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To my program

Anyone can give up. It’s the easiest

thing in the world to do. But to
hold it together when everyone else
fails, that’s true strength!“
Do you have an idea of how hard this program will be? This
is for GORILLAS. To complete this program, you don’t need the
strength of a beast only, but also the mindset of a true Gorilla.
You’re not allowed to give up. You’re not allowed to complain.
You’re not allowed to leave, as leaving is what weak people do,
and weak people don’t complete an advanced program.

On the other hand, think about completing this program. Think about
the strength you don’t only have physically, but also mentally. How
often you might have thought about quitting, but still got yourself
trough the tough times to be able to tell yourself: I am a Gorilla.

Let’s do this together. I promise, it will be hard, and in hard

times, someone to follow and guide you is what makes the
difference between something doable and undoable. In this
program, I made sure to give you the assistance you need!

Each and every exercise is shown by a video, so you know exactly

what to do and how to do it. Need motivation? Don’t worry, I got
it! It’s all in this PDF. Need an idea for a meal? It’s in here!

Also, the #GorillaGang is the most loyal community in the world.

That being said, I feel as if we are a family. So if you want to show
your progress, talk to fellow gorillas, have questions or WHAT EVER
you have on your mind - use #GorillaGang to reach out to your fellow
Gorillas and me. Let’s make sure we are there for each other.

Without further talking, let’s get started! Let’s rule this world, Gorilla.

Intermittent fasting 4
General tips 5
Motivation 6
Week 1 7
Motivation 19
Week 2 20
Motivation 32
Week 3 33
Motivation 45
Week 4 46
Food 58

How to eat

HOW I EAT - The 16:8 method - How you eat is directly

connected to your progress in working out. There are a lot
of methods out there that work, but I found the 16:8 method
to be the best and easily connectable to a everyday life.

HOW DOES IT WORK? - In this method, you abstain from every food
and drink that influences your insulin levels for 16 hours a day.
This results in a higher production of the HGH (Human Growth
Hormone) and leads to a higher stability of your insulin intervals.

Your body will start burning fat while your fasting from insulin, and
will attack your fat reserves more effectively than other diets.

So, what does a day with intermittent fasting look like? - I usually
get up at 7 in the morning. Keep in mind that you are not allowed to
eat any calories before you did your workout. That means, if you’re
working out at 11am, you don’t eat any meal before. If you’re working
out later, you won’t eat anything before it. To start the day, you can
drink coffee or 1 liter of water . Pro tip: If you want your coffee to be
sweet, use stevia to make it taste better. After you did your workout,
you can eat all of your meals right away (but eat all of it before 9pm!)

You basically eat the same amount of calories each

day, but you shift the time frame differently.

How this affects your body? - It usually takes one or two weeks for
your body to adapt this habit, but if you’re working out, your body uses
the energy it got from the meals before working out - and in doing
so, won’t attack the reserves you have stored on your body as fat.
Eating your meals after working out has the effect of your body
using the reservers, thus making you lose fat and getting shredded.

After you did your workout, you can eat all of your meals
right away. Keep in mind that this diet does not include
restrictions on drinking, Keep yourself hydrated.
General tips

Do every exercise slowly and with full control.

Feel the contracting muscles and the stretch. Mind

and body connection is very important.

If you can’t do the recommended reps or sets, lower it to

your level and slowly increase in upcoming weeks!

Finish all 5 sets of the first exercises and move on to the

second, third, etc. until you finish the whole workout.

Advised break between sets and exercises is 45-60 seconds.

To prevent any injuries during any physical activity, you need to warm
up beforehand! This is my personal gymnastics warm up that I have
been doing since 1999 as a part of my workout program.


IMPORTANT: To watch a video of me doing ANY exercise,

simply click on the title of the exercise.


I have not always been the way I am today. I wasn’t born with the physique
and mentality of a Gorilla. To be honest, I was a pretty normal guy - I had my
weaknesses, my strengths, I made my mistakes and also my successes. Being
normal, usually weaknesses and mistakes have a higher role in your life
than the opposite. It’s the mindset that keeps you down, making you unable
to make the moves that you need in order to life to your fullest potential.

