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Dengan ini saya mahasiswa peserta Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Semester Genap Tahun
Akademik 2021/2022 Universitas Dian Nusantara, Jakarta :

Nama : Syifa Olyfiani Sari

NIM : 31119066
Program Studi : Sastra Inggris

Menyatakan sebagai berikut :

1. Saya akan melaksanakan Ujian Tengah Semester secara online sesuai jadwal yang
ditetapkan di SISKA.

2. Saya berjanji mentaati tata tertib ujian dengan bersikap jujur, tidak menyontek, tidak
meng-copy paste jawaban ujian orang lain dan tidak melakukan praktek perjokian.

3. Saya siap menerima sanksi nilai E (tidak lulus) apabila melakukan pelanggaran ujian
sesuai dengan butir 2.

4. Bahwa saya telah memahami kewajiban pembayaran uang kuliah sesuai dengan
ketentuan yang berlaku.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya untuk dapat dipergunakan
sebagaimana mestinya.

Jakarta, 23 Mei 2022

(Syifa Olyfiani Sari)

Hasil Kerja Ujian Tengah Semester

Jl. Tanjung Duren Barat II/1 RT.001/RW.005 Tanjung Duren.
Grogol. Petamburan. Jakarta Barat
Semester Genap 2021/2022

Nama : Syifa Olyfiani Sari

NIM : 31119066
No. HP : 085891503818
Waktu Ujian : Monday, 23rd May 2022
Mata Kuliah : Morphology and Syntax
Nama Dosen : Irma Rahmawati S.S., M.Sas.


Nama dan NIM : Syifa Olyfiani Sari 31119066
1. After learning morphology, I could gain a deeper understanding of the subject. Gives insight
to morphology as one of the critical studies in the subject of linguistics, as it analyzes the
complexities of word structure. Such things called morphemes and grammatical units, as well
as the concepts of morpheme identification and categorization, are also included. At the
beginning, I learn the introduction of what a morpheme is, its types, what kind of classification
it is, and how to identify the concept of morpheme. Not only that, I am also equipped to know
the word formation process, in this case, I learn what and how words can be formed. In
morphology, I can also distinguish what is the difference from typology, a method of classifying
world languages that groups them together based on their similar morphological characteristics
to morphology. I could remark that this typology is the most difficult one to understand. We
used to learn basic grammar at the stage of learning English, in studying morphology, called
inflection, I can understand it in more detail and analyze the complexity of the words. Last but
not least, we learn the compounds. In studying it, I was given an overview and insight of how
important a word can be, and how a word can have several additional and combined words.

2. As I stated that typology is the most difficult for me, it proves that it is more challenging for
me to begin with. It has unfamiliar type of subfields or branches that I have never encountered
before. Allomorph is a little challenging too. Truth be told, I am not really good at spelling
words, literally and theoretically, it is understandable, but to identify the allomorph of the
morpheme itself is a different story.

3. From my standpoint, it is crucial to study morphology. This is the first time I realized how
complex and complicated a word is! Maybe, or indeed, that morphology is difficult, in fact,
morphology is like mathematical calculus for me. It has new kind of types, subfields, even
creating new words are like magic. Studying morphology can gain a better understanding
about various kind of words, and their meanings. It can increase more vocabularies for us to
learn. That is the first thing I got. Morphology can help me or anyone to infer from a few words,
and, at the same time, learn a new word much easier than it is. Whether they are the words we
see on road signs, or read in written text, or hear in spoken words. Understanding the meaning


Nama dan NIM : Syifa Olyfiani Sari 31119066
of prefixes, suffixes, and roots improves understanding of the text being read. Affix
manipulation can affect the part of speech indicated by a word. Having this knowledge also
improves the comprehension of the text, decoding, spelling, and vocabulary studies. Another
aspect, is that the study of morphology helps us to see the relationship between English and
other languages. When we talk about their roots, for example, we can see that some words
come from Latin, German and French.


Nama dan NIM : Syifa Olyfiani Sari 31119066

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