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Chapter 26

Balance and postural control

Tülay Tarsuslu Şimşek and İbrahim Engin Şimşek
School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey

Definition of balance and posture different kind of information obtained by the somatosen-
sory system which insists that the movement has ceased,
Balance and Postural control: what is the except some ongoing regular pattern of Center of Mass
difference? (CoM) sway. In this example the referees (among many
other technical details) score the performance and the
In many occasions the words “balance” and “postural
level of perfection related to the dynamic and static bal-
control” are used interchangeably. Especially, in the clini-
ance of the gymnast. They do not score the level of her
cal setting the term “balance” is more frequently used.
control over postural data. They do not praise her success
There are several clinical tools (for example; Berg
in automatic distinguishing and re-weighting the most
Balance Scale) commonly used to assess balance. Most of
reliable data among many others provided by her visual,
these tools are subject to debate in terms of their sensitiv-
vestibular and somatosensory systems. They just score
ity, cut-off points, validity and reliability when they are
what they have seen: human balance. In conclusion,
used for evaluating balance in several different kinds of
although these two terms can be used interchangeably as
clinical conditions. However, when it comes to quantify-
appropriate, the human balance may be re-defined as the
ing balance, in other words when quantitative data is
clinically observable outcome of the human postural con-
needed concerning the properties of human balance, the
trol system.
term “postural control” is often preferred.
For example, close to the end of her performance
(flips, soars and swings) an artistic floor gymnast skill-
Geocentric reference frame
fully demonstrates a static stance on both feet with arms
wide open in a posture that salutes everyone. In this way For each and every functional task, the orientation of
she demonstrates how well she has trained over the years body segments with respect to each other and to the envi-
and presents the level of control she has mastered over ronment is an important point. For this reason, the prepa-
her posture. The very moment she stops moving and ratory neural mechanism driving the motor system gathers
begins her static stance, the saccule and the utricle in her data from many perceptive systems to acquire the neces-
middle ears should measure zero acceleration in both hor- sary references related to body position. Successful repre-
izontal and vertical planes. Also, the movement of the sentation of the body, head and extremities in a three
fluid in the semicircular canals, measuring head rotation dimensional environment depends on this critical postural
in three planes, should stop tickling the hair cells placed orientation. Thus, posture is a short and key term defining
in cristae. However, they do not. The biological sensors, any reference position in which body segments are
in this respect, are far from man-made. They do not stop aligned to form a baseline orientation that the neural sys-
immediately and continue on sending data. In this gym- tem accepts as a starting frame for any function. Although
nast case, the data tells the brain that the head is still different activities may require different postures, the sim-
accelerating linearly in both horizontal and vertical planes plest and basic human posture is usually accepted as
and is also rotating with respect to the trunk. In addition, upright standing. In upright standing the segments have to
the visual data provides some ques about the cheering be positioned in the presence and against gravitational
audience but they seem to be moving fast and resonates force. In other words the pull of the gravity along a verti-
as a colorful mixture. The brain, however, relies on a cal axis forms a reference resistance against which all the

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468 PART | 7 Sensory-motor integration and performance