One day, I realized that living to your fullest potential is not only
a decision, but a process. What holds back people the most is the
thought of success being a decision - they have a high motivation
to begin with, but fail once or twice and think they don’t have
the stuff to be the person they want to be. THAT IS WRONG!

It’s pretty easy: Rome wasn’t build in one day. People don’t wake up being
rich. People don’t wake up being shredded as fuck. People don’t ride the
car of their dreams because they just got it as they wanted it. Behind
each success, there is not only a decision, but a story. And that story goes
for years, if not a lifetime. All of them had their ups and downs, and all of
them overcame their downs in order to achieve what they life out today.

I want you to understand this. I want you to know, that mistakes are
okay. Failure is okay. There will be times, you make more progress
than now, and there will be times, in which you make less or not
any progress at all. THIS IS PART OF A PROCESS. The process, to
become succesful. The secret to become a true Gorilla?

Let me tell you: It’s endurance. Stick trough it. Stick trough it with me.
Stick trough it with your fellow Gorillas. Let’s stick trough it together.

Week 1
Day 1 - Back&Abs

Scapular Pulls 5 sets

15 reps

Muscle up 5 sets
8-10 reps

Wide pull ups 5 sets

12-15 reps

Hammer pull ups 5 sets

ultra +wide + narrow: 5/5/5 reps

TRX Australian pull 5 sets

15-20 reps

T Cross sit ups 5 sets

15 reps

Laying leg raises 5 sets

15 reps


Week 1
Day 1 - Meals

- 200g Chicken breast
- 500g Spinach (with garlic or onions)
- 1 Avocado

- Black coffee (with coconut oil)
- 10g Almonds
- 50g Dark chocolate (75%+)

- 5 Eggs (scrambled)
- Feta cheese
- Cherry tomatoes
-Green Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 1
Day 2 - Chest

Power push ups 5 sets

12- 15 reps

Wide push ups 5 sets

15-20 reps

Incline push ups 5 sets

1st set: 20 reps
30 reps
30 reps

Diamond push ups 5 sets

15 reps

Dips 5 sets
10-15 reps


Week 1
Day 2 - Meals

- 200g Chicken breast with one tbs of peanut butter
- 250g of cauliflower purée (4 garlic cloves,50g butter,
cauliflower, 120ml water, himalayan salt and pepper)
- 1 Avocado

-Chia seed pudding
Soak 50g of chia in a cup of coconut or almond milk
Add cinnamon and vanilla aroma for flavor

- 5 eggs ( scrambled with spinach, onions, peppers, mushrooms)
50g of feta cheese
Green tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 1
Day 3 - Legs&Abs

Jump squats 5 sets

15 reps

Squats 5 sets
15 reps

Closed leg squats 5 sets

15 reps

Sissy squats 4 sets

5 reps

Lunges 5 sets
12 reps

Elevated hamstring 5 sets

12 reps

Hanging leg raises 5 sets

15 reps

Crunches 5 set
15 reps


Week 1
Day 3 - Meals

- 200g Chicken breast
- 500g Spinach (with garlic or onions)
- 1 Avocado

- Black coffee (with coconut oil)
- 10g Almonds
- 50g Dark chocolate (75%+)

- 5 Eggs (scrambled)
- Feta cheese
- Cherry tomatoes
- Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 1
Day 4 - Shoulders

Handstand push ups 5 sets

5-10 reps

Elevated pike push 5 sets

15 reps

Pseudo push ups 5 sets

15 reps

TRX Y Pulls 5 sets

15 reps

TRX I pulls 5 sets

15 reps

Week 1
Day 4 - Meals

- 200g of white fish
- 400g zucchini

- 50g Mixed nuts
-Black coffee
-Coconut flakes

- 5 sunny side up eggs
-Cherry tomatoes
-50g feta cheese
- Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 1
Day 5 - Arms&Abs

