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Learning chess Rob Brunia, Cor van Wijgerden Workbook Step 1 Nome: Date of birth: Street: Ploce: School: Club: Learned chess from: Trainer: The board e 28 |B) c8 GB os WB 08 he at or fer ot at 7 gr wr 26 (BB) cs (86) 06 16 06 (he Ja 05 1 os os) ts GB hs at bE ot dt ct ot ha Ce ce ee) a2 b2) 2 [2 er o2 te aio eta et nh gt m << lffth rank > --= go The chess board consists of squares. It has 64 squares arranged 8 x 8. In chess language they are called white and black squares. The board is positioned cor- rectly when a white square is in the lower right hand cor- ner; ‘white on right’ All of the squares have a name. The square marked @ is called b2. The square marked @ is called e4, The square marked Il is called 16. In this diagram all the names are indicated in the squares Ranks (‘rows’) go from one side to the other. They are indicated with numbers. All squares with number | (al, bl, cl. dl, el, fl, gl and hl) are on the first rank. All squares with number 5 are on the fifth rank, Files (‘columns’) go from bot- tom to top and are indicated with letters, All squares with an h (hl through h8) are on the hefile. Alll eight files and eight ranks are equally long. All squares al, b2, c3, d4, €5, 6, g7 and h8 lie on a diago- nal (slanting line), Not all diagonals are of equal length. The shortest diagonals are only two squares long (c.g. a7/b8). The longest diagonals consist of eight squares. There are two of them: al/h8 and hl/a8. i eae Bagweens The starting position. The pieces on the board should be set up like this. We view the position from the side of the white player. White always begins a game; he makes the first move. Notice where the white queen is standing. She is always on a white square. [2H 2eweae) WaW ahaha “ 8 @ 1MaMa al a@eWomx In the diagram the board is shown from the viewpoint of the black player. Once again the white player makes the first move. Note the position of the black queen. She is standing on a black square. First step Board Naming the squares: A * EB wel: 7 | 6 5 4 3 2 1 a be ae f gh ew ae | : of 7 6 me: x 4 a 2 & 1 «bo de Fg bh eobe fe Fg = xe ae be de feb a= a v- K-00 Ee a- Board Naming the squares: B 2 be defegh abe de fg h One medi | O=05 @=05 Bees O=bt O= mecS O88 O=a7 m=cS On g6 First step Moves of the pieces All the pieces move in their own way on the chessboard, ‘The rook can move to all squares marked with a plus, There are 14 of them. ‘The rook moves straight, forwards, backwards, or sideways. The rook can move to 14 different squares from e4. The queen can move to all the squares marked with a plus. There are 27 of them. The queen can move like a rook, and like a bis- hop. The queen moves straight, diagonally, forwards or backwards. The queen can move to 27 different squares from e5. ‘The king can move to all the squares marked with a cross. There are 8 of them. The king moves straight or diagonally, but only one square at a time. The king can move to 8 diffe- rent squares from ¢3. ‘The bishop can move to all the squares marked with a plus, There are 13 of them. The bishop moves diagonally, forwards or back- wards, The bishop can move to 13 different squares from dS. ‘The knight can move to all the squares marked with a plus. There are 8 of them. ‘The knight moves one square straight and one square diagonally. The knight can move to 8 different squares from d4, ‘© The queen has the most possibilities. Therefore she is the strongest piece. ‘The rook has a lower value than the queen, but is still stronger than the other pieces. ‘The bishop and the knight are equally strong. The king is a special case. He is the most important one! Attacking and taking ss an” & On the left, the rook ‘eyes On the left, the white queen White can take the black up” the squares marked with is attacking the black queen. knight with his rook. aplus. The queen on 4 can capture The white rook cannot take ‘At right, the rook ‘eyes up’ the queen on d7. the bishop because the knight not only all the squares On the right, the white queen is blocking its path. marked with a plus, but also has captured the black queen. the black knight. The rook is ‘The queen comes to rest on Queens, rooks and bishops aimed at the knight. the square that the black are not allowed to jump over queen had occupied. The enemy pieces. This is called: attacking. latter is removed and no longer takes part in the game. 2 an im a a a a a In the left half the white The knight