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Quantum Eraser for Three-Slit Interference

Naveed Ahmad Shah∗

Department of Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India.

Tabish Qureshi†
Centre for Theoretical Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India.

It is well known that in a two-slit interference experiment, if the information, on which of the two paths
the particle followed, is stored in a quantum path detector, the interference is destroyed. However, in a
setup where this path information is “erased”, the interference can reappear. Such a setup is known as a
quantum eraser. A generalization of quantum eraser to a three-slit interference is theoretically analyzed.
It is shown that three complementary interference patterns can arise out of the quantum erasing process.
However, unlike the two-slit case, only one of these patterns can represent true 3-slit interference.
arXiv:1609.05206v1 [quant-ph] 16 Sep 2016

PACS numbers: 03.65.Ta

The first double-slit interference experiment was per-
formed with light by Thomas Young in 1801, thereby
Source 1
demonstrating the wave nature of light [1]. With the ad-
vent of quantum theory, it was realized that all quantum 2
particles, although considered indivisible, should show wave 33
nature. The first double-slit interference with electrons was
demonstrated by Jönsson [3]. Path-detector
A double-slit experiment with massive quantum particles Triple
brings in a whole new concept, that of a particle interfering Slit Screen
with itself. That the interference of electrons in a double-slit
experiment involves an electron interfering with itself, and FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of a triple-slit interference experi-
not with other electrons, was conclusively demonstrated for ment. A quantum path-detector could be added to the setup,
the first time by Tonomura [4]. which is capable of obtaining information on which slit the
Niels Bohr had stated that the wave aspect and the par- particle passed through.
ticle aspect are complementary, in the sense that if an ex-
periment clearly reveals the wave nature, it will completely
hide the particle aspect and vice-versa [5]. The complemen- phenomenon is called “delayed-choice” quantum eraser. In
tarity principle has been a subject of debate since the time course of time, quantum eraser was experimentally demon-
of its inception when Einstein proposed his famous recoiling strated for two-path interference in several different ways
slit experiment (see e.g. [6]). The current understanding is [12–23]
that in the context of the two-path interference experiment, The concept of complementarity should hold in multi-
either as a two-slit experiment, or as a Mach-Zhender inter- path or multi-slit experiments too. This is an issue which
ferometer, the principle of complementarity is quantitatively has been, and continues to be, a focus of much research at-
represented by the so-called duality relation [9] tention [24–32]. We ask the question, is quantum eraser
possible in multislit interference experiments too, and if
V 2 + D2 ≤ 1, (1) there are any subtleties involved. We begin by looking at the
issue of quantum erasing in a 3-slit interference experiment,
where D is a path distinguishability and V the visibility of
which is the subject of study of this investigation.
the interference pattern.
A very interesting consequence of this wave-particle du-
ality is the so-called quantum eraser [10, 11]. The idea of
quantum eraser is that if the which way information can, in WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY
some way, be “erased”, the lost interference pattern can be
made to reappear. This phenomenon holds even when the
which-path information has been erased well after the parti- Three slit interference is a bit more complex than its two-
cle has been registered on the screen. In such a scenario, the slit counterpart, because it involves superposition of three
parts (see Fig. 1). A particle emerging from a triple-slit
may be assumed to have a form
∗ 1 1 1
† |ψi = √ |ψ1 i + √ |ψ2 i + √ |ψ3 i (2)
3 3 3

where |ψ1 i, |ψ2 i, |ψ3 i represent the state of the particle cor- We assume the particle travels freely, and has a mass m,
responding to it coming out of slit 1, 2 and 3, respectively. and hence it’s evolution is governed by the operator
Sharpest interference is obtained when the√amplitudes for
the three possibilities are equal, which is 1/ 3 in our case. U(t) = exp(−ip2 t/2mh̄), (7)
By virtue of the Born rule, the three-slit interference can be
where p represent the operator for the x-component of the
thought of as arising from three two-slit interferences [33].
momentum of the particle. Using the time-evolution gov-
If one were to introduce a quantum path-detector which erned by the above, the state of the particle, when it reaches
can tell which of the three slits the particle has gone the screen after a time t, is given by
through, the state of the particle and the path-detector may
be written as Ct  2 2 2 2
ψ(x, t) = √ e −(x−d) /( +ia) + e −x /( +ia)
1 1 1
|ψi = √ |ψ1 i|+i + √ |ψ2 i|0i + √ |ψ3 i|−i

