3D Printed Concrete Applications Performance and Challenges

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Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials

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3D-printed concrete: applications, performance,

and challenges

Ayesha Siddika, Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Wahid Ferdous, Ashish Kumer

Saha & Rayed Alyousef

To cite this article: Ayesha Siddika, Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Wahid Ferdous, Ashish Kumer Saha
& Rayed Alyousef (2020) 3D-printed concrete: applications, performance, and challenges, Journal
of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 9:3, 127-164, DOI: 10.1080/21650373.2019.1705199

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/21650373.2019.1705199

Published online: 24 Dec 2019.

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Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 2020
Vol. 9, No. 3, 127–164, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21650373.2019.1705199

3D-printed concrete: applications, performance,

and challenges
Ayesha Siddikaa , Md. Abdullah Al Mamunb , Wahid Ferdousc ,
Ashish Kumer Sahad and Rayed Alyousefe
Department of Civil Engineering, Pabna University of Science and Technology, Pabna 6600,
Bangladesh; bDepartment of Civil Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering &
Technology, Rajshahi 6204, Bangladesh; cCentre for Future Materials, University of Southern
Queensland, Toowoomba, QLD 4350, Australia; dSchool of Civil and Mechanical Engineering,
Curtin University, GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA 6845, Australia; eDepartment of Civil
Engineering, College of Engineering, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj 11942,
Saudi Arabia

Automatic construction systems have become the focus of the construction industry
and research projects worldwide. Numerous technologies involving 3D printing
(3DP) of concrete elements have been developed, and their application in
construction projects has been growing. The 3DP in concrete construction is
increasing due to its freedom in geometry, rapidness, formwork-less printing, low
waste generation, eco-friendliness, cost-saving nature, and safety. Development of
3DP is not only limited to the earth but also gaining attention for building habitats in
space. This study aims to present the technical, socio-economical, and environmental
aspects related to 3DP of concrete structures for a systematic summation of the
technology, guidelines, applications, challenges, and prospects of future research and
market in the construction industry. This comprehensive review shows that
challenges involved in 3D concrete printing should be analyzed further by
researchers to enhance mechanical performance, durability, and sustainability and
establish appropriate standard guidelines for printing structures.
Keywords: 3D printing; concrete; application; challenges; future market; future
research direction

Highlights 1. Introduction
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a modern
 Reviewed recent progress and
innovation, which has been developed and
future opportunities of 3D-printed standardized to print any large and com-
concrete structures. plex structure through a rapid prototyping
 Opportunities of 3D concrete print- system with good mechanical properties
ing are increasing attractively. [1]. This technology can build three-dimen-
 Reinforcing technology needs to be sional (3D) objects by connecting layers of
developed for 3D printing. materials and can be applied to convert
 Identified research gaps and waste and by-products into new materials
directed future research on 3D [2]. 3D printing (3DP) is an automated AM
printing of concrete. process of fabricating 3D objects from

Corresponding author. Email: ayesha.ruet@yahoo.com; ayeshace@pust.ac.bd

ß 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
128 A. Siddika et al.

the costs of traditionally constructed struc-

tures in China [12].
However, 3DP technology requires pre-
cise solutions for elements in conjunction
with several parameters, such as project
scale, selection of printing materials, and
quality and strength of printed parts [1]. The
printability and post-print behavior of ele-
ments depend on the properties of materials,
printing method, time, temperature, and
kinematics [13]. Moreover, the variation in
Figure 1. Development of large-scale 3DP
for application in the construction sector [9]. the material composition of the applied
techniques and the reinforcement system
computer-aided design models; the 3D pose an obstacle [1]. Though there are
models are divided into several 2D layers trending improvement observed in mechan-
and deposited using suitable printers to ical properties of 3DPC in several
construct the designed objects [3]. 3DP has researches, the anisotropic characteristics of
achieved increased traction in different sec- it limits the prospective application of this
tors, such as military, aerospace, and bio- technology to the printing of complex and
medicine and is currently regarded as a large-scale structures under critical loading
worthwhile manufacturing method in the and environmental conditions [1,14].
construction sector [4,5]. Meanwhile, this automated construction
Several technologies have been devel- technology eliminates the use of formwork,
oped for 3DP, and fused deposition and reduce labor requirement, minimizes the
powder bed fusion are the most commonly possible fatalities involved in manual oper-
used methods in the construction sector ation, accelerates the construction process,
[6–8]. The most revolutionary use of this and reduces the manual construction defects
technology in concrete construction began [4,15,16]. The most convenient feature of
in 2014; before this time, inventions of dif- 3DP systems is the geometrical freedom in
ferent parts and technologies were still the structural plan and shape of members
under development, and only a few projects [10,17–19]. 3DP techniques allow assorted
were completed [9]. The development of geometries, can be used to print hierarchical
increasing numbers of 3DP projects in the structures, and provide efficient materials
construction industry was presented by for strong structures [20].
Buswell et al. [9] and is shown in Figure 1. Several recent studies have investigated
This revolutionary development of printing the potential of using 3DP in concrete com-
projects is expected to increase rapidly ponents, but these studies are fragmented
because of the unique characteristics of [1,4,14]. Although the previous researchers
3DP. The AM technique is considered the have reviewed the current progress of
most suitable method for construction development of printing materials, printers
because of its high recycling rate, and low and printing system [4,10,14,21], the rein-
waste production, and less materials con- forcing technology, structural performance,
sumption [2,10,11]. The cost sustainability and challenges of 3DPC has not been
of 3D-printed concrete (3DPC) structures extensively reviewed and updated with the
is still under research. A study reported that current development. Some of the research-
the cost for printing a house with an area of ers captured several materials in their study
approximately 200 m2 is around $4800, to elaborate the application of AM [1,12].
which is realistically more economical than An up-to-date critical review
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 129

simultaneously representing the material techniques, which can be applied in print-

selection, reinforcing technology, applica- ing of concrete structures with cementitious
tions, performance and challenges, present materials, aggregates, and fiber reinforce-
market and future potential related to 3DP ments [4,15,17,25–27]. In general, concrete
of concrete structures is therefore necessary printing and contour crafting, which make
to reveal the recent potential development. up a similar technique called inkjet print-
This study therefore aimed to review the ing, and the materials mixture extruded
application, performance, challenges, pre- through nozzles to produce vertical mem-
sent and future market potential of the 3D- bers [4,6,10,15,24,28,29].
printed concrete in relation to construction Contour crafting is a gantry-based,
systems. The details that should be consid- fully onsite technology that was developed
ered in the selection of materials and meth- by Dr. Behrokh Khoshnevis from the
ods are analyzed. The technical guidelines University of Southern California
and approaches that are available and [21,27,30]. This printing process is based
required when using 3DPC construction on vertical extrusion of layers, where the
are also summarized. This review contrib- layers can be strengthened using reinforce-
utes to literature by gathering the overall ment ties manually [4,10]. A contour craft-
aspects and critical issues related to 3DPC ing machine has a wide printing zone with
construction systems simultaneously. The a 5 m  8 m  3 m work envelope [27].
outcome of this study will guide prospect- This printing system offers good surface
ive researchers and end users regarding the quality, rapid construction, and various
application of 3DPC. materials [21]. Generally, concrete fila-
ments that are 2–5 cm wide and 1–3 cm
2. Manufacturing of 3DPC high are printed with this method [29].
Concrete printing was developed at
2.1. Methods
Loughborough University, use a
The two main methods adopted in AM tech- 4 m  1.6 m  1.5 m dimension printer
nology in the construction sector are extru- developed by Apis Cor Company for an
sion-based layering (selective material approximately 132 m2 wide printing zone
deposition by extrusion) and powder-bed [27]. High performance coarse-aggregate
methods (selective binding) [6–8,22]. The concrete and fiber reinforced concrete can
extrusion-based layering have the resem- be used in this method which resulting in a
blance with fused deposition modeling good mechanical performance of printed
(FDM), where mixtures of selected materials elements [10,31–33]. Up to 9.5 mm sized
are deposited layer by layer via an extrusion coarse aggregates and C30 concrete were
print head in accordance with a command reported to use in printing concrete mixture
given by computer-aided design tools to the in the study of Rushing et al. [32,33].
crane, robot, or gantry of a 3D printer with Contour crafting and concrete printing
six- or four-axis arms [4,7,10,23]. Most pow- techniques only limited to vertical extru-
der-based technologies are offsite methods sion and require initial formwork, there-
that may be assembled on-site and are suit- fore, complexity may arise depending on
able for large and complex geometrical the geometry of structure to be printed
structural printing followed the method of along with the problem of hydrostatic pres-
stereolithography [24].
sure control and requires extra maintenance
and operations [7]. Concrete onsite 3DP is
2.1.1. Extrusion-based layering also called CONPrint3D, which is the most
Contour crafting, concrete printing, and appropriate technique of concrete printing
CONPrint3D are extrusion-based layering developed in TU Dresden (Germany). In
130 A. Siddika et al.

