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1.1. Research Context 4
1.2. Mission 4
1.3. Vision 4
1.4. Location 5
1.5. Contact 5
2.1. Value proposition 6
2.2. Marketing mix (4 P’s) 6
2.2.1. Product 6
2.2.2. Price 7
2.2.3. Place 8
2.2.4. Promotion 8
3.1. PESTEL 8
3.2. SWOT 9 10
3.3.1. Bargaining power with customers 11
3.3.2. The power of the provider's negotiation 11
3.3.3. The threat of substitute products 11
3.3.4. The threat of new entrants 12
3.3.5. Rivalry between competitors 12
6.1. Formulation of digital marketing strategies 15
6.2. Plan horizon Schedule of activities 16

1.1. Research Context

CELAR is the physiotherapy center that was born in Lima but moved

to in Huánuco. The COVID caused a greater need for physiotherapy

treatments in Huanuco, one of the provinces most affected. All their service

complies with standards in quality and accredited staff by the Pontificio

Universidd catolica del Perú, which guarantees a excellent atenntion to his


1.2. Mission

“We are the most complete physiotherapy center and with the best

equipment in operation for good physiotherapy and improvement of patients,

we carry out personalized work seeking to be a specialized center that

guarantees better results and treating each case in a particular way”.

1.3. Vision

“We will be a main center that attends to the vast majority of cases

referred by the hospital that need rehabilitation in physical therapy. We want

to improve the quality of patient care in search of faster improvement and

personalized attention”.
1.4. Location

● Urb. Los portales Mz C Lote 28 Amarilis - Huánuco

Figure 1 : CELAR ubication

1.5. Contact


● 901307602

● Facebook


● Instagram


2.1. Value proposition

Figure 2: Value proposition of CELAR

2.2. Marketing mix (4 P’s)

2.2.1. Product

The company Celar offers pediatric physiotherapy services, physiotherapy for

older adults and body reduction services. It should be noted that these services

are totally personalized for each patient.

Below we will detail each of the services offered:

Pediatric physiotherapy

This deals with the treatment of newborns and children who present congenital

alterations that may affect their healthy development or the development of

motor deficiencies of neuromuscular origin.

Reducing treatments
These procedures are performed in a natural and safe way in order to be able

to eliminate targeted fat in parts of our body, achieve smoother skin, improve

circulation and tissue perfusion.

Physical therapy in older adults

It allows to recover muscle strength, balance and flexibility that are naturally

lost over the years. In addition, these sessions can also help prevent many

joint-related diseases.

2.2.2. Price

Prices may vary as they are services that are provided by packages or separate

sessions. Celar usually seeks to offer the sale of several sessions together to be

able to specify and ensure that the work done will not be half done.

Celar currently has the following individual prices and package prices:

Pediatric physiotherapy

Individual price per session:

Price per package of 5 sessions:

Reducing treatments

Individual price per session:

Price per package of 5 sessions:

Physical therapy in older adults

Individual price per session:

Price per package of 5 sessions:

2.2.3. Place

Patients interested in physiotherapy or bodywork services can search for

services through their Facebook and Instagram page and get an impression of

what Celar has to offer. Celar currently has a physical establishment in the city

of Amarilis, Huánuco. This makes it more practical for people from the

surrounding area to come to use their services.

2.2.4. Promotion

Now, Celar's projects are focusing much more on marketing through social

networks, as well as continuing to use communication methods through

advertising brochures or pullers. However, the largest new audience is

attending the Celar physiotherapy center because they find information on

social networks, this is because they are investing in guidelines, the message

that is given through these networks is reaching optimally and soon calling to

book appointments through our website and be a stimulant to be able to go to

the physical point.