(3) 2 2
+e −(x+d) /( +ia) , (8)
3 3 3
where |+i, |0i, |−i represent three orthonormal states of the where a = 2h̄t/m = λD/π and Ct = ( π(+ia/) )1/4 . The
path-detector. If the path-detector is capable of gaining in- probability of the particle, hitting the screen at a position
formation on which slit the particle went through, by virtue x, is given by
of von Neumann’s idea of a quantum measurement [34], the
|Ct |2 −2x 2 /Ω  2
combined state has to have the above form. |ψ(x, t)|2 = e 1 + e −2d /Ω 2 cosh(4xd/Ω)
If the state of a particle, emerging from the triple slit, is 3
given by (2), the state of the particle at a time t when it +e −(d −2xd)/Ω 2 cos(2xd/a − d 2 /a)
reaches the screen, would be different because it would have +e −(d
2 cos(2xd/a + d 2 /a)
undergone a time-evolution. In order do an accurate analy- 2

sis of the interference, we carry out a wave-packet analysis +e −2d /Ω 2 cos(4xd/a) , (9)
of the particle. We assume that the states emerging from
the three slits are Gaussian wave-packets, centered at the where Ω = 2 + λ2 D 2 /π 2 2 , and is related to the expanded
respective slits, with a width which is related to the width width of the wave-packets. In the limit where the slits are
of the slits. Assuming that the particle travels along the very narrow and the wave-packets spread much much wider
z-axis, and the three slits are parallel to the y-axis, located than d and overlap with each other strongly, i.e. Ω  d 2 ,
at x = d, x = 0, and x = −d. In order to keep the analy- the above can be approximated by
sis simple, we ignore the dynamics along the z- and y-axes.
|Ct |2 −2x 2 /Ω
The dynamics along the z-axis serves only to transport the |ψ(x, t)|2 ≈ e (1 + 2 cosh(4xd/Ω)
particle from the slits to the screen. We assume that the 3
particle travels in the z-direction with an average momen- +4 cosh(2xd/Ω) cos(2xd/a)
tum p0 , and a deBroglie wavelength λ = h/p0 is associated +2 cos(4xd/a)) (10)
with it. The particle travels a distance D in a time t, and
The above expression represents a 3-slit interference pattern
D = p0 t/m. This leads us to
(see Fig. 2).
λD = ht/m. (4) In the presence of a path-detector, the state after the
particle emerges from the triple slit, is be given by
The more interesting dynamics is in the x-direction where C  2 2 2 2 2 2

the wave-packets are expected to expand and overlap, giving hx|ψi = √ e −(x−d) / |+i + e −x / |0i + e −(x+d) / |−i ,
rise to interference. 3
The states of the particle in front of the three slits, just which is just the position representation of (3). After trav-
after it emerges, are assumed to be elling to the screen, the probability of the particle hitting it
at a position x is given by
−(x − d)2
hx|ψ1 i = C exp
2 |Ct |2 −2x 2 /Ω  2

|ψ(x, t)|2 = e 1 + e −2d /Ω 2 cosh(4xd/Ω) .
hx|ψ2 i = C exp (12)
−(x + d)2 One can see, that the cosine terms, which represented in-
hx|ψ3 i = C exp , (5) terference in (9), are missing in the above expression. Basi-
cally they are killed due to the orthogonality of |+i, |0i, |−i.
where C = (2/π2 )1/4 . The state (2) can then be repre- The states |+i, |0i, |−i carry information about which slit
sented as the particle passed through. So, it emerges that the stor-
ing of which-way information is enough to destroy interfer-
C  2 2 2 2 2 2
 ence. Wave-particle duality in a 3-slit experiment has re-
hx|ψi = √ e −(x−d) / + e −x / + e −(x+d) / . (6)
3 cently been quantitatively stated by a new duality relation

[28]. However, here our focus is, looking at the possibility

of quantum erasing in such an experiment, which is dealt 3
with in the following discussion.