Figure 2. Typical printing system and components of printers: (a) contour crafting, (b) D shape,
(c) concrete printing, (d) four-axis gantry, (e) six-axis robotic printer, (f, g) details of powder-bed
method [11,21,30,39].

this method, the size of aggregates used in reactive agent, which is activated using
concrete can be larger than those used water vapor. The particle-bed printing sys-
while adopting concrete printing and con- tem can be explained by three techniques
tour crafting method [10]. Typical arrange- depending on the binder application tech-
ments for several concrete printing systems nique as shown in Figure 2(g).
are shown in Figure 2. D-shape technique is a powder-bed
method of printing, where granular pow-
dered materials (sand-based) are deposited
2.1.2. Powder-bed methods and bonded by cementitious materials layer
In particle-bed 3DP system, printing can by layer which was developed by Engineer
perform directly by using cementitious Enrico Dini [8,15,21,35,36]. This process
materials or filling of the printed polymer- is fast and requires no external support
based formwork with conventional fresh even when printing overhanging parts [37].
concrete as well as extrusion-based tech- All unbonded powder act as temporary
nique [11]. The concept of selective depos- support to the printed layers. The major
ition of cementitious composites was challenge in this method is the removal of
proposed by Dr. Pegna [34]. In this pro- unbound powder and provision of reinforc-
cess, free-form construction of hollow ing system [18].
element is done by placing a matrix layer Emerging object is another technique
of sand selectively covered by cement as a of powder-bed printing method, which was
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 131

Figure 4. Typical variation in bottom layer

yield strength with build height [45].
Figure 3. Multilevel design for 3DP mater-
ial [14].
maintained as much as possible to ensure
buildability and pumpability respectively,
developed by Ronald and San Fratello
which generally depend on the technology
[38]. In this method, a dry cement-bed was
used, pumping distance, size of nozzles,
activated with the help of water and poly-
and compositions of mixtures [34,42,44].
mer. In all powder-bed method, a technique
The initial yield stress of an extruded layer
of drop-on-demand was applied for drop- depends on the density, gravity and
ping binder solution on the bed of powder. extruded layer height, where the develop-
Therefore, a non-continuous system was ment of yield strength with time and
arisen, which need to control carefully. successive layer deposition was shown
in Figure 4 [45]. Initially, around
2.2. Material selection approach 180–1000 Pa yield strength is required in
2.2.1. Extrusion-based cementitious extruded single layer for stability and the
printing materials bottom layer should have approximately
12 kPa yield strength to support 1 m
3DP materials should be thixotropic to
extruded layer upon it.
ensure their pumpability, extrudability, and
High-performance cement-based mate-
buildability within the allowed time
rials are inappropriate in rheological and
[40–43]. Thixotropy is an indication of the
stiffening properties, consequently are not
ability to viscosity recovery and represents
thixotropic in nature [46]. Thixotropic
the rheology before and after extrusion. A
materials should have 10–15 min of open
multilevel material design approach time to provide sufficient extrudability and
observed in the study of Lu et al. [14], buildability; meanwhile, typical mixtures
where the parameters relating to the mater- for concrete printing should have an open
ial design to printed structures are interre- time of around 15–30 min [47]. Selection
lated as shown in Figure 3. Static and of open time varies with the scale of print-
dynamic yield stress and viscosity which ing construction and printing speed, but
are known as rheological properties of need to control and specifies during
cementitious mixtures depend largely on mix design
the water content, aggregate properties, Additionally, the special requirement
gradation, mixing time, mixing system, and of cement mixtures that should have zero
temperature [13,26,44]. Because these slumps and a self-compacting ability are
parameters are controlling the flocculation opposing but have to be present simultan-
of particles and hydration reaction in mix- eously for 3DP purposes [13,48,49]. A
ture, consequently the rheology of the mix- zero-slump concrete mix has high yield
ture [45]. The high yield stress and low stress immediately after deposition; there-
plastic viscosity of mixture should be fore, the layer does not deform
132 A. Siddika et al.

[13,18,42,49]. Study revealed that printable flowability. Aggregates with smooth sur-
concrete mixture with slump value around face can move easily and increase the fluid-
4–8 mm and slump flow between 150 mm ity during extrusion. But it needs to be well
and 190 mm give smooth surface after graded, because the possibility of porosity
extrusion and shows good buildability [50]. and lower adhesion in smooth surface
However, the slump value can be opti- aggregate is high. However, an appropriate
mized with other parameters such as vis- retarder may require to maintain the extrud-
cosity and yield stress during materials ability of a mix for long time. Retarder
design. In some cases, initially, a low yield may consist of methylene-phosphonic acid,
strength and high viscous mixture need to citric acid and formaldehyde [47].
maintain the high plasticity and good work- Triethanolamine can be used for small dos-
ability [31]. However, the possibility of ages (up to 0.05%) as cement hydration
cold joints formation could be increased retarder, can be useful to create a concrete
when a freshly extruded layer has half (or mixture with setting time 20 min [53]. But,
less) of the yield stress of the underlying high dosages of triethanolamine can accel-
layer [18]. A high fraction of solid and erate the cement setting. Addition of gyp-
strong interaction between particles may sum with cement can be helpful to control
cause shear localized cracks in a fresh state. the setting of cement. But the hydration of
Additionally, to overcome the friction due gypsum with cement hydration has shown
to high rheological parameters a high pres- a complex behavior. In a previous research,
sure is needed for pumping and extrusion. with the replacement of 20%–60% cement
However, excessive pressure can cause by gypsum, the final setting time of the
segregation and resulting loss in homogen- mixture decreased from 20 min to 16 min,
eity in printing mixture [14]. This friction and the temperature rose from around
can reduce by adding small quantity of 27.72  C to 31.49  C; where for 100% gyp-
coarse materials; and consequently, good sum content the final setting time was
deposition and layer intermixing occur, recorded 30 min [47]. Thus, appropriate
thus reducing the jam and localized shear retarder or accelerator with optimum con-
cracks problem [8]. Additionally, increas- tent needs to select for perfect setting time
ing the water–cement ratio exerts a positive of printing mixture.
impact on extrudability but reduces build- Selection of materials optimum size
ability [51]. Therefore, mixture with high depends on method and type of printing,
yield strength and required flowability at printer types, and printing techniques.
the fresh state is needed for printing. On Materials used in concrete printing demon-
the other hand, rapid hardening mixtures strate high performance and are fiber-rein-
are recommended for speedy construction forced, coarse-aggregate concrete, which is
[23]. Superplasticizers are added to release considered superior to the mixture used in
the water trapped inside voids and increase contour crafting in terms of strength
the rheological fluidity of the mix with [10,31]. Additionally, in contour crafting
increasing mechanical strength [21]. But, only fine-aggregate concrete or mortar can
excessive amount of superplasticizers can be used, but the mixture should have a high
show negative effect in buildability [51]. concentration of powdered materials, inor-
To maintain a proper open time while ganic additives (silica fume, fly-ash), and
printing a large number of layers with sev- viscosity-modifying admixtures [27]. The
eral filament groups, 1% superplasticizer maximum size of materials depends on the
and 0.5% retarder were recommended pri- printer nozzle’s size and pumping capacity
marily [52]. Additionally, the shape of [49] and should be smaller than 1/10 of the
aggregate can be an obstruction to diameter of printer nozzles, which is
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 133

recommended by Ma et al. [21]. Previous emission [10,48]. Though the thixotropic

research indicated that the size of the behavior of geopolymers is not as pro-
aggregates can go up to 2 mm for a nozzle nounced as that of OPC because of the
diameter of 2 cm. The fine aggregate-to- absence of colloidal reaction between par-
cement and the fine aggregate-to-sand ticles, which may be a challenge in using
ratios were determined as 1.28 and 2, 3DP [55,58]. Another problem associated
respectively after several trials [54]. In with geopolymer-based concrete is that
recent conventional coarse-aggregate con- hardening starts over time; this may disrupt
crete is also being used for 3DP, thus max- pumpability and cause an extrusion prob-
imum size of materials for printing mixture lem in 3DP due to the discontinuity of flow
is not limited beyond fine particles. [48]. Being a shear thinning material, geo-
Cementitious materials that are gener- polymer concrete loses its viscosity during
ally used in 3DP are composed of pumping and cannot regain it immediately
12%–16% OPC, 21%–26% silica fume, after printing. Thus, it cannot provide suffi-
25%–30% sand, 33%–35% fly ash, and cient support to the upcoming layer printed
2%–4% water; otherwise specified [26,44]. on it. Preferably, after removal of external
For high-performance fiber-reinforced con- pressure, the original viscosity of printed
crete printing, around 70% OPC, 20% fly concrete should recover immediately [58].
ash, 10% silica fume, 3:2 sand/binder ratio, Reactors are needed to improve the rhe-
and 0.26 water/binder ratio are recom- ology of the mixture. Attapulgite clay and
mended [52,55,56]. Water-to-binder ratios slag [48] can accelerate the buildability of
in the range of 0.23–0.41 and binder-to- mixtures. The yield stress in geopolymers
sand ratios in the range of 0.63–0.73 have and OPC increases with time due to the
been used in different studies. Meanwhile, interaction between particles and the chem-
printing materials with specific properties, ical alteration of the binder. Inclusion of
such as lightweight, thermal insulation, and silica fume and fly ash enhances these
self-healing and self-sensing capacity, are properties [55]. Panda et al. [59] developed
expected to contribute to complex struc- one-part geopolymer for 3DP by layer
tures [30]. Silica fume can absorb a large extrusion technique which consists of fly-
amount of water; therefore, reducing the ash and blast furnace slag in varying con-
water content and improve the rheological tent with alkaline activator. The developed
properties of mixtures [26]. Additionally, geopolymer binder can successfully use in
micro-crystalline cellulose addition in extrusion printing system, and it can be
cement-based printing materials can also regained its 70–80% original viscosity after
enhance the plastic viscosity and yield 60 s of extrusion. However, no significant
strength of printing mortar. As reported in direct relationship exists among the yield
the study of Long et al. [57], after addition stress, thixotropy, and viscosity properties
of 1% microcrystalline cellulose in cement of 3D printable materials [49]. Therefore,
mortar, the yield stress and viscosity of while applying geopolymer-based materials
printing mixture get improved by 190% in extrusion layering technique more con-
and 209%. There is no cracks observed cern need to maintain the printability and
stability of structures.
while printing filament with this high per-
formance mortar; thus shape retention cap-
acity is also increased. 2.2.2. Powder-based printing material
Geopolymers are formed from by-prod- In powder-bed technique, specially D-shape
ucts (fly ash and slag); and are regarded as technology, an aggregate bed was prepared
green cement and possess high mechanical with very high resolution and the cementi-
properties, good durability and low carbon tious binder in liquid form has been
134 A. Siddika et al.

