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Addressing the Intergenerational Gap Between Grade 6 Pupils and Their

Subject Teachers and its Implication on the Teachers Teaching Performance

A Thesis Proposal to the Faculty of La Concepcion College

Teacher Education Division

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education

Jolina V. Valentino

Jhon Oliric D. Villano




Background of the Study

The term ‘Generation Gap’ is used to define the failure in communication

between people belonging to different generations. Diversity comes into play here

ranging from values and attitudes to technology and language. In the classroom, it

refers to technological, linguistic or emotional barriers between the two categories of

people involved teachers or the learning process and the students. In every

organization, it is normal to find a wide array of diversity among the members that

make up the group, in terms of age, educational background, experience and skill. Of

greater significance in an educational institute is the generation gap, most obviously

between teachers and students, and even between different generations of educators

in the same institution.

Each generation has their own beliefs, attitudes, way of thinking, work ethic

and preferences. As a result, each generation approaches social, economic,

environmental, political, and technological contexts differently, and this impacts in

turn upon how they learn. Increasingly in this modern age, differences in approach to

and the use of technology and technology-enabled communication products for

learning tend to define the generation gap, including in the context of education. The

gap between students and teachers is always a barrier during the educational process,

being a cause of slowdown this process.

Each relationship between teachers and students is different. Due to this, if

there is a gap between these two parts of the educational process, there is always a

particular way to solve this gap. In the researcher’s opinion, one idea to overcome to

this issue is to initiate a discussion that should clarify all the aspects of the

relationship between students and teachers. Each part of this dialog should express

its points of view and then try to put them together. Another idea may suggest

inviting teachers, as the more experienced part of the dialog, to reduce their demands

towards students. In this way, students may feel that they are more important and

may become more interested in becoming closer towards their teachers. On the other

hand, students may help in solving this gap by being able to listen to their teachers

and come with their feedback to teachers’ demands, in order to have a mutual


One of the reasons to be considered is the age difference between students

and teachers. There is a widespread idea that between persons of different age, there

will always be a gap. Because teachers are older and more experienced, sometimes

they try to impose their ideas and beliefs, creating another reason to create a gap

between two generations. Another reason to be considered is the severity of certain

teachers, however, this “severity” is the result of students’ attitude, thereby causing a

gap among them. Students may have a negative attitude towards their teachers. Due

to this, students refuse to collaborate with their teachers, creating a barrier between

these two sides. It can be seen that the generation gap in classrooms, between

teachers and students, is often reflective of a mismatch between teaching styles and

learning styles rather than age differences. Younger learners are more often digital

natives and are therefore quick to adapt to new technologies. On the other hand,

older generations are less adaptable and less instinctively comfortable with the use of

technology for education purposes. This mismatch often builds frustration and is a

cause of incipient conflict among educators and students.

Addressing this gap requires teachers to consciously avoid assuming that

current learners will naturally enjoy or accept the same learning styles, goals, and

interests of their own generation, several decades earlier. Several factors affecting

the generation gap between teachers and students in classrooms are shared such as

characteristics of 21st-century learners, teacher's perceptions of technology, student's

ability to use technology independently, teacher training and the need to reshape

pedagogy based on national education standards focused on technology use. It can be

seen that the generation gap in between teachers and students, is often reflective of

a mismatch between teacher and pupils. Younger learners are more often digital

natives and are therefore quick to adapt to new technologies.


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine how to addressed the Intergenerational gap

between Grade 6 pupil to their in La Concepcion College, Kaypian Campus.

General Problem:

The researchers attempt to investigate the Gap Between Grade 6 Pupils and

their Teachers in La Concepcion College.

Specific Problem:

This study sought to answer the following problem:

1.) How many demographic profile of the respondents be determined in terms


1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

2.) How may the Intergenerational gap between the grade 6 pupils and their

teachers be assessed in terms of?

2.1 Information Deficiency

2.2 Students Attitude

2.2 New Technology

3.) How may the Implication on the teachers teaching performance be assessed

in terms of?

3.1 Communication

3.2 Teaching style

3.3 21st century education

3.4 Students’ interaction

4. Is there any significant relationship on the gap of students and their subject

teachers in terms of their performance?