The political The economic Today, there The new Currently, the Due to the

instability of situation of are new digital era has trend of caring Covid 19
the country the country lifestyles that increased for the Pandemic,

has generated due to the are reflected technological environment excessively

a reduction in covid 19 in shops and innovation and rigorous

investment in pandemic has new and the use of environmental protection

different items encouraged businesses to new formats responsibility measures were

within the the use and meet these for business has created,

Peruvian reach of needs such as such as e- encouraged especially in

market, but it digital media, a healthy commerce, the several the health

has not had a especially lifestyle and boom in web improvement sector, for

low impact on consumption care for pages, and initiatives which Cellar

electronic through web physical well- sales through from the implemented

commerce. pages; even being, so digital media. political to the business

for the health Cellar's This allowed sociocultural strategies

sector through business is Cellar to level, with linked to the

the application constantly innovate in a businesses protection of

of internet growing. new being the first its patients,

appointments. technology channels to well-being,

market. encourage this and public

proposal health.





that generate

less waste.

This includes

the health

3.2. SWOT 9

Strengths Weaknesses

● The professionals who attend the ● The business does not have active

business have a high standard of social networks or a website.

quality and professionalism. ● Lack of adaptation to the new digital

● They offer free workshops with the age

support of the different ● Lack of marketing strategies such as

municipalities of Lima. promotions to increase the

● They have great prestige in the acquisition of their services

market of Lima and Huanuco compared to the competition

Opportunities Threats

● Interest on the part of different ● The digital update of the competition

municipalities for the participation of ● Uncertainty in public health due to

the company in conferences and the covid 19 pandemic within the

virtual workshops category

● The rise of e-commerce and the ● The increase in the dollar as a

digitization of business determining factor within the

● Technological innovation allows business costs for the acquisition of

greater training by professionals in new machines

the field and the implementation of

new innovative treatments


3.3.1. Bargaining power with customers

The bargaining power of the business is high since, despite the existence of

competition within the market, each business is differentiated by its technological

innovations and new treatments, so the creation of new promotions or services with

cutting-edge technology allows them to offer a quality service to the client.

3.3.2. The power of the provider's negotiation

The power of negotiation with suppliers is low since when talking about specialized

machines for each treatment, the acquisition of these is with particular suppliers with

specialization in their manufacture and innovation, which makes it limiting

3.3.3. The threat of substitute products

The threat of substitute products is high since there is a launch of new treatments and

services in this sector, innovation is relevant, so training and updates must be constant

in professionals and thus create a human capital of specialized work and at the

forefront. for the creation of new services within the sector.

3.3.4. The threat of new entrants

The threat of new participants is high, since it is an industry that is currently in high

demand within new lifestyles, so there are a large number of professionals with the

ability to enter this sector and implement innovative ideas.

3.3.5. Rivalry between competitors

The rivalry between competitors is high since when talking about constant innovation

in the sector, all professionals want to be at the forefront, have the knowledge, and

learn more about the sector to be able to create new treatments or services that allow

them to face the competition and have a greater penetration within the market.


In the competitive environment, factors such as barriers to entry, substitute products,

the entry of new competitors, and the power of negotiation with customers are taken

into account. For the healthcare industry in Physiotherapy. Today technology is

essential for new ways of booking services. Some competitors manage their social

networks and try to be interacting with the consumer. However, this method is not

always the most effective, for this they can be more efficient and effective through

their analytical data since this will give us more precise and concise information about

our target audience.

Among its competitors we could find the companies "Centro de Rehabilitación Oscar

Declercq Caus" and "MasBienestar Huanuco" we can see that they do not have a good

website since it is not very interactive and they do not have an immediate reservation.

In addition, its competitor “FisioHuanuco” and "Quiero vida Huanuco". They do not

have any website, but they do have social networks like Facebook.
Figure 3: Centro de Rehabilitación Oscar Declerq Caus website

Figure 4: MasBienestar Huanuco website


The pandemic put more companies in innovative circumstances than ever before. In

retrospect, physiotherapy companies were no exception, so their adaptation measure

was forceful, addressing the needs and preferences of patients. The physiotherapy

centers, being affected by the changes in the treatment of health, it’s forced to define

and address their efforts appropriate to the health standards through international and

national agencies, governing all in the medical field.

● Limited infrastructure and increased work tools.

As a result of the pandemic, the capacity within physical therapy facilities was

reduced in order to restrict patient exposure. Managers have been forced to

change management in infrastructure dimensions, such as therapy rooms and

gymnasiums. In many situations, it was solved with preferential patient care.