deposited to activate and harden the layer Sanjayan [62]. This geopolymer has suffi-
[18]. The aggregate bed can be made of cient deposit ability and dimensional accur-
crushed stone, sand, gravel, crushed clay acy in powder-based printing systems and
aggregates and ceramics [60]. In D-shape is scalable to print large structures. Slags
technology, recycled glass, fibers, wooden contain high amount of silica and are
chips, pieced plastics, rubber, gypsum can amorphous and pozzolanic in nature, thus
be used as aggregate also. Additionally, they are important for geopolymer; add-
approximately 0.2–4 mm sized materials itionally, slag can enhance buildability of
are used in this method, and a minimum printable geopolymer mixture [48]. But the
5 mm thick layers can be printed [11,60]. slag used in powder-based printing systems
Therefore, typically coarse aggregate can- was recommended to be up to 50% of the
not be used in this technique of concrete total binder because the amount of slag
printing. Meanwhile, while preparing the beyond optimum level causes a very low
aggregate bed for powder-based printing, green strength, which cannot resist the
additional processing is required. Particles pressure in the de-powdering pro-
greater than 20 mm size should be processed cess [37,39].
in a dry state, and particles finer than 5 mm If powder deposition techniques are
can be placed in a dry or wet state in a pow- applied to 3DP, then the agglomeration of
der deposition system [6]. In addition, fine powder during deposition should be
recently a dry cement-powder bed was used considered because it creates a porous
to print a free-standing pavilion, which was printed layer [62,63]. Additionally, powder
developed by Rael et al. [61] at UC density, penetration rate of binder droplet,
Berkeley. This dry cement-bed was acti- and activation rate are the major influenc-
vated by spraying water in layer by layer ing parameters for quality of powder-bed
and harden over time. The major challenge printed part. Gradation of particles in
is the penetration of slurry of binder through aggregate bed is also important to provide
the compacted powder bed and maintains a required density for high compressive
the rheology of the binder paste [11]. strength as well as sufficient permeable
Though binder intrusion is difficult in this pores to penetration of sufficient binder
technique of printing, for higher water- [11]. However, the excessive amount of
cement ratio, higher penetration of binder binder can be the reason for deformation
and higher strength development noticed and lowering the dimensional accuracy due
[11]. The yield strength in printing layer is to the necessity of longer hardening period.
dependent on the density and height of bed, The green strength of the bed should be
acceleration due to gravity, and friction sufficient to carry the self-weight and
between particles. Therefore, all these ensure the shape stability after activation.
points need to be optimized in powder-bed For better strength addition of short fibers
technique of printing to maintain the rhe- with particle-bed can be done along the
ology and green strength of printing bed. probable high stress zone. However, the
The limitations of cement-based print- fibers must be compatible to the bed of
ing materials while applying powder-based aggregate and binder activator.
technique can overcome by using geopoly- Geobeton Company has developed
mer-based materials [8], magnesium oxy- geocement, which consists of powdered
chloride cement (Sorel cement) and fiber- geopolymer cement and a liquid geosilicate
reinforced cement polymer [37]. Uses of reagent [60]. This material has high resist-
slag-based geopolymer with fine sand, ance to frost, chemical, and fire attacks and
which is activated with a silicate-based high compressive strength due to the wide
activator, were proposed by Xia and range of its setting time [60]. Post-
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 135

processing is helpful to increase strength such as admixture, nanocomposites, and

and reducing the anisotropy. Generally, fibers, indicated in previous research are
recommended process is post-curing in shown in Figure 5 [66]. To build the
alkaline activators, such as saturated printed structural component, the require-
anhydrous sodium metasilicate solution, at ments of additional reactants and agents
a specified temperature [62]. The optimum should not be ignored.
curing temperature is around 60  C in 8 M
NaOH solution, and this temperature accel- 2.2.3. Parameters of concrete printing
erates geopolymerization and condensa- Printing parameters, such as printing speed,
tion, thereby increasing the compressive nozzle opening, standoff distance, tempera-
strength of the printed specimen by ture need to be controlled and pre-defined,
30%–41% [64]. This result cannot be because those are affecting the rheology
obtained in normal water curing. A special and post-print behavior of printed concrete
rock printing system is reported in the elements [4,32,71]. As observed from the
study of Zhang and Khoshnevis [65], review in Table 1, the open time and set-
where the system is relatively similar to ting time should be optimized to control
powder-bed printing technique. In this sys- the rheology, extrudability, buildability,
tem, the rock printer brings the concrete and shape stability of printing mixture;
particle to the predefined position and therefore, printing time gap also needs to
binds them together with string, which be optimized because it relates to these
means the strings acting as the binder in properties. An increasing printing time gap
this system. Thus the problem of coarse- from 15 to 30 min resulting in a reduction
aggregate printing in particle-bed system in bond strength and caused bond failure
can be solved, when the rock printing tech- between layers [56], which gives similar
nology can apply in cementitious printable concept as the conclusion from Wolfs
particle-bed by proper activator. et al. [72].
Performance of printed elements The adopted printing speed, nozzle
greatly depends on the selection of an opening size and time gap between printing
appropriate material. Well-printed concrete layers are related to each other. Generally
generally has fewer voids that are greater for printing purpose round and rectangular
than 0.2 mm in size compared with ordin- nozzles are being reported [34]. For rect-
ary molded concrete [56]. However, poorly angular nozzle of size 40 mm  10 mm,
printed concrete has an excessive number around 30–35 mm/s speed was adopted in
of voids. Table 1 shows the suggestions for the study of Buswell et al. [9]. Another
maintaining the typical properties of print- study reported around 50–66 mm/s nozzle
able concrete mixtures to achieve max- travel speed for a circular nozzle of 9 mm
imum printability within a short period diameter [73]. In recent conceivable print-
with high precision and mechanical ing, speed is around 150 mm/s up to 50 mm
strength. Extrudability and buildability are high layer, which is being adopted through
the critical fresh properties of printing con- CONPrint3D printing system [74]. Printing
crete mixtures, and they have communal speed should be compatible to the materials
interactions with the workability and open properties as well as the size of structure to
time of such mixtures [52]. The special be printed. Additionally, the complexity of
practices applied to address the problems shape of printing layers also controls the
that arise during the printing of non-homo- time gap, which needs to be considered as
genous cementitious materials are listed in well. Though time gap needs to be short-
Table 1. The typical requirements of add- ened as possible, for high-speed printing
itional components in printing mixtures, deformability of printed layers may also
136 A. Siddika et al.

Table 1. Typical measures required in printable concrete mixtures.

Parameters Description Improvement techniques Ref.
Flowability  Directly related to  Addition of Actigel and [14,20,49,51,52]
workability of mix bentonite clay
 Required to maintain  Addition of
continuous pumping superplasticizers
of mixture around 0.2%–2%
 Hydration inhibitor
 Addition of an air-
entraining agent
Extrudability  Related to particle size,  Addition of sodium [52,67]
workability, open time, carboxymethyl
and setting time of mix cellulose (CMC)
 Required to maintain  Applying the principle of
continuous extrusion of self-compacting concrete
printing layers  Applying the principle of
sprayed concrete
Buildability  Related to setting time,  Increasing the number of [21,52,66]
printing gap, green adjacent filament layers
strength and intra-layer  Addition of
bonding capacity of mix superplasticizers reduces
 Ensures the bond the water demand
strength between  Attapulgite nano-clay
extruded layers without  Viscosity modifying agent
deformation  Low gypsum content
in cement
Open time  It is a function of setting  Addition of [4,21,34,52]
time and workability superplasticizers
 Indicator to viscosity and  Addition of a retarder/
yield stress accelerator when necessary
 Need to long enough to  Inclusion of synthesized
ensure sufficient polymer of sulfur and
extrudability without black carbon
negatively affecting the  Addition of sodium
buildability tetraborate
Setting time  Related to binder  Addition of blast [21,47]
properties, mix furnace slag
proportion and additives  Polyamide, aluminide,
 Need to adjust with time titanium sintered together
for printing gap by the  Addition of gypsum and
help of admixtures lithium hydroxide
 Need to large enough to  Increased dispersion time
allow the sufficient
extrudability, and have
to optimum for
developing enough green
strength to support
upcoming fresh layers
Shape  Directly related to open  Addition of silica fume and [37,58,66–70]
stability time, buildability and nano-clay
intra-layer bond strength  Addition of short fibers
 Ensures the structural  Curing in an
appearance and appropriate medium
performance after  Attapulgite nano-clay
completion of printing  Viscosity modifying agent
and hardening of the
whole part
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 137

Figure 5. Typical admixture requirement in various stages of 3DPC mixtures [66,69].

