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PART 2 CHASSIS CHAPTER ———=F INDEX ver Steering Gear An¢ Ee aa CLUTCH Pa ar nfrmsion 24-1 th Saveur Snr CJ Models 24 GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION INDEX Page (hc aver at En Mad 24-15 Page er 20-1 Serves Dagmas 24-2 ae Chan Agesats 24-7 Cute Savin 242 Chath kage 2-8 GENERAL Six and Eight-Cytinder Models ‘The clateh assembly used in sx-or sighteyinder CJ, Cherokee and Truck models consists ofa singe dry-dise riven plate and a spring and leve-type clutch cover fig. 24), Two elute cover sles are used, A 10-inch (287 em) diameter airet spring pressure cover is used in CJ models with sig- or eght-cvlinder engines. An TiO-ineh (27.9 em) diameter semi-ceatrifugal cover is sed on Cherokee and Truek models with an eighteylin- Alor engine. Aa 1.0ineh (27.9 em) diameter dire: spring pressure cover used on six ck soak che wick in engine ofl and reinsail oe ste before assembly, (40) Chis for ol or grease contariztion of driven plata, f contaminated, correct cause 0: contamination ‘and replace driver plate. 2k CLUTCH ig. 2ek ito Asumiy—Four Sina C3 Moe 11) Cheek elateh ever for broken or exllapted apply springs and inspect surface of prestare plate for deep Scoring, cracks, heat checking, or warping (check surface with straightedge) Replace clutch cover if it exhibits {ny of thave conditions. Do not repace clutch caver If cover i in god condition, (2) Clean oll and dire from cover with mineral spirits aad allow to ai dy. () Sand pressure plate surface lightly with fine emery cloth (c) Lubricate celease lever pivots and check re lease lever height. Adjust height if necessary. CAUTION: .izpiy nbrzant to pivots sparingly, Zzces- sive lubrication could result in grease contamination of the presvure plate and driven plate surfaces, (12) Inspect crankshaft pilot bushing. Replace bush- Ing i worn, deeply scored, or discolored NOTE: Souk replacement bushing in engine ol before instalation. (23) inspect condition of spines on transmission lute shaft and in driven plate hub. Ifsplins are worn, lid, chipped or broken, replace elutch saftor driven plate. Remove corrosion. rust or burrs from splines "sing ollstone of finecooth Sl, Ineall driven plate on clutch shaft Plate must move freely on shat. (4) If all eluteh components are in goed condition. proceed to next step. {fone oF mare components were ‘devermined tobe faulty, cepair as necesary and proceed to next step. (15) Cheek clutch housing alignment as outlined in this chapter. Correct ligament if necessary and proceed to next step, (68) Apply thin film of chassis lubricant to transmis- sion clutch shaft splines Do not apply lubricant to shat pilot hab (7) stall pilot bushing lubricating wick and install cluteh components and transmission. Refer to Clutch Installation. NOTE: Do not replace the throwout bearing unless iis “ejectve or damaged. Refer to Clutch Area Notes Cutoh Stppage Or Inadequate Cute Linkage Fre Pay Clutsh slippage can be deseribed as a condition in Which the engine overspeeds but does aot generate any inerease in torque supplied tothe wheels. Clutch slip~ page occas when the driven pte isnot gripped firmly between the flywheel and cluten cover pressure plate and rotator slips between them at high sarge. Clurea slippage can occur during intial aeeleraton or during Subsequent sift. Cheek elute operation s ‘alow (1) Bloc wheels and apply parking brake (2) Operate engine until it reaches normal oper- sting temperature (3) Shift transmission into third gear and increase engine speed :o 2000 rom. WARNING: Do not permit anyone to tand in ont of the vehicle during this test. (4) Slowly release clutch pedal until clutch is fully engage. CAUTION: Do not allow the clutch to be engaged for ‘ore thon 5 seconds at atime aa the clutch components (ould be damaged. CuUTCH 2k-5 Ce ee en EEEEEEEIne (6) 1 engine stalls within 5 seconds, cluteh is not detective engine continues fn, ated to net 2. 