Muscle ups 5 sets

5-10 reps

Chin ups 5 sets

12 reps

Hammer pull ups 5 sets

5/5/5 reps

TRX Bicep curls 5 sets

15 reps

Diamond push ups 5 sets

15 reps

Dips 5 sets
12 reps

Tricep extensions 5 sets

15 reps

Hanging leg raises 5 sets

15 reps

Bicycle crunches 5 sets

20 reps

Week 1
Day 5 - Meals

- 200g steak
-150g broccoli
-Half avocado

- Black coffee (with coconut oil)
- turkey meat slices rolled up in slices of cheese

-100g tuna
-2 hard boiled eggs
-100g spinach
-Half avocado

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 1
Day 6 - Meals

- 200g steak
-150g broccoli
-Half avocado

-Black coffee with coconut oil
-20g of almonds
-50g of dark chocolate (75%+)

-5 eggs ( scrambled with spinach, onions, peppers, mushrooms)
-50g of feta cheese
-Green tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 1
Day 7 - Meals

- Pizza ( cheat meal)

- Mixed nuts
-Black coffee with coconut oil

-5 eggs (scrambled)
-Feta cheese
-Cherry tomatoes
-Green tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal


What do you want? Seriously. What is your goal? Do you work towards
it? Daily? Do you do everything in order to achieve your goal?
If not, stop with this program. You won’t make it till the end. This program needs
you to DEDICATE yourself to your dreams. This program is nothing you can do, if you
don’t live your life active. If you go trough your days passive, you won’t make it.

This program is for Gorillas. This program is for people, who have a DESIRE,
who are restless without their time being spent on what is worth to them.

Do you still decide to work out today?

Congratulations, you’re a Gorilla. For now. Keep sticking to it!

Week 2
Day 1 - BACK

Scapular pulls 4 sets

15 reps

Muscle ups 5 sets

5 - 10 reps

Narrow pull ups 5 sets

12-15 reps

Wide hammer pull 5 sets

12 reps

Australian pull ups 5 sets

15-20 reps

Superman lifts 5 sets

20 reps

T cross sit ups 5 sets

15 reps

Knee ins 5 sets

20 reps

Week 2
Day 1 - Meals

- 200g of steak
-500g of Spinach with garlic or onions
-Cheery tomatoes
-One avocado

- Black coffee (with coconut oil)
- 10g Almonds
- 50g Dark chocolate (75%+)

- 5 Eggs (scrambled)
- Feta cheese
- Cherry tomatoes
-Green Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 2
Day 2 - Chest

3 clap push ups 5 sets

10 - 15 reps

Wide push ups 5 sets

20 reps

Incline push ups 5 sets

1st set: 20 reps
30 reps
40 reps

Diamond push ups 5 sets

15 reps

Dips 5 sets
10-12 reps

Week 2
Day 2 - Meals

- 200g of salmon
-250g of spinach with onions

- Black coffee (with coconut oil)
- 2 rice cakes with peanut butter

-5 scrambled eggs with 2tbs of sour cream
75g of shredded cheese, 60g butter, green bell peppers
- Green Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 2
Day 3 - Legs

High knee squat 5 sets

10-12 reps

Squats 5 sets
15 reps

Pistol squats 5 sets

5-10 reps

Walking lunges 5 sets

12-15 reps

Single leg elevated 5 sets

hamstring bridges
12 reps

Donkey calf raises 5 sets

15 reps

Crunches 5 sets
15 reps
Laying leg raises
15 reps

Week 2
Day 3 - Meals

- 200g of chicken breast with one tbs of peanut butter
-250g of cauliflower purée ( 4 garlic cloves, 50g butter,
cauliflower, 120ml water, himalayan salt and pepper)
-One avocado

-Chia seed pudding
(Soak 50g of chia in a cup of coconut or almond milk
Add cinnamon and vanilla aroma for flavor)
- Black coffee (with coconut oil)
- 10g Almonds
- 50g Dark chocolate (75%+)

