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Certificate i
Internship Certificate ii
Declaration iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi
List of Figures viii
List of Tables viii
Chapter No. Chapter Name Page No.
1.1 Organization introduction 1
1.2 Mission and Vision 1
1.3 Product Developed by Company 2
1.3.1 HAEGL Foot Track Version 1.0 2
1.3.2 Our Solution 2
1.3.3 HAEGL AGRICULTURE - Smart Agriculture Solutions 3
2.1 Week 1- Embedded Systems 4
2.2 Communication 6
2.3 Week 2 - Development of Server for Monitoring & Controlling 8

2.3.1 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 9

2.3.2 Hypertext and URI

2.3.3 Introduction to HTML 11

2.3.4 Introduction to CSS 11

2.3.5 Introduction to SQL 12

2.3.6 Introduction to PHP 12

2.3.7 Web application development 12
2.4 Week 3: Python – Data Science, Machine Learning and Image 13
2.4.1 Introduction to Python 13
2.4.2 Data types 14
2.4.3 Libraries in python 14
2.4.4 Introduction to NumPy 15
2.4.5 NumPy Arrays 15
2.4.6 Introduction to Pandas 16
2.4.7 Introduction to OpenCV
2.4.8 Image Processing Using Python
2.4.9 Data Science
2.4.10 Machine learning 21
2.5 Week4: Dashboard for IOT APP 21
2.5.1 Developing Android Apps using MIT App Inverter 22
3.1 Introduction 24
3.2 Methodology 24
3.2.1 Basics of the project 24
3.2.2 Process of the project 25
3.2.3 Components used 25
3.3 Project Model 29
3.4 Arduino Connections 31
Bibliography 38
Figure No. Name Page No.
1.1 Neuro developmental disabilities 2
1.2 Mat Design of Foot track 2
1.3 Foot area Analysis 2
1.4 HEAGL Treadmill 3
1.5 HEAGL Smart AI solution 3
2.1 Block diagram and Pin diagram of eSP8266 5
2.2 Arduino UNO 6
2.3 Arduino Simulation 6
2.4 OSI layer 7
2.5 Blynk application and screen of blynk app 8
2.6 HTTP protocol 9
2.7 HTTPS 10
2.8 DNS 10
2.9 Structured query language 12
2.10 Web application prototype 12
2.11 Basis of Python using jupyter notebook 14
2.12 Data per processing 14
2.13 Array slicing 16
2.14 Working on NumPy 16
3.1 Block diagram of project 24
3.2 Block diagram of process 25
3.3 EM18RFID reader 26
3.4 MLX90614 Temperature sensor 26
3.5 Red Green LED 26
3.6 IP detector 27
3.7 DC 12 volts pump 27
3.8 Solenoid valve 27
3.9 Ultrasonic sensor 27
3.10 Buzzer 28
3.11 Transistor 28
3.12 Raspberry Pi 28
3.13 RFID Reader connection with Arduino 31
3.14 Temperature Sensor connection with Arduino 31
3.15 Red Green LED connection with Arduino 32
3.16 Detector connection with Arduino 33
3.17 Relay connection with Arduino mega 2560 33
3.18 Solenoid valve connection with Arduino 34
3.19 Ultrasonic sensor connection with Arduino 34
3.20 Buzzer connection with Arduino 35
3.21 Transistor connection with Arduino 36

Table No. Name Page No.
2.1 Week wise task performed 4
3.1 RFID Reader connection with Arduino mega 2560 31
3.2 Temperature sensor connections with Arduino mega 2560 32
3.3 Red Green LED connection with Arduino mega 2560 32
3.4 IR detector connection with Arduino mega 2560 33
3.5 Relay connection with Arduino mega 2560 34
3.6 Ultrasonic sensor with Arduino mega 2560 35
3.7 Buzzer connection with Arduino mega 2560 35
3.8 Transistor connection with Arduino mega 2560 36

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