body segments are positioned by using extensor muscles. be known. In fact, if every segment in the body is
In general this axis and the resultant posture is referred to expected to be totally still and not even a slightest of a
as geocentric reference frame. movement occurs, it is possible that CoG coincides with
Although the recent research seems to focus on senso- CoP. However, it is not possible. Even during quite stand-
rial inputs and their effects, weighting and internal inte- ing the human body sways. One should keep in mind that
gration on upright standing, to date no study has clearly it is the CoM that should be kept in boundaries (support
denied the presence of reference frames (Ivanenko and surface). Thus, CoP acts faster (in higher frequencies) to
Gurfinkel, 2018; Ishikawa, 2016) control CoM. It is obvious that directly controlling CoM
in static standing is impossible due to the fact that you
cannot change the position of the body segments while
Center of mass, center of gravity and center of standing still. On the other hand, CoP can easily be con-
trolled by active force generation of the muscles (i.e. dor-
siflexors) without kinematic changes detectable by
Center of mass (CoM), center of gravity (CoG) and center common tracking systems (for example motion capture
of pressure (CoP) are the three terms commonly used cameras). When a perturbation is introduced to human
while studying on postural control and related mechan- body during static standing the CoM moves towards in
isms. Thus, one should need to know the difference and the same direction of the force applied by the perturbation
the relation between the three. CoM is defined as the with a proportionate velocity. In order not to fall down,
point where the distribution of mass of a given object is the CoP moves faster than the CoM, gets past to it and
equal in all directions. The mass of an object does not then brings it back so that the system turns back to the
change in different gravitational constants. CoG has a original state of dynamic equilibrium. This means that
similar definition but this time the distribution of the CoP movement pattern is an estimate of the magnitude of
weight of a given object should be equal in all directions. the CoM movement pattern with a neglected delay. Thus,
It is obvious from the formula (W=m.g) that CoG and it is an indirect measurement of CoM. Indeed, in a simple
CoM are not synonyms as CoG may likely to change graph regarding the displacement of CoM and CoP in
depending on the gravitational constant. The CoG in relation to time, it is obvious that although there is a time
humans would be placed in higher position if the strength gap (lag) between the initiation of movements, CoP is
of the gravitational field was not uniform and applied much faster than CoM and works in higher frequencies.
more force to you 2 m high above the ground. Still, as the In this manner, CoP restores balance. However, it is
gravitational pull of the earth is uniform and changes important to keep in mind that, in dynamic situations the
slightly even if the altitude is 10 km off the ground, the CoM and CoP do not necessarily coincide.
points of CoM and CoG coincides well on earth. This is
the reason why they are used interchangeably.
CoP is the point where the sum of the gravitational Introduction to integrative models to human
reaction forces are applied to the object. Measuring CoM
postural control
can be time consuming and expensive due to the necessity
that in order to calculate CoM, mass of the every segment For the objects that are regular in shape, homogenous,
of the object and their position in three dimensional space motionless and not alive, definition of balance is easy.
should be obtained (Winter, 2000). Instead, in most When these objects are not affected by external or inter-
research, CoM is derived out of the data related CoP as nal forces their CoM usually coincides exactly with CoP
an estimate (Benda et al., 1994). There are several ways which does not change under fixed circumstances
to estimate CoM from CoP data which are beyond the (Fig. 26.1). However, human body is irregular and also is
scope of this chapter. However, simple facts about the under constant perturbation caused by internal and occa-
movement and the relation between CoM and CoP should sionally external forces.

FIGURE 26.1 The projection of CoM and

CoP coincides exactly at the same point in
regular shapes. This point also serves as the
CoP. Thus, the system is in constant equilib-
rium if no internal and external forces are
Center of Pressure