occur, which need to handle carefully. of micro-porosity and increased yield stress
After experiment on the printing quality of the mixture occurred due to addition of
with four distinct nozzle sizes (10–25 mm), nano-clay and consequently better bonding
Xu et al. [75], recommended around observed for lower standoff distance. The
50–60 mm/s speed for nozzle travel and standoff distance is dependent on the noz-
they also observed best printing quality zle opening size and printing speed. Thus it
with 15 mm nozzle opening. For the higher is recommended to keep lower than the
nozzle opening, higher rate of material nozzle opening size [71].
extrusion occurs, but the surface quality of Printing quality and mechanical per-
printed specimen get worsens. On contrary, formance of printed elements also depend
the number of layers can be lessened by on the printing environment. At high tem-
using bigger nozzle diameter, which conse- perature, printed elements immediately
quently will minimize the problem of low undergo drying, which causes a lower
bond strength between layers, but build- intermixing between successive printed
ability of thicker layer needs to be ensured. layers and reduction in bond strength.
Additionally, for round shape nozzle, the Bond strength depends on the surface
possibility of porosity and void formation moisture and thus a significant dosage of
along the interface is much higher com- superplasticizer recommended for high
pared to other shapes [56]. intermixing and less porous interface for-
In general, for a higher static yield mation [8,76,77]. According to the environ-
stress printing mixture, a lower standoff mental condition and printing material,
distance is resulting in excellent bond additional dosage of superplasticizers or
strength between successive extruded additives must be used.
layers [71]. As observed from the study of Building rate can be set out according
Panda et al. [71], the cementitious printing to the vertical stress of printed element and
mixture without nano-clay showed no any the critical failure stress of the element for
significant variation in bond strength when a specified build height. The vertical stress
standoff distance varied between 15 mm is dependent on the building rate, height
and 20 mm. But for a similar study, the and density of printed layer at specified
printing mixture with nano-clay showed time. Critical failure stress is correspond-
33% improved bond strength between suc- ence of the static yield stress and geomet-
cessive layers, when standoff distance rical factors. For an adoptable building
reduced from 15 mm to 20 mm. reduction rate, the critical stress will be more than the
138 A. Siddika et al.

vertical stress, which means the structure pumpability and extrudability. Therefore,
will be stable [31]. For complex plan, while the content of fibers in the mixture should
printing with a specific building rate, opti- be controlled. To reduce the possibility of
mal tool path need to be predefined to over- plastic shrinkage, fibers are used in printing
come the unnecessary overlapping and concrete up to the recommended value of
delays. A collision-free tool path optimiza- 1.2 kg/m3 [56]. In consideration of print-
tion solution was described in the study of ability and other physical contents,
Zhang and Khoshnevis [65] for contour 1%–1.5% fibers by volume were recom-
crafting technique of concrete printing with mended by previous research [17].
two nozzles. The objectives of the tool path Meanwhile, the addition of excessive fibers
design are to optimize the path and time of may clog the extrusion nozzle and prevent
printing without any collision of nozzles. smooth printing [20], thus need to provide
Additionally, the problem of complexity additional workability, either by addition of
and large-scale structure printing can be superplasticizers or proper fiber treatment.
solved by using multiple nozzles and by Before using polymeric fibers in a 3DPC
using multiple printers simultaneously. In mix, they should be heat treated in order to
both cases, standard tool path design needs result in good fiber dispersion and bonding
to be carried in respect of printing materials with cementitious paste [20]. For carbon
characteristics and building parameters. All fibers, heat treatment should be done
these parameters are related to the method around 400  C temperature, whereas for
and materials for printing. According to the basalt and glass fibers, 500  C should be
plan, size and shape of printing element, used for thermal treatment [20].
the method and parameters for printing can Additionally, the possibility of micro-
be assumed. cracks is increasing in printed concrete ele-
ments with the increasing fiber volume.
2.3. Reinforcing technology However, the high tensile strain capacity
2.3.1. Fiber-reinforced con- causes high strain energy as well as tensile
crete printing cracks in mold casted and printed fiber
The use of fiber reinforcement to provide reinforced concrete [81]. Therefore, opti-
increased ductility, tensile strength, deflec- mum content of fiber addition should
tion resistance, and fracture energy to be maintained.
printed concrete elements is gaining atten- The random orientation of fibers in
tion [67,78,79]. Different types of fibers mixtures results in a high strength of the
are used in 3DPC construction; examples printed layer. The direction of fiber align-
of these fibers are polyethylene microfibers ment that is parallel to the extrusion direc-
[17], polypropylene fibers [67], polyvinyl tion produces the best tensile performance
alcohol fibers [80], carbon, glass, and bas- but the worst compressive strength [67,80].
alt fibers [20], and steel fibers [78,79]. Therefore, the preferable direction of fiber
Fibers exert crack-bridging effects within alignment is parallel to the loading direc-
printed concrete under load, and this effect tion. To control the high degree of fiber
delays crack development, reduces crack alignment, the nozzle diameter should be
width, and consequently enhances perform- smaller than the average length of the fiber
ance. The addition of fibers considerably [20]. Additionally, fibers show effective-
alters the rheological properties of the fresh ness by pull-out and not by yielding like
mixture. Addition of fibers generally mild steel bars; therefore, a directly parallel
causes high water demand in cementitious fiber alignment along the principal tensile
mixture, thus resulting in low viscosity, stress plane is inefficient [79]. On this
which can create the problem of basis, further investigations of fiber
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 139

Figure 6. (a) Randomly distributed fibers and (b) extrusion of concrete mix on printed
fibers [82,83].

alignments are required for clarification fibers are also effective with respect to
and guidance. strength improvement of concrete. For
Modeling on the fiber reinforcement example, plastics, hemp fibers, cotton
alignment adjusted with the 3DP system fibers, wool can be used to investigate the
was performed in previous research effectiveness and performance in terms of
[82,83]. The authors [82,83] reported that printability and stability.
in order to model the fiber orientation, the
fiber length, boundary condition, direc- 2.3.2. Application of bar reinforcement
tional angles, self-sustaining supporting Reinforcing bars can be inserted manually
condition, and spacing of fibers need to be during printing and post-tensioned after
inputted. Then, 3D modeling of the fiber printing the concrete structures. However,
distribution can be performed, as shown in placing reinforcement in an onsite direct
Figure 6. printing system is not feasible with printers.
However, the danger of the formation Therefore, the printing of hollow structures
of cold joints increases with fiber addition can be done to place the reinforcing bars
[29]. Fiber addition increases the strength inside the hollow spaces between printed
of printed layers separately, not integrated concrete layers, which will finally be
the successive deposited layers and neither bonded by the infill concrete [18]. Typical
integrates the interfaces. Thus, special bar reinforcement systems in the 3DPC
attention needs to incorporate these issues. system are shown in Figure 7(a–g). An
However, special 3D textile reinforcement approach of mesh molding, which has been
between concrete layers produces a nail developed at ETH Zurich, additively prints
between layers acting through the 2D the steel reinforcement; then, the concrete
coarse mesh of the textile, which can is manually added to the steel reinforce-
increase the bond strength. ment cage [84]. However, the process
The major challenge of fiber addition requires a special tool path and building
in concrete printing is controlling the direc- plan design and can delay the printing.
tion of fibers, possibility of blockage and Another wire extruding system was
reduction in pumpability and extrudability. described by Lim et al. [58] (Figure 7(c)).
This review study recommended short syn- This system involves a direct extruder,
thetic and flexible fibers addition can be which requires torque to push the wire
advantageous. Additionally, natural flexible reinforcement in the extrusion nozzles.
140 A. Siddika et al.

Figure 7. (a) Vertical steel reinforcement in contour crafting technology (WinSun), (b) forked
nozzle laying (Hua Shang Tengda Ltd.), (c) cable insertion printing nozzle, (d) production of
reinforcements, (e) printed reinforcing bars, (f) anchor-type reinforcing system, and (g) tie system

However, slippage of a steel wire from the Meanwhile, for the post-tensioning system,
original position is major concern. The straight voids should be kept within the
extrusion of wire can cause additional pres- structures for the insertion of post-tension-
sure to the freshly printed layers, which ing tendons, which may cause an obstruc-
can affect buildability and shape stability. tion to freedom in the geometrical
However, steel wire or cable insertion with form [30].
fiber reinforcing geopolymer matrix can Reinforcement can be printed directly
improve the tensile capacity of printed ele- through printer. The concept of reinforced
ments by 290%, as reported in [58]. The concrete printing involves a printing device
cable insertion system provides confine- connected to a rotating spool, which can
ment in each layer of printed element by feed the reinforcement into the printing
forming coil-like configuration. However, head and then integrate the concrete-
it limits in the direction of printing layers, reinforcement filament released from the
and cannot be effectively applied across nozzle [85]. A novel approach of printing
the interface or vertical to the section. steel reinforcement was proposed in the
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 141

extensive lapping in mesh reinforcement in

interlayer direction significantly improves
the bond strength and the flexural capacity
can be increased up to 290% [86].
However, the main challenges in this
method are continuity of printing in differ-
ent directions with various shapes and pro-
vision of joints between printed elements.