8) Raise vehicle on host. Cheek clutch linkage for binding, wore, broken, or bent components, Lubrieste or replace as necessary. if all components inspected are in s0od operating condition, proceed to next step. (7) if one oF more problems were discovered and corrected. during inspection in previous step, repeat Steps (1 through (4. felutea slippage is corretted,st09 ‘repair If slippage persists, proceed t nex step. (3) Remove transmission and clatsh components. Refer to Clutch Removal NOTE: Whenever the transmission is removed, also Femove the pot bushing Ixbreating wick, souk the wick fn ongine ou, and revnaall the wick before assembly. (9) Inspect driven plate. I 1/18 inch (2 mm) or less (rietion material remains above rive heads, or plate is Severely gazed oF contaminated with ol or grease, re place driven plate NOTE: [f the driven plate is contaminated, determine the cause and make correction before proceeding. (10) Inspest clutah cover, If cover Is heatehecked, has broken or collapsed springs, or exhibits signs of overheating (eg, has blue coloration), replace cover. If yover doet not cxbit any of these condition, do not Foplace it. {) Clean ol and dire from cover using mineral spirits and allow cover to air dr. Cb) Sand pressure place surface lightly using fine emery doth. e) Lubricate cover release lover pivots and chek and adjust release lever height as necessary CAUTION: apply lubricant to the pivots sparingly Excessive iubrieation could result im grease con- tamination of the driven. plate and pressure plate sources. (12) Cheek throwout bearing mounting surface of anstission front bearing cap for galling, deep seores, oe roughness. Install throwout bearing on bearing cap {ibd chee for smooth fre/ aft movement. Replace bear- ing oF bearing cap as necessary if bind oceurs. Fill thfowout bearing groove with chasis grease and apply thin coat of grease to bearing mounting surface of front bearing cep. CAUTION: The throwout bearing has, retaining “prongs which gosttion the bearing the throwout le fer, Check these springs Jor distortion, lass of tension. lor jor being bent or broken. Replace the bearing if these fprings are damaged. Alo, when installing the bearing, be sure the reteaning projections on the tArowout lever are property engaged i the retaining holes inthe bear- ing sleeve. NOTE: Do not replace the throwout Bearing ames ti ‘actualy defective or damaged. Reyer to Catch Area ois (a2) Apply thin film of chassis grease to transmis- sion elatah that aplies. Do aot appiy grease to shaft pilot hub (03) Install plot bushing and lubricating wick. (04) Inetaleluteh components and transmission. Re- {er wp Cutah Installation. (15) Lower vehicle ‘Chto Oray Or inadequate Alene Cluteh drag can be desribed as a condition in whic ‘the clutch driven plate, and consequent the transmis~ son elute sha, does not eome to a complete stop after the cluteh pedal i depressed (lute disengaged). Cle Gag can cause gear claah wen shifting into reverse or hard or difficult shifting. Cheek clutch operation as follows. NOTE: Occasionally, th clutch driven late and clutch Shapt will repre apprasimatey 5 seconds f lve mo- mentum and come toa complete stop ater mitial clutch disengagement. This i normal and should not be mis- taken jor elutch drag. (1) Start engine, deprats cltsk pedal fly, and shift transmission into first gear. (2) Shifetranamission into neutral but do not re lease cluzeh pedal. 8) Wait 5 to 10 seconds and sift transmission into reverse, IF shift is smooth vith n0 gear clash, clutch operation is normal, If shifting int reverse produces (ear clash, proceed to next step. (4) Raise veiele on host. Cheek cluch linkage for binding, worn, broken or bent companens. Lubricate or replace 24 necessary. [f components are in good oper ang condition, proceed to next step. If one or mare Droblems were discovered and repaired, lower vehicle fd repest steps (1) through 2) If eluteh now operates orecty, stop repair If lures drag persists, proceed to Refer to Clutch Removal components NOTE: Whenever the trouamision iy removed, also ‘remove the plot bushing areating ick. souk the wick i onine ok and reinstall te eek before assembly. 