Projection of CoG and CoM CoP

Projection of CoG and CoM
Balance and postural control Chapter | 26 469

Above explanation indicates two fundamental rules complicated theories and related models, we will try and
about human postural control. First, human body is not sta- explain the basic concepts.
ble, and second, in order to understand how it is stabilized
under static or dynamic conditions, we need to model the
sequences of the process called postural control. Balance maintaining strategies
CoM and CoP behavior during quite standing -
Sensory-motor background of balance the past and current concepts summary
and postural control In a mechanical perspective of view, all mechanical sys-
tems try and increase their entropy while preserving a
Models of postural control
minimum energy state which in humans can be achieved
Most models so far, related to human postural control, by lying down. However, one of the greatest differences
have studied upright standing position. In this position, of humans from other terrestrial mammalians is the
many aspects related to static standing (CoP sway veloc- energy efficiency during most bipedal functions, espe-
ity, CoP length, CoP sway area etc.) have been investi- cially in standing and walking. The efficiency in bipedal-
gated. Interestingly, although the investigated position is ism comes from the delicate interaction of human
accepted to be static, the very nature of the relation postural control system with internal (e.g.muscles) and
between CoM and CoP explained in short previously, external (gravity and ground reaction) forces (Bouisset
indicates an equilibrium which is dynamic. Through this and Do, 2008).
text, keep in mind that even though it is implied that a Generally, in quite bilateral standing, the projection of
static posture is studied, maintaining human balance or CoM falls in the base of support and sways in a chaotic
postural control can never be static. In fact, it is composed path (Fig. 26.2). The amount of sway is small (1 2 of
of many processes regulating the dynamic relation joint movements or 0.5 1 cm of oscillatory movement)
between CoM and CoP. as long as there are no other conditions that would likely
The very classical approach in defining postural con- to alter the postural control (Winter et al., 1998). In this
trol relies on sensory systems: visual, vestibular, proprio- position, according to Winter et al., the stiffness model
ceptive and somato-sensorial (tactile). In over a hundred that assumes the body as an inverted pendulum and
years, a lot of research have been dedicated to the myster- resembles the whole system to a mass, spring, damper
ies of postural control. As previously expressed, in early system, works fine. They concluded that as the base of
studies the reference frame (reference posture) was support increases the sway amplitude decreases along
thought to be determined genetically (Magnus, 1924; de with an increase in total stiffness of the system.
Kleijn, 1924). Therefore, the overall postural control was Furthermore they reported that a reactive postural control
thought to rely on postural reflexes (more often they were was not evident as there was no difference in eyes closed
called postural reactions) which were dependent on and and eyes open conditions. In their model, there were also
modulated by the above mentioned systems. However, in no head and joint movements that would cause vestibular
early 1990s, it was realized that this simple model of pos- and proprioceptive systems to react. In addition, they
tural adjustment was not even close to the actual com- hypothesized that any reactive control would cause a con-
plexity of the neuro-motor control and sensorial siderable delay (a lag of 150 250 ms) between CoM and
integration behind postural control (Massion, 1994). CoP movements. However, they have shown that the
Indeed, postural control was in need of postural reflexes actual lag between CoM and CoP was only 4 ms and CoP
but it was understood that the control system included was almost phasic with CoM movements. They attributed
anticipatory reactions (Patla et al., 2002). It is also capa- these results to the passive dampening of the mechanical
ble of comparing the measured (actual) and the predicted system designed as an inverted pendulum that would
(forecast) data and demonstrate integrated behavior. In likely decrease the output of central nervous system.
addition, it is definitely able to decide the importance Indeed, the stiffness of inverted pendulum model seem
(weight) of a given sensorial data, compare it to the pre- to explain many aspects of postural control in quite stand-
dicted (prior experience), double-check with the other ing. In this respect, the study of Winter et al. has given
systems data and attribute a new weight (re-weight) to rise to numerous studies investigating postural control by
that data much like in the example of the gymnast altering sensory inputs and observing the behavior of CoP
(Ishikawa, 2016; Asslander and Peterka, 2014). (Loram et al., 2007; Sakanaka et al., 2016). However, all
There are numerous studies some of which using these methodological approaches, accepting the whole
actual data and some others controlled models (Wearing system as linear, seem to be missing the non-linearity in
et al., 2013). Still, a complementary model is yet to be biological systems. Ivanenko et al, in their review in
established. However in this chapter, instead of 2018, pointed out to the several evidence in the relevant
470 PART | 7 Sensory-motor integration and performance

FIGURE 26.2 A butterfly diagram derived

from the instrumented treadmill.
Gait variability parameters derived from the
butterfly diagram. Red dot indicates the inter-
section point of the center of pressure trajec-
tory during walking. Dashed lines represent
CoP variability in A-P and lateral directions.
(A) Healthy person. (B) Person with MS

literature indicating that non-linearity exists in postural vestibular and visual perceptions are usually very close or
control (Ivanenko and Gurfinkel, 2018). The muscles and under the firing threshold to be accepted as active for pos-
their passive resistance to angular displacement around tural control purposes. Furthermore, static paradigm eval-
the ankle joint in the sagittal plane, thixotropic character- uates a more predictable CoP signal that is the resultant
istics of the muscles leading to proprioceptive gain, com- of an inherent and built-in model of anticipation
pliance of soft tissues and instantaneous deformation of (Palmieri-Smith et al., 2002).
the foot arch and soft tissues may be counted among these As previously mentioned there are several aspects of
non-linear aspects. For example, according to Gurfinkel the analysis that can be performed using CoP signal. In
et al., in healthy adult individuals the vertical oscillation this text, some of the most commonly used parameters
of calcaneus nearly 0.5 mm causes approximately 0.7 cm (other than spectral analysis) will be presented.
of CoP displacement (Gurfinkel et al., 1994).