3. Application in construction
Although 3DPC construction is still devel-
oping, attractive structures have already
been constructed using this technology. The
Figure 8. Modular reinforcement system [28].
process involved in the onsite printing of a
full-scale building can be described in two
study [29] on the basis of the gas–metal–arc
steps, namely, onsite printing of formwork
welding process with a conventional three-
axis CNC system, as shown in Figure 7(d). layers using the printing mortar and addition
Dimensional accuracy, geometry, viscosity, of reinforcement using another automatic
and surface tension are affected negatively device [28]. The offsite manufactured com-
by the excessive heat generated from the ponents of a building can be assembled on
rapid printing of layers. Additionally, the the site [87]. In accordance with any
authors reported high yielding and strain selected printing technique, different
capacity of the printed steel reinforcement approaches can be adopted to print and con-
and good bonding with printed concrete, but struct a large structure. As described by
it has around 20% less strength than con- Duballet et al. [87], horizontally printed
ventional steel reinforcement. A typical layers on the floor can be moved in a verti-
printed steel reinforcement is shown in cal position to create a flat wall (Figure 9).
Figure 7(e). But, printing steel reinforce- Duballet et al. [87] also described a printed
ment and concrete simultaneously is not beam with an additional reinforcing assem-
feasible because of the high temperature bly. Adopting similar technique the com-
generated from steel printing, which needs pany BAM Infra printed concrete bridge
to cool down in order to print with concrete components, where the hollow units were
[29]. However, the joint and arrangement of printed in horizontal plan and finally
reinforcement need to investigate signifi- assembled in structures. Although the
cantly, as the current knowledge of printing method of printing varies with different
reinforcement is not sufficient. manufacturers, the principles of final assem-
Several special anchor-type reinforcing bly of structures are similar.
systems and tie bars can also be used Buildings and bridges are the two top
between the printed hollow layers of the civil engineering construction sectors,
concrete wall (Figure 7(f,g)). Robotic where the government and industry are
modular entrenching of steel mesh paying significant attention. The 3DP tech-
reinforcement into each layer can be done nology has great potential to manufacture
through robotic feeding system [28] architectural building and bridge compo-
(Figure 8). This mesh reinforcing system nents. For this reason, this study reviewed
can be effectively applied simultaneously recent developments and identified poten-
with concrete printing to reinforce the tial challenges of using 3DP technology in
interface of printed layers. The provision of building and bridge construction.
142 A. Siddika et al.

Figure 9. Printed components of structures [87]

Figure 10. Remarkable 3DPC building structures in the world [40,67,90].

3.1. 3D-printed building structures constructed by Dutch architects [89].

Building sectors are moving to efficient Several excellent structures have been
construction technology [88]. In 2014, the printed in recent years, as shown in Figure
first 3D-printed house in Europe was 10. Andy Rudenko’s garden was
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 143

constructed by using contour crafting tech- Acciona Company (Figure 11(a)). Fused
nology in 2014, with sand and cement was concrete powder and polypropylene
used to print the structure, and modeling reinforcement were used to build the bridge
was performed with the RepRap 3DP [5]. A concrete bridge for cyclists was con-
open-source project [40] (Figure 10(a)). structed by the BAM Infra using prefabri-
Several multistoried buildings, as shown in cated concrete blocks (Figure 11(b)).
Figure 10(b–d), have also been printed suc- Several exclusive 3DPC structures were
cessfully. The world’s first 3D-printed built in 2019, and examples include a
five-storied building in China was printed 26.3 m long and 3.6 m wide 3DPC pedes-
trian bridge in Shanghai and a concrete
by WinSun Company in 2015 in an area of
bridge in California printed in 14 h by the
1100 m2 (Figure 10(c)) [67]. The wall of
US Marine [91] (Figure 11(c,d)).
this building was printed hollow for ther-
Specially printed concrete structures
mal insulation, with a zig-zag pattern inside with specific and significant matters are
to provide reinforcement. Only 17 days listed in Table 2. The recent trend of using
were required to print and 48 h of construc- 3DP technology in concrete construction is
tion were needed for a 250 m2 office build- noticeable because these structures have an
ing in Dubai in 2016, which was printed excellent appearance, are characterized by
using a special mixture of cement paste an easy and fast construction period, and
with fiber-reinforced gypsum (Figure are economic. Difficulties that may arise in
10(e)). In addition, disaster shelter houses the arrangement, printing, and assembly of
in different areas are being printed for a the entire structure could overcome with
service life of around 4–6 years with min- advanced technologies, which are research-
imum cost and effort. The low-cost materi- ers trying to develop. 3DPC structures,
als produced from waste products derived such as heavy high-rise buildings, small
from natural sources are noticeable in single-unit homes, and pedestrian bridges
3DPC structures, as shown in the Gaia with small to large spans, are amazing in
house (Figure 10(f)). Furthermore, 3DP terms of architectural and structural
technology is being planned for use in performance.
space by the European Space Agency and
NASA. All of these significant applications 4. Performance of 3DPC elements
explore the current development of 3DP 4.1. Performance under
technology in concrete construction. loading conditions
3DPC structural components possess aniso-
3.2. 3D-printed bridge structures tropic properties [30,80]. According to lit-
Although printed building structures high- erature [49,94], the strength of a printed
light the development of the system, the concrete element depends on the loading
printing of bridge structures is not compar- direction because of the anisotropic behav-
able in number. A large-scale bridge for ior; high compressive and flexural
traffic movement requires consideration of strengths exist in the direction perpendicu-
loading conditions and design complexity, lar to the layer of deposition. Marchment
which explains the small number of printed et al. [8] observed around 3%–16% higher
bridge structures. Most printed bridge flexural strength and 15%–48% higher
structures are for pedestrians, as shown in compressive strength are observed in the
Figure 11. A 12 m long and 1.75 m wide perpendicular direction compared with the
pedestrian bridge printed in Spain using D- values in the lateral direction depending on
shape technology and constructed by the delay time, as shown in Figure 12.
144 A. Siddika et al.

Figure 11. Outstanding 3DPC bridge structures in the world [33,91,92].

However, mechanical performance of Their results revealed as the size of the

3DPC elements depends on applied materi- printed layer increases, defects also
als and printing technology. Using the increase, and strength consequently
extrusion-based technique generally results decreases. Curing with a controlled tem-
in higher strength compared with that of perature and properly selected activator
the powder bed system. The powder bed of solution enhances the strength of the
OPC and calcium aluminum silicate printed elements [37].
cement mixture activated by an aqueous Adopting extrusion layering technique,
solution of lithium carbonate as the binder Asprone et al. [41] printed and tested the
achieves around 8 MPa compressive flexural strength of a 3D-printed fiber-rein-
strength with 50% porosity [36]. In general forced concrete beam. The concrete mix
average compressive strength of the printed used to print the beam consisted of a max-
specimens by applying selective cement imum of 4 mm aggregates with a 0.39
activation technique was around water–cement ratio and 0.5% polypropyl-
5.3–16.4 MPa [11]. Feng et al. [94] tested ene fibers. They obtained a 14 mm slump
50 mm specimens printed by applying value for this concrete mix, and the average
powder-bed technique, where a mixture of compression strength of the printed cylin-
plaster, vinyl polymer, and carbohydrate der was in the range of 34–42 MPa. In add-
was used as aggregate bed and a binder ition, the compressive strength of the
solution of humectant and water was used. 3DPC specimens at 20 min was around
They obtained around 11.6–16.8 MPa com- 1 MPa and could increase to around
pressive strength after 6 months of curing. 50 MPa after 28 days [47]. A printing
Table 2. Special 3DPC structures in the world.
3D-printed Applied Reinforcing Construction
construction method system duration Specialty Critical point Ref.
Lewis Grand Hotel, Extrusion-based Manual insertion of 100 h Saves 60% cost Need to install the [33]
Don Juico Avenue, rebar between rebar, plumbing,
Philippines (2015) printed layers and wiring
hardware manually
Office building, Extrusion- Fiber-reinforced 17 days to print and 2 Saves 50% cost A 6 m high, 36 m [90]
Dubai, UAE (2016) based (gantry) plastic and glass- days to assemble long, and 12 m
fiber wide printer
reinforced gypsum was used
Two-storey building, Contour crafting Traditional mild 45 days Can withstand an 20 tons of C30-grade [33]
China (2016) steel frame earthquake as concrete used
strong as 8 on the
Richter scale
Gaia house, Massa Extrusion-based Cavity between 10 days A mixture of natural The materials were [93]
Lombarda (2018) zigzag-printed mud, rice husk, and biodegradable, and
layers of the wall chopped rice straw timber supports
was filled with was used as a were needed to
rice husk construction carry the roof
Cyclist bridge, Extrusion-based Pre-stressed system 3 months Can bear a weight of 800 layers of pre- [33]
Netherlands (2017) prefabricated up to 40 lorries stressed unit
elements designed and
printed for
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials

the bridge
Pedestrian bridge, Extrusion-based Polyethene 450 h Saves 33% 44 hollow concrete [91]
Shanghai (2019) fiber reinforced units and 64
handrail units were
used to assemble
the bridge
146 A. Siddika et al.