5. What are the possible recommendations to be made out of this study?

Objectives of the Problem:

1. To determine the demographic profile of the respondents.

2. To assess the intergeneration gap between Grade 6 pupils to their teachers.

3. To address the gap of Grade 6 pupil and their teachers.

4. To identify the significant relationship of 21 st century technology and the

progress of the respondents.

5. To make recommendations out of the result.


The following hypothesis served as a guide for completing research. To

answer the research questions, the following hypothesis are:


Null Hypothesis (HO): There is no significant relationship between the student’s

behaviour towards the teacher and vice-versa that affects their gap.

Alternative Hypothesis (HA): There is a significant relationship between the

students’ and teachers’ lack of technology information that creates barriers between


Significance of the Study

This research is made with the aim to provide crucial information and

knowledge regarding to chosen topic from the respondents, recent studies or thesis,

and related sites needed for the expected importance to the individuals.

The Pupils

The results will help students to have an idea and knowledge on the result of

how students in the La Concepcion College cooperate to avoid gap to their teachers.

The Teachers

The given data would guide the teachers to have a deeper understanding

about this study and help them identify the different factors on how to addressed the

gap with their Grade 6 pupils.

The Principal

The observation provided by this study will benefit them to administrators to

gain further knowledge and information regarding the factors that could affect the

students and teachers gap in classes and also the effectiveness of today’s mode of

learning. In this manner, they will be able to assess and make meaningful reviews of

the stituation

The Administrator

It benefits to determine on how the administrators can solve the excessive

population in a class.

Guidance Councilor


The research benefits the students as they will able to know their child

adapts in today’s way of learning. In the same instance, the study will be able to help

them recognize their part in guiding their children.

The Future Researchers

The ideas presented in this study may be used by the future researchers as

references in conducting new research or other related findings.

Scope and Limitation of the Study


This study focuses on the evaluation on Addressing the Intergenerational Gap

Between Grade 6 Pupils and their Teachers in La Concepcion College School Year


The researchers intended to limit the number of respondents to only 20,

selected out of the 2 sections, which is composed of 45 pupils and their 5 teachers.

La Concepcion College is located at Kaypian Road corner Quirino Highway,

City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification, the important term used in this study have

been defined.

The following terms are:

21st Century - In a 21st century classroom, instructional technology provides the

opportunity for each student to make choices over their own learning. Making a

choice provides student ownership over what is learned.

Addressing- Best synonyms for 'address the situation' are 'remedy the situation',

'address this situation' and 'rectify the situation'.

Affecting- touching the emotions; moving:

Age- the time of life at which some particular qualification, power, or capacity

arises or rests.

Attitude: In psychology, attitude is a psychological construct, a mental and

emotional entity that inheres in or characterizes a person. They are complex and are

an acquired state through experiences.

Barrier- The meaning of BARRIER is something material that blocks or is intended

to block passage.

Collaborative: produced or conducted by two or more parties working together

Communication: Communication is the sending and receiving of information and

involves a sender who initiates communication and encodes, meaning transfers

thoughts, into a message that is sent to the receiver, or the person who is meant to

receive the communication, who must then decode, meaning interpret, the message.

Frustration: In psychology, frustration is a common emotional response to

opposition, related to anger, annoyance and disappointment. Frustration arises from

the perceived resistance to the fulfillment of an individual's will or goal and is likely

to increase when a will or goal is denied or blocked. 

Generation Gap- a phrase often used when referring to generational differences:

A generation gap or generational gap is a difference of opinions between

one generation and another regarding beliefs, politics, or values.

Grade VI Students- Refer to a learners who are enrolled in sixth grade level.

Incipient: beginning to come into being or to become apparent

Issue: a matter that is in dispute between two or more parties


Profile – Refers to the respondent’s sex, age, address, and etc.

Severity- he fact or condition of being severe

Technology- Technology is the continually developing result of accumulated

knowledge and application in all techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in

industrial production and scientific research.


Review of Related Literature

Sometimes the gap is the result of students’ attitude. Students may have a
negative attitude towards their teachers. Due to this, students refuse to collaborate
with their teachers and students create a barrier between these two sides. Each
relationship between teachers and students is different. This chapter presents the
review of foreign literature and local literature.