The clinical relevance CoP trajectory

Although debate is going on about on neuro-mechanical Most of the analysis begins with obtaining a CoP trajec-
control of static and dynamic postural control, investigat- tory (which is unidimensional) in which CoP sways in
ing CoP behavior in both normal and pathological condi- many directions. The raw data includes anterior-posterior
tions still holds its place as an important aspect of and medial-lateral movements of CoP which is usually
evaluating balance. accepted as to represent and coincide CoM movements
There are many CoP parameters (over 105 so far) with a negligible amount of disparity in between the two.
which are obtained from stabilometric analyses. In static Please note that in the previous headings the relative
analysis it is called stabiliogram and in repeated dynamic movements of CoP and CoM are discussed briefly.
conditions like walking it is called cyclogram (butterfly Although it is negligible from a clinical point of view, the
diagram) (Fig. 26.2). debate is still going on and thus, this text remains incon-
clusive about the contradictory opinions about the relative
positions and interaction between CoP and CoM. In fact,
Stabilogram/ posturography
CoP sway should be considered as a measure of the over-
A stabilogram defines the evaluation and analysis CoP all control of the neuro-motor system and not an exact
during static standing under normal, perturbed or altered measure related to the movement of the CoM (Ruhe
conditions. Perturbed testing, however, should not be et al., 2011a). Thus, many authors conclude that espe-
understood as a dynamic condition like cyclogram. It is cially during static paradigm CoP sway is related to the
rather used to test CoP behavior using a dynamic para- natural noise of an anticipatory neural control system and
digm (perturbation) during static stance. The reasoning the result of this anticipation which seeks to control and
behind static and dynamic paradigms is that during static maintain the overall balance of the body (Massion, 1994;
paradigm the most active system gathering data for the Gatev et al., 1999; della Volpe et al., 2006). This means
central nervous system is the somato-sensorial system that although CoP movement is desirable, CoM move-
(cutaneous mechanoreceptors under the feet) while ment is undesired. However, to what extent and degree
Balance and postural control Chapter | 26 471