Figure 12. Variation in mechanical strength with delay time along different testing direc-
tions [8].

mixture with small-sized aggregates shows additives, and technology used. According
good compressive and tensile strength. As to research, the achievable compressive
reported in literature [95], 104% increased strength of printed concrete specimens may
compressive strength was obtained in con- vary between 100 and 110 MPa when the
crete with 2.36 mm aggregates compared to concrete printing technique is applied [12].
12.5 mm aggregates. Additionally, a The typical composition of materials for
70 MPa printing concrete mix was devel- printing concrete construction and the
oped by Papachristoforou et al. [96] by observed mechanical properties from the
using a mixture of natural sand and lime- respective studies are listed in Table 3.
stone instead of conventional sand. The Printed wall and beam sections with and
flexural strength of fiber-reinforced 3DPC without reinforcements were tested under
beam elements is about 10–30 MPa, which blast loading conditions by Burroughs et al.
is dependent on the fiber types, alignment, [98]. Singly reinforced section with 9.5 mm
and loading path [20]. However, several rebar, basalt bar, and mesh reinforcements
researchers obtained around 11%–15% were used separately for specimen prepar-
increased strength in the printed element ation, where the reinforcing bars and
compared with casted specimens [49]. meshes were inserted manually. The authors
However, printed coupons can reach up to observed that the blast damage in the printed
3% tensile strain, which is approximately specimen was more prominent than that in
300 times that of conventionally casted the casted specimens (Figure 13). The
concrete specimens [14]. A high perform- observation also revealed that the printed
ance concrete printing mix was developed concrete materials spalled from the rein-
by Lim et al. [97], where 10 MPa flexural forcements because of poor bond strength
strength of printed elements was consid- between the concrete and reinforcements.
ered as a lower limit for mix design. They concluded that optimization of the
Additionally, this high performance self- printing mixture and overall printing system
reinforced concrete can reach up to strain can improve the performance of printed
level 8% [81]. The possibility of tensile concrete specimens under blast pressure
cracks due to increased tensile strain [98]. Minimal information is available
energy is needed to be considered for high about the performance of 3DPC structures
strength printing materials design. under heavy loading conditions. Available
Therefore, overall strength depends on the results indicate that printed concrete struc-
material property, mixing proportion, tures can efficiently carry loads if the
Table 3. Typically observed mechanical properties of 3DPC.
Compressive Flexural between
Density strength strength successive
Sand Binder Reinforcements Water/binder Additives (kg/m3) (MPa) (MPa) layers (MPa) Ref.
<2 mm (sand Cement CEM I 52.5 f1.2 kg/m3g 0.26 1% 2350 75–102 6–17 0.7–2.3 [52,56]
:binder (70%) þ fly ash polypropylene superplasticizer
¼ 0.6:0.4) conforming to BS micro fibers of and
EN 450 (20%) þ 0.18 mm 0.5% retarder
undensified silica diameter and
fume (10%) 12 mm length
<4.75 mm Cement CEM I 52.5 f1% by volumeg 0.4 0.3% water 1927 30–91 10–30 – [20]
(sand :binder (61.5%) þ silica carbon fibers of reducing agent
¼ 0.6:0.4) fume (21%) 7 mm diameter
3 mm length
<465mm (sand Geopolymer Class F f0.25%–1% by 0.467 0.4% (CMC) – 13–36 6.1–7.8 1.7–3.1 [67]
:binder fly ash with volumeg
¼ 0.6:0.4) 46.7% activator polypropylene
fibers with 11.2
mm diameter
6 mm length
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials
148 A. Siddika et al.

Figure 13. Post-blast faces of (a) casted wall and (b) printed wall [98].

Figure 14. Local capillary suction at the interfaces between layers of printed concrete [102].

proportion and methodology of printing are added in printing concrete mixture to

selected properly. increase the packing density, consequently
to reduce the porosity of printed elements
and improve the durability against chem-
4.2. Critical exposure conditions
ical and water absorption [100]. Ethylene-
Printing materials are sensitive in critical vinyl acetate modified cementitious mix-
exposure conditions. Rapid structuration of ture possesses high resistance to water and
printed layers and risk of drying shrinkage chemical absorption and penetration, thus it
in hot climate could lead to degradation in can be applied in 3DP to enhance durability
mechanical strength and durability [56,99]. [101]. However, this additive may cause
However, printed structures need protec- negative effect in mechanical strength.
tion from adverse environmental condi- Weak intra-layer bonding zone can provide
tions, such as ultraviolet radiation, water path for intense capillary suction of aque-
and chemical exposure, and high tempera- ous liquid into the structure may result in
tures. Post-treatment using epoxy hardeners strength deterioration [102]. Figure 14
and protection against ultraviolet radiation shows local capillary suction at the inter-
are needed [60]. Glass powder can be face between printed layers and cracks
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 149

Figure 15. Residual strength in printed concrete specimens after exposure to elevated tempera-
tures [103].

[102], where the main path of suction was very high. Therefore, water and chemical
the cold joint, which was formed due to absorption will also be higher than those in
high printing time interval. conventionally casted elements. In order to
Vulnerability to fire and elevated tem- minimize the porosity of printed specimen
peratures is very high for printed concrete nano-clay, silica fume, viscosity modify-
elements due to the finer size of materials ing agents were recommended [77]. Thus
in 3DP mixture. A previous study proved while selecting aggregates for design of
that PVA fiber-reinforced printing concrete 3DP mixture, it must be well graded and
is more effective than plain concrete in with high packing density. Structures that
terms of residual strength after exposure to are printed using a mixture of different
high temperatures of up to 800  C [103]. polymers with cementitious materials need
The author reported that the residual modu- further care when exposed to high temper-
lus of elasticity in the fiber-reinforced con- atures and chemicals.
crete printed specimens was 5.3%, whereas
plain concrete had 4.8%. The variation in
the compressive and flexural strengths of 5. Sustainability of 3D-
the printed parts was noticeable, as shown printed structures
in Figure 15. Around 49% residual com- Application of AM techniques reduce the
pressive strength was observed by the 70% raw material requirement and waste
author in the printed fiber-reinforced con- production and bring economic and envir-
crete specimens, which is very near that of onmental satisfaction in construction
the plain one, after exposure to 800  C for [5,11,21]. This technology can reduce
60 min following ISO 834 [103]. 30%–60% of construction waste,
The performance and durability of 50%–70% of the time requirement, and
3DPC structures exposed to freeze–thaw 40%–80% of the labor cost [23,51,104].
cycles, cyclic moisturization, chemical The flow diagram in Figure 16 shows the
exposure, water, and elevated tempera- sustainability of 3D construction technol-
tures must be carefully investigated. A ogy in terms of reduced labor requirement,
3DP mixture is derived from very fine absence of formwork requirement, and
materials compared with conventional decreased waste production. WinSun
casted concrete, and the possibility of Company claimed that they have printed
voids occurring in the printing layers is and sold over 100 houses at a reasonable
150 A. Siddika et al.

Figure 16. Conventional construction and 3DP system.

cost of $30,000 each [5]. In China, a com- space and labor for disposal, which can be
pany printed relatively cheap houses at a minimized reliably by the controlled use of
cost of around $4,800 per unit within 24 h the material in an automated system of 3DP
[1]. The advantage of the 3DP system is the [15,48,89]. In addition, the machinery used
formwork-less method, which saves in 3DP must be eco-friendly such that recy-
money, labor, and time; around 35%–60% cling and replacement of older printed parts
[8,15,30,48,49] of the total concrete con- can be performed without any environmen-
struction cost and 50%–75% of the con- tal risk [89]. By contrast, AM technology
struction time [4,31] are consumed by consumes energy and causes environmental
formwork and molding preparation, and the footprints, which may impose negative
figures vary widely in different countries. effects on the environment.
As an automated system, 3DP reliably A study [89] on the feasibility of 3DP
reduces the heavy work of laborers and the technology in construction industries was
possibility of accidents and enhances safety
conducted based on environmental satisfac-
in construction [8,18,105]. The reduced
tion, material greenness, social policies,
noise production, low waste spread, and
public acceptance, and machinery involve-
time-saving increase the social reliability of
ment The study showed nearly 60% sus-
3D-printed structure construction systems.
tainability of 3DPC construction in
Moreover, the poor performance and prod-
uctivity issues found in most conventional Australia [89]. This result is a good sign of
construction systems arise from heavy work feasibility because the sustainability of the
by laborers; this problem is acute even in 3DP system in construction industries
developed countries, such as the UK, USA, remains under investigation; significant
Singapore, and Hong Kong [12]. The auto- research and observations are needed to
mation in construction technology can alle- introduce proper guidelines and standards.
viate this problem. The 3DP system is
powered by electric energy, a much-reduced 6. Challenges involved in
emission takes place during whole construc-
3DPC structures
tion, which provides environmental safety.
According to literature, around 80% of the 6.1. Low bond strength between
world’s total waste is generated from con- successive layers
struction [10]. Post-construction waste is The properties of printing materials and the
dangerous to the environment and requires printing process influence the bonding
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 151

Figure 17. Typical variation in tensile bond strength with a printing time gap [56].

between two successive printed layers [95]. results revealed that printed specimens
The porosity trapped between successive with a printing time gap of over 15 min
printed layers possesses a challenge, result- failed along with the interface between
ing in inferior interfacial bond quality and printed layers, and material failure was
decreased mechanical performance [1]. observed in the specimens with a time gap
Speedy structuration, which is a result of a of less than 15 min. Around 53% lower
non-reversible chemical reaction during bond strength was observed between suc-
hydration, causes a weak bond between cessive printed layers for specimens with a
particles, and could cause degradation in printing gap time of 30 min. The minimum
shear strength [42]. The yield stress of recommended value of tensile bond
OPC also increases with time, which cre- strength between successive layers is
ates a problem when the rate of structur- 0.8 MPa [56], which must be ensured by
ation is too speedy compared with the adjusting the time gap and rheological
delay time between successive printed properties of printing materials.
layers [99]. Additionally, a short mixture Bond strength also degrades with the
setting time gives rise to the possibility of free surface moisture on the existing layer
producing cold joints at the layer interface, [8,76]. The most favorable condition found
resulting in reduced homogenous structures in research is saturated surface dry condi-
and low bond strength [95]. The structur- tions, where excessive moisture content
ation rate within 0.2–0.75 Pa/s is suitable can degrade the bond strength [23]. The
for maintaining the stability of the mixture thixotropic behavior as well as initial stiff-
and addressing the problem of sensitivity ness of the mixture also opposes the bond
to stoppages and delays between print- strength between layers [8,42]. Meanwhile,
ing [106]. water should have present to ensure suffi-
Meanwhile, the bond strength between cient intermixing between layers, and long
layers inversely depends on the printing terms hydration reaction [107].
time gap; the bottom layer needs sufficient Additionally, wider contact area between
time to gain strength and carry the upper successive layers resulting in more bond
layer [24,42]. Le et al. [56] found a vari- strength. Thus significant malleability and
ation in tensile bond strength between suc- intermixing between layers need to be
cessive layers of printing with different increased through additional provisions.
time gaps, as shown in Figure 17. Their However, anisotropic conditions in straight
152 A. Siddika et al.