16) Observe weur patter on driven oiate If wear pattern is uneven (e.g, to areas heavily worn on one Side, wo ony parsially worn on opposite sie), or has opposing wear patterns on front and reverse side, the Arve pace is warped and shouldbe replaced. (7) inspect cluteh cover assembly. If eluteh cover assembly has vorn, bent, or broken release levers or lever pivots, is herily seared, or warped, replace elute 2k6 CLUTCH cover assembly. If cover assembly does not exhibit any ‘of these condition, do not replace. fa) Clean oil and dire from clutch cover with solvent and allow cover co air ay. () Sand pressure plate surface lightly using fine emery clot, (6) Lubricate cover release lever pivots with chassis grease NOTE: Apply lubricant to pivots sparnbly, Excessive lubricant could result in grease contamination af pres- sure plate and driven plate surfaces. (8) Check and adjust cluteh cover release lever height as necessary NOTE: [f the release lever height cannot be adjusted, the release levers) are bent Replace the citch cover, (8) Inspect crankshaft pilot bushing for heavy seor- ing, angular wear pattern, oF discoloration. Repiace a3 necessary. Be sure to soak bushing in engine oil before ‘natallation, NOTE: [f the pilot bushing displays an angular-type wear pattern, chock and correct clutch housing align ment ‘before proceeding. Refer to. Clutch Housing Alignment. (10) Inspect condition of splines on transmission clutch shaft and in driven plate bub. If severely worn. ‘galled, or corroded, replace clutek shaft or driven place Corrosion, est, or burrs can be removed from splines tasing an oilstone or finetooth fle. Insta driven plate on clutch shaft. Driven plate must move rely on shat. (1) Tf components inspected in previous steps are in 00d condition, proceed to next step. If one or mare Brablams were dseovered during inspection procedure, Fepair as necessary and proceed to next sep. (12) Cheek cluteh housing alignment. Refer to Clute Housing Aligament. Correct alignment if necessary and Droceed to nex step. (0a) Apply ehin film of chassis grease to transmis- sion elucen saat apines, Do nat apply grease to aha 15) Install transmission and cuteh componente, Re- fer wp Clute Installation, (16) Lower venice NOTE: Do not replace the throwout bearing wnles ac ‘ually defective, Rayer to Clutch rea Nowe, ‘teh Peal Paiste Clute pedal pulsation can be described as a rapid up- and-down or pumping-type movement of the pedal that is not accompanied by any noise. In most cases, pedal ‘movement is slight and cannot be observed but can be felt by the driver. However, on orcasion, pedal move- ment will be great enough to be visually observed and ‘cause & noticeable vibration Clutch pedal pulsation occurs sthen the hrowout ‘pearing males initial contact withthe clutch cover r= leave Levers (clutch partially disengage) or at any time ‘the bearing i in contact withthe colease levers, Palsa- tion is usually caused by incorrect eluch release lever oigt or ute hosing misigament. Check cee operation as fllows (2) Stare engine, slowly depress clutch pedal antil ‘hrowout bearing makes inital contat with eluteh re- leave levers, and check for pulsation, NOTE: Some minor pulsation is normal (2) Continue to depres clutch pedal while checking for pulsation until pedal is fully depressed. (3) Ef pulsation isnot evident or is minor, stop re- pair. If pulsation is very rapid and canbe fle through. tut vehicle, refer to. Clsteh-Related Vibrations. [2 ‘bile displays pulsation symptoms, proceed to next step. (W Remove transmission and clutch components, Refer to Cluten Removal (6) Remove pilot bushing lubricating wick and soak ‘wiek in engine ot (6) Kespeetcltah cover release levers, If levers are bent or excessively wora, eepiace lutes cover aad pro= ‘hed 0 step (8). If release levers are in good condition, clean oil and dirt trom clutch cover asembly using ‘mineral spirits, allow assembly air dry and proceed 2 ert sep (7) Sand clutch cover presure plate surface lightly using fine emery loth. (3) Lubricate clutch cover selease lever pivots lightly with chassis grease NOTE: spnly ibricant to the pivots sparingly. Ezces- ‘ve lubrieaton could rest in grease contamination of the driven plate and pressure plate surface (® Check and adjust cluteh cover release lever height if necessary. NOTE: {f release lver height cannot be adjusted. the levers are Sent and the cover must be replaced. (00) Check clutch housing alignment. 