-5 hard boiled eggs
-Cucumbers, tomatoes
-50g of feta cheese
-Green tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 2
Day 4 - Shoulders&Arms

Handstand push ups 4 sets

5-10 reps
Chin ups
12 reps

Elevated pike push 4 sets

15 reps
Hammer pull ups
12 reps

TRX Y pulls 4 sets

15 reps
TRX Bicep curls
15 reps

Week 2
Day 4 - Meals

-200g of chicken breast
-150g Broccoli
-One avocado

-50g Mixed nuts
-Black coffee

- 5 Eggs (scrambled)
- Feta cheese
-Red peppers
- Cherry tomatoes
- Green Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 2

Jump rope 10 sets

30 s jump - 90s rest

T cross sit ups 5 sets

15 reps

Knee ins 5 sets

20 reps

Week 2
Day 5 - Meals

- 200g ground beef
-150g broccoli
- 1 Avocado

-Chicken meat slices rolled up in slices of cheese, cucumbers

- 200g white fish
-150g spinach
-Half avocado
- Green Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 2
Day 6 - Meals

-Burger ( cheat meal )

-Black coffee with coconut oil
-50g Mixed nuts

- 5 eggs ( scrambled with spinach, onions, peppers, mushrooms)
-50g of feta cheese
-Green tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 2
Day 7 - Meals

- 200g of Chicken breast
-150g butter fried cauliflower
-One avocado

-Chia pudding
-50g dark chocolate

- 3 sunny side up eggs
-150g bacon
-Cherry tomatoes
-Green tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal



Week 3
Day 1 - Back

Muscle ups 5 sets

5-10 reps

Wide pull ups 4 sets

12 reps
Laying pull ups
12 reps

Hammer pull ups 5 sets

ultra - wide - narrow 5/5/5 reps

TRX Australian pull 5 sets

15 reps

Hanging leg raises 5 sets

from 90°
10 reps

Sit ups 5 sets

15 reps

Week 3
Day 1 - Meals

- 110g of chicken breast wrapped in 75g of bacon
-110g spinach
-Cauliflower purée ( 1 garlic clove, 15g butter, 50g cauliflower, 30ml water)
- 1 Avocado

- Mixed nuts
-Black coffee with coconut oil

- 5 scrabbled eggs with mushrooms
-50g feta cheese
- Green Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 3
Day 2 - Chest

Plyometric power 5 sets

push ups
12-15 reps

Narrow push ups

15 reps
+ 4 sets
Incline push ups
20 reps

Decline push ups 5 sets

8-12 reps

Diamond push ups 5 sets

15-20 reps

Wide deep push ups 5 sets

8-10 reps

Week 3
Day 2 - Meals

-200g of chicken breast
-150g of broccoli
-One avocado

- Black coffee
-25g of almonds

- 5 sunny side up eggs
-100g of bacon
-Cherry tomatoes
- Green Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 3
Day 3 - Legs

Squat jumps 5 sets

15 reps

Squats 5 sets
15 reps

Close leg squats 5 sets

15 reps

Pistol squats 5 sets

5-10 reps

Single leg 4 sets

bodyweight deadlifts
12 reps

Single leg calf 5 sets

15 reps

T cross sit ups 5 sets

15 reps

Laying leg raises 5 sets

15 reps

Week 3
Day 3 - Meals

- 200g of steak
-Spinach with onions
-One avocado

- Chia pudding
-Black coffee with coconut oil

-3 hard boiled eggs
-Red bell peppers
-Cherry tomatoes
-Green tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 3
Day 4 - Shoulders&Arms

Deadstop handstand 5 sets

push ups
5 reps

Elevated pike push 5 sets

15 reps

Planch lean push 5 sets

12-15 reps

TRX Y pulls 5 sets

15 reps

Rear delt press 5 sets

15 reps

Week 3
Day 4 - Meals

- 200g steak
-150g of broccoli
-One avocado

- Mixed nuts
-50g dark chocolate

- 100g tuna
-Red bell peppers
-Green tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 3
Day 5 - Arms