Local Literature
According to Boholano, H. (2017) Pre-service teachers use computers in
very advanced ways, but educators must remember that they still need guidance to
use technology safely and effectively. Through social media the pre-service teachers
can use a multitude of applications, including Web 2.0, for their projects. Smart
social networking requires critical-thinking skills and the ability to integrate and
evaluate real-world scenarios and authentic learning skills for validation.

Facebook is undeniably one of the most engaging Web 2.0 tools at the
moment. While it was originally conceived as a social networking tool, this social
nature also lends itself well to some of the needs of distance education, where
student engagement is difficult to sustain, because the teacher and learners are
separated by time and distance. Esteves, K. K. (2012)

The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of one of the new methods in
assessment of students’ learning which was introduced by the researcher. The “Think
Like My Teacher (TLMT)”. This study utilized the developmental research design.
Subia, G. S. (2018).

The threat brought about by Corona Virus or COVID-19 had made a huge
impact not only on the economic, tourism, and health sectors, but it also hardly hit
the education system of the world at large. Specifically, this pandemic crisis had

caused the Philippine higher education institutions to abruptly shift to emergency

remote teaching (ERT) as a response to the call for continued education despite the
global health threat. Abel Jr, A. (2020).

The 21st century has been characterised by changes in the economy, the
nature of society and situations in the ecological environment. Teaching and learning
processes have never been the same since the demand for work-related
competencies, the type of information available and the way that education and
training systems must be implemented must now conform with the dramatic
transformations in the culture of learners and teachers. Majumdar, S. (2011).

Research on intergenerational learning delves into both the reciprocal transfer

of knowledge and learning relationships between different generations. However, as
this is an emerging research topic, there is a gap in the information available from
various cultures. Oropilla, C. T., & Guadana, J. (2021)

For adolescents, teachers play important roles in promoting academic

outcomes, providing a sense of hope, and supporting the holistic well-being of
students at-risk for mental health issues. Peregrina, H. N. (2019). 

The essay is an attempt to analyze, evaluate and criticize issues affecting the
educational system through the years with the end view of recommending possible
improvements. The metamorphosis of Philippine education through the years was a
gradual process brought about by generations of colonialism and imperialism. From
the Spaniards to the Americans, to the Japanese even during the Liberation period up
to the EDSA revolution, changes in education did not match the high hopes of the
Filipino people. Durban, J. M., & Catalan, R. D. (2012).

Education plays a very important role in the development and progress of a

certain nation. With the advancement of science and technology, it is indeed that
globalization and internalization of education are considered as challenges that every

country must uphold. And one of the emphases of today’s challenges in education is
the promotion of 21st-century skills among student Tindowen, D. J. C., Bassig, J.
M., & Cagurangan, J. A. (2017).

This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Pedagogical Content

Knowledge-Guided Lesson Study (PCKLS) as an intervention to develop PCK
competencies among teachers and consequently enhance student achievement in
terms of conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills. Using quasi-
experimental design, teacher competencies and student achievement in the PCKLS
group and the conventional group were compared. Lucenario, J. L. S., Yangco, R. T.,
Punzalan, A. E., & Espinosa, A. A. (2016).

Foreign Literature

According to Shujrah 2019 E-Learning is more popular in today’s era; most

of the institutes have E-learning systems and also provide distance learning
education. On the other hand, some of the main reasons for student’s failures in
academics are lack of communication with teachers. Problem: This type of gap
between student and teachers make big flaws in academics. Due to this type of gap,
the student cannot take an interest in any subjects.

Dogar 2020 said that the range of these problems include connectivity issues
for the students due to week infrastructures, capacity constraints at the schools itself
where faculty needs proper training to use the software for online courses delivery
and a range of other issues that need to be addressed for an effective course delivery.