2efer to Clute Housing Allgnmeat. Correct alignment ! secessary asd proceed to nex step. (GL) Apply thin flim of chassis grease to transmis- sion elutch shat splines bu donot appl grease to shalt pilot bub. “12h Install pilot bushing lubrieating vik Install elutes components and fer to Clute instalation. Clutch Rated Vibrations (lute related vibrations difer from peal uleations in frequency and magnitude. They usually occur at reia- tHely high eagine speeds (over 1500 rpm, are not af- fected by clutch pedal position, and can be felt throughott the vehicle cuuTCa 247 Neen eee een TEEN Although elute related vibrations are usually caused 1 eluteh component imbalance, this condition occurs "ery infrequently because the clutch cover and driven plate are balanced a8 a unit during assembly. At this time, the cover and plate are installed on the crank- shaft/flywheel assembly and given fina fine-tune bal- fnce before installation in the vehicle Replacement of eluteh components to correct vibra- tions, should be performed only after exhausting all other possiblities. Check clutch operston as follows, (A) Raise vehicle on hoist and check engine front support cushion interlocks for grounding. Repair as nec- ‘sours. Check other engine components (eg, exhaust ‘manifld, valve cover, ete) for grounding on body ot [rame. If one of these components is grounded, cepair land chee for vibration, If bration ceases, stop repair. {vibration continue, lower vehiele and pracoed 1 next step. 2) Disconnect accessory drive belts one aa time, start engine, and check for vibration, If vibration stops ffter removal af a drive belt, cause of vibration is re Tated to accessory driven by belt or by bel itself. Repair as necessary. If vibration persists after checking all belts and acessories, proced to nex step. 3) Raise vehielo on hoist and remove transmission and clutch housing, Refer to Clutch Removal, (4) Sappore engine lemly. (5) Check for, loose flywhest mounting bolts. ‘Tighten bolts to 105 foot-pounds (142 Nem) torque if necessary and operate engine. If vibration ceases, stop ‘epai. If vibration stil evident, proceed to next step. 6) Check flywheel face ranout while olding erank- sha end play to zero. If runout is 0.005 inch (0.12 mm) Gr less procead to next sep. [runout exceeds 0.08 neh {0.12 may, replace flywheel and operae engine If ibrar tion ceaees, stop repair. If vibration is still eviden, proceed co next stp. (7), Check for damaged crankshaft vibration damp- ner. If dampener's in good eondtion, proceed to next Step. If dampener is damaged, replace dampener and operate engin, If vibration ceases, sop cepa. If ribra- son i still evident, proceed t nex step S) Chea eatah cover imbalance as follows far Remove ciutch over and driven plate from flywheel by Start and operate engine at speed where vibration occurred Tel If ibration cease, replace clutch cover and recheck operation I 308 OK, intall eluted Housing anc transmission, Refer zo Caton stallion, 1) Lower veh ‘ltch Noises ‘Throwout Bing Mls ‘Throwout bearing noises can be described as whirring, gating, or grinding noises that oceur when the clutea pedal is deprested (lutch disengaged). ‘These noises usully continue until the elute peal is fully released (clotch engaged) and she bearing is 20 longer in contact withthe csch cover release levers ‘Throwout bearing noise is corrected by repacing the baring as outlined in tis chapter. NOTE: The throwout beariny sould not be eeplaced os | matter of course when serscing the clutch cover or den plate. Replace the bearag ony i depectioe. ‘amin Cth Stat or Cun uring ese ‘Transmission cluteh shaft or countershaft bearing noses ean be described aa whirring grating, or grinding Boies vehieh cease ‘when the clutea pedal s depressed (Glick disengaged) or when che transmission is shifted into gear, Those noises are most noticeable when the ‘lates pedal is full released and the cransmisson isin feutral Correction of these soaes il cguire trans mmission removal and replacement of the problem ‘earings ‘Crna et Btn oie Pilot bushing aoiees can te deseribed as squealing, howling or elephane-type srompeting noses which are ‘most niticeable nen the engine is cold. These noses teeur during