the CoP sway is desirable remains unknown. Due to this sway area expanding towards one or multiple directions
fact researchers are under constant debate and conclusions more than the others and resulting in a large sway areas
from different research including different populations may be a problematic situation. Thus, directional symme-
may be contradictory to each other. Keeping these in try may be an important point of consideration.
mind the following section is prepared just to give an Displacement of CoP - maximum and minimum
insight to the reader about posturography and the most amplitudes (mm): Another controversial parameter
commonly presented parameters in the literature, with no related to the CoP movement is the displacement of CoP.
intention of drawing conclusions related to the topic. The Maximum amplitude refers to the maximum excursion
most common parameters used to analyze CoP Sway are that CoP reaches out from its mean and the minimum
presented below. excursion refers to the minimum excursion from the same
CoP sway path/CoP total excurison (mm): Sway point. Previous research concluded that an increase in
path is defined as the total length of the distance covered maximum amplitude and decrease in the minimum ampli-
by the CoP over the course of a trial duration. It is impor- tude is indicative of poor postural control and vice versa
tant to note that the calculation assumes that CoP is a (Leanderson et al., 1996). However, in a recent study it
movement. However, the trajectory actually is formed by has been shown that three consecutive trials for the same
connecting the locations of instantaneous CoP points and test resulted in large variation in both area and excursion
summing the distance between them (Hufschmidt et al., lengths (Winter et al., 1998; Chaudhry et al., 2011). Since
1980). It is still under debate that whether an increase in amplitude in A-P and M-L directions and CoP sway area
this parameter represents a balance problem or a decrease is directly based on multidirectional excursions, it is hard
would likely to be interpreted as a flaw in maintaining to come to specific conclusions that are indicative of sta-
overall balance (Palmieri-Smith et al., 2002). The argu- bility in postural control. Another objection related to
ment is that a fully healthy postural control system may maxiumum and minimum amplitudes is that they refer to
have long A-P and M-L excursions. As there are no 2 single points that are representative of a set of many
strong evidences that point out to the fundamental rela- points (for example; 3000 points in a trial of 30 s sampled
tionship between total excursion and physiological at 100hz). Palmieri et al. concluded that any small pertur-
responses of the motor system, it is not clear that this bation such as a flicker of light may open a sensory loop
parameter is a valuable construct in evaluating postural for a fraction of a second and a resultant large excursion
control. may lead to misinterpretation of the obtained data
CoP sway velocity (mm/s): Sway velocity is the total (Palmieri-Smith et al., 2002).
excursion over time. Its reliability has previously been Mean CoP amplitude (mm): The mean CoP ampli-
shown for double-legged stance (Le Clair and Riach, tude is the average amplitude of all CoP excursions.
1996). A higher velocity may mean that CoP races faster Although it is a better projection of balance compared to
to control CoM. This was previously shown in related minimum and maximum amplitudes it has still some
research. For example, Prieto et al. demonstrated higher flaws in it. The main problem is to determine the starting
mean CoP velocities with increased age (Prieto et al., point of CoP in a trial. As this point is the key to most of
1996). However, the rationale is still somewhat obscure. the calculations that are going to be performed it may
For example a faster velocity rate may indicate a CoM have tremendous effect on the analysis. If this point is
that is not easily controlled or may reflect a flawless and accepted as the center of the platform the feet should
strict control of a neuro-motor system that never loses strictly be positioned in every trial. The studies have
control over its CoM under static conditions. On the other shown that the width of the feet, the foot angle and alter-
hand, a slower velocity rate may be the result of a slow nating positions of the feet from trial to trial may result in
moving CoM which does not require too much attention misleading data (Kirby et al., 1987).
by the nervous system or a disturbed postural control sys- Root mean square (RMS) amplitude (mm) and
tem that is not able to control CoM properly. Either way RMS velocity: The RMS defines the displacement of
the clinical implication of this parameter is unclear COP around the mean CoP. This measures is calculated
(Davids et al., 1999) as an absolute value. RMS velocity, thus, indicates abso-
CoP sway area (mm2/s): Sway area is the area which lute displacement of CoP around the mean CoP over time.
is scanned by CoP trajectory over a given period of time. Decrease in these parameters may indicate that the CoP is
Sway area constitutes (in most standard testing protocols) somewhat more stabilized in an absolute range around the
of maximum excursions of CoP in eight directions so that mean CoP. RMS amplitude and RMS velocity have less
by using these data points an elliptic area (including 90% debate over them compared to above mentioned para-
of all excursions data) is derived. It is suggested that the meters. For example, intra-subject over a five week period
larger the sway area the individual is more successful in was shown to be consistent by Guther et al., followed by
controlling his/her balance. It should be noted that the another study conducted by Le Clair et al. who have
472 PART | 7 Sensory-motor integration and performance