The three-state quantum path-detector may be thought 1.5

of as a pseudo-spin-1, whose z-component Sz has the eigen-
state |+i, |0i, |−i. These states can also be written in terms
of the eigenstates of the x-component of this pseudo-spin
Sx , which we represent as | ↑i, | →i, | ↓i. In this represen-
tation, the eigenstates of Sz look like 0.5
1 1 1
|+i = | ↑i + √ | →i + | ↓i 0
2 2 2 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
1 1
|0i = √ | ↑i − √ | ↓i xd/λD
2 2
1 1 1
|−i = | ↑i − √ | →i + | ↓i (13) FIG. 2. Recovered interference pattern, given by |ψ↑ (x, t)|2
2 2 2 (solid line) and the original 3-slit interference pattern, given
by (10) (dashed line). The two are clearly different. The
Using this, the state (3) can be written as dotten line represents the lost interference in the presence of
 which-way information, given by (12).
1 |ψ1 i |ψ2 i |ψ3 i |ψ1 i |ψ3 i
|ψi = √ ( + √ + )| ↑i + ( √ − √ )| →i
3 2 2 2 2 2

|ψ1 i |ψ2 i |ψ3 i that
+( − √ + )| ↓i . (14)
2 2 2
|Ct |2 −2x 2 /Ω 1 1

|ψ↑ (x, t)| = e + cosh(4xd/Ω)
It is quite obvious that the above state will not lead to an 3 2 2

interference pattern, since it is the same as (3). However, + 2 cosh(2xd/Ω) cos(2xd/a)
if one were to measure the x-component of the pseudo- 
spin, and detect the particle in correlation with the three + cos(4xd/a)
results of the pseudo-spin measurement, the following three 2
|Ct |2 −2x 2 /Ω 1 1

situations will arise. 2
|ψ↓ (x, t)| = e + cosh(4xd/Ω)
  3 2 2
1 |ψ1 i |ψ2 i |ψ3 i √
h↑ |ψ(t)i = √ U(t) + √ + − 2 cosh(2xd/Ω) cos(2xd/a)
3 2 2 2 

|ψ1 i |ψ2 i |ψ3 i
h↓ |ψ(t)i = √ U(t) − √ + + cos(4xd/a)
3 2 2 2 2

|ψ1 i |ψ3 i
 |Ct |2 −2x 2 /Ω
h→ |ψ(t)i = √ U(t) √ − √ (15) |ψ→ (x, t)|2 = e (1 − cos(4xd/a)) (17)
3 2 2 3

The state h↑ |ψ(t)i, for example, represents the state of Clearly, |ψ↑ (x, t)|2 in the above expression does represent a
the particle hitting the screen, provided that the pseudo- 3-slit interference. Thus we see that by detecting the par-
spin Sx has been found in the state | ↑i. The same can be ticles in coincidence with the pseudo-spin state | ↑i erases
represented in the position basis as follows the which-path information and brings back the interfer-
ence. Quantum erasing is possible in 3-slit interference as
well. A careful look reveals that the interference given by
1 ψ1 (x, t) ψ2 (x, t) ψ3 (x, t)
ψ↑ (x, t)i = √ + √ + |ψ↑ (x, t)|2 is different from the true 3-slit interference given
3 2 2 2
  by (10), as can also be seen by plotting the two (see Fig.
1 ψ1 (x, t) ψ2 (x, t) ψ3 (x, t) 2).
ψ↓ (x, t)i = √ − √ +
3 2 2 2 The question that arises now is, what basis should one
1 ψ1 (x, t) ψ3 (x, t) measure the pseudo-spin in, so that detecting particles on
ψ→ (x, t)i = √ √ − √ (16)
3 2 2 the screen, in coincidence with one of the states of the basis,
would yield true 3-slit interference. Let us assume that the
Since ψ1 (x, t), ψ2 (x, t), ψ3 (x, t) have already been worked basis states are |αi, |βi, |γi, and that coincident detection
out in the preceding calculation, it is straightforward to show of particles with |αi yields true 3-slit interference. This can

happen only if
hα|+i = hα|0i = hα|−i ≡ c. (18)
The above implies that
|αi = c ∗ |+i + c ∗ |0i + c ∗ |−i, (19) 2