the rst few ines ofcluteh pedal travel {S the pedal 1s being released (parsal clutch engage- tent) withthe trantmission ‘n gear. [tcan also oeeur in ‘ery sold weather when the pedal is fully depressed (cluten disengaged) and the engine is stared with the ‘Gansmission in neutral, To correct plat busing noise, Feplace bushing as outlined 3 zis secon, CLUTCH ADJUSTMENTS Four-Cylndor C3 Models ‘The eluteh hydraulic mechanism is self-adjusting. Freeplay adjustments are aot raqured nor is there an provision for sues an acjustment. ‘Six and Eght- Cinder Models ‘There are so sluteh adjustments required: clutch pedal fee pla and citch cover release lever eight. atch pedal freelay shosid be eecked and adjusted athe intervals spe Mecnanisal Maine Schedule, Chapter 8. or ‘senever diagnosis in Sijustment is tended. Rafer v0 Cluteh Peasi Free 21a Adjustment in is ection, ‘Clutch cover reas lever eight should oe checked and adjusted whenever the corer is removed or replaced luring service operations, ar whenever diagnosis in- tients adjostment is needed, Refer :o the Clutch Ser ‘Hee—Sie- and Eight-Cyliscer Models seeion in chis chapter 2k8 CLUTCH Clutch Pedal Free Play Adjustment (2) Lift eluteh pedal upward and against pedal stop (tig, 24-0. 2) Raise vehicle (3) On Cherokee and Truck models, adjust clutch push rod lower bal pivot assembly n-oraut on push rod (tig. 24-5) until bellerank inner lever is parallel front face of clutch housing. Lever shouldbe slightly forward ‘rom vertical (4) On all models, loosen release rod adjuster jamaut (5) Turn release rod adjuster in or out to obtain specified clutch pedal fee play (6) Tighten release rod jamnot (7) Lower vehicle. CLUTCH LINKAGE The suspended-type clutch pedal is connected to the throwout lever through the luteh push re, bellerank outer and inner levers, and release rod (figs. 24-5 and 248). The throwout bearing is mounted onthe rans- mission front bearing cap and act directly agaist the lutea cover release levers to engage and disengage the ae clutch. The bearing is actuated by a throwout lever mounted in the clutch housing. The lever pivots on a ‘eel ball mounted inside the estch housing. The bellerank pivots on ball studs mouaced in the Inger and outer suppor: brackets (figs. 24-3 and 24-4) Idler bushings, installed in each end of the bellrank provide bearing surfaces for the ball tus. uch Linkage Lubrication ‘The clutch linkage ball studs are the only linkage components that reguire periodic lubrication. The studs should be lubricated at the intervals specified in the Mechanical Maintenance Schedule, Chapter 3, Arieaton Procedure The bellerank has a lubrication fitting to facliace ball stud ubriation. Whenever lubrication i necessary proceed a follows (1) Raise vehicle. (2) Fill iube gun with Ithium-hase chasis grease, (8) Connect {ube gun nozle obelerank fteing and Iubrieats ball seeds (4) Remove abe gun and lower vice Se so \ ig 2S ate taper ad Track Male cre 2k9 saw i. a : . Fig 2-8 Ch Untaye—St nd ya iar Mab CLUTCH SERVICE— FOUR-CYLINDER CJ] MODELS Pa Page oth Cyd Sari 24-12 lt uti aguconat 24-11 uh Hoang Algament 2-12 Sie ide Sarica 213 Chae Hr yam Bag 2-14 Spcnies. 2415 Chueh asian 24-10 ‘rene Besa Laer 24-11 Chath emer 242 Teale 2422 Foul Rpacamen) 24-11 Traaninsen Ce Sat 212 ‘CLUTCH REMOVAL 5 atcachng transmission shift e+ "ind slide boot upward on lever. Move shaft aside and secure co underbods. (2) Remove bolts attaching transmission shife lever (8) Position safety stand under engize to support housing to transmission (ig. 24-7). Lift shift lever and ‘housing upward and secure assembly to floorpan with aching rear erosmember wire to frame alls and rear support cushion and remove (@) Raise vebicle 2k-10_ CLUTCH Fi. 207 Sit Lever Nera P- (8) Remove bots attaching slave cylinder to cute housing, Disengage cylinder push rod from throwout lever and move cylinder aside, Secure cylinder to under- ouy With wie, if necessary. (g) Drain transfer case and disconnect speedometer cable (0) Disconnect backup lamp switch wire (1) Disconnect parking brake cable if necessary. (a2) Disconnect transfer case vent hose at transfer case and daconnect

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