reported that during double-legged stance A-P and M-L and integration problems rather than the lesions in cere-
intersession reliability were R=0.86 and R=0.81, respec- bellum. Thus, for example Cameron et al. advocate that
tively (Geurts et al., 1993; Michalowska et al., 2005). individuals with MS try to increase their magnitude of
response for a given perturbation (Cameron et al., 2008).
Balance and posture in pathological It is a logical assumption that the distorted proprioceptive
conditions feedback and several problems in integrating these inputs
and using them for reasonable outputs are the main causes
As the healthy postural control mechanism in humans is of increased fall risk in individuals with MS. Furthermore
maintained through the interaction between nervous and it has been also shown by Fling et al. that impaired ability
musculo-skeletal systems, any pathology causing these to control balance was associated with decreased white
systems to malfunction and/or react abnormally causes matter integrity of the cortical proprioceptive tract (Fling
postural control deficits. Due to this fact, it is not possible et al., 2014). Commonly the research indicate a longer
to cover all pathologies affecting human postural control CoP trajectory in individuals with MS which also corre-
in a single supplementary chapter. However, it would still late with clinical assessment related to fear of falling
be useful to mention balance related problems and their (Kalron et al., 2016). Furthermore it was also postulated
rationales in some common conditions. that as the disease progress the measures of balance using
CoP trajectory worsens with the most significant change
Parkinson’s disease occurring once an individual reaches a score of 3 in
In Parkinson Disease (PD) 55% of the falls were found to EDSS score.
be associated with unstable posture and loss of postural
reflexes as reported by Factor et al. (2011) and
Michalowska et al. (2005). One of the main reasons of
this unstable posture is caused by the disease itself. As Following stroke an individual is affected in several
PD progresses base of support gets narrower, flexor tone aspects that are related to postural control such as
increases especially in the lower extremity and a classic impaired muscle tone, sensory integration deficits and
stooped posture is obtained (Schoneburg et al., 2013). cognitive problems which are closely associated with the
There are several theories as to why this posture is extent of the damage to the brain. More clinicians tend to
favored in PD including deformity development, inaccu- use instrumented postural control assessment techniques
rate verticality perception and increased flexor tonus due to ceiling effect commonly seen in clinical assess-
(Horak, 2006). Even, Mancini et al., in their study con- ment tools. It is well-known that after stroke individuals
ducted on untreated individuals with PD by using acceler- have increased postural sway and show asymmetrical
ometers, found that lower trunk showed increased weight bearing patterns during quite standing (Gasq et al.,
“JERK” which is an indicator of the sommthness of sway 2014). However, as most individuals show marked asym-
trajectory, in eyes open condition (Mancini et al., 2011). metry, parameters like CoP sway area and M-L excur-
In another study, Stylianou et al. concluded that compared sions are not recommended measurements in evaluating
to age matched control individuals with mild to moderate postural sway. According to the Gasq et al. in assessing
PD demonstrate increased sway path, sway area and max postural sway in individuals with stroke velocity of CoP
excursion in M-L directions. The result related M-L should be taken into account rather than CoP area and
excursions were later supported by Nantel et al. Nantel CoP M-L excursions. In another study, Sawacha et al.
et al. (2012). They also advocated that during off- demonstrated the relation between clinical and instrumen-
medication as the severity of the disease increases pos- ted tools assessing balance following stroke concluded
tural sway increases. Schoneburg et al in their review also that only some of the parameters indicate a correlation
pointed out to an interesting result related to levodopa. It with the clinical tools that are commonly used.
seems that using levodopa increases postural sway and
thus a part of the increased sway in individuals with PD
Non-of specific low back pain
may be attributed to dyskinesia caused by levodopa.
Ashburn in their study concluded that usage of levodopa Since balance is the basis of all voluntary motor skills, it
is associated with falls in PD as a condition specific factor has been the subject of research on musculoskeletal dis-
(Ashburn et al., 2001). eases. Low back pain is one of the most common health
problems and affects 80 85% of people over their life-
time. Nonspesific low back pain (NSLBP) is caused by
Multiple sclerosis
problems in mechanical alignment of the body, which is
According to a recent research the balance problems in not related to any other pathological condition such as
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) are mainly caused by conduction disc herniation, spondylosis.
Balance and postural control Chapter | 26 473