Figure 18. Typical load–deflection curve of a printed structure with a load applied in varying
directions [109].

printing layers can be minimized by curved by-layer printing process [1]. As observed
layer printing systems up to a certain limit in previous research [8], the maximum
[73,108]. Increasing the thickness of compression carrying capacity of a printed
printed layers with increasing the time concrete specimen is along the perpendicu-
delay between successive layers results in lar direction of printing, as shown in Figure
less porous and higher interlayer-bonded 12. The authors also reported that the low-
printed elements [1]. In the study of est strength is found when the loading dir-
Hosseini et al. [76], a sulfur-black carbon–- ection is lateral to the printing direction.
sand mortar was used as a binder in the Therefore, the anisotropic behavior of
intra-layer of successive printed layers; printed concrete varies with different
99% sulfur was added to 1% black carbon printed layers, loading directions, and print-
to prepare the binder with heat treatment. ing processes. To develop the maximum
Applying a layer of this mortar between stress criteria of a 3D-printed structure, a
two successive printing layers like masonry study was conducted on a 100 mm thick
work, 100% tensile cohesion improvement printed arch under dead and surface loads,
occurs [76,107]. as shown in Figure 18 [109]. The load–de-
flection curve of an arch structure obtained
6.2. Anisotropic behavior from the numerical analysis (Figure 18)
Printed concrete elements demonstrate confirms that the printing direction signifi-
anisotropic behavior under loading condi- cantly affects the ultimate load-carrying
tions. As discussed in Section 4.1, the sig- capacity and deflection of the structure.
nificant variation in tension and Printed concrete structures have character-
compression testing results on printed ele- istic anisotropic mechanical behavior
ments are due to variation in the loading because the tension induced between the
direction. A noticeable variation is printed layers of structural elements results
observed in the microstructure of the in reduced ultimate strength under loading
material inside each layer and at the boun- [14]. The internal voids and cold jointed
daries between layers because of the layer- zone along the interface of successive
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 153

layers are the crucial reasons that induce mixtures shows no expansion or shrinkage
anisotropy in printed elements [110]. according to previous research [21].
Furthermore, the addition of fibers Meanwhile, deformations may arise
causes increased anisotropy in printed con- during the printing of successive layers of
crete specimens. Anisotropy varies signifi- concrete because the plastic deformations
cantly depending on the printing method. of printed layers cause radial deformation
As observed in the extrusion-based tech- of the entire shape. Printing mixture should
nique, the anisotropic behavior of concrete have sufficient green strength and capabil-
elements is much more pronounced than ity to resist extrusion pressure [49]. Wolfs
that of the powder bed technique. et al. [13] obtained 14%–21% radial devi-
Anisotropy also varies depending on the ation from the mean level when they
measured strength of specimens; aniso- printed a cylindrical shape of 40 successive
tropic coefficients of 0.25, 0.46, 0.63, and printed layers. Traditional finishing of
0.68 were observed in previous research chemical or physical post-processing sys-
[110] that evaluated compressive, tensile, tems, such as sintering of the printed sur-
bending, and shearing strengths, respect- face, may be required because the layer-by-
ively. No significant modeling between layer printing system produces a ribbed
parameters related to the anisotropy of pattern that is not smooth [89,108]. Surface
printed concrete and no suggestions to opti- quality greatly depends on the nozzle
shape, and a square orifice is preferred for
mize this behavior were provided.
good surface finishing [4]. The vertical
Therefore, the anisotropic behavior of
components of the structure to be printed
3DPC elements needs further investigation
can be printed in the horizontal plan and
to establish a proper correlation among
rotated into the vertical plan, which results
the parameters.
in a surplus amount of systematic complex-
ity in a conventional cast-in-situ system.
6.3. Complications in formwork- Though rapid hardening binder and D-
less printing shape technology can adopt for printing
Large areas are open in air during 3DP overhanging elements [19], large-scale
because of the formwork-less construction structures still need additional supporting
system, which leads to the risk of cracking arrangements to be printed. As reported in
due to excessive drying shrinkage [56]. previous research, printability of complex
The non-uniform shrinkage of two succes- wall can be increased by filling self-com-
sive layers reduces tensile bond strength pacting concrete into a polymer foam form-
[23]. Drying shrinkage is accelerated by work applying 3DP technology [112].
several chemical admixtures that are gener- Several elements in building structures
ally used in printing concrete mixtures for must be connected before being subjected
hydration acceleration or retardation [47]. to load. The connections, joints, and inter-
Printing materials consist of very fine par- faces between the elements, such as roof,
ticles, which have high water demand due lintels, door and window frames, electrical
to the large surface area and consequently and plumbing conduits, and connections
lead to high autogenous and drying shrink- with foundations, may negatively influence
age [4]. Alkali addition accelerates the the continuity and simplicity of printing.
hydration in the binder and produces a
large amount of portlandite, which can 6.4. High cost of printing
reduce drying shrinkage by up to four times In general, 3DP technology requires special
[111]. The addition of around 20% gypsum and expensive machinery operation, which
with 5% silica fume in cement for printing consumes more energy and cost than the
154 A. Siddika et al.

conventional method. As the complexity construction costs [108]. Optimization

and size of printing structure increases, the must be performed without compromising
requirement of costlier machinery and strength and quality by adopting the redis-
arrangement along with supporting tools tribution of materials within the spaces and
also increases [74]. Moreover, to operate maintaining all boundary constraints. The
machineries, skilled and experts are Russian company Apis Cor built a
needed, which consequently charges more. 38.11 m2 house at a cost of approximately
For example, industrial AM fusion technol- $10,150 and claimed that this cost is
ogy requires metal powders and high- incredibly lower than that of constructing a
energy beams that consume more electrical home using the conventional method [114].
energy than ordinary methods [113]. Around 60% of the cost was required for
Consequently, the cost of the process construction, and the rest was spent for wir-
increases noticeably. Moreover, 3D con- ing, doors, windows, and finishing. WASP
crete printing technology, when applied to Company printed 30 m2 house with wall
large structures, requires large mass pro- thickness of 40 cm, which requires a mater-
duction, which is time-consuming and ial cost of only 900 Euro [93].
expensive [1]; it could be optimized after Additionally, using cheaper and locally
the improvement of machines and technol- available supporting tools as replacing the
ogies applied in the design. The crucial costlier heavy machinery can be a solution.
issue is the selection of all parameters that As the CONPrint3D using a 3D printer by
may cause difficulties or faults during and upgrading such local machines as a mobile
after printing technology applications. The concrete pump [74]. Consequently a 25%
labor due to pre-processing file preparation, cost savings and 4–6 times shorter con-
machinery arrangement and post-process- struction time being reported. Therefore,
ing cleaning, removal of supports or the cost of printing can be optimized
adjoining additional materials, and surface depending on the technology, materials,
treatments cannot ignore [5]. Several posi- and location of the structure.
tive aspects were obtained from [109],
which discovered that D-shape technology 6.5. Lack of standards
requires half the cost of the conventional Specifications and standards remain lack-
construction system. Another study [12] ing because 3DP technology, especially in
highlighted significant case studies and concrete construction, is relatively new.
revealed that most of the cases of 3DP Challenges also remain in the selection of
technology save money. Additionally, this materials. Additionally, design and con-
system ensures quality and precision, struction guidelines are not sufficient. The
which cannot be measured in monetary selection of the shape and size of printed
terms. Table 2 shows that currently printed elements still depends on the available
structures achieve around 33%–60% cost printer’s properties and the material proper-
saving compared with structures built using ties due to the lack of specifications [89].
the conventional construction method. ASTM Committee F42 and ISO/TC 261
Conventional flat wall construction is members are working on developing par-
cheaper than the irregular shaped one, but ticular standards for AM [4], but guidelines
shape is not relevant to cost in 3DP tech- and standards for 3DP of concrete materials
nology [104]. and printed structures are seriously lacking.
Reduced demand for materials, time, The standard exploration by ACI
energy, and increased environmental bene- Committee 564 [115] is expected to innov-
fit can be possible by optimizing the design ate the 3DP technology of concrete struc-
space, which can lead to reduced tures. Current standards for the selection of
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 155