and by normalization, |c| = 1/ 3. Thus, the state |αi can
be 1.5
|αi = √ (|+i + |0i + |−i). (20) 1
That leaves us the freedom to choose normalized |βi, |γi 0.5
such that the three are orthonormal. One such choice could
r 0
1 2 1 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
|βi = √ |+i − |0i + √ |−i
6 3 6 xd/λD
|γi = √ (|+i − |−i). (21)
2 FIG. 3. Recovered interference pattern, given by |ψα (x, t)|2
(solid line) and that given by |ψβ (x, t)|2 (dashed line). While
Using this, the state (3) can be written as the former represents true 3-slit interference, the latter is far

|ψ1 i |ψ2 i |ψ3 i from a 3-slit interference. The dotted line represents the lost
|ψi = √ ( √ + √ + √ )|αi interference in the presence of which-way information, given
3 3 3 3 by (12).
√ #
|ψ1 i 2|ψ2 i |ψ3 i |ψ1 i |ψ3 i
+( √ − √ + √ )|βi + ( √ − √ )|γi .
6 3 6 2 2
Notice that |ψα (x, t)|2 in (24), produces true 3-slit inter-
(22) ference. It implies that detecting particles in coincidence
Particles hitting the screen can be divided into three with the state |αi constitutes quantum eraser for the 3-slit
subensembles, depending on the state of the pseudo-spin interference experiment. The interference, which was lost
obtained. The states of the particle, correlated with because of the path-detector states carrying which-way in-
|αi, |βi, |γi, are ψα (x, t), ψβ (x, t), ψγ (x, t), respectively. formation, is recovered after the path information is erased
They can be represented as follows by reading the path-detector in the state |αi.
Detecting particles in coincidence with states |βi or |γi,
1 however, does not produce a 3-slit interference (see Fig.
ψα (x, t) = (ψ1 (x, t) + ψ2 (x, t) + ψ3 (x, t))
3√ 3). This is an important aspect in which this quantum
2 ψ1 (x, t) ψ3 (x, t) eraser is different from the quantum erasers in double-slit
ψβ (x, t) = − ψ2 (x, t) + interference experiments. In double-slit quantum erasers,
3 2 2
1 true two-slit interference is recovered in both the ways of
ψγ (x, t) = √ (ψ1 (x, t) − ψ3 (x, t)) . (23) detecting particles.
The three complementary interference patterns can then
be shown to have the form IV. DISCUSSION
|Ct | −2x /Ω 1
|ψα (x, t)|2 = e [1 + 2 cosh(4xd/Ω) In the preceding analysis, we have shown that the concept
3 3
+4 cosh(2xd/Ω) cos(2xd/a) of quantum eraser can be extended to the case of 3-slit in-
terference. If the which-path information, of the interfering
+2 cos(4xd/a)]
particle, is stored in a quantum path-detector, the interfer-
|Ct |2 −2x 2 /Ω 2

2 1 ence is lost. By erasing the path information stored in the
|ψβ (x, t)| = e 1 + cosh(4xd/Ω)
3 3 2 quantum path-detector, the lost interference can be made
−2 cosh(2xd/Ω) cos(2xd/a) to come back.
 In a typical implementation of quantum eraser for a 2-slit
+ cos(4xd/a) interference experiment, the particles are detected in coinci-
dence with two orthogonal states of the path-detector. For
|Ct |2 −2x 2 /Ω example, in a particular implementation with photons pass-
|ψγ (x, t)|2 = e (cosh(4xd/Ω) − cos(4xd/a)) .
3 ing through a double-slit, they were detected in coincidence
(24) with two orthogonal polarization states of the photon [21].

Both these states lead to recovery of true 2-slit interfer- [35], may be a good candidate for extending to 3-slit inter-
ence. We have shown that in the case of 3-slit interference, ference.
only one out of the three path-detector states can lead to
recovery of true 3-slit interference.
A quantum eraser for 3-slit interference will definitely be
harder to implement, as compared with 2-slit interference. Naveed is thankful to the Centre for Theoretical Physics,
However, we feel that an earlier proposal for quantum eraser Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, for providing its facilities
for 2-slit interference using a modified Stern-Gerlach setup during the course of this work.

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