There are several theories about the effect of NSLBP on balance performance was similar between the ACLR limb
postural stability. Patients with NSLBP have been told that and the uninjured contralateral limb (Dauty et al., 2010).
hip strategy will be used less and postural stability difficul- Changes in postural control after anterior cruciate liga-
ties will be experienced due to increased body muscles acti- ment injury should be considered in rehabilitation.
vation (Mok et al., 2004). Another theory is that the trunk or Henriksson et al. showed significantly improved postural
lower extremities may affect postural stability if the sensory control in the control group when compared to the ACL
tissues are damaged in the lumbar spine. The muscle affer- reconstruction group when a backward perturbation was
ents as well as affecting the central modulation of proprio- applied (Culvenor et al., 2016). Exercise prescriptions
ceptive spindles of muscles, cause prolonged latencies by that stress single-limb postural control, especially techni-
the decrease in muscle spindle feedback. These alterations ques performed on unstable surfaces, are warranted for
may lead to decreased muscle control and result in increased stage 1 of the return-to-sport phase of rehabilitation
postural sway (Ruhe et al., 2011b). (Henriksson et al., 2001).
In the literature, there are studies showing the changes
of the printing center (COP) while people with NSLBP.
For example, several studies report that COP is more pos-
Ankle sprain and chronic ankle instability
terior to control pain in people with NSLBP (Nies and
Sinnott, 1991; Mientjes and Frank, 1999). The reason for Ankle sprain is very common in daily life and espe-
this may be the adoption of a lordotic posture to relieve cially sports activities. It is known that inversion is the
pain (Mok et al., 2004). Ruhe et al. stated that participants main mechanism in ankle sprain. It has been estimated
with NSLBP exhibited an increased sway area compared that almost 60% of sports injuries are sprains and liga-
to healthy controls (Mientjes and Frank, 1999). Also in ment tears (Myer et al., 2006). Chronic ankle instabil-
patients with NSLBP showed an increased the AP direc- ity (CAI) is a term used to describe certain
tion. Additionally, a higher COP sway velocity was found insufficiencies that persist after an acute ankle sprain
in NSLBP cases. Kuukkanen and Malkia undertook a (Schneider et al., 2006).
study evaluating the changes of postural sway after 3 Freeman et al. hypothesis that postural control defi-
months of therapeutic exercise. They found no changes in ciency due to damaged sensory receptors in injured liga-
the amplitude of sway but mean total velocity increased ments after ankle sprains (Attenborough et al., 2016).
significantly in one of the study groups with NSLBP However, despite the loss of sensory information from
(Kuukkanen and Mälkiä, 2000). receptors in these ligaments, it may permit sensorimotor
control of sufficient sensory information from other
receptors (capsular, muscle-vascular, and skin) (Freeman
Anterior cruciate ligament rupture et al., 1965).
Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), which is Various studies have been conducted to investigate
frequently seen in athletes, is a musculoskeletal disorder how postural control is affected in patients with ankle
affecting postural control. The ACL is proposed to play sprain (Hertel and Olmsted-Kramer, 2007; Evans et al.,
an integral role in the central somatosensory feedback 2004). Evans et al. found that postural control in single leg
loop by providing information regarding knee joint posi- stance was impaired, as demonstrated by increased center
tion and movement. Rupture of ACL is postulated to dis- of pressure (COP) excursion velocity measures, on not
rupt neural feedback mechanisms and as a consequence only the limb with an acutely sprained ankle, but also on
has a substantial effect on motor control at the knee the contralateral uninjured limb (Hertel et al., 2002).
(Kuukkanen and Mälkiä, 2000). Another study found that COP was more anteriorly and lat-
Mohammadi et al. showed that the postural control of erally positioned in participants with CAI compared with
the athletes with ACL reconstruction was dislocated more uninjured persons during eyes-open and eyes-closed sin-
on the operated limb than on the non-operated side and gle-legged standing (Evans et al., 2004). Having a more
matched limb of control group (Mohammadi et al., 2012). anterolateral COP is likely associated with the foot being
The same pattern of findings was obtained such as the more supinated, placing the ankle and subtalar joints in a
studies of Bonfim et al. (2003) and Dauty et al. (2010), closed-packed and more stable position that decreases feel-
which showed that ACL-reconstructed subjects had ings of instability in those with CAI (Evans et al., 2004).
greater displacement, velocity, area and total distance in These findings can help clinicians identify incongru-
the ACL-reconstructed lower limb in comparison with the ous movement patterns associated with recurrent lateral
contralateral limb and matched limb of controls. Culvenor ankle sprains and develop effective rehabilitation pro-
et al. had found that compared to healthy controls, the grams for correcting sensorimotor deficits following ini-
ACL-reconstructed subjects had greater mean CoP path tial ankle sprain injury that may occur in CAI Pope et al.
velocity, ML range. The same time, they said dynamic (2011).
474 PART | 7 Sensory-motor integration and performance

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