can, of course, At left, the white knight on queen cannot capture the also capture. b3 jumps over the black black bishop. His own piece, At left, the knight can pieces to capture the black the white bishop is standing capture the queen. rook. in the way. At right, the knight can It is simple to jump over Also at right, the white queen choose between taking the one’s own pieces. cannot capture. The white queen or the rook. The At right, the knight on g2 bishop can capture the black knight may also make takes the black bishop on h4. bishop. Queens, rooks, and another move. The knight is the only piece bishops are not allowed to that is allowed to jump. jump over their own pieces. For alll the pieces, remember: Taking is not compulsory. Itis allowed, but is not obligatory. ee anor oes Creating an attack: A a van a a. antat a a ae n =" : = Bice cking ee =a She ie The pawn Each player has eight pawns. The pawn move is not similar to the moves of other pieces. In fact, everything is different. ‘A pawn can move one square forward. On its first move the pawn can chose whether it wants to move one or two squares forward. After this, the pawn can only move one square forward each tum. The white pawns play from bottom to top. The black pawns always play from top to bottom. If a pawn reaches the back rank, it can change into a queen, rook, bishop or knight of the same colour. The pawn cannot remain on the square, The pawn is pro- moted. The pawn cannot change into a king. Pawn f7 chooses: WHA Pawn b2 chooses: Wrak 10 The pawn takes diagonally forward, not straight. It is the only piece that captures di ferently from the way that it moves. The pawn on d5 can choose between taking the bishop or the knight. He can also ad- vance forward one step. The pawn on g3 can play only after the black pawn has taken on h3. Pawns may not jump, neither over their own pieces, nor over the enemy pieces. ‘The white a-pawn cannot move. The black g-pawn cannot move two squares forward because the bishop is in its way, nor can it take the queen. The only move is one step forward to 6. Each side has 8 pawns in the starting position. They are standing on the 2" and 7" rank. A pawn is the only chess piece that may not move backwards. He also may not capture backwards. This means that the white pawns can never stand on the first rank and the black pawns never on the eighth rank. ma, A pawn: ‘© can choose to move one or ‘two squares on its first move . may not move backwards takes differently (diago- nally) from the way it moves (forward) can change to a piece of the same colour (except a king) when it reaches the ‘opposite end of the board . First step Secor Selene ca oe wosssana, Potohot, ag ne a "on ae 7 a _ | | & ae 4 Defending Appiece which is under attack On the left, the queen attacks can often be saved. the knight. The knight does The bishop at left is being not have to move away. attacked, but he can defend Instead, the rook can protect himself by moving to one of the knight on c7 or b8. If the six squares marked with a White then takes the knight, plus. the black rook takes the On the right, the black knight queen. can only move to one square At right, Black can protect where it cannot be captured. his attacked bishop by moving his rook one square backward (to £7). ‘On the left, the black rook is attacked. The rook can move away, but it can also capture the white rook. Capturing (or taking) is the third way of defence. The black queen on the right can escape from the bishop’s attack by moving away. In this case it is better to take it, because the bishop is not protected. On the left, the queen is There are two special ways attacked; she can move of protecting which are away. Black has another way somewhat different from the to defend himself from this previous examples. attack. He can interpose the At left, White can protect the bishop on b6. knight by advancing the At right, Black can choose pawn. The pawn move frees from three ways of defending _—_upa path for the rook. the attacked knight. Moving On the right, the white rook away, protecting with the is not interested in taking, rook on £6, or interposing the White protects the rook by rook on gS. The black pawn moving it to g3. protects the rook. a_i eee cis The rook on e7 is under attack. He can be defended in various ways. In chess you can defend yourself by: ‘© moving away Black can play either: 1. ... Re7-a7 (moving away)

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