Muscle ups 5 sets

5-10 reps

Chin ups 4 sets

12 reps
Diamond push ups
15 reps

Hammer pull ups 4 sets

5/5/5 reps
Diamond push ups
12 reps

Trx Bicep curls 4 sets

15 reps
12 reps

Tricep extensions 5 sets

15 reps

Hanging leg raises 5 sets

15 reps

Week 3
Day 5 - Meals

- 200g of white fish
-300g Zucchini
- 1 Avocado

- Black coffee with coconut oil
-Mixed nuts
- 50g coconut flakes

- 5 scrambled eggs with 2tbs of sour cream
75g of shredded cheese, 60g butter, green bell peppers
-Green tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 3
Day 6 - Meals

- Cheat meal by choice

- Chia pudding
- 30g Almonds
- 50g Dark chocolate (75%+)

- 2 hard boiled eggs
-100g tuna
-Red bell peppers
-Cherry tomatoes
- Green Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 3
Day 7 - Meals

- 200g of chicken breast
-500g of Spinach with garlic or onions
-One avocado

- Black coffee (with coconut oil)
- 30g Mix nuts
- 50g Dark chocolate (75%+)

-5 eggs (scrambled)
-Feta cheese
-Cherry tomatoes
-Green tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal


You wanna know what motivates me the most? History. Can you imagine
how much people achieved trough out history, even without the possibilities
we have today? Do you realize, how much of potential lies within every
one of us? Do you realize, how much of potential YOU have?

It’s so fucking much bro. There is NO reason at all, why you

shouldn’t achieve your goals. The only limit is you. You are your
only limit. STOP holding yourself back. STOP having limits.

Be YOU. Be a Gorilla. Be part of the history, other people get inspired from.

Week 4
Day 1 - Chest&Back

Muscle ups 4 sets

5 reps
Power push ups
12 reps

Wide pull ups 4 sets

12 reps
Wide push ups
15 reps

Hammer pull ups 3 sets

12 reps
Incline push ups

Australian pull ups 5 sets

15 reps
Diamond push ups
12 reps

Week 4
Day 1 - Meals

- 200g chicken breast
-150g broccoli
-One avocado

- Black coffee
- 100g peanuts
-Green tea

- 5 scrabbled eggs with mushrooms, peppers, onions.
-50g feta cheese
- Cherry tomatoes
-Green Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 4
Day 2 - Legs

High knee squats 5 sets

12 reps

Squats 5 sets
15 reps

Sissy squats 4 sets

5-10 reps

Bulgarian lunges 5 sets

12 reps

Elevated single leg 5 sets

hamstring bridges
15 reps

Donkey calf raises 5 sets

15 reps

T cross sit ups 5 sets

15 reps

Crunches 5 sets
15 reps

Week 4
Day 2 - Meals

- 200g of chicken breast
-150g of broccoli
-Half avocado

- Chia pudding
-Black coffee

- 3 sunny side up eggs
-100g bacon
-Cherry tomatoes
-Half avocado
-Green Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 4
Day 3 - Arms

Scapular pulls 5 sets

15 reps

Chin ups 5 sets

12 reps

Hammer pull ups 5 sets

12 reps

Australian chin ups 5 sets

20 reps

Diamond push ups 5 sets

20 reps

Bench dips 5 sets

15 reps

Tricep extensions 5 sets

15 reps

Week 4
Day 3 - Meals

- 200g of white fish
-200g spinach with onions
-1 Avocado

- Black coffee (with coconut oil)
- 50g Mixed nuts
-50g dark chocolate

- 100g tuna
-Feta cheese
-Green Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 4
Day 4 - Shred it off

Burpees 10 sets
30s work - 90s rest

Bicycle crunches
20 reps
Laying leg raises 5 sets
15 reps
Russian twist
15 reps

Week 4
Day 4 - Meals

- 200g of white fish
-50g of cauliflower purée ( garlic, 15g butter,30ml water)
-100g spinach