Now latest technology has filled that gap between student and teachers in
distance education system. Now a distance learner can easily communicate with the

teachers and peers with the help of advance technology, now education can be
acquire anywhere and anytime because of technological innovations. Noreen 2012

According to Rajuan 2007 Expectations of a practical and technical nature

were found to be prevalent among members of both groups, whereas the student
teacher group held more expectations for a personal relationship than the cooperating
teacher group. Suggestions are given for bridging the gap in expectations between
cooperating teachers and student teachers in the initial stage of the practicum

Ducharme 2019 Many studies reveal a huge gap between theory and
practice in teacher education, leading to serious doubts concerning the effectiveness
of teacher education. In this article, we propose a “keystone” approach to classroom
management that may meet the clinical needs of children with challenging behavior
while potentially serving as a more practical classroom alternative to commonly
recommended strategies. With this approach, teachers are taught to focus on a
circumscribed set of skills that have the potential to produce widespread
improvement in child outcomes and render problem behavior
unnecessary. Ducharme 2019

Zhu, 2021 said The proposed method, named as Student Customized

Knowledge Distillation (SCKD), examines the capacity mismatch between teacher
and student from the perspective of gradient similarity. We formulate the knowledge
distillation as a multi-task learning problem so that the teacher transfers knowledge
to the student only if the student can benefit from learning such knowledge. We
validate our methods on multiple datasets with various teacher-student
configurations on image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation.
(Zhu, 2021)
The teachers were hopeful about the possibilities literature afforded their
students, but each expressed difficulty managing students' reading problems in relation to
teaching literature. The study explores how the three case-study teachers framed reading

in generalized terms separated from the concerns of literature as a discipline, and how the
teachers' own experienced ways of reading literature played a role in directing attention
away from learner competencies and toward the content concerns of a literature
classroom. Hamel, 2003

According to Babad 1990 Students' perceptions of their teachers' differential

behavior were compared with the perceptions of the teachers themselves. Students
and teachers agreed that the low achiever receives more learning support and less
pressure than the high achiever. However, students reported that the high achiever
receives more emotional support, whereas teachers reported giving more emotional
support to the low achiever. 

According to Lisenbee, 2016 Several factors affecting the generation gap

between teachers and students in classrooms are shared such as characteristics of
21st-century learners, teacher's perceptions of technology, student's ability to use
technology independently, teacher training and the need to reshape pedagogy based
on national education standards focused on technology use.

A gap also exists between what we teach preservice teachers about

technology and what we expect them to do with technology as classroom teachers.
This gap is easily seen between the knowledge and skills preservice teachers have
acquired through the required technology course, and the knowledge and skills they
are expected to possess to successfully integrate technology in their elementary
methods classes. Hare, 2002

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of this study is anchored on the existing concept

of Generation Gap which is a cultural divide that exists between the ideas and

behavior of individuals belonging to two different generations. A generation gap, in

particular, can be used to characterize the contrasts in beliefs, activities, and

preferences displayed by members of younger generations compared older


According to Karl Mannheim in theory of generations that the  common

generational consciousness cannot be created just by chronological contemporaneity.

In fact, Mannheim emphasized that not every generation will manifest an original

and unique consciousness. Twenty-first-century learners expect to construct their

knowledge using technology in a classroom. Forcing a pedagogical paradigm shift

for teachers assists teachers in reshaping the way they teach which also reshapes the

way students think and learn in classrooms. Therefore, a paradigm shift focused on

constructivist teaching methods and technology use would provide a

misunderstanding for the generation gap between students and teachers.

The researchers utilized this concept to help in assessing whether there is

an existing gap among learners and teachers and provide recommendations to

minimize the gap if the results prove that it is existing.

Mannheim`s Framework of Sociology of knowledge

Theory of Generation

TS 21st-century

Technology reshapes
OGY Factors affecting the
GAP generation gap/Digital

TEACHER Baby Boomers

S Old curriculum

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework is a set of coherent ideas or concepts organized in

a manner that makes it easy for them to communicate with each other. It uses an IPO

model that shows how the data is bringing together in order to be processed and

provide a certain output. The IPO includes requirements that are needed for the


Figure 2 IPO MODEL


1. Demographic  Data collection Significant
Profile of the through Survey difference in the
Respondents perception of the
 Questionnaires two(2)
1.1 Age respondents on the
1.2 Sex  Analysis of intergenerational
Data gap of the grade 6
2. Intergenerational students and their
Gap  Interpretation subject teachers
of Data
3. Gap between Teachers lack of
pupil and their knowledge in 21st
teachers century

Chapter III


Research Design

In this research, the researchers seek to explore the intergenerational gap

between grade 6 pupils and their teachers of La Concepcion College in Brgy.

