail study of multi-level parking system along with problems associated with current
parking systems and how its optimization can be carried out. The paper discusses different methodologies employed in developing
intelligent parking system and economic analysis of each system. Expert system, Fuzzy Logic Based system, Wireless Sensor based
system and GPS based system are discussed. Expert system has ability to search for the nearest parking slot, manage payments,
provide directions to the slot and keep in track of vacant and filled parking slots. Fuzzy logic system supports the operator to minimize
errors by detection of vacant space, supplying information and planning the route to the vacant place. Gen So Yeager Fuzzy Neural
Network is used which has ability to reason like human beings and has expert know how. Car driving simulator is connected with
neural fuzzy system. FLC fuzzy logic control gives fuzzy approach in control of backward movement of truck and trailer thus
providing automatic car back parallel. Wireless based system is economic and consumes very less power helping in finding out
parking spot through various sensors and maintains the parking lot with ease. GPS based uses Poisson process to monitor the
availability of parking lot and provides current situation of vacancy hence it can’t guaranty that space will be available when driver
reached parking space. It provides information of parking spaces available in locality to the driver. Another technique is Vehicular
communication which provides real time infomation on availability of parking spaces thus saves time and fuel. It also provides
antitheft system which keeps close surveillance on any car that is illegally carried out of parking space and prevents it through RSU.
The economic analysis carried out helps in finding out most feasible parking system which can be used without much stress on
economy of nation.

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Kumar Pradeep et al. (2014) presented the use of intelligent multilevel car park system which uses RFID Radio frequency
identification to transfer and monitor data as it provides speedy transfer and has compact size. When used with REED sensor the
system becomes highly efficient. Microcontroller 89s52 and PIC16F877 are used with combination in order to reduce circuit length.
An OCV (open computer vision) system is used which recognizes the licensed plate of cars and provides online availability of slots
available using browser and server architecture. All these systems help in reducing the hardware circuitry as compared to present day
parking structures. The proposed model is developed to be more efficient and time saving providing accurate and user friendly
representation of multilevel car park system.
Mazumder Shishir et al. (2018) developed a prototype of automated multilevel car system using PLC system. The system uses a
lift mechanism to park cars on floors mounted above the ground level. Initially there are two indicator provided at entry system
guiding driver of vacant space availability. If indicator glows green light then space for parking is available and if indicator glows red
light no vacant space is available. After the green signal is given driver parks the car on lift. The proper spot for parking is finalized
and signal is given to the motors. Three types of motor work in these model horizontal, vertical and plate motor to assist parking. After
parking the lift returns back to the ground. Allen Bradley Micrologix 1000 series is used as PLC trainer, as it provides high speed
communication module with dedicated inner boards and specialized inputs and outputs. PLC directs the timing of the motors till it
parks the car. For horizontal movement a rail system is provided and for vertical movement pulley system is used. The retrieval
process is similar and requires only up to 5 minutes. This system can be used in residential platforms too as it is compact, highly
effective and easily operable. The components used are available with ease thus makes its applicable to any purpose.

Kr Pramod et al. (2018) presented the analysis and design of multi storey parking building in ETABS (2016) software proposed at
Jalahalli cross, Bengaluru. The basement provides for car parking, ground floor acts as commercial space as well as parking, first and
second floor are assigned for motor cycle parking. Whereas third, fourth, fifth floor are provided for commercial complexes. The
design of all the structural members is carried out according to IS 456:2000 codes as it is basic code for general construction. The
building is planned according to National Building Code providing ample exits, ventilation systems and electrification. Sufficient
water supply, electric supply, proper sanitary system and rain water harvesting facility is provided in the building. REVIT is used to
model the exterior and beams and columns are analyzed in ETABS. Column dimensions ranges from 400mm×800mm with 2m ×1.75
m footing. M30 concrete and Fe415 steel is used. Beam dimensions are 750mm× 600mm with the same material as columns. Slab
dimensions provided are 6m ×9.41m. Slab material is same as beam and column. Staircase is also designed with concrete M30 and
Fe415 steel. The efforts of these research was to help Bangalore to cope traffic problems arising due to increasing number of vehicles
and provide suitable lifestyle.

It has been taken in to account from the literature review that some of the researchers used chain and sprocket mechanism while
some used tractions lifts, fork lifts, Geneva mechanism etc. to perform the function of lifting and retrieving vehicles to and from
parking system. However these methods have some disadvantages like lack of proper information on vacant spaces, auto payment
options and record keeping of vehicles that were parked or have booked parking in advance. In order to overcome these drawbacks
some researchers employed advanced technologies such as RFID radio frequency identification and infrared sensors. These
technologies help in scanning the license plate of the car, monitor vacant spaces available into the parking space. Some researchers
also used Arduino Uno board, GSM module to facilitate users by providing payment information through SMS on their phones.

The Analysis of the structure for constructing multilevel parking system is to be carried out in ANSYS. The analytical calculations
involving Shear force and bending moments is also necessary to confirm the results obtained through FEA analysis. In this thesis the
design of rotary parking system for bikes is to be carried out which can be operated automatically with minimum or null human
interference. From these literature review it is clear that design of multilevel parking system is carried out for parking of four wheeled
vehicles. Not much analysis is been carried out in designing system for two wheelers. So these dissertation focuses on FEA design and
analytical analysis of Frame, pallet carrying bikes, assembly etc. required for constructing automated rotary parking system which can
be used for two wheelers.

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