The materials that are of renewable use, are discarded by contamination and

exposure of the disease, so that the costs of treatments will increase. The space

of the facilities were also largely reduced for therapy activities. One of the

options that were taken were mobility therapies, by zoom or at home.

● Economic insolvency and poor liquidity resolution.

Applying and modifying new management, losing capacity for treatment,

materials and workforce (payment of salaries) has led Celar to measure its

financial expenses and economic solvency. The company faced the possibility

of reducing its personnel, as well as rescheduling its appointments, with

respect to patients since, in times of pandemic, not only was there a total

paralysis of commercial activities, but also of the financing itself, by the

financial entities; therefore, to avoid this type of situation, it was leveraged

through government aid (Business Support Fund for small and medium-sized

businesses (FAE-Mype).

● Workforce trained for remote or home-based work.

Doctors, as well as assistance personnel, etc; the use of digital applications and

total home service was new to them, since as the pandemic continued, there

were changes in protocols at every moment, so the difficulty of the final

attention was notorious, not to mention the additional costs that these would

generate. Celar relied on the capacity of attention and personnel management,

so it requested through services, temporary training of applications such as

zoom, meet, etc; as well as sessions and training for on-site and home care,

adding additional costs, if necessary to apply it.


6.1. Formulation of digital marketing strategies

Today, Digital Marketing is a set of tools used by various businesses around the world

as part of their marketing plans and to adapt to the new digital era efficiently and

effectively and thus be able to market their products or services. It has also made it

possible to optimize sales processes and strengthen the relationship between customers

and businesses.

All this reflects its importance in today's online commerce as it generates better

customer relationships thanks to the constant interactivity that exists on the part of

consumers on the various platforms used by businesses, improving the user experience,

engagement, reach of the brand and know the opinion of the public to improve services

and products.
Our objectives are:

➔ Create, put into use and generate traffic of 25% of the Celar website by mid-2022

➔ Increase the number of Instagram and Facebook followers by 45% by the end of


➔ Achieve a 20% increase in sales by generating content in our digital media and

website during the next 6 months of 2022.

➔ Position the website on the first page of the Google search engine by the end of 2022.

6.2. Plan horizon Schedule of activities

➔ Create, put into use and generate traffic of 25% of the Celar website by mid-2022

To achieve this goal, Celar will generate relevant content for the target audience.

Using the landing page, blog articles can be created based on the topic of health,

aesthetic massages, physiotherapy, physical activity recommendations, as well as

videos of experts talking about rehabilitation. To build the blog articles, you will

include the most appropriate keywords that will allow you to segment the contents

and adapt them to the user's interest, thus increasing the chances of conversion. The

frequency of publications can be monthly.

➔ Increase the number of Instagram and Facebook followers by 45% by the end of


To achieve the established goal, we will divide ourselves into several strategies. These

will be divided into organic digital strategy and digital strategy with guidelines, that

is, paid. Greater engagement with the public will be generated to reach a greater reach

with interactive stories, informative stories about our product, news and novelties. On

the other hand, the paid strategy must have a sentimental or experiential value in order

to achieve the non-rational attention of new consumers.

➔ Achieve a 20% increase in sales by generating content in our digital media and

website during the next 6 months of 2022.

Celar must hire a community manager, since this way he will be able to be active in

all his social networks and websites. In addition, since social networks are the most

popular communication channel, the community manager will be responsible for

creating content, managing, growing and retaining the audience on the different Celar

platforms. He has to attract the public by telling testimonials, success stories and

related news, so that our potential clients are interested in the services that Celar


➔ Position the website on the first page of the Google search engine by the end of 2022.

First, a plan must be developed that allows us to position the website. To do this, the

marketer will need to find the right keywords, research your broker's internal SEO,

research your broker's links and authority, and finally create good links.

In conclusion, you must take into account the points mentioned above and work on

them to achieve the objective of positioning the CELAR website as one of the main

pages in the google search engine.

Figure 5: Digital marketing strategies of CELAR


Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas. (s. f.). Plan Económico de Perú frente al COVID-19.

Take from:

Fundación Instituto San José. (2021, March 4). Los retos de los fisioterapeutas de la FISJ

ante la pandemia de Covid-19. Take from:


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