Kaypian Campus, City of San Jose del Monte, School year 2022-20223. Addressing

this Gap between the students and teachers can help to build their relationship to

achieve good academic performance. This research is a qualitative approach in

which the researchers explore a real-life, contemporary bounded system a case

overtime, through detailed, in depth data collection, survey, gathering data, the

respondents acquired based on survey and interviews in order to identify the

intergenerational gap between grade 6 pupils and their teachers.


Quantitative research is a research strategy that focuses on quantifying the

collection and analysis of data. It is formed from a deductive approach where

emphasis is placed on the testing of theory, shaped

by empiricist and positivist philosophies.

Associated with the natural, applied, formal, and social sciences this research

strategy promotes the objective empirical investigation of observable phenomena to

test and understand relationships. This is done through a range of quantifying

methods and techniques, reflecting on its broad utilization as a research strategy

across differing academic disciplines.

Qualitative research is a process of naturalistic inquiry that seeks an in-depth

understanding of social phenomena within their natural setting. It focuses on the

"why" rather than the "what" of social phenomena and relies on the direct

experiences of human beings as meaning-making agents in their everyday lives.

Population and Sample

The respondents of this study are Grade 6 pupils and their teachers which is

composed of 20 only out of 45 pupils from 2 sections. The researchers recruited the

respondents through the use of Purposive sampling method.

Purposive sampling (also known as  judgment, selective or subjective

sampling) is a sampling technique in which researcher relies on his or her own


judgment when choosing members of population to participate in the study.

Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling method and it occurs when

“elements selected for the sample are chosen by the judgment of the researcher.

Researchers often believe that they can obtain a representative sample by using a

sound judgment, which will result in saving time and money.

Research Instrument

The researcher prepared survey questionnaire compose of two parts, first part

is the demographic profile and second part are the questions derived from

independent variable, question number 2 and question number 3 as the dependent

variable from the statement of the problem. The respondents have 5 choices to

answer the checklist. Whatever the respondents answered is strictly confidential for

school purposes only. The 5 choices are known as the Likerts scale.

Scale Range of Value Verbal interpretation

5 5.00 - 4.20 Strongly Agree

4 4.19 – 3.40 Agree

3 3.39 – 2.60 Neutral


2 2.56 – 1.80 Disagree

1 1.79 – 1.00 Strongly Disagree

The researchers find three validators to validate the survey questionnaires before

distributing to the respondents.

Data Gathering

The researchers prepared a request letter addressed to Ms. Amy Dimaano,

Principal of Elementary Division, Kaypian Campus allowing the researchers to

conduct research on her students.

The researcher prepared also a request letter to the parents or guardian of the

respondents to allow answering the questionnaire to be served to them, as a Private

Privacy Act No. 12.

Upon the researcher received both permissions coming from the principal and

the parents, the researchers served the questionnaires using Google forms and the

retrieval of the questionnaires of the same.

Upon the collection of all the data, the researchers classify, analyse, interpret,

and use statistical tools for the evaluation of the data gathered.

The different statistical tools used in this research are:

1. The frequency and distribution

f x 100


P = percentage

f = frequency

n = number of respondents

2. Weighted Mean – it is determined by adding all the data points in a

population and then dividing the total by the number of points, the resulting

number is known as the mean or the average.




∑ x = summation of the population or sample

n = total number of respondents

X = weighted mean

3. Likert’s Scale

Rate Verbal Interpretation Range

1 Strongly agree 1.00 – 1.79

2 Disagree 1.80 – 2.59

3 Moderately agree 2.60 – 3.39

4 Agree 3.40 – 4.19

5 Strongly disagree 4.20 – 5.00


4. Paired sample T-Test use to compare two population means in the case of

two samples that are correlated.


SD= √ ∑ D −∑ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
t =

SD / √n

Analysis Statistical tools

1. What is the demographic profile

of the respondents (students) in terms

of: Frequency, Percentage, Ranking

1.1. Age Frequency, Percentage, Ranking

1.2. Sex

2. What is the demographic profile of

the respondent (teachers) in terms of:

Frequency, Percentage, Ranking
2.1 Age

2.2 Sex

3. How may the evaluation of

addressing the intergenerational gap of

the respondents be assesd in terms of:

3.1 Communication Deficiency

3.2 Teaching Style

3.3 21st century education

3.4 Students Interaction

Chi-square, T-test
4. Is there any significant effect on

the teachnology as the barrier between

the gap of the respondents?

