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 It is the medium of how we transport glucose and gases throughout the body.
 It maintains certain pH, temperature, osmotic pressure => important for
 It transports hormones, nutrients and gases.
 Four types of blood : A, B, AB, O

Components of Blood

1. Platelets – cellular fragments

– helping blood clot
2. Cells – cellular components
– Red blood cells: transporting gases; has
hemoglobin => it is where the red coloring of
blood come from
– White blood cells: can fight infections
3. Plasma – liquid portion
– contains water, proteins, salts, lipids


 It is divided into two distinct and

separated partitions – deoxygenated
or low-oxygen partition and
oxygenated partition.
 It is a pump and a muscular organ
about size of your fist.
 located slightly left center in the chest

Arteries Veins

 Carries blood away from the  Carries blood to the heart.

heart.  typically oxygen-poor
 typically oxygen- rich

 small blood vessel and it is where oxygen is delivered to organs and tissues
and also it is where carbon dioxide will be picked up to travel back to the

Four chambers of the heart

Atria Ventricle

 top of the heart  bottom of the heart

 have thinner walls  have thicker walls

Valves Aorta

 one-way structure that help  major artery that carries

separate chambers oxygenated blood throughout
 prevents backflow of the blood the body

Four types of valve: tricuspid valve,

pulmonary valve, bicuspid valve, aortic
valve => works like gates on a fence,
open only one way and only when
pushed; each valve opens and closes
once per heartbeat

A beating heart contracts and relaxes.

Systole – contraction; ventricles Diastole – relaxing; ventricles relax

contract forcing blood into vessels to and filled with blood from upper
lungs and body chambers
Pathway of Circulatory System

Inferior vena cava => Right atrium => Tricuspid valve => Right
ventricle => Pulmonary valve => Pulmonary artery => Lungs =>
Pulmonary vein => Left atrium => Bicuspid valve => Left ventricle
=> Aortic valve => Aorta

Coronary artery

 heart can receive blood supply through it

 blockage of it could lead to heart attack
 it branch off the aorta and delivers blood into capillaries wherein it delivers
oxygen and glucose to the heart

Electrical impulses

 electrical wiring which keeps heart beating

 begins in right atrium and travels to specialized pathways to ventricles
delivering the signal to pump

Coronary veins

 it takes the deoxygenated blood to the right atrium where the blood will
eventually travel the pathway to become oxygenated.

Human heart beat: 5 quarts of blood per minute, 100, 000 beats per day, 35
million beats per year

Atrial Septal Defect

 a heart condition wherein the

pathway flow of blood has changed.
 it could mean an opening and
oxygen-rich blood could mix with
oxygen-poor blood.
 it can cause abnormal heartbeats,
stroke or heart failure => could be treated with medications or surgery

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