- Black coffee
-Turkey meat slices rolled up in slices of cheese, cucumbers
- 50g Dark chocolate (75%+)

- 5 Eggs (scrambled)
- Feta cheese
- Cherry tomatoes
- Green Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 4
Day 5 - Shoulders

Handstand push - 5 sets

5 - 10 reps

Elevated pike push 5 sets

15 reps

Pseudo push ups 5 sets

15 reps

TRX Y pulls 5 sets

15 reps

TRX I pulls 5 sets

15 reps

Dips 5 sets
12 reps

Hanging leg raises 5 sets

15 reps

Sit ups 5 sets

15 reps

Week 4
Day 5 - Meals

- 200g of ground beef
-150g broccoli
-One avocado

- Black coffee (with coconut oil)
- 30g mix nuts
- 50g coconut flakes

-5 scrambled eggs with 2tbs of sour cream
75g of shredded cheese, 60g butter, green bell peppers
-Green tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 4
Day 6 - Meals

-Cheat meal of choice

- Chia pudding
-50g Mixed nuts
-Green tea

- 100g tuna
-Feta cheese
-Cucumbers, peppers and cherry tomatoes
-Green Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Week 4
Day 7 - Meals

- 200g of white fish
-150g of broccoli

- Black coffee
-50 Mixed nuts

- 5 eggs
-Feta cheese
- Cherry tomatoes
- Green Tea

Daily Routine
- 5-10g Ginger/Ginger Tea before sleep (Helps with muscle recovery)
- 1 Tablet of Cordyceps after every meal
- 2 Tablets of Glucosamine after every meal
- 1 Tablet of Omega3 after every meal

Greek Salad

- 1 cucumber
- 300g tomatoes
- 1 raw onion
- 20 black pitted olives
- 100g Feta

Dressing ingredients
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon of parsley
- Salt
- Pepper

- peel the cucumber and cut it lengthwise. Cut the tomatoes and
cucumber into small cubes and the onion into small rings. Half the olives.
- Put the cucumber and tomato cubes, onion rings and olives into
one bowl. Pluck the feta into small pieces and add it to the bowl too.
- Use the olive oil, lemon juice, parsley, salt and pepper to
make a dressing and mix it the rest of the ingredients.

Breakfest pizza

- 2 ripe bananas
- 160 g of fine oatmeal
- 1 tbsp maple syrup
- Ingredients for the topping:
- Fruits of your choice
- 4 tablespoons of Greek yogurt
- 1/2 teaspoon ground vanilla
- 1 pinch of cinnamon

- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
- Crush the bananas with a fork and mix with the oatmeal and
the maple syrup. Put the mass on a sheet of baking paper (I use a
round sheet) and bake in a preheated oven for 15 - 20 minutes.
- In the meantime, cut the fruit into bite-sized pieces. Then mix
the yoghurt with the ground vanilla, cinnamon and maple syrup.
- Remove the banana oatmeal pizza from the oven and let
cool. Now sprinkle with yogurt and garnish with the fruit.

Chicken wraps

- chicken filling
- 500 g chicken breast fillet
- 6 dried tomatoes
- 2 spring onions
- 2 cloves of garlic
- cumin
- salt
- pepper
- Paprika spice
- Oil for searing


- 7 tbsp Arla skyr honey

- 1/2 lime the juice of it
- 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
- chives
- pepper
- salt
- 1 tsp olive oil
- Further ingredients:
- 4 big wraps
- 1 pepper
- 50 g rocket
- 100 g of tomatoes e.g. Honey tomatoes
- 1 avocado
- 50 g of feta
- Cress