5. What are the possible

recommendations in improving the

effectiveness of 21st Century learning on

the respondents?


Addressing Intergenerational Gap Between Grade 6 Pupils And Their Subject

Teachers and its Implication on the Teachers Teaching Performance

Survey Questionnaire For Teachers

Name: (Optional) __________________________________________________

I. Put a check accordingly.

Demographic Profile


20-24 ___

25-29 ___

30-34 ___

35-39 ___

40 and above ___


Male ___ Female ___

II. Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of these

statements regarding the Intergenerational Gap Between Grade 6 Pupils and their

Teachers. Place a “/” mark in the box as your answer.

Scale Range of Value Verbal interpretation

5 5.00 - 4.20 Strongly Agree

4 4.19 – 3.40 Agree

3 3.39 – 2.60 Neutral

2 2.56 – 1.80 Disagree

1 1.79 – 1.00 Strongly Disagree


Strongly Agree Neutra Disagree Strongly


Agree l Disagree

1. Age is considered as one reason why

there’s a gap between the teacher and the


2. Experience difficulties when talking to

someone younger than you.

3. Gap is caused by teaching/learning

mismatch instead of just age.

4. Gender is one of the barriers in

communication of different generations.

5. Lack of knowledge about certain field

causes barriers among people of different


6. Student's behavior also causes barrier in

communication with their respective


7. Learners are more digitally wise than

teachers. (E.g. using advanced

teachnology, social media, and different


8. The common stereotypes (old vs new

traditions and practices) of each


generation can also cause communication


9. Nowadays, young generation becomes

more vocal, most adults lear their voices

as important as theirs.

10. It affects your confidence in

communicating with younger generations

whenever you share your beliefs,morals,

experiences and views.


Survey Questionnaire for Students

Nme: (Optional) __________________________________________________

I. Put a check accordingly.

Demographic Profile


9 ___

10 ___

11 ___

12 ___

13 and above ___


Male ___ Female ___

II. Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of these

statements regarding the Intergenerational Gap Between Grade 6 Pupils and their

Teachers. Place a “/” mark in the box of your answer.

Scale Range of Value Verbal interpretation

5 5.00 - 4.20 Strongly Agree

4 4.19 – 3.40 Agree

3 3.39 – 2.60 Neutral


2 2.56 – 1.80 Disagree

1 1.79 – 1.00 Strongly Disagree


Strongly Agree Neutra Disagree Strongly

Agree l Disagree

1. Age is considered as one reason why

there’s a gap between the teacher and the


2. Experiencing difficulties when talking to

someone older than you.

3. Some of the teaching strategies used were

not applicable to your learning styles

(visual, auditory, reading & writing, and

kinesthetic) e.g. learner prefers watching

video lessons than reading and writing.

4. Gender is considered as one reason of the

gap between the teacher and a student.

5. I am not familiar enough in a certain


6. Student's behavior also causes barrier in

communication with their respective



7. Learners are more digitally wise than

teachers. (E.g. using advanced

teachnology, social media, and different


8. Old and new traditions/practices of each

generation are also a cause of

communication barriers.

9. Teachers lack direct access to verbal and

nonverbal feedback from their students.

10. I am confident enough to express my

opinions, beliefs and morals when

communicating with the older people.


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AUTHOR : Oropilla, Czarecah Tuppil; Guadana, Jean
REFERENCE : Oropilla, C. T., & Guadana, J. (2021). Intergenerational Learning
and Sikolohiyang Pilipino: Perspectives from the Philippines.


AUTHOR : Suhendar alGaruti

REFERENCE : Esteves, K. K. (2012). Exploring Facebook to Enhance Learning and
Student Engagement: A Case from the University of Philippines (UP) Open
University. Malaysian journal of distance education, 14(1).

AUTHOR :  Julia M. Puaschunder
REFERENCE : Puaschunder, J. M. (Ed.). (2019). Intergenerational responsibility in
the 21st century. Vernon Press.


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