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Dengan ini saya mahasiswa peserta Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Semester Genap Tahun
Akademik 2021/2022 Universitas Dian Nusantara, Jakarta :

Nama : Syifa Olyfiani Sari

NIM : 31119066
Program Studi : Sastra Inggris

Menyatakan sebagai berikut :

1. Saya akan melaksanakan Ujian Tengah Semester secara online sesuai jadwal yang
ditetapkan di SISKA.

2. Saya berjanji mentaati tata tertib ujian dengan bersikap jujur, tidak menyontek, tidak
meng-copy paste jawaban ujian orang lain dan tidak melakukan praktek perjokian.

3. Saya siap menerima sanksi nilai E (tidak lulus) apabila melakukan pelanggaran ujian
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4. Bahwa saya telah memahami kewajiban pembayaran uang kuliah sesuai dengan
ketentuan yang berlaku.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya untuk dapat dipergunakan
sebagaimana mestinya.

Jakarta, 24 Mei 2022

(Syifa Olyfiani Sari)

Hasil Kerja Ujian Tengah Semester

Jl. Tanjung Duren Barat II/1 RT.001/RW.005 Tanjung Duren.
Grogol. Petamburan. Jakarta Barat
Semester Genap 2021/2022

Nama : Syifa Olyfiani Sari

NIM : 31119066
No. HP : 085891503818
Waktu Ujian : Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Mata Kuliah : Literature Theory
Nama Dosen : Muhammad Fadli Muslim


Nama dan NIM : Syifa Olyfiani Sari 31119066
1. In my standpoint, it is important as a basis for studying literary history and literary criticism.
Facilitate literary researchers in analyzing literary studies and putting knowledge to good use.
Theory of literature can motivate and change the ideas of researchers. We all aware that
literary works are written in order to deliver important messages. As students, we must also dig
into it in order to comprehend its significance. Our brains are educated to actively provide
interpretations during the process of discovering the meaning of literary works, therefore
literary works unconsciously train one's critical attitude. It can also increase our awareness of
our surroundings.

2. The structuralism is included in the objective approach. In other words, an approach that
considers literary works as independent beings, assuming that literary works are autonomous,
regardless of the surrounding nature, both readers and even the author him/herself. It is a
theory to approach literary texts that emphasizes the overall relationship between the various
elements of the text. Structuralism seeks a scientific basis for literary theory.

3. Barthes suggests five types of codes that used in literature, these codes are listed below:

1. Hermeneutic code is under the hermeneutic code, people will list various (formal)
terms in the form of a riddle (enigma) that can be distinguished, suspected,
formulated, defended, and finally addressed. This code is also known as the voice
of truth.
2. The Proairetic Code is a basic narrative action whose actions can occur in various
sequences that may be indicated. This code is also known as empirical sound.
3. Cultural Code as a reference to a science or scientific institution. This code is
referred to as the sound of science.
4. Semic code is a medium-relative code which is the connotation of a person, place,
object whose sign is a character (attribute, predicate).


Nama dan NIM : Syifa Olyfiani Sari 31119066
4. Because the role of the reader is crucial in constructing meaning and will enrich the content
of the text itself. The text without the reader is meaningless or in other words the text does not
exist without the reader. By maximizing the active role of the reader, these texts will become
more meaningful because after all, each reader's experience will create potential new
responses and also create new meanings. Wolfgang Iser develops further Ingarden’s claim
that “the reader to some extent proves to be the cocreator of the literary work of art” (Cognition
41) the focus to be achieved through this theory is when a reader who reads a literary work
then the reader can find a kind of 'learning' or moral values from the story presented. That in
the reading process, there will be an interaction between the text and the reader, and the
intended reader is an implicit reader which has actually been formed and structured in the
literary text. It is the reader who judges, enjoys, interprets, and understands literary works.

5. It means a set of practices that focus on the hidden meanings behind the text.
Deconstruction does not have a single meaning. Meaning by “seek out the contradiction” is
neither an analysis nor a critique, nor a method. In short, deconstruction is not a means of
resolving an individual or collective subject who takes the initiative and applies it to a particular
object, text, or theme. “Stands behind and authorize the stable and centered structures” means
deconstruction is an event that does not await consideration, awareness, or organization of a
subject, or even modernity.


Nama dan NIM : Syifa Olyfiani Sari 31119066

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