Chicken wraps

- Cut the peppers into strips, wash the rocket and pluck it small,
quarter the tomatoes and cut the avocado into small cubes.
- Cut the dried tomatoes into strips, cut the spring
onions into rings. Finely chop the garlic.
- Finely chop the chives and mix all the ingredients for the dressing.
- Preheat the oven to 100 degrees.
- Dice the chicken breast and fry in some oil with the garlic.
- Season with salt, pepper, cumin and paprika. Just before the end of
the roasting season, add the dried tomatoes and spring onions and fry.
- In the meantime, keep the wraps in the oven.
- Alternatively, you can heat the wraps in the pan.
- Now spread the dressing generously on the wraps and fill the wraps
with the chicken cubes, rocket, tomatoes, peppers, avocado, feta and cress

Chicken curry

- 500 g chicken breast
- 700g carrots
- 200g cream cheese
- 200 ml water
- Stir-fry seasoning
- Kurkuma
- Curry powder
- Some oil for the pan

- Cut the chicken flesh into pieces and fry it in the pan with
some oil. Cut the carrots into small pieces and add it to the flesh.
- Add the water and let it cook till the carrots are done.
- Spice the meal with Stir-fry seasoning, Kurkuma
and curry powder. Mix in the cheese.

Banana smoothie


- 2 bananas
- 1 papaya
- 1/4 pineapple
- 125 grams of cranberries

- Peel the banana, papaya and pineapple.
- Cut the papaya and pineapple into pieces and juice
them together with the banana and cranberries.

Baked Zucchini

- 1 can of cute tomatoes (400g)
- 1 small garlic
- Salt, Pepper
- Sugar
- A half ball of buffalo mozzarella
- 3 small Zucchinis (one 70g)
- 4 tablespoons of oil
- 1 teaspoon of dried Italian herbs (or oregano)
- 20g of grated hard cheese (for example Grana Padano)
- 2 stems of basil

- Add tomatoes and garlic into a pot. Cook it, add salt and pepper
and a small amount of sugar. Cover it and let it cook for 15 minutes.

- Put the mozzarella on 3 layers of paper and dry it carefully.

Clean the zucchini and and cut in lengthwise into 1/2 cm slices.
Fry it in a pan and salt it. Put it on a single plate afterwards.

- Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Season your tomato sauce with Italian
herbs (or oregano). Spread it into a baking dish (30 x 16 cm). Add the
zucchini on top of it and add the grated hard cheese and
mozzarella. Put it into the middle of the oven and let it bake for 15-20 minutes.
Add the 2 stems of basil.

- Like it smokier? Try Scamorza instead of Mozzarella.

It makes the zucchinis taste stronger

Greek yogurt


- 150 Greek yogurt

- 50 g blueberries
- 2 tablespoons chia seeds
- ½ tsp agave syrup, optional

- Put the Greek yoghurt and chia seeds in a bowl and mix them together.
- Add yoghurt to taste with some agave syrup.
- Wash blueberries and drain in the strainer.
- Pour yoghurt into a glass or bowl and layer blueberries on top.

Stipke smoothie

- 2 bananas
- 50g of red berries
- 100g of oats
- 300-500ml of water or almond, rice, coconut or regular milk.
- Hemp seeds
- Sunflower seeds
- Almonds
- 30g of chia seeds

How to do it
- Blend two bananas, berries, oats, hemp, chia and the water/milk
- Add the rest
- as a toping use 50g of mixed nuts of your choice
- Add more berries if you want to


You are nuts. Absolutely nuts. Wanna know how many people quit this
program after only READING it? It’s a lot. But you, you are a true Gorilla. You
did not only stick trough everyday of this F* hard program, but also pushed
your mind from challenge to challenge. As I did this program with peoples
from person to person, I always saw that they somehow, became a new
version of themselves. What they believed to be their limits before, weren’t
their limits anymore, and they realized, that limits are only a thing in your
head, that you need to overcome in order to become something more.

Whether you started with the beginner program and made it till’ here,
or already started with the advanced one - realize what you achieved.
Not only in this program, but in your life. One day you made the decision
to start working out, and today you can do such inhuman things, stuff
other people believe to be impossible. You are, truly, a Gorilla.

Thank you for being part of the #GorillaGang.


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