materials, preprocessing, printing time, pro- global 3DP material market value is 20%
cess, and allowable printed layers should per year, which was US$165 million in
be specified to enhance the application sus- 2013 [12]. Forbes [117] estimates that the
tainability. Guidelines for testing printing worldwide market value of 3DP will reach
materials and printed specimens under dif- around $32.78 billion by 2023, with an
ferent loading and boundary conditions expected annual growth rate of 25.76%
along with varying exposure conditions from 2018. By 2025, 25% of buildings in
must be generalized by a specified code. UAE and in 2019, around 2% of new struc-
Similar to conventional reinforced concrete tures are expecting to be constructed using
structural components, each structural 3DP technology [118]. Rapid urbanization
element must be printed while maintaining and economic and architectural feasibility
the guidelines for selecting size, shape, and account for a large share of the 3DP market
mechanical properties in the design. The in the building sector.
reinforcement system in 3DPC structures The application of this technology not
must also be standardized. limited to structures for shelter in earth, but
The major challenges involved in 3DP also this technology takes the challenge to
of concrete materials and printed structures built-up habitants for used on the moon,
are summarized in Table 4 together with Mars or other planet and any position in
the general techniques needed to optimize space using the available local resources
the risk associated with quality and from these sites. In the competition called
strength. After studying the research on by NASA in 2019 for taking the challenges
3DPC structures, the major challenges of modeling virtual Martian habitats, the
described in Section 6 can be addressed by team of SEArch and Apis Cor, Zopherus
implementing measures involving the add- and Mars Incubator have participated
ition or deduction of specific additives. All [119]. These taken challenges of building
risks cannot be fully eliminated, but opti- habitats in space are a sign of extensive
mization can significantly improve the per- revolution of 3DP system. Though the sus-
formance and sustainability of tainability and service quality must need to
3DPC structures. analyze extensively, before started to con-
struction and live in those habitats.
Therefore, the future opportunities of
7. Future opportunities 3DPC structures are not only limited to
7.1. Future market earth, but also it can be extended to differ-
Although 3DP technology is well accepted ent planets. This innovation will make con-
as a digital and innovative technology, it struction easier in planet like Mars, moon,
remains a vision in local daily construction. and others; meanwhile, the dream of living
This technology has just entered developed in the space will come true earlier. In add-
industries and will require some time for ition, the contribution of 3DP system in
local adoption, and consequently, influenc- construction industries will increase
ing the market [89]. The main reason for tremendously.
this situation is the complex technology
involved. A study analyzed the viability of 7.2. Future research directions
3D-printed construction technology, and The application of 3DPC construction is in
the authors obtained a 58.33% viability its infancy even in several developed coun-
level in the Australian market [89]. tries. The lack of standards and guidelines
Although studies on the 3DP construction prevents local construction companies
market are few, several of them revealed from adopting this technology. This study
that the expected increment rate of the identifies and examines the potential areas
156 A. Siddika et al.

Table 4. Summary of challenges and techniques to overcome such challenges.

Challenges Techniques for optimization Ref.
Low bond strength  Apply traditional methods of [4,14,23,76]
between surface preparation, such as
successive layers sandblasting and scrabbling
 Decrease nozzle stand-
off distance
 Shorten printing time
 Addition of fibers, adhesives/
epoxy, synthesized polymer of
sulfur and black carbon
 Adjust surface moisture
 Use adhesives, such as epoxy Suggestions by the authors
polymers, in the bond interface
when necessary
 Print a rough surface similar to a
frog mark in bricks to interlock
with the new layer
Deformation and  Create dome-shaped structures [89,108]
appearance complexity where possible
from a formwork-  Apply traditional finishing
less system  Eliminate protective coating by Suggestions by the authors
using an additive
 Change the printer nozzle shape
as needed
Drying shrinkage and  Decrease the water/cement ratio [21,47,56,111,116]
plastic deformations  Increase the sand/cement ratio
 Add fiber reinforcements
 Add gypsum, fly ash, and
calcium sulfoaluminate cement
High cost  Optimize the design space by the [74,108]
allocation of materials and
topological study
 Incorporation of local
instruments and tools instead
 Use locally available materials Suggestions by the authors
and by-products
 Establish proper guidelines and
standards needed to eliminate
trial and error losses
 Develop high-strength printing
concrete mixture with reduced
amount of raw materials

of application and the performance of conventional concrete, a specific

3DPC structures, which requires further ratio of ingredients in printing con-
investigation. crete materials is required to estab-
 Low bond strength and anisotropic lish a specific grade of strength
behavior of 3DPC elements are the given the anisotropic characteristics
major challenges to apply 3DP of printed elements. However,
technology in conventional con- structural design should have com-
crete [1,110]. Similar to patible methodology with the
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 157

anisotropy of printed elements. The [120]. However, the rheology and

incorporation of fibers to improve printing performance of these types
bond ability and the development of concrete has to be investi-
of design guidelines to meet the gated deeply.
performance requirements of
Proper investigations and significant
printed concrete need to be investi-
information will pave a way for better
gated further.
selection of materials and methods for
 An effective joining system of
3DP. Thus more investigations on full-
printed components and the method
scale 3DPC elements and case studies on
of reducing drying shrinkage need to large printed structures are needed to be
be investigated further, where both done. However, printed structures could
complications are being generated undergo severe loading conditions, thus
due to the nature of formwork-less impact, fatigue, dynamic behavior of
printing system [47]. Currently, the 3DPC elements should have considered.
manual techniques of assembling the Creep and long-term deflection behavior
off-site printed elements are being of 3DPC is not very satisfactory due to the
used to reduce this issue, while the finer size of aggregates [4], which are need
full automation system may reduce to be properly analyzed. Additionally, dur-
the high cost of printing. ability of 3DPC structures with variation
 Proper design and construction as in exposure conditions, such as water,
per standard design guidelines acidic or alkaline medium, elevated tem-
require less labor and cost as well perature, fire, ultraviolet radiation, and
as provide superior performance. freeze–thaw cycles, must be considered
The design standard for each type when evaluating the performance and dur-
of printing materials and printing ability of printed structures.
technology need to be established
as the current specifications are
somewhat arbitrary [89]. In add- 8. Conclusions
ition, the reinforcement installation 3DP is gaining popularity, because this sys-
systems and relevant guidelines are tem unquestionably provides high precision,
insufficient while the demand for is applicable to a wide choice of materials,
3DP technology is increasing. allows freedom in planning and designing
Printing system needs to be devel- complex structures, and has low waste pro-
oped for large-scale building struc- duction record. An extensive review of the
tures with composite materials. current implementation of the technology in
Furthermore, the self-reinforced different places and the materials used for
system can be an innovative solu- 3DP of concrete structures was conducted.
tion for 3DPC elements on the Despite the extensive benefits, significant
basis of high-strain capacity engi- challenges are involved in the adoption of
neered cementitious composites, 3DP in concrete structure construction. The
foremost challenges associated with the
which need to be properly investi-
materials and methods of 3DPC were also
gated [81]. Ultra-high performance
discussed. On the basis of the observations
concrete mixed with high volume
from this review and current practices, the
fibers can be applied in large struc-
following conclusions were obtained.
tures, which is proposed as a solu-
tion for printing complex and thin  FDM is one of the most commonly
structures with sufficient strength applied technologies in 3DP of
158 A. Siddika et al.

concrete structures because of its  The major challenges involved in

low cost, simplicity, and high- the 3DP of concrete structures
speed processing. Simplified onsite under critical exposures are also
printing methods, such as contour discussed in this work. Measures to
crafting, concrete printing, and address the risks are provided. The
CONPrint3D, were developed lack of standards controls the pre-
using this technology. D-shape sent market of the 3DPC system
technology based on the powder because of the high construction
bed technique can be applied in cost. The expected market values
construction industries. The selec- predicted by different agencies are
tion of methods depends on the high, but the development of spe-
materials and structures to cific standards can increase the glo-
be printed. bal adoption of this technology.
 The composition of materials for
concrete printing is a challenging After studying crucial studies on 3DP
feature in 3DP technology because of concrete structures, a clear concept that
the quality of printed elements arises is that this technology can offer
greatly depends on the properties of incredible prospects and potential for the
printable mixtures. The fresh and concrete construction industry if the associ-
rheological properties of concrete ated challenges are minimized.
mixtures depend on the propor-
tions, sizes, and properties of ingre- Acknowledgment
dients. The printing characteristics
of the mixture must be controlled The authors are gratefully acknowledged
against open time, delay time, and to the support provided by the Department
setting time to provide sufficient of Civil Engineering, Pabna University of
flowability, printability, and Science and Technology, Pabna-6600,
buildability. Bangladesh and Department of Civil
 Reinforcement techniques are still Engineering, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz
under consideration for 3DP tech- University, Saudi Arabia. The authors are
nology. The fiber reinforcement thankful to Dr. Farhad Aslani, Materials
system is easier than other types and Structures Innovation Group, School
because it can be applied in con- of Engineering, University of Western
junction with concrete printing, and Australia, Australia for his guidelines.
the bar reinforcement and post-ten-
sioned system show improved per- Disclosure statement
formance in terms of strength. No potential conflict of interest was
 The improvement in the mechan- reported by the authors.
ical properties of printing concrete
mixtures must be analyzed based
on composition, printing technol- ORCID
ogy, and loading conditions. In Ayesha Siddika http://orcid.org/0000-
most cases, the mechanical proper- 0003-2857-1756
ties of printable mixtures with suf- Md. Abdullah Al Mamun http://orci-
ficient compositions are reliable d.org/0000-0002-7653-889X
and comparable to those of mold- Wahid Ferdous http://orcid.org/0000-
casted concrete. 0002-4473-4722
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Ashish Kumer Saha http://orcid.org/ 34th International Symposium on

0000-0002-2307-7452 Automation and Robotics in
Rayed Alyousef http://orcid.org/0000- Construction; 2017 Jun 28–Jul 1;
Taipei, Taiwan. p. 260–267.
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